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<fengb> I'm not sure how I survived before comprehensive switch detection
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<daurnimator> hryx: what did you think about ?
<daurnimator> apparently other people didn't like it.... 2 thumbs down 0 thumbs up :(
<hryx> daurnimator: is the controversy that it introduces runtime length calculation?
<hryx> the .len thing
<daurnimator> maybe?
<hryx> it does raise some concern just because of the idea that "only things that look like functions invoke functions". if it were .len() it might feel less out of character
<daurnimator> I don't see it as that different to e.g. passing a struct by value invoking memcpy
<hryx> that's a reasonable argument
<emekankurumeh[m]> does .len work on [*] pointers?
<daurnimator> emekankurumeh[m]: no. the length of those is unknown
<fengb> `c"aoeu" is of type [4]null const u8`
<fengb> I don't particularly like the len == 4 while @sizeOf == 5
<scientes> wait, we have null types now?
<daurnimator> scientes: no. we're discussing the proposal
<scientes> oh ok, for a moment there I was pretty excited...
<fengb> But I'm not sure what the alternative would be. It'd be awkward that slicing `[N]null const u8` gives you an extra null character
<daurnimator> fengb: huh?
<scientes> yeah I think it should have a length
<fengb> `c"foo"[0..] => "foo\0"` would be weird
<scientes> but maybe some way to avoid getting that length stack allocated
<daurnimator> btw, we have other situations where @sizeOf isn't what you may naively expect: e.g. hidden tag on unions.
<scientes> but what if you set a byte inside it to null, what is the length then?
<fengb> Or would it? I'm assuming transparent interop but maybe there should be some friction
<scientes> ^^^
<daurnimator> scientes: part my proposal (linked above) is that everytime you fetch .len it does `strlen`.
<scientes> but then it shouldn't have a length
<scientes> if that is your definition
<scientes> just just need to make actual strlen() marked pure
<scientes> well that wouldn't be sufficient
<scientes> because its a pointer, so you can't mark it const
<daurnimator> scientes: please read the proposal before debating it....
<scientes> sorry...
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<scientes> It is valid to read [N]null T at N. You are guaranteed to get null.
<scientes> or rather "it is undefined behavior to not have null there"
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<scientes> so can you assign to len, and if so does it insert a null?, and does it change the type too?
<daurnimator> scientes: no. you cannot assign to len.... in any slice/array type in zig
<scientes> and can you assign a smaller to a larger at a specific index, i.e. [10]null T, [5]null T, a[2] = b
<scientes> oh you have to re-slice yes of course
<scientes> []null T can be 'cast' to []T via nullslice[0..nullslice.len]. The .len here is invoking a strlen-like operation.
<scientes> and so if you write to in a null it would change the type
<daurnimator> scientes: ?
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<daurnimator> scientes: where are you writing?
<scientes> if you had [5]null T, and did a[3] = 0
<scientes> then you would suddenly have [2]null T
<scientes> which is a differn't type
<daurnimator> scientes: no.
<daurnimator> scientes: [5] there is the capacity; not the length.
<scientes> so it implicitely casts to a shorter capacity?
<daurnimator> no.
<scientes> why not?
<scientes> oh of course
<scientes> you would need a null
<scientes> how do you specify the capacity when dereferencing a null slice?
<scientes> or you can't do that, because like in C arrays are really pointers?
<daurnimator> scientes: ? what do you mean
<scientes> how do you allocate a null array not on the stack?
<scientes> oh nvm, that is a dumb question
<scientes> It is similar to []null T except uses a strnlen-like instead of a strlen-like.
<scientes> it would use strlen always in release-fast mode
<daurnimator> scientes: strnlen with a compile-time-known length can be faster than strlen
<scientes> oh yes
<scientes> didn't think of that
<daurnimator> scientes: also note that *most* `[N] null T` would be in the form of compile time constants... which are 1. constant. and 2. compil-time-length-known
<scientes> Null arrays must always be zero-initialized when they are created
<scientes> that's the thing I don't think you mentioned in your proposal
<scientes> there is really no other way to do it
<daurnimator> the main usecase for non-constant null terminated arrays is the structures returned from `getdents` and unix socket addresses from `getpeername`
<daurnimator> why would null arrays need to be zero-initialized?
<scientes> null arrays are really useful in low-memory situations
<scientes> daurnimator, because you have to set the last element by your own admission, and otherwise then length would be far less useful
<scientes> they are actually quite useful in certain data strutures
<scientes> usually containing pointers
<scientes> where you are already linearly iterating, so a length is pointless
<daurnimator> scientes: actually due to branch predicition factors its often faster to strlen and then iterate to it anyway :P
<scientes> but i guess then a pointer is the size of a length
<scientes> so there is not a good reason against just using a slice there
<scientes> *a null is the size of a length
<scientes> sometimes a length is just u32 too, but I don't think zig will ever do that
<daurnimator> scientes: to expand on the use case above: var ss: sockaddr_storage = undefined; try linux.getpeername(sock, &ss); const mynullslice = ss.sun_path[];
<scientes> but llvm likes to use such things: 32-bit lengths on 64-bit platforms
<scientes> to save memory
<fengb> c"" is ~3-7 bytes smaller than "" :P
<scientes> daurnimator, yes i've used those APIs
<scientes> fengb, generally 7 these days
<daurnimator> scientes: note the lack of zero initialisation.... we just rely on the OS to avoid > 2:13:56 <scientes>or rather "it is undefined behavior to not have null there"
<fengb> I've been doing a lot of wasm so I'm biased towards 32bit
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<daurnimator> fengb: 64bit wasm is a thing...
<scientes> daurnimator, that's why you need the zero initialization.....
<daurnimator> scientes: how would that help (e.g. if the OS decided to get rid of the 0)
<scientes> but i guess you are at least testing for an error
<fengb> It's undefined. Only wasm32 is a real spec
<fengb> Er... finalized*
<daurnimator> scientes: also that's why .len on an null array uses strnlen
<scientes> yes
<scientes> that is nice
<scientes> and you could even fix up some strage apis that don't terminate
<scientes> by having an extra byte
<scientes> but then you have to initialize.....
<scientes> cause you have to initialize if you want to cast to [*]T
<scientes> and then use a strlen-like function
<scientes> yeah I'm not really feeling it
<scientes> i feel that [*] pointers do most of the job
<scientes> and we just need to add a strnlen builtin, either to zig or llvm
<daurnimator> scientes: the important thing is have a type to use with e.g. `open`
<scientes> llvm would probably be interested in that
<daurnimator> scientes: so that e.g. you can't pass a non-null-terminated string to open
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<scientes> yes, your proposal is basically about adding debug safety
<scientes> for a common use case
<scientes> but you could only do that if the api accepting had a maximum slice length
<scientes> cause otherwise the debug checks would potentially search all 64bits of address space
<scientes> looking for a null
<scientes> we can use PATH_MAX for that, but your proposal doesn't cover lengths of slices
<scientes> and that is kinda getting ugly
<scientes> at the debug checks could themselves segfault
<scientes> and invoke UB
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<scientes> it wouldn't be adding new UB so its OK, but still......
<scientes> It would be nice however to get rid of the copy when calling open()
<scientes> make string literals [N]null u8
<scientes> oh interesting
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<scientes> yeah that is actually reasonable
<scientes> its smaller than what we have now
<scientes> yeah I came around and I think your proposal is sound daurnimator
<scientes> hmmm, you could store the length of a set of pointers in the low bits
<scientes> if the low bit is 1 then there are more, and 0 for the last one
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<daurnimator> scientes: assuming your pointers are aligned... and what made you think that?
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<fengb> Like all internet flamewars, tabs peeps and spaces peeps just loudly talk over each other
<fengb> I'd love a point where tabs and character alignment can actually be independent but I haven't seen an editor do that correctly, let alone all of them
<daurnimator> fengb: I've almost never seen alignment that I agree with
<fengb> Although... go fmt does it really well so *shrug*
<daurnimator> fengb: i.e. my answer to "but tabs suck for alignment" is "stop aligning"
<fengb> Uh... sure. Tell that to everybody else :P
<fengb> I also wish editors actually display tabs so it's obvious what's happening :/
<daurnimator> does yours not?
<fengb> And one thing I'm actually adamant about is "don't mix tabs and spaces"
<fengb> Mine does yea, but most don't. And people get it wrong all the time
<daurnimator> I wish it was easier to run linting from CI
<fengb> Other than that... I like auto formatters and prefer to just adapt whatever is the default
<fengb> I fought go fmt for about a week before giving up and realizing it's just better to not care >_>
<daurnimator> I'm glad zig fmt exists..... it's not something you can easily bolt on afterwards
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<daurnimator> Though I'm sad that we don't run it on CI of zig itself....
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<fengb> Obviously the solution is configurable widths for spaces :P
<gonz_> The accessibility argument is a good one and one that I personally hadn't considered.
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<IntoxicatedHippo> Is there currently a way to specify the calling convention for a single function (as in __attribute__((ms_abi)) in clang/gcc)?
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<daurnimator> IntoxicatedHippo: huh? don't you just give your function e.g. the fastcall function attribute
<fengb> Can I not refer to pointers in struct default values?
<gonz_> Wut, did we already get struct default values?
<daurnimator> gonz_: yeah that was a while ago
<daurnimator> which is to say, a month or so
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<fengb> No I can't... but somehow I am and it's crashing
<fengb> Ah... default values don't run on heap allocation
<IntoxicatedHippo> I found this but it doesn't seem like there's a way to specify ms_abi:
<daurnimator> IntoxicatedHippo: so sorry I read your question as asking about how to do it in C
<daurnimator> IntoxicatedHippo: yeah we do have a way to specify a calling convention, but we're missing support for most calling conventions
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<daurnimator> IntoxicatedHippo:
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<IntoxicatedHippo> How does LLVM handle calling conventions? Perhaps it would be possible to have callconv take a CallingConvention struct which has functions to generate the prologue and epilogue as well as specifying callee-saved registers.
<daurnimator> that gives me an idea.......
<daurnimator> andrewrk: what if `asm` blocks returned naked functions?
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<samtebbs> via: Here's some docs on the m0's registers:
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<marijnfs__> andrewrk: planning any live codings soon?
<daurnimator> marijnfs__: he usually does fridays
<via> making a barebones freestanding arm zig program that links in libopencm3 was actually easy (coming from someone just starting out with zig)
<via> need to figure out if zig is outputing hardfloat or not though
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<via> does cInclude not do well for static inline'd functions in a header file?
<via> i spoke too soon, i'm running into a lot of issues with all the headers for libopencm3 when i actually start trying to use them :(
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<via> -- build gives me "cimport.zig:1402:19: error: use of undeclared identifier 'GPIO_PORT_B_BASE' \n pub const GPIOB = GPIO_PORT_B_BASE;"
<via> though if i add a #error to the line where GPIO_PORT_B_BASE is installed, i get that error, so i know zig is seeing the line
<samtebbs> via: I get some libc-related errors when trying to build your project
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<samtebbs> note: libc headers not available; compilation does not link against libc
<samtebbs> Seen that before?
<via> yeah, but only when there's an error, i know there's no libc so that does't seem like it would be a problem
<samtebbs> I also get cimport.h:2:10: note: 'libopencm3/stm32/memorymap.h' file not found
<via> re: my earlier static inline funcs, i think the issue is ' warning: TODO handle C GCCAsmStmtClass', so there goes that
<via> there's a submodule in there for libopencm3
<via> also, memorymap.h shouldn't need to be directly included, i was just debugging and accidentally left that in there
<via> i'm guessing libopencm3's preprocessor shenanigans are too extreme for zig to deal with, but in my libopencm3 projects i keep all that interaction to a single c file anyway, so i could just keep that part c
<daurnimator> via: zig has all of clang, so preprocessor shenanigans aren't a problem unless you want to use macros from zig
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<fengb> When I use an allocator for a struct, the compiler doesn't tell me things are wrong. Is this a bug?
<fengb> and I forget to initialize it*
<samtebbs> fengb: Could you share a code example?
<fengb> .slice is uninitialized and pointed at garbage
<via> daurnimator: then i'm not sure why thats not working
<fengb> Also, it's not really obvious that struct default values don't run when using an allocator but I'm not sure that can be fixed
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<fengb> via: huh... it works if I manually set "#define GPIO_PORT_B_BASE (0x0400)"
<via> fengb: where? in the one of the opencm3 headers?
<fengb> I think it's a limit to how #define is translated
<fengb> It seems to only work with literals, not expressions
<via> bummer -- though i'd think if clang were doing all the heavy lifting tere that it wouldn't matter
<via> i won't be able to directly use libopencm3 until the gcc inline assembly works anyway, so i'll stick to the hardware/libopencm3 interface in c, and the rest of the codebase in zig
<via> i guess even though i'm not directly using those macros, i'm using macros that use those macros
<via> cool
<fengb> Yeah, C macros are a complicated beast. We have to make some decisions regarding side effects and syntax rewrites
<fengb> That said... simple expressions should be translated but aren't atm so that's not idea
<fengb> ideal*
<via> fair enough
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<dimenus> how would I initialize a known length array variable to all 0s?
<andrewrk> marijnfs__, yes, thursday at 17:00 EST
<andrewrk> I'm guessing that is Friday for daurnimator :)
<daurnimator> yep :P
<andrewrk> dimenus, [1]T{0} ** N
<dimenus> that feels odd compared to the c version -> { 0 }
<fengb> A single element can be [1]T{0}. The ** N is expanding to multiple elements
<dimenus> agreed
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<andrewrk> it's a bit verbose, but it teaches you how to use the more advanced feature at the same time
<andrewrk> e.g. [2]i32{1, 2} ** (N / 2)
<andrewrk> now you have a repeating pattern 1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2 filling your array
<fengb> Oh I didn't know you could repeat any argument
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<dimenus> ah it felt overly verbose because i was specifying the type too
<dimenus> but i don't need to in this case
<dimenus> eg, var err_log = [1]u8{0} ** LOG_BUFF_LEN;
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<FireFox317> And I think [_]i32{1, 2} ** (N / 2) is now also possible, zig infers the length
<dimenus> yeah, [_
<dimenus> * [_] works here
<fubd> I still can't figure out how to link against windows DLLs that have _underscorePrefixedFunction names
<fubd> using @cImport
<fubd> since to zig, the functions should be exported as "underscorePrefixedFunction"
<dimenus> that's usually the impl, there should be other symbols that match the names you're looking for
<dimenus> are your c funcs dllexport?
<andrewrk> fubd, hmmm, you might be able to use @cDefine to change the mangling
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<dimenus> fubd: can you share the code at all? is this a dll you built?
<fubd> dimenus i'm just trying to build andrew's tetris example
<fubd> the issue is libraries like glfw
<andrewrk> fubd, I'm going to wait until package manager is here to do windows support for that particular example
<fubd> will install the dependencies
<fubd> but their exports are like _glfwInit
<andrewrk> hmm
<fubd> I basically need a way of telling lld.exe to prepend all functions with an underscore
<andrewrk> there's probably a #define you can set in the @cImport block
<fubd> you mean like in ? in the glfw header, there's an API export #define?
<fubd> hmm
<fubd> i'll go see
<andrewrk> try @cDefine("GLFW_DLL", 1); before the @cImport of glfw
<andrewrk> I don't remember if translate-c supports this
<andrewrk> the dllimport attribute, I'd have to check
<andrewrk> hmm yeah zig doesn't ever set the dllimport attribute currently
<andrewrk> I need a windows expert to figure out how this is supposed to work
<andrewrk> it's confusing to me
<andrewrk> I think the issue is that DLLs can choose to mangle or choose not to mangle, and you just have to know whether they did or not
<fubd> andrewrk that still results in "lld: error: undefined symbol: glfwInit"
<fubd> i can see with a tool that _glfwInit is exported
<andrewrk> are you linking against the import lib? glfw.lib
<fubd> yes
<fubd> the lib that was built with the mangling msvc linker
<fubd> that
<fubd> *that's the problem I suppose
<emekankurumeh[m]> fubd: try a mingw lib
<fubd> hmm
<andrewrk> fubd, that's still supposed to work, if your target C ABI is msvc
<fubd> andrewrk I'm not calling setTarget in my build.zig
<fubd> what is the default abi in zig build on windows?
<emekankurumeh[m]> msvc
<andrewrk> `zig targets` shows you what it thinks is native
<dimenus> i'll compile glfw on windows and investigate
<fubd> msvc (native)
<fubd> yeah
<andrewrk> I think it's (1) translate-c needs to notice the dllimport attribute and output zig code that has that attribute and (2) zig needs to support the attribute
<andrewrk> I was originally hoping we could just ignore that stuff and make everything "just work" but my current understanding is that it's a coin flip whether they decided to build with mangled symbols or not, so you are forced to specify whether they did when importing
<andrewrk> kernel32 stuff, for example, doesn't need dllimport, and in fact things break if you use that
<fubd> dimenus vcpkg will install the binaries i'm using if you run into trouble
<fubd> it's also reproducible i'm sure if you just make a one function exporting dll
<fubd> and then attempt to use it via @cImport
<dimenus> you're link time loading then?
<dimenus> not runtime?
<fubd> yes
<fubd> link time
<fubd> lld.exe has an undefined symbol
<fubd> "glfwInit
<dimenus> is there a reason you're using lld instead of link?
<fubd> dimenus i'm just attempting to use "zig build"
<andrewrk> dimenus, zig uses lld on all platforms
<andrewrk> zig is a self contained compiler & linker and that's why cross compiling works so well
<dimenus> ah, i thought at one time it called out to link :P
<dimenus> it's been awhile
<andrewrk> that's actually never been the case
<andrewrk> although it can be useful to troubleshoot sometimes
<emekankurumeh[m]> can you expand on the problems with LLVMSetDLLStorageClass?
<andrewrk> when I turned it on, I got linker errors
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<andrewrk> I believe it was e.g. "undefined symbol: _ExitProcess" when ExitProcess (no underscore) would have been just fine
<emekankurumeh[m]> with windows libraries like kernel32?
<andrewrk> yes
<andrewrk> I don't think the zig test suite will pass on windows with that code uncommented
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<emekankurumeh[m]> as well as
<dimenus> great resources
<dimenus> thank you
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<companion_cube> andrewrk: have you seen ?
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<mmx87> ^ Might make for a nice default allocator.
<andrewrk> here's a new builtin @unionInit working with result location semantics:
<emekankurumeh[m]> not so fast,
<andrewrk> thanks for the links emekankurumeh[m]
<emekankurumeh[m]> benchmarks for mimalloc are going to be added soon
<mikdusan> my limited experience with mimalloc was not so positive -- felt that it's not very polished; docs say you can use static override but .a never gets built nor is there cmake directives for it
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<mikdusan> the dynamic override immediately crashes on macos
<mikdusan> do admit though that I didn't give it more than some tinkering time and after meeting this resistance just moved on.
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<mmx87> To be fair, it's fairly new. I'm sure they improve it. I wasn't aware of rpmalloc.
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<emekankurumeh[m]> the part i find amusing is that the author works at microsoft
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<andrewrk> damn. might be time to pay off some excessive memory usage debt
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<emekankurumeh[m]> imo we need to clean up some of the tests
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<emekankurumeh[m]> some use S.doTheThing and other have external functions
<andrewrk> feel free to do that, as long as the tests continue to cover the thing they're trying to cover
<andrewrk> tgschultz, @unionInit is merged
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<emekankurumeh[m]> should i use S.doTheTest?
<andrewrk> emekankurumeh[m], btw #2799 looks pretty good, if you add a test
<andrewrk> I'd like to try to get your other PRs merged
<andrewrk> let me know if anything is blocking you
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<emekankurumeh[m]> i just added a compiler error test and i'm adding a behavioral test right now
<emekankurumeh[m]> i think i might also put a note in the langref
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<andrewrk> emekankurumeh[m]: in answer to your question, I prefer the namespaced tests (S.doTheTest) but there should be one test to cover calling functions outside of the test scope
<emekankurumeh[m]> so both?
<andrewrk> All behavior tests can namespace, except 1 which is testing calling a function from the scope of the current file
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<emekankurumeh[m]> i see what you mean
<andrewrk> Please be real careful. It would be a shame to lose test coverage without realizing it
<andrewrk> Personally I don't mind the inconsistency; I don't think it causes problems in practice
<emekankurumeh[m]> i don't really mind either, it just confused me a bit when i was adding a test
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<fengb> andrewrk: are there supposed to be guards against uninitialized structs from allocators?
<andrewrk> I'm not sure what you mean
<fengb> I had a hanging pointer
<fengb> And this was only caught due to out of bounds access
<fengb> It wasn't even "out of bounds" by the program since the slice length was initialized to garbage
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<andrewrk> was it initialized to garbage? or was it initialized to 0xaaaaaaaa ?
<andrewrk> if you change your warn to std.debug.warn("{x} {x}\n"
<andrewrk> 1/1 test "foo"...7efffb664010 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
<andrewrk> that's what `undefined` looks like in debug builds
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<Tetralux> I wonder how hard it would be to have static analysis for "attempt to read from undefined".
<emekankurumeh[m]> are the default subarches for clang documented anywhere?
<andrewrk> reading from undefined is allowed. branching is not:
<emekankurumeh[m]> or would zig have it's own default arches?
<emekankurumeh[m]> *subarches
<andrewrk> advanced control flow analysis to detect branching on undefined is planned, as well as runtime checks to detect branching on undefined
<andrewrk> I'm not aware of the concept of default sub-arches
<Tetralux> Seems alright.
<Tetralux> I can't think of a good reason to read from undefined though. Am I missing something? Or is that just hard to do?
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<andrewrk> Tetralux, have a look at 4.2.2 use of uninitialized values
<andrewrk> reading undefined and even doing operations on undefined makes sense sometimes
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<andrewrk> operations which have no possible side effects operating on undefined result in undefined; provided the value is never branched on, everything is fine
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<andrewrk> nice, after timonkruiper's PR, on Linux, `zig build-exe ../example/hello_world/hello.zig --release-small --strip --single-threaded` yields a 9.8KB executable, and stripping debug info with `strip` (zig's --strip feature isn't complete yet) takes it down to 6.0KB
<andrewrk> that's still initializing TLS, which could potentially be avoided in some cases
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<emekankurumeh[m]> nice
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<andrewrk> I think they go by FireFox317 here
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<emekankurumeh[m]> where you have to throw away much of the stdlib and lots of features to get binaries that small
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<FireFox317> andrewrk: Thanks for merging the PR, btw I just changed my github username to firefox317 xD
<fengb> andrewrk: It's 0xaaaaa. I'm wondering if there's a could be better detection, like for statically allocated structs
<andrewrk> fengb, yeah that's planned. better compile time detection and better runtime detection
<fengb> Okay cool
<fengb> 2414 is what I was thinking 👍
<andrewrk> FireFox317, do you have a twitter handle? I'm going to brag about how small binaries can be now
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<FireFox317> Nope, maybe you could name my github username :)
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<darithorn> did error handling change recently?
<darithorn> if I have a function that can throw an error. I can simply "ignore" the error by assigning to a variable. Is that intentional?
<emekankurumeh[m]> if the variable is not `_` then it should be fine
<darithorn> okay. has it always been that way?
<darithorn> i guess i've been a good boy and always handled my errors and never noticed lol
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<mikdusan> andrewrk: just fyi your github sponser button complains of .yml errors
<fengb> It complains because he's not actually sponsored :P
<emekankurumeh[m]> yes, errors can be stored in variables
<mikdusan> that's a silly error ;)
<andrewrk> I hope GitHub "fixes" the "error" soon
<fengb> "Some users provided are not enrolled in GitHub Sponsors. Apply to the beta."
<emekankurumeh[m]> they should just go ahead and fix
<fengb> They should fix it by turning it into a promote link
<fengb> Although that could be pretty abusable
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<andrewrk> darithorn, that's a known thing. but there's a planned compile error for if you never use a variable
<darithorn> okay that's good to know
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<THFKA4> those errors make working with Go really annoying :(
<THFKA4> like if you're messing around and commenting things, now you have to remove the variable entirely before rebuilding
<THFKA4> c..can it be an error in release build only?
<emekankurumeh[m]> andrewrk: on windows that produces an executable with 4KB
<emekankurumeh[m]> hello_windows produces a 2KB executable
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<darithorn> THFKA4, true, i have messed with Go and they can get a bit out of hand.
<darithorn> but i think if they are only limited to variables that may contain errors, which i don't think is too often, then it should be okay
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<tgschultz> I agree with THFKA4
<Tetralux> darithorn: "I don't think is too often" - I suspect the opposite is true, but yes xD
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<darithorn> haha maybe
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<darithorn> maybe i should say those types of variables that go unused. I do think it fits well with zig's philosophy of perfect software
<darithorn> having an error that isn't handled should be an error in itself
<darithorn> i do agree Go takes it way too far giving an error on _any_ unused variable
<emekankurumeh[m]> perhaps zig could have something like a "must_use" attribute
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<Tetralux> Jai reportedly has a #must directive you can mark a return value with that means you _must_ assign it to a variable.
<Tetralux> (Jai has multiple return values and you can do things equivalent to `var x, _ = f()`
<Tetralux> (..which ignores the second return value.)
<Tetralux> (..which you then can't do if it's marked #must.)
<emekankurumeh[m]> jai reportedly had a compiler as well /a
<emekankurumeh[m]> */s
<Tetralux> hahahahahahahahahahahaha /s xD
<wrl> there's more jai fanfiction than there is jai canon at this point
<Tetralux> I will simply say that if Jai does get released at some point, I will be making use of that.
<Tetralux> I do like Zig's attempt to mitigate the need to step-through debug your program though.
<Tetralux> Although..
<Tetralux> Haven't made a big program in Zig yet.
<emekankurumeh[m]> me as well
<Tetralux> It may prove to become unavoidable.
<emekankurumeh[m]> i hope it really doesn't turn out like the release of vlang
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<Tetralux> Did the guy who made Vlang do any streams of making it?
<Tetralux> I don't believe so right?
<Tetralux> That honestly increases my confidence quite a bit.
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<fubd> any chance of zig ever getting a `using` statement like odin's? that's a big one I miss having experimented in both a bit now
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<companion_cube> rust has this must_use attribute, for Result
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<companion_cube> (or at least you get a warning if you don't use the result)
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<donpdonp> std.fmt.allocPrint is my new favorite function
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<andrewrk> donpdonp, it's a good one isn't it? :)
<andrewrk> THFKA4, I'm considering that
<THFKA4> awesome :)
<andrewrk> one of my goals is if you're collaborating with someone, the language will encourage them to not commit any code that is in an unfinished state
<andrewrk> errors for unused variables are annoying but they do align with that goal
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<geemili> Compiling hello world with `-target armv7-linux-musleabi` gives a compile error with syscalls not being found; is armv7 unsupported right now?
<andrewrk> geemili, have a look at
<geemili> Hmm
<andrewrk> if you're interested in contributing to the standard library, zig's lazy analysis means that you only have to fix that which your application depends on in order to get it to work
<geemili> Ah, okay
<geemili> So the architecture is supported, but not the stdlib?
<andrewrk> the architecture is supported but the part of the zig std lib that interfaces with linux needs some work for this target to be better supported
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<geemili> Okay
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<andrewrk> geemili, you can disable some features and get a working hello world for that target
<geemili> Do you know if I could I build an app that uses zig for the business logic?
<geemili> Oh
<andrewrk> zig build-exe ../example/hello_world/hello.zig --library c -target armv7-linux-musleabi --single-threaded --strip
<andrewrk> this successfully creates hello: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, EABI5 version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, not stripped
<scientes> geemili, what's your use case?
<scientes> I did the arm64 and armhf is not that difficult, EXCEPT for the C ABI, which is quite a PITA
<scientes> (and we don't have the C ABI for arm64 either)
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<geemili> scientes: I'm want to build an desktop program and an android app that share their "business logic"
<scientes> why is arm64 not usable?
<scientes> most androids are arm64 these days
<geemili> `aarch64`?
<scientes> even the really cheap $50 phones
<scientes> yes aarch64
<geemili> I did build a `aarch64` executable
<scientes> yeah it has support because of me
<scientes> I am just not sure if armhf is worth it, as it doesn't have much of a future
<scientes> ARM8-M does, but that doesn't use syscalls
<scientes> even though it is 32-bit
<geemili> But when I tried to run it in Termux I got an `exec format error` message
<scientes> maybe your android is ancient?
<scientes> or maybe you are compiling against glibc
<scientes> instead of statically against musl
<scientes> geemili, what does file foo tell you?
<geemili> This is the command I used to compile: `~/downloads/zig/zig-linux-x86_64-0.4.0+fcc0728a/zig build-exe hello.zig -target aarch64v8-linux-musleabi`
<scientes> (or with a libc)
<scientes> yeah i want the output of "file"
<scientes> *without a libc
<scientes> and as I was saying, you may run into problems where it refused to build against C, because the C ABI is not implemented
<andrewrk> scientes, those errors will only occur if you have functions that would require doing the C ABI
<andrewrk> and they would manifest as the zig compiler crashing or emitting a compile error
<scientes> that is correct
<scientes> I don't thing it does bad code gen
<andrewrk> yeah I took care to avoid bad code gen
<andrewrk> nobody wants to debug that
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<geemili> `file hello`: `hello: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, with debug_info, not stripped`
<scientes> hmmmm, what does `uname -a` in termux give you?
<scientes> or uname -m
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<geemili> `armv7l`
<geemili> My phone is a Moto G5 Plus, I believe
<scientes> well there is your problem
<scientes> you need a newer phone
<andrewrk> or you can contribute to zig std lib for that target :)
<geemili> Yeah
<geemili> Hmm, so theoretically, if I just implement the syscalls that zig complains, everything should work?
<geemili> Well, maybe not "just"
<andrewrk> yes
<scientes> uhhhhhhhh I just got armv7l from termux on my armv8 phone
<scientes> so I think they are shipping armv7 for some reason
<scientes> or maybe android has a armv7 user-land and aarch64 kernel
<scientes> to conserve memory with 32-bit pointers
<scientes> but in that case, why would it use linux's personalities to lie to programs that it is armv7l?
<geemili> I looked up the chip my phone has, and according to wikipedia it's Armv8
<scientes> yeah android is a 32-bit user-space, but it would still work for static binaries except they must be using personalities (man setarch)
<scientes> try "setarch64"
<scientes> and then run it
<scientes> "setarch linux64"
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<scientes> hmm if i do "setarch linux32" x86_64 binaries still work
<geemili> Termux doesn't appear to have that command
<geemili> I wonder if it's actually Android that's enforcing the arch
<scientes> I'm looking at the kernel config and there is no way to turn off 64-bit syscalls (on mainline)
<scientes> all i can think of is trying to use -fPIC
<scientes> because android DOES require that for shared libraries
<scientes> but i doubt it has any way to enforce it for static binaries
<scientes> yeah super weird
<scientes> maybe seccomp too
<scientes> oh no
<scientes> <scientes> maybe seccomp too
<scientes> apps. In total, the filter blocks 17 of 271 syscalls in arm64 and 70 of 364 in arm.
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<scientes> yeah i remember that termux declined to support aarch64 to avoid breaking things
<scientes> because they were using an old API that is not supported with aarch64
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<geemili> Ah, okay
<scientes> nah that isn't right
<scientes> so my guess is that android is thinking it is smart by using seccomp to disable arm64
<scientes> good old helpful big brother
<scientes> but if you install termux 64-bit it should work
<scientes> although i don't think you can do that if your device has a 32-bit user-land
<scientes> which the low-ram devices use
<scientes> considering that they advertise them as armv8 that kinda means false advertising
<geemili> I've got 4GB of RAM, so that shouldn't be an issue
<scientes> Google is always telling Apps what to do
<scientes> well, i'm not going to politicize that
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<scientes> only on Android can you set writable pages executable
<scientes> which blocks Firefox from the other platforms