promach: how many bits is "1"? how many bits is "0"?
one bit '1' and one bit '0'
that's not what you wrote
you mean I should have
shift_reg <= {1'b1, i_data, 1'b0};
unqualified numeric constants in verilog are 32 bits wide
I recompile, but still same error at line 62
you can often get away with ignoring this, because verilog will truncate, but you're concatenating before truncating in this case so you probably get the wrong result
awygle: I will come back in half an hour
seems to me line 29 is not the real source bug ?
promach: i'm not sure how the math rules work out for that assert, but i'd bet it's the same issue - ~0 is 32'hFFFFFFFF
i'd recommend being more explicit that you mean 10'h3FF
awygle: let me try later. I got your message
... also, nothing actually resets shift_reg to ~0 when enable is low, at least in that image you sent me.
does this mean line 18 is the only culprit ?
awygle: I have got past this problem.
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promach: If you change the check on shift_reg to a check of whether or not it is equal to {(INPUT_DATA_WIDTH+PARITY_ENABLED+2){1'b1}} you will get past the problem of last night.
Not sure if you did that or not.
The next problem I had, looking at your code, was that you never constrained the enable line with any assumptions. Had you been meaning to do that?
ZipCPU: no, that if statement and assert() is wrong
I should not have done that assert()
Remember what I said: assume inputs, assert internal state and outputs.
and awygle is right about 1'b1 and 1'b0
for lines 29 and 34
now I am stuck at another assert() in another module
Smile. This is just how development goes. ;)
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ZipCPU: induction test is really frustrating
Smile. This is just how development goes. ;)
Yes, it can be.
It's also a very fundamental part of formal verification, so ... it is worth understanding well.
I am so irritated with how one bug comes after another
Relax ... there's only one bug left. :)
(There's always *only* one bug left ...)
I do not feel and think so
No, it's true. Why? Because it's the fundamental assumption of all debugging: there is never more than one bug in your code. If you didn't make that assumption, then you'd *really* struggle to debug *anything*.
Basically: assume(a); assert(a); where (a) is (no_more_than_one_bug). It's always true--because you are always assuming it.
maybe assuming such way would make me feel better in debugging
Sure, go ahead! You are already assuming it any way, might as well acknowledge it.
using hamster method to compute busy signal give me problems in induction test :|