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<cyberkryption> ohanar : you around ?
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<ohanar> for a bit
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<cyberkryption> ohanar: you about ?
<cyberkryption> stickyboy: you about ?
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<squadzone> hola
<cdesai> hai squadzone
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<squadzone> cdesai, wanna try CMScreenshot like ICS style?
<cdesai> squadzone: hmm ?
<squadzone> cm7
<cdesai> mmm i'm running cm9
<squadzone> im not, Lol xD
<cdesai> squadzone: my phone is running cm7 but i don't at all mess with it
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<vbraun> I'm having trouble with pen+touch on CM9 GT-N7000: While the pen is down (MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN), touching with the finger emits ACTION_CANCEL (cancel motion, no further pen data) but it should emit ACTION_POINTER_DOWN (start multitouch). Is there an official bug tracker?
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<squadzone> codeworkx, can you make me owner of android_device_samsung_tass ? so i can update directly and refactor the whole config, to fix some bugs in cyanogenmod issue tracker
<squadzone> sticky|away, you there?
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<stickyboy> squadzone: Yah, I'm here now.
<squadzone> i have U8510 here, and i have customize kernel with samsung patches, and got logcat working, but i have problem with network, always in 3g mode
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<squadzone_> great, now dc, xD
<stickyboy> U8510? Is that X3 or something?
<squadzone_> yea, its X3
<squadzone_> rewrite libril, but still doesnt work
<squadzone_> generic failure always appear when tick 2g only
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<codeworkx> squadzone_: teamhacksungs repos are useless if the device is officialy supported
<codeworkx> squadzone_: use gerrit
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<stickyboy> If you revert to stock kernel does it behave better?
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<squadzone> stock kernel in cm7?
<squadzone> im using kernel source from huawei before i customize, and got that problem
<squadzone> then im modified using samsung patches, then got logcat working,
<stickyboy> squadzone: Right, I mean if you use an unmodified kernel, does 2g work?
<squadzone> stickyboy, same problem
<squadzone> but on stock rom, working fine
<squadzone> and also have problem with charging while turn off, when i plugged charger then reboot to recovery
<stickyboy> squadzone: Ah. Ok.
<squadzone> i tried to modified pm2.c with u8160 pm2.c, still same problem, only facing this 2 bugs, other working fine
<stickyboy> I've actually never tried the 3g/2g swap.
<stickyboy> I have a U8150 on CM7 here... I should try.
<squadzone> if you facing same problem, i think we need making HuaweiRil like other has
<stickyboy> btw, I just picked up a U8185 last weekend. It's nice.
<squadzone> i will upload x3 modified kernel source to github, when i got good connection
<stickyboy> I started hacking on it... there's kernel source, but no stock ROMs yet. I was trying to boot modified recovery via `fastboot boot` in order to root.
<stickyboy> U8185 == msm7225a + adreno 200. Not bad. Really fast.
<squadzone> it is armv7?
<stickyboy> Yah :)
<stickyboy> MSM7225A was released Q4 2011. :)
<stickyboy> 45 nm instead of 65 nm.
<squadzone> its u8815 or u8185?
<stickyboy> U8185.
<stickyboy> Boots in 3 seconds: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcKgJomqQkE
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<stickyboy> I recorded that video to show the speed in boot and UI transitions.
<squadzone> ah, got it, i read in pdadb.net tech datasheet
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<stickyboy> It's $100 in Kenya, and comes with $15 free air time, etc. Not bad!
<squadzone> what?? its cheap
<stickyboy> Yeah. Very.
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<squadzone> so, it have cm7 right now?
<squadzone> or cm9 xD
<stickyboy> It has nothing yet.
<stickyboy> We don't have any stock ROMs... so we don't have a working ramdisk.
<stickyboy> I was trying to root it last night.
<stickyboy> There are no developers yet :)
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<squadzone> make sure it NOT BROADCOM cpu xD
<stickyboy> Wifi?
<squadzone> no, cpu and gpu
<stickyboy> It's Qualcomm :)
<squadzone> i hate broadcom chip, they not release any related infos for this chip, now im stuck to build cm7 for GT-s5360 (gt-s5570i and gt-s5830 too ) :(
<squadzone> bcm21553 << pain chip xD
<stickyboy> Galaxy Young?
<stickyboy> I remember you were complaining about it.
<squadzone> yea
<squadzone> Lol
<squadzone> my u8510 running well in OC 806mhz cpu with performance governor,
<squadzone> using BFQv2-r1 IO
<squadzone> stickyboy, how about 2g network on your u8150?
<squadzone> did you try that?
<stickyboy> I just swapped the SIM. One sec, lemme try.
<squadzone> ok :)
<stickyboy> Ah, it works. :)
<squadzone> mmm...
<squadzone> i read other cm7 for u8510, they got same problem
<squadzone> but they have no working logcat, so they dunno what broken xD
<stickyboy> How does logcat break? haha
<squadzone> adb logcat >> dev/log/main not found with stock source kernel
<squadzone> need to enable using app from stock rom
<squadzone> but only works with stock rom xD
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<squadzone> and also there is no config.gz << i hate this if not found after compile kernel, so i enable it xD
<stickyboy> Yeah, Samsung are bad at including config.
<squadzone> stickyboy, can you give your u8150 rild, libril.so, libril-qc-1.so and libril-qcril-hook-oem.so ?
<squadzone> to me*
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<squadzone> stickyboy, ?
<stickyboy> Sorry, I was watching videos of WebOS. It's so beautiful :)
<squadzone> ah, there is.. np xD
<squadzone> no update?
<stickyboy> Update for what?
<squadzone> update lib from stock?
<stickyboy> Like newer libs?
<squadzone> ye
<stickyboy> Oh, those are the ones we use in CM7.
<squadzone> yea
<squadzone> ok, i will try use them, maybe something problem with my device libril
<stickyboy> I'll cross my fingers for you.
<squadzone> Lol xD
<squadzone> well, using zte blade libril, working fine but still no 2g network xD
<squadzone> done, now reboot xD
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<squadzone_> Lost signal xD
<stickyboy> Before or after the reboot?
<stickyboy> ;)
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<squadzone_> after Lol
<stickyboy> So U8150 RIL doesn't work? :(
<squadzone_> mmm... dc again, now using different nic, grrrr
<squadzone_> wait, i need to figure out, try to combine libril-qc-1.so u8150 with libril-qcril-hook-oem.so
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<squadzone_> test call, mobiledata seems work with u8150 libril-qc-1.so and libril-qcril-hook-oem.so but still no 2g :(
<stickyboy> Ah :(
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<squadzone_> stickyboy, does u8150 using libreference-ril.so in cm7?
<stickyboy> squadzone_: Lemme check
<squadzone_> always appear D/RILJ ( 1106): [0122]< REQUEST_SET_PREFERRED_NETWORK_TYPE error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: GENERIC_FAILURE
<squadzone_> when trying ti switch 2g
<squadzone_> to*
<stickyboy> adb shell ls /system/lib/libreference-ril.so
<stickyboy> ls: /system/lib/libreference-ril.so: No such file or directory
<squadzone_> what causing this D/RILJ ( 1106): [0030]< SIM_IO error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: GENERIC_FAILURE
<squadzone_> ?
<squadzone_> stickyboy ^^^ did you know?
<stickyboy> I dunno
<stickyboy> grep CM tree? :)
<squadzone_> nothing xD
<squadzone_> only found GENERIC_FAILURE in java
<squadzone_> but not SIM_IO
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<squadzone_> ah got it
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<squadzone_> now todo Haxxxxx xD
<stickyboy> squadzone_: If anyone can, it's you ;)
<squadzone_> Lol xD
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<squadzone> mm... i think network locked at 3g, because its unlocked device xD, i tried with empty apn-confi.xml, and back to default T-Mobile xD
<stickyboy> Because it's locked or unlocked?
<squadzone> huawei did something in their stock rom to unlock this ( i think )
<squadzone> i dunno, but i can use other sim card
<squadzone> and i think huawei unlock this device and did something in their stock rom, then selling in indonesia, that have no T-mobile services xD
<squadzone> time to decompile framework from stock rom, i hope i found a clue for this
<squadzone> D/RILJ ( 1107): [0145]< QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE {0}
<squadzone> << see this, no network selection here
<squadzone> its locked in {0} means 3g only :(
<squadzone> D/RILJ ( 1107): [0145]< QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE {0,1,2,3} << from my tass
<squadzone> shit, D/RILJ ( 1107): [0145] << not include, wrong paste xD
<squadzone> GPRS_REGISTRATION_STATE {null, null, null, null} << what this mean?
<stickyboy> GPRS is 2G, right?
<squadzone> yea
<squadzone> but why mark as null? mmm..
<squadzone> 0 ( auto ), 1 ( 3g only), 2 (2g only), 3 (3g prefered/2g)
<squadzone> tick 2g only, back to 0 (auto)
<squadzone> tick 2g only again, change to 3
<squadzone> mmm....
<squadzone> lil bit confuse xD
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<stickyboy> squadzone: It must be like 4 am in Indonesia. :)
<squadzone> yup xD
<squadzone> i cant sleep if this not fix, Lol
<stickyboy> It's midnight here. Work at 8.
<squadzone> im reading nexus one (froyo thread), they have problem with T-mobile services, and same like me, always 3g (in gingerbread O.o )
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<ohanar> vbraun: you are going to want to bother Entropy512, and no, there isn't really any issue tracker, unless you have a fix, in which case you can upload it to cyanogenmod's gerrit code review
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<Entropy512> vbraun: there's an issue tracker for the RC
<Entropy512> I'd have to figure out a way to test this... I have to warn you I'm kind of overloaded at the moment
<Entropy512> gerriting a fix would be greatly appreciated
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