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<ianlilleyt> what is the best way to install debug symbols in build.zig?
<Tetralux> .. Into the binary you're making with build.zig?
<ianlilleyt> i was semi-expecting the pdb files to be copied over with exe
<ianlilleyt> for debug builds at least
<Tetralux> Oh right. Huh.
<Tetralux> andrewrk, is this related to how you made installation the default build step recently?
<Tetralux> Or is this expected behavior?
<ianlilleyt> for now, im wondering what a decent workaround is. Any way to copy the pdb to the installation dir without a hardcoded path? i'm pretty new to the build system internals
<Tetralux> I forget where the PDB ends up, but you should just be able to call std.fs.copyFile I think.
<Tetralux> I've never tried to do that though, so it's possible I'm forgetting something.
<ianlilleyt> it ends up in one of the zig-cache folders
<Tetralux> I'm not 100% sure how you'd get it to run _after_ the build is complete... I have a feeling that nothing happens until the build fn returns.
<Tetralux> In which case you couldn't just copy it yourself...
<Tetralux> If not, I guess a batch/bash script that calls `zig build` and then copies it is what I've got right now.
<ianlilleyt> that's difficult because i cant predict the zig-cache folder names
<ianlilleyt> they are for my purposes just random characters
<Tetralux> Oh yeah - damn xD
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<Tetralux> Maybe there should be a way to say "Hey Zig! Call this fn when this step is about-to-be-run/has-been-run.
<ianlilleyt> it would be nice to have built-in support for debug symbols. Like in environments where you are allowed to embed them into exe vs not, move them to install dir optionally, etc
<Tetralux> By "built-in" support, do you mean "support for embeddeding the symbols into the exe"
<Tetralux> embedding*
<ianlilleyt> no sorry, i just mean more explicit support for debug symbols inside the build system
<ianlilleyt> and embedded symbols is one example of where explicit support would come in handy
<Tetralux> Oh, you mean things like builder.enableDebugSymbols(false).
<Tetralux> Or builder.setDebugSymbols(.Embedded)
<ianlilleyt> something like that
<Tetralux> I think the idea is that if you want debug symbols, you either use Debug or ReleaseSafe modes.
<Tetralux> But that doesn't have the granularity of "put them in the exe" or not.
<Tetralux> I forget if Zig puts the symbols into the exe on Windows anyway.
<Tetralux> Or if it always reads them from the pdb or something.
<ianlilleyt> pdb only afaik
<Tetralux> I know that VS needs the pdb.
<ianlilleyt> i think MS discourages embedded symbols
<Tetralux> IIRC.
<Tetralux> Does gdb works with them embedded on Windows?
<Tetralux> I've never tested that.
<emekankurumeh[m]> gdb uses gnu style debug info
<emekankurumeh[m]> but I think pdbs work
<ianlilleyt> im gonna make an issue for this
<daurnimator> hryx: re: closures: the answer is the same as "what happens if I return a pointer to a stack variable"
<daurnimator> hryx: but that's why we have things like @newStackCall to make a differently-lived-stack. + the coroutine frame management things coming up....
<hryx> yeah. "differently-lived stack" is a good way to summarize the concept. it's a little head-tweaky but I'm sure it will become clearer
<daurnimator> hryx: for cases like a `y = map(x, fn(m:T) { return m^42; });` you don't need a differently-lived-stack though :) but that can just be an optimization. Probably not too different to copy ellision. "stack-ellision"?
<hryx> I'm excited for anonymous functions. That example doesn't even necessitate a capture though, which is nice
<daurnimator> hryx: I'm more excited for coroutines :)
<daurnimator> or co-frames
<daurnimator> or whatever they are now :P
<daurnimator> --> I have plenty of ideas for things to do once they are in the language
<hryx> hell yeah :)
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<daurnimator> hryx: I dont' suppose I've managed to change your mind on do-while yet?
<daurnimator> hryx: was a place yesterday that I was annoyed not to have it
<hryx> afraid I haven't really been thinking about it since last time. was there a snippet you wanted me to look at?
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<hryx> ah
<daurnimator> --> instead of using the proper loop variable type; I ended up swapping to a usize and having to use `@intCast` in the loop body
<hryx> Hm, I don't quite understand. Can you show me what it would look like in your ideal?
<hryx> what I mean is I don't understand how that cast is affected by do-while
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<daurnimator> hryx:
<hryx> thanks, checking it out
<andrewrk> daurnimator, while (true) { ... if (foo) break; i += 1 }
<hryx> hmm, why did you have to use usize instead of `var i: BF.Index`?
<daurnimator> hryx: because BF.items is `maxInt(BF.Index)+1`
<hryx> to be quite honest, I actually find the existing while easier to understand than the do-while version. That may be because I haven't used them much
<hryx> I see
<daurnimator> andrewrk: I guess you could still use the loop continuation? `while (true) : (i += 1) { ... if (foo) break; }`
<hryx> can you not use `intFittingRange` to create a new type that fits BF.Index + 1?
<hryx> oh wait, nfm
<daurnimator> hryx: .getCell() takes a BF.Index. if you use anything larger you need an @intCast
<hryx> you would still need the cast
<hryx> yeah
<dimenus> is it ok to pass a maybe ptr to a c func?
<daurnimator> dimenus: yes. if null it will be NULL on the C side.
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<hryx> regarding -- are generic structs not a solution?
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<hryx> nevermind, I think I understand the problem now
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<Tetralux> I don't really understand the use case for that.
<Tetralux> On face value, it seems overly complicated.
<daurnimator> hryx: removal of varargs is a bit of a spiny issue:
<daurnimator> varargs are part of the C ABI: sometimes you *need* to be able to write a vararg extern function
<hryx> aw shucks
<daurnimator> however, I believe *zig* varargs are due to be removed: they *don't* currently match C varargs.
<hryx> daurnimator: this wouldn't work for #173 would it?
<hryx> because the size isn't the same?
<daurnimator> hryx: 1. you end up wasting the space of a pointer. 2. the size is variable at runtime: that solution requires a different struct per-size
<daurnimator> 3. you can't copy the struct around without breaking it
<hryx> what do people actually use VLAs for?
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<daurnimator> I use them all the time....
<daurnimator> hryx: e.g. In my memory allocator
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<emekankurumeh[m]> can we make the compiler output to stdout for things that aren't errors?
<daurnimator> @compileLog ?
<emekankurumeh[m]> no, i mean the --verbose-* options all output to stderr despite the fact they aren't errors
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<ibutra> Good morning, I see you already added the libC file option to the zig build system. Sry I got hold up yesterday.
<ibutra> I was thinking about this and maybe it would also be a good idea to give an user the option to overwrite this path with his own vie the --libc command line argument.
<ibutra> Because these path probably differ for different users it is maybe not optimal having them only setable in a file which is normally checked into version control?
<ibutra> yes, I know.
<ibutra> But that only gives the option to set the libc file path in the build.zig file
<ibutra> I propose to add a command line argument to zig build to be able to overwrite this setting in the build.zig file
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<fubd> if i'm using a zig library
<fubd> and it calls std.debug.warn
<fubd> but i'm building for wasm
<fubd> I get this errror:
<fubd> C:\Users\Kevin\src\wasm-tetris>zig build-lib --pkg-begin gbe ../oxid/gbe/src/gbe.zig --cache off --color on -target wasm32-freestanding src/main_web.zig --pkg-end
<fubd> i suppose that's a case where a @compileError or something could make explicit that there are no file handles on this particular platform?
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<fubd> but also: how to "provide" a logging function for libraries?
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<samtebbs> fubd: Yeah a compile error would be good for this case IMO.
<samtebbs> The logging interface should be handled by each library individually and they shouldn't really be doing std.debug.warn
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<daurnimator> I think there was an issue around that mentioned a 'log' in the root file to pick where things went
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<very-mediocre> while(something) : (i += 1) {} will never not bug me
<very-mediocre> while(something) { defer i+=1; } seems far superior
<very-mediocre> #nitpicking
<very-mediocre> I don't get why a whole construct exists when defer already covers it
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<mikdusan> that's kinda slick.
<mikdusan> in a good way
<very-mediocre> feels a bit like defer got pigeonholed as a memory cleanup thing
<daurnimator> very-mediocre: anything cleanup (also file descriptors; mutexes; etc)
<very-mediocre> sure
<daurnimator> had never thought of using it for the loop continuation
<daurnimator> very-mediocre: also I had a comment for you the other day.... but you had gone offline
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<very-mediocre> hit me
<daurnimator> *reads logs to refresh memory*
<samtebbs> very-mediocre: That's smart, +1
<daurnimator> very-mediocre: oh found it. you were talking about huffman encoding. I was going to ask if you'd looked into writing a HPACK module
<very-mediocre> I'm not super familiar with that unfortunately
<very-mediocre> I'm also struggling with making Huffman trees usable without traversal
<daurnimator> very-mediocre: HPACK would be a perfect testing ground for it :) :) :)
<very-mediocre> <-- this makes it sound much easier than deflate, but could be wrong
<very-mediocre> has CRIME ever been done in practice?
<daurnimator> very-mediocre: why do you ask?
<daurnimator> very-mediocre: note that entries in our http.headers structure have a never_index field which maps correctly into HPACK.
<very-mediocre> because reading that HPACK spec has made me acutely aware of deflate being vulnerable
<very-mediocre> i see
<very-mediocre> let me see if i can get deflate working first :)
<very-mediocre> I've got an unfortunate work project coming up so my time is about to get squashed
<daurnimator> very-mediocre: I think HPACK might be more trivial if you need a test bed :)
<very-mediocre> it is definitely much easier
<very-mediocre> static huffman codes make everything so much easier
<daurnimator> a very zig solution would be an implementation that generates huffman trees either at comptime *or* runtime -> use comptime for HPACK. runtime for DEFLATE
<very-mediocre> in deflate, you have to build a huffman tree to encode a length+literal alphabet huffman tree and a distance alphabet huffman tree, in some obscenely short shorthand format (codelengths + ranges), i'm knee deep in thsi now
<very-mediocre> for dynamic huffman tree support, the same code can't be used for comptime trees
<very-mediocre> at least not my code. it allocates
<very-mediocre> hrmm
<very-mediocre> i guess you're right, i could have it all on the stack
<very-mediocre> judgment call: say you have an alphabet that ends up as 288 nodes of a huffman tree, would you allocate that?
<very-mediocre> I'm always afraid of using too much stack space
<very-mediocre> #thinkingoutloud I should invest in a rubber duck
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<mq32> hey
<mq32> is it somehow possible to "allocate" memory at comptime in Zig?
<very-mediocre1> not currently but there's an issue for that
<mq32> i could just create an array large enough, right?
<mikdusan> yes
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<very-mediocre> daurnimator: here's what i'm doing to generate dynamic huffman trees, based on the frequency that symbols appear at:
<very-mediocre> shouldn't be too hard to rework to be fully stack based, the main annoyance is line 22 -> new nodes have to be created, and these nodes need to live somewhere
<very-mediocre> the alphabet size is comptime known so we can codegen different variants, whereas I'm just using dynamic memory to accept any alphabet size
<very-mediocre> you could simply be inefficient and provide a generously-sized buffer on the stack at the callsite that you can use for the "new" nodes
<very-mediocre> tl;dr: in the calling scope (wherever we call HuffmanTree.fromFrequencies from), we need an array of nodes for the entire alphabet + enough buffer for creating new nodes
<very-mediocre> and the resulting "tree" which is output is simply the root node, which when traversed, results in the desired tree.
<very-mediocre> apologies for rambling, but tl;dr: it's actually non-trivial and I'd rather just do it separately for HPACK should I take that on
<very-mediocre> or just use dynamic memory for HPACK anyway, in C++ i'd be using `new` like no tomorrow for this problem
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<daurnimator> very-mediocre: just got back to computer. will read your code
<very-mediocre> no worries, i rambled on a _lot_ more than necessary.
<very-mediocre> last 2 lines of that block of text is what you want. :)
<daurnimator> very-mediocre: I don't quite understand how to write a good/fast/correct huffman decoder
<daurnimator> very-mediocre: so what is the data structure you need?
<very-mediocre> treenodes
<very-mediocre> there's no getting around that for building the tree, but then for lookup it's obnoxious as you have to traverse it using depth-first search
<very-mediocre> so at this point you add a lookup table with the final huffman codes, which is what I'm working on now
<daurnimator> very-mediocre: do you need actual 'follow the pointer' trees? or could you just use a segmented list of the necessary depth?
<very-mediocre> good question, I'm not familiar with segmented lists
<daurnimator> the comment at the top of segmented_list.zig is quite a good explanation
<very-mediocre> i'm reading that right now
<very-mediocre> i don't think it'll work because there isn't always a power of 2 size increase
<daurnimator> yeah I think much of the time the tree would be quite unbalanced
<very-mediocre> rn im thinking of just doing a breadth-first traversal and document all final codes in a lookup table
<very-mediocre> whatever's in the fringe goes into a table
<very-mediocre> everything in the fringe, by definition, will have the same code prefix
<very-mediocre> what's holding me back is super petty: just use std.ArrayList for the fringe (i.e. current "line" of the tree at a given depth)?
<very-mediocre> but std.ArrayList over-provisions as it grows... I'm that petty.
<daurnimator> very-mediocre: huh? just use appendAssumeCapacity
<daurnimator> assuming you `ensureCapacity` first
<very-mediocre> ensureCapacity overprovisions
<very-mediocre> that's actually very normal and i should _want_ that to avoid repeated allocations
<very-mediocre> i'm just petty.
<very-mediocre> I'll get over it in a few minutes.
<daurnimator> oh weird. I don't remember ensureCapacity doing that
<very-mediocre> if we're gonna overprovision may as well use a sufficiently large buffer on the stack in the first place
<daurnimator> I wonder if andrewrk would accept a PR to add a `setCapacity` function
<very-mediocre> no wait, needs to be heap since we have to return a pointer to it.
<very-mediocre> well it should overprovision as it grows, or else it'll realloac each time you add 1 item
<daurnimator> very-mediocre: but your heap could be on the stack ;)
<very-mediocre> seriously all of this is some kind of OCD I have
<very-mediocre> i should just use std.ArrayList
<daurnimator> very-mediocre: sure, we can have `ensureCapacity` do that; but `setCapacity` would be for those that know their exact max size.
<very-mediocre> right
<very-mediocre> but I don't even know that here, could be any huffman tree
<daurnimator> Though really if I (or anyone else) ever gets around to it, we can replace it all with a maple tree :P
<very-mediocre> "in general, there can only be log2n-1 n-bit codes" <-- maybe we can know the exact size in advance
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<very-mediocre1> maple trees, apparently:
<very-mediocre1> never heard of it before
<very-mediocre1> n-bit codes -> if n is the depth, we _can_ know the maximum possible fringe size but it's still at runtime and I don't wanna compute a log2 each time, may as well just use ArrayList
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<very-mediocre> diagnosis: premature optimization ocd
<daurnimator> very-mediocre: <-- if you need to waste some time learning about maple trees
<very-mediocre> thanks, will watch that later
<daurnimator> watch it in bed/on the train/etc.
<very-mediocre> there's no trains here, I live in Dubai :)
<very-mediocre> i'll watch it soon
<very-mediocre> breadth-first search it is then
<daurnimator> very-mediocre: FWIW i'm reading various huffman decoding pieces of code. seems like a good one to copy....
<very-mediocre> thanks. I'm still on encoding
<daurnimator> oh. write the decoder first; it's more useful ;)
<very-mediocre> it's easier
<daurnimator> then its an even better place to start
<very-mediocre> I prefer to start with the hardest things
<very-mediocre> a little knowledge is worse than no knowledge
<very-mediocre> doing the decoder would lead me to underestimate the encoding
<daurnimator> I generally (in order): 1. do background research until I think I know everything there is. 2. do the obvious thing "why does everyone make it so complicated?" 3. fail: realise why no one did it that way. 4. do the next most obvious thing. 5. goto 3.
<very-mediocre> haha, that sounds about right
<daurnimator> sometimes you get lucky and 2. works. other times you wonder how anyone made this work, so you read other source code and find bugs, bugs everywhere.
<very-mediocre> confession: I hate reading source code, especially C with macros
<very-mediocre> your 1...5 points are spot on
<very-mediocre> deflate is insanely convoluted and the RFC is deceptively simple
<daurnimator> but in this case, I would start with the decoder, cause it *should* be easy: lets find out if that's true. If it is simple: great! and we have a roundtrip test case creator and a useful piece of code. If its difficult: well you need to learn more: and its probably going to spring up in the encoder too...
<very-mediocre> eh, i guess. but the decoder takes for granted that certain pre-prepared data is coming in
<very-mediocre> that pre-prepared data is where the true challenge lies
<daurnimator> at least for hpack it comes with a few test cases: make them work :)
<very-mediocre> i feel strongly that writing the decoder does not at all prepare you for writing the encoder
<very-mediocre> anyway, different strokes and all that
<daurnimator> In video/audio codecs *only* the decoder is specified. It's up to everyone to make the best encoder they can that can be decoded.
<very-mediocre> I see
<daurnimator> okay now I've nerd sniped myself and am trying to write a huffman decoder..
<very-mediocre> haha
<very-mediocre> look up puff.c which is the de-facto reference for inflate
<very-mediocre> it's annotated for learning purposes
<very-mediocre> if you play your cards right you could produce a working deflate/inflate before I do :]
<very-mediocre> i'm slow
<very-mediocre> for example I'm still hung up on the lookup table.
<very-mediocre> You'll need this for decoding:
<very-mediocre> yet another convoluted lookup table
<very-mediocre> note that DEFLATE uses a canonical huffman coding, which has some guarantees that let you have a compact lookup table
<very-mediocre> on the encoding side i'm going to have it keyed by the code (not huffman code) e.g. 0-288 for the main alphabet
<very-mediocre> for decoding you could have it keyed by by codelength
<daurnimator> welp, this looks like too much for tonight
<daurnimator> You unsniped me
<very-mediocre> haha
<very-mediocre> i know the feeling
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<daurnimator> Are release-safe stack traces known to be broken?
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<daurnimator> Filed #2849 as I'm not sure if its a known issue...
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<daurnimator> well crap.... the issue seems to be bad codegen in non debug mode
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<mikdusan> daurnimator: windows platform? then yeah i've seen release-safe segfaulting 3 weeks ago
<daurnimator> nope linux
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<fengb> Oh I just created a release-safe segfault issue
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<daurnimator> So I finally managed to reproduce my original issue in debug mode. #2850
<daurnimator> As I kept reducing the test case in release-safe mode eventually it started triggering in debug mode too. which was lucky I guess
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<andrewrk> thanks daurnimator
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<ffddr> Hi! Is it appropriate place to ask beginner questions? If so - could anyone take a look on my very first zig code and give any advices on how to simplify it?
<andrewrk> ffddr, absolutely
<andrewrk> are there any parts in particular you feel could be simpler?
<andrewrk> at first glance it all looks reasonable
<donpdonp> so a return value of !T creates an "error union type", im just wondering is a union type generally available? eg. UnionType = T1 | T2;
<andrewrk> ffddr, I see an `orelse unreachable` there. that can be directly simplified to `.?`
<andrewrk> donpdonp, you mean this?
<ffddr> The first thing I tried to simplify - explicit pointer aligments and using []u8 instead. Is it a good idea? I messed up all the casts for []u8 and just used *u8
<ffddr> Thanks for ```.?```!
<donpdonp> hmm i think that does fill what i would expect from a union type, especially with switch and union(enum).
<donpdonp> in other langs it would be A = B | C, and the place holder names of union A = { someB: B, someC: C} seems a little different but still the same thing.
<donpdonp> (by placeholder i mean field names of someB,someC)
<andrewrk> donpdonp, unions in zig have safety checks, so if you access the wrong field in debug mode you'll get a panic
<andrewrk> ffddr, you're sort of destroying the type information of the pointer intentionally for your data thing
<andrewrk> in this case i would suggest just going with @ptrToInt and @intToPtr
<donpdonp> after zig's type system, my fav thing is the "if (optType) |type| { }" syntax. such an easy-to-read way to handle null checking
<andrewrk> ffddr, you may also be interested in
<andrewrk> hmm those docs should really have an example. but you can find plenty of examples in the std lib
<ffddr> and store u64 instead of *u8? This make sense, thanks!
<andrewrk> ffddr, usize is the integer type that is guaranteed to be the same size as a pointer
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<andrewrk> ffddr, and here's a related issue for the future: if this is implemented, then zig will actually be able to safety check your code when casting data back to a type
<andrewrk> for now, you'll want to be careful with that, because it's an easy way to introduce memory unsafety
<ffddr> andrewrk thanks, just tried with the usize, looks way better than `*align(4) u8`
<andrewrk> ffddr, your inner @ptrCast is redundant on line 39
<andrewrk> also the outer @ptrCast on line 47
<ffddr> oh, I see, thanks!
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<ffddr> maybe `allocator.create`(line 35) is somehow avoidable? I was looking for some kind of `std::move` alternative, maybe I missed something?
<andrewrk> std::move is a c++ concept that only makes sense in the context of constructors and destructors, which zig does not have
<andrewrk> it is to avoid inefficiencies that don't exist in zig
<ffddr> I am totally fine with `allocator.create`, asked just to check that I did not miss some utility function that can help in that particular case. Like I missed `ptrToInt` and other things :)
<andrewrk> oh no, tgschultz I finally got to your interface reform PR and the conflicts with master branch are quite intimidating
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<tgschultz> I'm sure. I can redo it when we know which direction we want to go with it
<tgschultz> ....but I may not be able to get to it for a while, so if you just want to close them I'm fine with that.
<andrewrk> I'll have a look though, the diff is enough for me to see the idea that you discovered
<andrewrk> and thanks for the writeup
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<dimenus> andrewrk: do you have a preferred resolution to this issue?
<dimenus> should the global constants just be of integer type?
<andrewrk> dimenus, step 1 is decide whether to accept this proposal:
<donpdonp> $ zig --color on build => Unrecognized command: build.
<donpdonp> oh haha. thx
<donpdonp> i ended up here because zig build has 3 lines of the error, then 15 lines of "the following command failed". I wanted to zig build 2>&1 | egrep those out, but then I lost color.
<andrewrk> I see
<dimenus> can you generate c headers from zig code?
<andrewrk> that's good to know
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<dimenus> can you have distinct integer types in zig?
<emekankurumeh[m]> no, but there is a proposal for distinct types
<dimenus> we could make extern enums distinct integer types instead
<dimenus> that way we keep the type information but don't muck up the enum system
<dimenus> thanks
<emekankurumeh[m]> and to answer your previous question zig can output header files from zig code but iirc the functionality isn't complete, for example you can't output function prototypes
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<dimenus> @OpaqueHandle would cover a lot of cases
<dimenus> except bitflags
<dimenus> (which he notes later in the thread)
<emekankurumeh[m]> @intToPtr(@OpaqueType(), ...)
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<FireFox317> andrewrk: The homepage of ziglang still mentioned the issue of the 'big' binaries, this can be removed because we have small binaries now :)
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<andrewrk> FireFox317, updated, thanks
<HelloThere54321> For testing using the 'test "TEST" {}' syntax, is it possible to would be made possible to have the tests in one file and the code being tested in another and when running under 'zig test' the private const/vars/function would be made visible to the testing file
<andrewrk> HelloThere54321, sounds like a good proposal
<HelloThere54321> Shall i create a new issue for this
<andrewrk> yes please
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