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<mmmmbacon> hi are there any known problems with wifi on the SGS?
<mmmmbacon> ICS works really smoothly for me, but my wifi signal is low and frequently disconnects
<mmmmbacon> any fixes for this? do i need another kernel?
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<squadzone> Now, i buy galaxy mini 2 aka jena.. xD
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<LLStarks> hi, have you guys heard about the verizon s3 shenanigans?
<codeworkx> fuck verizon
<LLStarks> we've reached a rather critical stage and were wondering if you guys have any US S3 avail for testing a theory?
<LLStarks> the boot.img is signed, but recovery.img isn't
<codeworkx> afaik both are
<codeworkx> but i've nothing to do with US phones
<codeworkx> and i'm happy about this fact
<stickyboy> codeworkx++
<stickyboy> Sad but true. It's an utter and complete waste of time.
<codeworkx> i'm fucking happy that VZW and all the other shitheads are far far far far far, yeah so fucking far away from europe
<codeworkx> did i miss some far?
<stickyboy> I'm American, but I live in Kenya, bitches!
<vbraun> Amen!
<LLStarks> codeworkx, we may have a way to load kernels from recovery
<LLStarks> bypassing the signature
<codeworkx> LLStarks: a highly modified recovery which fires a android ramdisk? :-D
<LLStarks> i guess so, we're talking about it in #verizons3
<codeworkx> LLStarks: the more clever way: change your fucking provider and shit on crapizon
<codeworkx> LLStarks: if i buy a device, then that's my device and i do whatever i want with it.
<LLStarks> but then i have no other way to get delicious 4g
<codeworkx> shit on 4g
<codeworkx> if they want to be fucking idiots, treat them like idiots and move away
<LLStarks> i have stockholm syndrome
<LLStarks> 10 years with verizon will do that
<codeworkx> i have anti-us-provider syndrome
<codeworkx> and i never used one
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<fatezero> Hello Everyone, I am new to the Dev Scene and I would like to get CM9 Working on the galaxy tab 7.7 would anyone mind if I asked a few questions
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<fatezero> Well I have setup the build system and clone the ics branch of cyanogenmod Saved the local manifest into the ,repo area did a resync of cm tree and downloaded the pre built packages but when I run . build/ && brunch p6800
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<fatezero> I get "device/*/p6800/" does not exist. Stop.
<fatezero> Device p6800 not found. Attempting to retrieve device repository from CyanogenMod Github (
<fatezero> Repository for p6800 not found in the CyanogenMod Github repository list. If this is in error, you may need to manually add it to your local_manifest.xml.
<fatezero> can someone please help me find out what I am doing wrong
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<fatezero> sorry to jump in and start asking questions, I am just looking for a little help
<xplodwild> fatezero: do you have device/samsung/p6800 ?
<fatezero> yes
<fatezero> its hooked in and adb does see it
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<xplodwild> build system don't care about adb
<xplodwild> and brunch stops after failing to retrieve from cm?
<fatezero> yeah
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<fatezero> I was wondering if I put the local manifest in the right place
<ohanar> fatezero: did you use aorth's local manifest?
<ohanar> also, it goes in the .repo directory
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<fatezero> yeah thats where I put it, they had it posted and I saved it to the .repo folder
<ohanar> this one ->
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<ohanar> ?
<fatezero> no
<fatezero> that is diffrent from the one I have, I have locerra that was on xda
<ohanar> yeah, that one is very dated
<fatezero> I will try the one you linked to
<fatezero> thanks
<ohanar> the one from aorth has everything you need + the galaxys2 device tree
<fatezero> ok
<ohanar> also, I'm locerra, and aorth (the other dev) is stickyboy on here
<fatezero> ok thanks
<fatezero> I mean it thanks for the help, i am going to learn as much as i can and try to help out
<fatezero> Im going to re sync now that I have that updated
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