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<daurnimator> mq32: oooo, interesting
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<fubd> that feeling when there's a bug blocking you that is fixed in a fork but you don't want to build zig from source
<fubd> guess it's time to buckle up and build :)
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<daurnimator> error: declaration shadows primitive type 'bool'
<daurnimator> pub fn @"bool"() bool {
<daurnimator> ^^ intentional that you can't ever create a struct method called "bool"?
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<daurnimator> error: parameter of type 'type' requires comptime
<daurnimator> ^^ :( getting in the way of a refactor
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<daurnimator> How can I set a field (dynamically)?
<daurnimator> we can use @field to get it... but how do we set it?
<hryx> daurnimator: curious, what's your use case?
<daurnimator> hryx: for?
<hryx> setting a field dynamically
* daurnimator just mentioned 3 different issues in here and filed 4 bugs :P
<daurnimator> hryx: initialising a struct with dynamically provided values
<hryx> I'd love to see a hypothetical example if you have one off-hand. I had a thought about that feature but might be mixing it up with something else
<hryx> ah heck, I was totally mixing @field up with @hasDecl
<hryx> this is the thing that (wrongly) came to mind:
<hryx> which made me concerned that a naughtly library could do e.g. `@import("@root").log_level = .Fatal` -- but I probably misunderstand something
<hryx> sorry to derail!
<daurnimator> hryx: to try and think of a simple example of what I want: `const ptr = allocator.alloc(MyConfig); for (@typeInfo(MyConfig).Struct.StructFields) |f| { @setField(ptr,, conf.get(, f.field_type)) }`
<hryx> oh that is an interesting example
<hryx> daurnimator: if I understand your example, you're taking a user-supplied config (json/toml/yaml/blah) and populating fields of an arbitrary struct with it?
<daurnimator> hryx: yep
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<hryx> I'm used to struct tags in Go (the language I use at work) and that's how you'd normally solve this in Go (decoding a config to a struct). but I haven't thought much if that's appropriate for zig
<gonz_> Given the nature of zig this is what I'd expect to be able to do
<hryx> nothing in the "tags" proposal is particuarly compelling. maybe a builtin like @setField would be better
<hryx> daurnimator, @setField seems reasonable, I say make a proposal. I'd link to #1099 and show how your idea is cheaper/simpler than tags and can accomplish similar things
<hryx> (by "cheaper", I just mean that new builtins are cheaper to implement than syntax changes)
<gonz_> Well, it's cheaper in terms of everything
<gonz_> Less to learn, less to understand when reading source
<gonz_> less to investigate
<gonz_> "What does this tag do and where?"
<hryx> damn good point
<daurnimator> I haven't got to a point yet where I know I can't do it
<daurnimator> e.g. maybe `@field(MyConfig, "foo") = blah` just works already
<daurnimator> I'm on this weird issue where adding @panic makes the compiler segfault...
<daurnimator> ha. `@field(MyConfig, "foo") = bar` already works
<daurnimator> no need for a new proposal
<gonz_> That's great
<gonz_> This also works when iterating over the fields, then?
<hryx> haha I just tried it to
<hryx> I wouldn't have thought that @field works as an lvalue
<daurnimator> gonz_: I don't understand that question?
<hryx> daurnimator: run your original example you posted above
<gonz_> Well, you were iterating over the fields before, no?
<daurnimator> gonz_: yes iterating over the type fields works.
<daurnimator> hryx: that was very very boiled down from what I have :P
<gonz_> Yeah, I just wanted clarification that not only did the very basic example work, but the one you also pointed out before
<daurnimator> this is what I have at the moment:
<daurnimator> which works..... as long as I don't uncomment lines there for the reasons given
<gonz_> This is pretty neat
<gonz_> How did the TS PR go, by the way?
<gonz_> I haven't gotten any notifications about it
<daurnimator> TS?
<gonz_> TypeScript, for your lua thing
<daurnimator> oh. yeah the PR author hasn't come back :(
<gonz_> There were some really good notes to give, pretty much all related to the way type narrowing works in TS
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<gonz_> There is a certain sense of "JAI has this so it must be a good idea" that I think backdrops a lot of feature discussions.
<gonz_> Even though JAI practically speaking doesn't really exist in any meaningful capacity
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<gonz_> It also makes a ton of choices that aren't good for readability in an even medium sized eco system.
<gonz_> Libraries looking for arbitrary things in contexts, arbitrary tags, etc.
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<fengb> I think comparison to Jai is inevitable since it exists in roughly the same space. But I’m not a big fan of how it’s being developed
<scientes> the readability decisions of zig are great
<scientes> Reading < Writing
<scientes> ** Reading > Writing
<fengb> I just wish it’d actually get released so we can analyze it technically rather than handwave everything
<scientes> you mean there isn't any public code?
<scientes> its vaporware?
<fengb> Nope
<fengb> It’s supposedly in use for The Witness
<scientes> for me anything that isn't open source is vaporware
<scientes> irrelevent
<fengb> But no code or executable
<fengb> I don’t think it’s like V since Jon Blow has shown many demos of it, but they are just demos
<fengb> ... I also didn’t mean to shittalk. That language which shall not be named >_>
<scientes> vaporware to me
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<fengb> One thing I really hope wasm would do is get rid of all these damn Electron apps
<scientes> hmm, i really haven't been effected by that
<scientes> affected*
<dimenus> can you have an anonymous union within a struct in zig?
<fengb> I just started using and it's okay... but the desktop "app" is Electron
<scientes> electron isn't that horrible of an idea
<scientes> except that it used chromium
<scientes> someone should port it to firefox
<fengb> There's actually a decent tool that uses macOS's native renderer
<mq32> scientes, it shouldn't use firefox either, but use a really stripped-down renderer
<scientes> well yeah
<scientes> webkit
<scientes> skia
<mq32> that only has 1 feature: render html+css3
<scientes> servo
<mq32> so UI can be controlled from code behind directly
<scientes> ahh so electron is very tightly coupled to nodejs and chromium's process architecture
<fengb> s/nodejs/v8 but yeah
<fengb> It's just packaging the entire browser into each app
<fengb> Well... partially stripped down, but most of the meat is there
<fengb> Anyway, it's big and bloated. I get why it's done but I'm never really happy
<dimenus> fengb: I would consider that a named union
<dimenus> ideally i'd be doing blah.a = 1
<dimenus> but i appreciate the example
<fengb> Oh I thought you meant anonymous like it has no type reference
<scientes> so calling electron html+css+js is kinda disengenuous
<scientes> its basically just a chrome frontend
<fengb> I don't think we can do C11 style unions or structs
<mq32> fengb, the sad thing is that most developers don't even get that it's just their usual chrome browser and you can actually get into the dev console in a lot of games and fiddle around with JS
<scientes> fengb, also nodejs
<fengb> scientes: I didn't not realize that... why is it so bloated
<scientes> this is based on reading this
<scientes> and he would certainly know
<fengb> Yeah I see it. That seems extra dumb though
<fengb> I don't remember any time I wanted any nodejs runtime in my frontend code
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<Tetralux> fengb: Re Jai being used in the Witness - AFAIK it's not - it is being used to make a complete game that Blow's planning to sell as his next game.
<Tetralux> I also would _not_ call it vaporware - for the simple reason that it does exist and you can see it in action.
<Tetralux> It does share the trait that it isn't publicly available in any form yet though - I can give you that.
<Tetralux> I also can see where he's coming from on the "closed source until a little after release" - he wants to ensure it goes the way he wants without much external influence, and he doesn't want to deal with the wider community yet.
<Tetralux> So I understand.
<Tetralux> And he also wants to present a fully finished product so that people can rely on it like they do the C compiler.
<fengb> I don't really agree with that. Zig has gone through radical changes for the better
<Tetralux> Indeed - that was my first thought as well when he said that.
<Tetralux> But it's also true that I don't want to deal with compiler bugs.
<Tetralux> And if I want to write a fully-featured program in Zig - I would probably want to wait until it's more stable.
<Tetralux> (I still might, but it's a consideration.)
<Tetralux> And his point is that most people that use C++ are like that.
<Tetralux> Well - "most people" - he doesn't want to "waste their time", as he put iot.
<Tetralux> it*
<Tetralux> I respect that reasoning.
<fengb> Yeah I figured the game dev community is kinda like that... but it feels really different from what I'm used to
<Tetralux> Likewise - but that's part of why I'm resisting the temptation to tell him that it's the wrong call.
<fengb> As for stability... I've been mostly tinkering with wasm. And Zig's low-level wasm support is quite good, arguably better than C and I don't really understand Rust
<Tetralux> Though honestly, if the compiler ends up being what it's like in his videos when/if it finally comes out, I'll be happy.
<Tetralux> I think it made some pretty good decisions for what he wanted.
<Tetralux> Quick iteration, allows 'exploratative' programming, etc.
<fengb> I just want to see what we can learn technologically. I don't really agree with a lot of design decisions
<Tetralux> And powerful enough where you have the power to implement compiler functionality if you want.
<gonz_> Tetralux: For practical purposes Jai doesn't exist. It certainly isn't a good idea to argue for unproven things in it out of sheer speculation (with regards to features for zig, for example).
<fengb> It has a bit too much magic for my taste
<gonz_> The thing that spawned this discussion in particular; it makes some choices that are guaranteed to be reader hostile.
<Tetralux> I'm inclined to point out that just because you don't have access to it, doesn't mean you cannot discuss the ideas.
<fengb> But... I'm also not a game dev so it doesn't really speak to me :P
<Tetralux> Though I do recongnise the benefit of having it in my hands.
<Tetralux> And obviously would rather have it in my hands.
<Tetralux> Further, yes gonz_, it's certainly less inclined towards readability.
<Tetralux> But instead leans towards expressive power, and simplicity.
<fengb> There's a lot of memory management in his videos that I only vaguely understand. That's not tuning I'm familiar with or even really care about
<Tetralux> Like not having to name the iteration variable when you don't have to.
<fengb> That's a perlism lol
<Tetralux> It's also a nice one. How many times do you need to name that thing 'i' ?
<gonz_> I think that pales in comparison to putting arbitrary things in contexts that may or may not be picked up by libraries, etc.
<fengb> Zig favors explicitness. I can always track down where a variable came from. I think that's a big plus that's lost in many languages
<gonz_> The amount of "What does this do when it's set in the context?" questions that will arise in even a moderately sized community will probably be ridiculous.
<Tetralux> fengb: Any particular one? Or just in general? :p - And yeah - I do like that part of Zig honestly.
<Tetralux> gonz_: My understanding is that the library would add the thing to the Context and you wouldn't care about it.
<fengb> Tetralux: particular which? I'm not sure which line you're responding to
<Tetralux> I mean - you'd read the library code before using it anyway, right? xD
<Tetralux> fengb: The memory management one :)
<gonz_> Jai also favors tagging AST nodes with arbitrary tags that may or may not be picked up by things. Anything, arbitrary tags. Those all also need to be figured out.
<Tetralux> gonz_: Personally, I like that. Means that I'm not constrained by what Jon Blow thinks the compiler should be able to do for you.
<Tetralux> I can just write a metaprogram that does it.
<gonz_> Tetralux: Right, read the whole library just to figure out where they use the context and tags you have in your code? I think this is reader hostile.
<fengb> Tetralux: the idea of manually allocating a large chunk of stack memory and breaking it down manually. I get why it's done... but it's not something I had ever considered doing
<Tetralux> gonz_: You _can_ just search for the use of `context.`.
<gonz_> You can already do source tagging on a library level with a sufficiently simple surface syntax. I don't think encouraging an ecosystem full of this is a great idea.
<Tetralux> fengb: I don't remember seeing that.
<gonz_> Tetralux: And get all of the hits for everything it might be using? Again, I think this is a pretty big cost to pay for something that probably was a bad idea from the beginning. At least with a certain set of values.
<dimenus> is there a way to ignore the safety check in a regular union?
<gonz_> Being explicit in the right place is IMO a much simpler choice to make
<dimenus> eg my union is just two different views into the same data
<fengb> It's in Jon Blow's "intro" rant video. It might not be in Jai proper...
<Tetralux> gonz_: grepping for 'context.' would show you usage; grepping for '#add_context' would show you everything that's added to it, AFAIK.
<fengb> dimenus: packed union
<gonz_> Spreading out these kinds of things in other people's code is a proposition I'm not ready to accept as a good choice, least of all in a language that only exists on like 10 computers in the world.
<Tetralux> But yes - it's fair to say that he's designing the language _he_ wants.
<Tetralux> I've already polluted #zig with this for long enough probably but
<dimenus> fengb: thanks
<Tetralux> Suffice it to say, I think it's makes for a good exploratory programming language.
<Tetralux> And I think that being able to do a simple grep to find everything like that, is a good step to make.
<gonz_> It would be even easier if the code was simply in the correct place instead of using a context as a middle man
<gonz_> i.e. passed as a parameter
<fengb> I like Jai for the concepts it represents. I don't think I'd use it much though
<scientes> but it stands for vaporware
<scientes> until you can run something you never know
<scientes> especially with software
<fengb> "This syntax is borrowed from the Pascal family, along with using ^ to denote a pointer, as it is pointy."
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<scientes> hehe
<Tetralux_> fengb: Isn't that Odin xD
<fengb> Random history question: why did C choose * ?
<Tetralux_> Commonly available character?
<Tetralux_> I don't actually know - though I think I did know at one point.
<fengb> Oh yeah... Zig actually rejected ^ because it's harder to type on a non-English keyboard
<gonz_> I always thought that `->` made sense, because it points to a think.
<gonz_> thing*
<mq32> var x : →int;
<scientes> yeah but its annoying
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<scientes> i spend too much time fixing C compiler errors because i got the . vs -> wrong
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<fengb> Ha that looks pretty cool
<mq32> i don't really understand why they made a difference in the first place
<scientes> but meh, it would be fine, the reading vs writing thing
<mq32> it's not like i could access a pointer with "." anyway
<fengb> Because -> isn't just a struct thing (confusingly enough)
<scientes> arrays are also confusing
<scientes> because they automatically become pointers
<mq32> but only sometimes
<scientes> half the time i use &foo[0] just to make it clearer
<mq32> yeah, true dat
<mq32> oh, btw
<mq32> did you know that arrays actually decompose into a pointer to the array which then conventiently coerces to a pointer to the first element?
<fengb> &0[foo]
<mq32> one of the best constructs i saw in the last time was the XML comment
<fengb> Cause why shouldn't we index literals by variables?
<mq32> a <!-- b;
<Tetralux_> It would be kinda neat if typing special chars like the arrow was trivial.
<Tetralux_> Like `->int`
<mq32> Tetralux_, do you use windows or linux?
<mq32> →int
<Tetralux_> Technically both. Usually Windows though.
<fengb> My favorite "anti-pattern" in C is while `(i --> 0)`
<mq32> linux has ternary and quarterny mappings with AltGr and Shift+AltGr
<mq32> you have a lot of symbols like … or × or ÷
<mq32> also i have a compose key instead of caps lock and dead keys
<mq32> that's just more convenient to type
<Tetralux_> It's just like... I think the `->int` is easier to read if it's literally an arrow... but I can't type it xD
<mq32> we need more compose key!
<Tetralux_> I'd have to either type 5 chars to Alt-code it or something, or set up a hotkey.
<mq32> "compose", "-", ">" => "→"
<mq32> ♥
<Tetralux_> At least that would make more sense to remember how to type it XD
<fengb> That'd actually fix accent keyboards too
<fengb> "Fix". I suppose it's not technically broken
<mq32> fengb, yeah
<mq32> compose key is really great
<Tetralux_> fengb: I'm not sure about that - people that type accent'd chars all the time prob would not like that XD
<mq32> "c" + "," => "ç"
<lunamn> the real solution would be alt+shift+u then type emoji representing the operator manually /s
<fengb> We need a /s emoji
<Tetralux_> Definitely.
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<lunamn> who wouldn't want to use U+000027a1 BLACK RIGHTWARDS ARROW to access struct members :)
<scientes> and why the hell did they need an emoji of that?
<scientes> there already are plenty of other arrows in unicode
<mq32> i think nowadays emoji and "unicode codepoint" is pretty similar
<fengb> I don't think people conside 芋 an emoji >_>
<mq32> also wikipedia has a wonderful page:
<mikdusan> so i looked it up. BCPL used 'rv', then '!' -- B used '*' because it liked '!' for negation and C adopted B's unary '*'
<mq32> what would also be great: "var i : ℤ; var n : ℕ;"
<mikdusan> const x: []const u8 = “real quotes”;
<mq32> heh
<mq32> if((x ∉ array) ∧ (x ≃ 1.0)) { }
<lunamn> does zig have checking against a semicolon and the u+037e greek question mark character ;)
<Tetralux> You know, I get the distinct impression that I have opened Pandora's Box... I'm not... entirely sure why.
<Tetralux> Just a feeling - you know?
<Tetralux> xD
<mikdusan> ok so `undefined` is 9 chars. how about `var i: u32 = ☢︎;`
<Tetralux> I'd suggest `---` but my face might meet the ground and become a pancake.. x'D
<fengb> I didn't know radiation was in unicode
<mikdusan> they also have biohazard but it needs larger fontsize to read: ☣︎
<gonz_> They should replace `unsafe` with that one
<scientes> everything is in unicode
<scientes> if you type on the android keyboard it will actual match your english words to the names of the unicode characters
<scientes> so they will pop up in the suggestions
<scientes> apparently social media wil be 100% pictographs in a few years :)
<scientes> mikdusan, yeah but that is still 4 bytes
<mikdusan> does "identical to" give you triple bar: ≡
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<mq32> for undefined i prefer "var x : i32 = ‽;"
<fengb> Unicode is still missing Asian skin tones :(
<emekankurumeh[m]> what about porting to zig for gui stuff?
<mq32> "var b : bool = 👍 ∧ ¬👎; // the only viable way for bools
<scientes> mq32, that is good
<scientes> 👍 + 👍 == 👎
<mq32> emekankurumeh[m], i really LOVE that windows screenshot with "upgrade IE"
<scientes> oh i guess that is why we have bool types in zig in the first place
<scientes> as distinct from u1
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<scientes> however 👍 ^ 👍 == 👎
<emekankurumeh[m]> well why would
<emekankurumeh[m]> not want to upgrade /s
<fengb> C-like languages, 👍 + 👍 = 2
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<mikdusan> var lambda = ƛ(a: u32) {};
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<mq32> i already like lambda syntax with "var lambda = \(a: u32) { };"
<mq32> i think haskell does this, right?
<fengb> Kotlin is “fun” so we might as well 😀(a: u32)
<mikdusan> ruby uses keyword 'lambda' or operator: `var foo = ->(a: u32) {};
<mikdusan> `var foo = →(a: u32) {};` how did i miss that opportunity?
<fengb> We’re back where we started
<halosghost> mq32: haskell uses \space separated args -> body
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<halosghost> mq32: and, incidentally, I like the idea of using ℕ and ℤ for bignats and bigints, and using nN and zN (or, alternatively, nN and iN) for width-constrained types
<halosghost> mq32: I just don't propose it these days because people seem to hate it when I make that suggestion
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<halosghost> Tetralux: also, there's a port of Compose to windows that leverages XCompose files
<halosghost> it's one of the first things I install on a windows machine when I'm forced to use it
<Tetralux> Curious
<halosghost> I use compose constantl
<halosghost> s/$/y/
<halosghost> being without it feels like I cannot type half the things I want (despite the fact that it's certainly less than that, in reality)
<halosghost> but, I use it for small things like “curly quotes” or ellipses…
<halosghost> being able to just type them has been wonderful for my typographical life
<emekankurumeh[m]> uh can you annotate a container field as noalias or comptime?
<Tetralux> halosghost: XDD
<halosghost> I'm minorly tempted to remap i to be ı and then have `<∘> <period> <i>` generate a dotted-i
<halosghost> it'd make more sense
<halosghost> plus, then, if I ever managed to learn Turkish, I could type it more easily :D
<Tetralux> HA
<halosghost> 🤷
<scientes> how do i use the alt gr key?
<halosghost> scientes: to do what?
* scientes is an English speaker that doesn't know how to enter fancy characters
<scientes> and the international keyboard sucks for programming
<halosghost> on windows?
<scientes> Linux
<halosghost> do you have compose enabled?
<scientes> that's what i want
<halosghost> setxkbmap -option compose:ralt
<scientes> is that permanent?
<halosghost> personally, I use compose:caps
<halosghost> scientes: no
<halosghost> scientes: you would want to persist it in a Xorg.conf.d section
<halosghost> or, if you're lazier and you don't mind some odd behavior every once in a while, you can just put that in your .xinitrc (or similar for your DM if you use one)
<halosghost> …
<halosghost> wow
<halosghost> that's…
<halosghost> k
* halosghost forgets how… complex gnome is
<scientes> well i want it to work for wayland too
<halosghost> huh
<halosghost> is that possible?
<scientes> oh course it is
<halosghost> I was under the impression that compose in wayland had not been accomplished yet
<scientes> oh......
<halosghost> afaik, compose is handled by the IME
<halosghost> I haven't read yet about wayland-compatible IMEs that do compose
<halosghost> that doesn't mean they don't exist
<halosghost> it's been about six months since I last seriously looked into wayland
<scientes> fixed in qt 5.11
<scientes> CÓÓL
<scientes> Béttér
<scientes> ñ
<scientes> Piñata
<halosghost> lol
<scientes> Naïve
<scientes> yeah you can change it just in gnome-tweaks
<scientes> annd it works with wayland
<halosghost> cool
<halosghost> I wonder if it works when using sway or something else not-gnome
<halosghost> scientes: I'm glad you have it working
<halosghost> scientes: does it feel like a whole new world? :)
<halosghost> also, if you are interested in some of the things I've added, I have them in my .dotfiles:
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<SyrupThinker> I have found this std lib error that I can reproduce for several 32 bit architectures:
<SyrupThinker> I'm not certain whether replacing usize() with a intCast is the correct way to solve this
<SyrupThinker> Should I just open a issue or make a PR with that as a possible fix
<fengb> That looks like a bug
<SyrupThinker> Also I'm getting a bunch of compiler warnings with gcc 8, not sure whether thats considered issues worthy considering its pretty obvious
<emekankurumeh[m]> what sorts of warnings?
<emekankurumeh[m]> because the compiler is supposed to be compiled with -Werror
<SyrupThinker> Yes, sorry, they are errors
<SyrupThinker> I took Werror out to see whether it fails on something else
<SyrupThinker> It didn't
<SyrupThinker> The most common was maybe-uninitialized
<emekankurumeh[m]> can you upload a paste somewhere of the warnings?
<fengb> For the rand issue, it makes the most sense if we could rand(usize) instead of u64... but if not, explicitly casting makes sense since we mask it
<SyrupThinker> Actually it was only gcc 7.4
<emekankurumeh[m]> can any of you who use sublime text try out the zig plugin as it is in this branch: and report and highlighting errors you see?
<emekankurumeh[m]> or check my regexes
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<strmpnk> emekankurumeh[m]: I occasionally use sublime with Zig. I'll look at it. It's worth noting that Sublime Text supports test files for syntax definitions, which might be worth the investment.
<emekankurumeh[m]> syntax tests only sublime-syntax files and github's linguist doesn't support sublime-syntax files
<emekankurumeh[m]> but thank you for taking time to check
<strmpnk> emekankurumeh[m]: Ah. So this is for linguist as well as sublime?
<emekankurumeh[m]> yes, that's why i don't want to accidentally break zig highlighting on all of github for a couple months
<andrewrk> appreciate that :)
<emekankurumeh[m]> no problem, now i just need to update the vscode syntax
<strmpnk> Browsing lots of the standard library... seems to be good so far.
<emekankurumeh[m]> it might choke on async function declarations, but i didn't bother with those because async is getting reworked
<strmpnk> Good point. I don't have any real examples of that handy but I imagine it'll be easier to patch once it appears in the repo anyway.
<strmpnk> The scopes on the grammar are pretty basic, which limits some of the more advanced syntax features and can look odd in some color schemes but overall I think this looks good. No glaring bugs found.
<emekankurumeh[m]> the meta scopes were the hardest for me
<emekankurumeh[m]> i also tried adding a config file to make more scope visible in the index but that didn't seem to work
<strmpnk> The scope taxonomy seems to be a little non-portable anyway. Some of the meta scopes only make sense for certain kinds of languages.
<andrewrk> async syntax is about to change
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<emekankurumeh[m]> i was kind of on the fence about breaking up the next release on the grounds of that wouldn't be enough time but andrew seems to be proving me wrong
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<andrewrk> what do you mean?
<dimenus> is there a way to set parts of a @Vector without casting?
<dimenus> eg implementing _mm_set_ss
<emekankurumeh[m]> i don't mean to be rude or insulting but the 0.5.0 release seemed really ambitious to me, at least in terms of scope
<dimenus> nvm, ignore that question
<gonz_> Heh, how is that rude?
<emekankurumeh[m]> but i suppose the whole zig project needs to be ambitious if it plans to overthrow c
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<andrewrk> emekankurumeh[m], oh yeah sure. I don't see those milestones as accurate estimates of what will actually be done for each release. the milestones just mean "decide what to do regarding this issue before the release"
<andrewrk> "Accept and resolve these issues, reject, or postpone them before releasing 0.5.0."
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<ltr-> what is the elegant way to cast an slice to [*c]u8 ?
<fengb> slice.ptr
<ltr-> nice!, missed that field
<ltr-> :D
<ltr-> @ptrCast([*c]const u8, &slice[0]) i was using that ugly thing.
<ltr-> ty
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<ffddr> I draw a triangle!
<dimenus> _MM_SHUFFLE is confusing
<dimenus> thanks microsoft
<ffddr> Tried to illustrate and make an example for this issue
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<Sahnvour> ffddr: nice!
<Sahnvour> how was the experience getting sokol to work in zig?
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<ffddr> With my hack to make a defaults for all the sokol's structs - it was pretty good, but its super not production ready solution obviously. With the master zig sokol usage will be a bit too painfull right now - it will involve hand writing or generating somehow a lot of wrappers like
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<shachaf> andrewrk: What's the reason for having "async" be implicit in function declarations when it presumably resuls in very different generated code?
<shachaf> I think this is pretty surprising for a language that e.g. doesn't allow operator overloading for this reason (I think).
<andrewrk> shachaf, here's the proposal:
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<Cadey> andrewrk: thank you so much for that
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<shachaf> Hmm. If a function used the async notation, it could presumably still be implemented with blocking, and just never suspend, right?
<shachaf> Why would there be additional overhead in that case?
<shachaf> Maybe that's also an argument that they're more similar than I was thinking, though.
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