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<via> has anyone done any work towards making a cbor encoder?
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<daurnimator> via: not that I know of; but it's something I need soon! would be awesome to have one
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<via> yeah, i need one too. i might try, but given how noobish i am its unlikely anything of value will come of it
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<emekankurumeh[m]> I don't know how rust people say rrir, rriz is exhausting
<mikdusan> i'm guessing rrir is something-something-internal-representation; what's rriz ?
<hryx> primitive types (f32, void, anyerror) are not keywords. should primitve values (true, null, undefined) also not be keywords?
<daurnimator> hryx: I think that would make sense.
<daurnimator> Types *are* just values after all
<hryx> I think so too. I'll make a proposal
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<via> i'm struggling with some syntax issues, and i just want to make sure that what i'm trying to do here is possible:
<[[]]> v​ia: Title "gist:e81d45caf0076d8bb563c77d4f2dda19 · GitHub" Shortened < >
<via> namely anonymous tagged unions inside a struct
<daurnimator> via: maybe you need @unionInit ?
<daurnimator> oh wait no
<via> i'm so throwing in function pointers in a way that i don't know is valid, i should probably trim my example down
<via> yeah, replaced that with just a u32 value, compiler error is just "error: expected token ';', found '}'
<via> .code = { .c_int = 12 },"
<via> hurmph, i just made it .code = node.code {.c_int = 12}, and it compiled, so i guess thats how you do the anonymous struct
<via> feels a little verbose
<daurnimator> via: that's #685 I think
<via> quickly glancing at that, yeah
<emekankurumeh[m]> mikdusan: rrir, is rewrite in rust
<via> actually, no, that compiles, i just didn't have code that referenced the struct
<via> doesn't*
<via> replaced the anonymous tagged union with an explicit one and it worked :(
<via> but i can define the enum in the struct and refer to it that way, to keep the namespace clean at least
<daurnimator> hrm. how best to write code that uses low bits of pointers in zig?
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<daurnimator> union { ptr: *align(64) foo, data: packed struct { dummy: @IntType(false, usize.bit_count-6), foo: bool, bar: u4 } }
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<daurnimator> ^ I guess this is trying to find a workaround until #2652 is done
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<via> can addresses of c vars be taken at comptime?
<via> trying to use &my_imported_c_thing.some_data_section_var in a comptime expression doesn't seem to work, complains about it being unable to evaluate constant expression
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<daurnimator> via: you can take the address; but you can only use it at comptime I believe
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<andrewrk> there's nothing special about c global variables
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<daurnimator> emekankurumeh[m]: I feel like your .steal return type is weird
<emekankurumeh[m]> how so?
<daurnimator> emekankurumeh[m]: also: `return Stolen(T){ .Empty = {} };` vs `return Stolen(T).Retry` is the latter valid ?
<daurnimator> emekankurumeh[m]: I would return `null` for Empty. For retry... should you not retry *for* the user? or else how do they know when to retry?
<daurnimator> `, top +% 1, .SeqCst) == top` <-- I'm actually unsure if the `== top` is pre or post increment....
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<emekankurumeh[m]> i'm fairly certain that cmpSwap is correct, i could be wrong though
<daurnimator> emekankurumeh[m]: but does the `==` happen before or after the `+%`?
<emekankurumeh[m]> i would assume after, because `+%` is just a overflowing add, not an increment, so that would be evaluated first
<daurnimator> oh right. lol.
<daurnimator> My brain read it as +=
<emekankurumeh[m]> i was wondering what you meant by increment...
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<gamester> Is whitequark aware that his SSL certificate is invalid? No logs :(
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<gamester> andrewrk: Currently I think the way you do cimports are by translating the C code to Zig code, but did you consider having C AST nodes instead?
<gamester> I haven't given this a thought, I'm just curious
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<ffddr> Is there any workaround for Maybe some way to override generated function definition using this enum with hand-writen one with `usize` instead of enum?
<[[]]> f​fddr: Title "extern enum should allow multiple enumerations with the same value · Issue #2115 · ziglang/zig · GitHub" Shortened < >
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<[[]]> d​aurnimator: Title "Wikipedia:Templates for discussion/Log/2019 July 11 - Wikipedia" Shortened < >
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<ffddr> Workarounded by patching source .h :)
<via> daurnimator: what do you mean by 'use'? can i store it for runtime use? i'm not trying to defer it at comptime, just store its location
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<johnLate> I've played around with zig a few weeks ago for the first time. Is there a place were I can quickly read up on recent changes? Like a work-in-progress release notes document for the master branch?
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<Tetralux_> git log XD
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<johnLate> I'm already using things like «git log --pickaxe-regex -S '\{\.[0-9]' -p» to figure out how string formatting has changed ;)
<Tetralux_> That... is unreadable xD
<Tetralux_> It's things like that that make me glad I don't use regex any more.
<johnLate> it's just "{." + a number
<Tetralux_> So it is.
<Tetralux_> *smiles* It took more than the amount of effort I'd expect to put towards such things xD
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<fengb> It looks like we included all the headers for Windows libc?
<fengb> So I can do the same for Mac? Don't need to strip down to just libc
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<ntgg> How do i put a number into a string
<bheads> checkout std.fmt
<ntgg> something like "foo " ++ num ++ " bar"
<ntgg> can you call format on a string?
<ntgg> It looks like it needs a fuction
<bheads> no, you format a string into memory. You will want an allocator
<ffddr> I guess `std.fmt.allocPrint` is the closest to `"foo" ++ num`
<fengb> `try std.fmt.bufPrint(buf[0..], "foo {}", num))`
<ntgg> why does `switch (val) { .A => return 'a', .B => return 'b', }` but `return switch (val) { .A => 'a', .B => 'b' };` not work?
<ntgg> it isn't a compile error
<ntgg> it just doesn't return the right thing
<Tetralux> You'd expect them to be the same, but the second returns........?
<fgenesis> is a switch expression defined to return a value?
<Tetralux> fgenesis: You can certainly use it like it does.
<fgenesis> or does it count as a statement without return
<Tetralux> OH
<Tetralux> I didn't notice that before.
<Tetralux> The 'returns' in the first one return from the enclosing function.
<Tetralux> The lack of them in the second means that the switch itself evaluates to the values; i.e: so you could do 'const val = switch ...'
<Tetralux> 'return' in Zig _always_ means "return from the function".
<fgenesis> c-style vs functional style, but if one of them doesn't work that looks like a bug
<fgenesis> pretty sure that's how 'return' was intended here
<Tetralux> I'm not sure where the 'style' thing is coming from..
<Tetralux> It's not a style thing here.
<fgenesis> my brain calls it like that, blame my brain
<Tetralux> It's a control flow thing here.
<Tetralux> Either you want to return a value from the function depending on the switch value, or you want to set a variable to a value depending on the switched value.
<Tetralux> Those are two very different things.
<ntgg> The actual context I was using it in had it call a fuction that returned an optional value, and an else branch that returned null, and it always returned null
<Tetralux> Can you paste an example?
<[[]]> n​tgg: Title "~ntgg/snake-zig: src/game_state.zig - sourcehut git" Shortened < >
<ntgg> just move the return outside and it no longer works
<andrewrk> ntgg, return switch is supposed to work just fine. the next step towards solving the problem is coming up with a reduced test case that is easier to debug in the compiler
<[[]]> n​tgg: Shortened < >
<ntgg> should I open an issue?
<fgenesis> heh, directly jumps to zig_panic() :D
<Tetralux> ntgg: I believe so.
<Tetralux> That looks like it should work as you expect.
<ntgg> if you replace the else with a .No you get a compile error saying that it expected type u32
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<andrewrk> thanks for the bug report ntgg
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<Tetralux> It's a bit of a bummer that you can reach 4 indents quite easily when building datatypes.
<Tetralux> And 4 indents are like 25% of the page width.
<Tetralux> I'd honestly prefer to either be strictly procedural (no methods, but that's unreasonable cause of no overloads), or the receiver pattern. I didn't really like that in Go... I think I prefer procedural, but still.
<Tetralux> It would mean that every fn has a body that's one or two indents in.
<Tetralux> Which I'd personally find easier to read, and less chlostrophobic.
<Tetralux> I would use 2-width-tabs, but they're quite a bit harder to read.
<Tetralux> (.. 'least they were when I tried it.)
<Tetralux> And for clarity, by 'receiver', I mean this:
<bheads> ? 25% of the page width? screens are bigger then 80 chars now a days
<Tetralux> pub fn doThings(self: *Self) void { ... }
<Tetralux> It's 25% if the width is 100 chars..
<Tetralux> Oh right
<Tetralux> I said 4 tabs earlier
<Tetralux> I meant 6.
<bheads> lol my editor is about 250 chars across
<Tetralux> Though even 4 is more than I'd like.
<Tetralux> I don't like my editor taking up my entire screen xD
<Tetralux> Besides which
<Tetralux> I change font family/size relatively often
<Tetralux> And every font has differing widths.
<bheads> I am in java land, my methods start 3 indents deep
<Tetralux> One reason I hate Java.
<Tetralux> I... HATE... indents.
<Tetralux> It's like
<Tetralux> "But there's all this space here that you're wasting!"
<companion_cube> this reasoning leads to promoting Haskell
<companion_cube> which doesn't waste vertical space either ;)
<companion_cube> the more compact, the better, right?
<Tetralux> Not really.
<bheads> or perl golf
<Tetralux> Only if you are unreasonable about it.
<bheads> so python is right out
<Tetralux> "Oh hey - you like this slightly radical thing? Why not take it to its extreme then?"
<Tetralux> Or not - I'm not advocating thta.
<Tetralux> And it's disingenous to say I am. xD
<Tetralux> But you know that I imagine.
<Tetralux> Fact is, I like vertical space.
<bheads> 4 space "tabs" is good for readability
<Tetralux> And I do like hori space too.
<Tetralux> But I don't want to waste it.
<Tetralux> Also bheads, yes it is.
<Tetralux> I want to use it.
<Tetralux> But starting my code a third of the way across my page is not very good.
<Tetralux> I need my space dammit xD
<bheads> well its okay 18% at 100 chars :)
<Tetralux> Out of interest, I have around 200 chars of hori space.
<bheads> so 4 tabs is only 9%
<andrewrk> fun fact: zig fmt is completely unaware of how long lines are
<andrewrk> (intentionally)
<Tetralux> But I like to align things to the left; I don't like things floating too far to the right.
<ntgg> even if you only have 80 chars you need 7 tabs to get to 1/3
<companion_cube> I like to have short lines because of vertical splits in vim
<Tetralux> That is a more pragmatic reason that I can agree wholeheartedly with.
<bheads> zig fmt matches my personal coding style. which makes me happy
<Tetralux> If I used vert split a lot, I would not like editing long-line code at all.
<Tetralux> Well - maybe that's a slight exaggaration but :"D
<companion_cube> in vim I have 2 vertical bars at 80 and 100, so I know when my lines become too long
<Tetralux> My point is, 4 tabs isn't so bad - any more than that and I start to question it x)
<Tetralux> And even four I'm a bit unconfortable about.
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<Tetralux> Certainly once you start getting towards 150 chars.
<Tetralux> or less.
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<Tetralux> What also applies to me is that if you have wrapping lines, you want the exceptionally long ones to wrap, not all of them.
<companion_cube> what leads you to 4 levels of indentation?
<fubd> andrewrk: found a compiler bug
<[[]]> f​ubd: Title "Compiler Explorer" Shortened < >
<Tetralux> of a polymorphic struct.
<Tetralux> @companion_cube
<Tetralux> (.. which has one or two indents within it.)
<companion_cube> ah ok, nested structs. makes sense.
<Tetralux> It kinda makes me want to extract the fns into top-level procedures and then declare consts in the body that point to them.
<Tetralux> But that means I have to give the now-extracted member fns a comptime type arg for Self.
<Tetralux> (.. I haven't tried that yet, so it might not even work well.)
<ntgg> can't you just move the Iterator struct outside?
<Tetralux> (.. But that's one idea I had.)
<Tetralux> ntgg: It has a *Self field.
<fgenesis> Tetralux: a bit unrelated, but regarding code formatting here's a game: Find the end of the function:
<[[]]> f​genesis: Title "Aquaria/Avatar.cpp at master · AquariaOSE/Aquaria · GitHub" Shortened < >
<fgenesis> and while you're at it, find the highest indent
<fgenesis> great fun for the entire femily1
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<Tetralux> I actually kinda like the 8-indent because of it's extreme clarity... but those... jesus those are far XD
<ntgg> 7118 and 13?
<fgenesis> that was quick, and not sure about the 13, but might be accurate
<Tetralux> 7118 is what I got on a cursory glance too.
* fgenesis is maintainer of this code and silently weeps
<Tetralux> Maybe some static inline fns would be handy there? :3
<Tetralux> I haven't looked at the code in enough detail to know but
<Tetralux> That might be one of those times where
<Tetralux> I'd break some out into local fns
<fgenesis> the only thing that helps there is a canister of napalm
<Tetralux> And just call them instead of indenting.
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<bheads> sometimes I wish I could write more complex expression: if (minX <= X <= maxX) ...
<halosghost> bheads: it is nice that some languages support that
<halosghost> but, it does mean that the return value of those operators is a little more hand-wavy
<bheads> its still a bool
<bheads> it just means minX <= X and X <= maxX
<halosghost> in that case, it has to be a syntax extension right?
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<fgenesis> how do you overload multi-operators
<fgenesis> operator<=(a,b,c)
<bheads> there is no operator overloading
<bheads> in zig
<Tetralux> i dont think you ovload any operators
<fgenesis> i mean in general, but ok
<fgenesis> ahh, operator overloading yes or no is always such a debate :D
<bheads> but in the c++ op case: operator<=(operator<=(minX, X), maxX)
<fgenesis> just no
<halosghost> bheads: that would end up checking to see if a boolean is LE to maxX, wouldn't it?
<bheads> maybe
<halosghost> which is not what you want (and is what I was referring to as making the return type more hand-wavy)
<fgenesis> lets just say math notation needs to die
<halosghost> or, perhaps this is an example of the need for a new operator
<halosghost> `between` perhaps
<halosghost> à la SQL
<bheads> between has its own issues
<bheads> it, inclusive/exclusive
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<fgenesis> if(a < b and b < c) isn't necessarily hard to write
<fgenesis> super clear, too
<bheads> no its not, just hard to see it , plus I rarely see people write it that way
<bheads> normally I see if( x >= minX and x <= maxX)
<halosghost> bheads: purely hypothetically (I don't actually think we should do this): i between interval where interval can be specified as in math
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<halosghost> bheads: so, for example: i between [x,y)
<fgenesis> yeah but that is just cumbersome, or some didn't understand boolean
<bheads> or just (a <= b <=c)
<bheads> since <= is already in most languages
<halosghost> sure, as a syntax extension sugar
<fgenesis> which evaluates to (a <= b) <= c which is fail. no.
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<halosghost> personally, I don't particularly care whether we paint the bikeshed blue or not
<fgenesis> this sort of hack inside the compiler just to please some math-y people is a no-no
<bheads> its not that thou its (a <= b) and (b <= c)
<bheads> its not a hack, just a new parsing rule
<bheads> I mean a + b + c is okay
<halosghost> but that's because + is associative
<halosghost> which is not true of any of the comparison operators
<halosghost> and it can't really be because their return type isn't the same as their parameter types
<fgenesis> can't we just get rid of operators and replace them all with built-in functions?
<halosghost> I think we may have reached the point where this bikeshed won't be built
<halosghost> shall we move onto another topic?
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<andrewrk> emekankurumeh[m], I just discovered
<[[]]> a​ndrewrk: Title "Process Monitor - Windows Sysinternals | Microsoft Docs" Shortened < >
<andrewrk> this tool is incredible
<oats> Why did I get pinged for that?...
<emekankurumeh[m]> i personally use
<[[]]> e​mekankurumeh[m]: Shortened < >
<emekankurumeh[m]> but that does look interesting
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<andrewrk> emekankurumeh[m], thanks I'll try that too
<emekankurumeh[m]> at a cursory glance procmon seems better for development, i just use processhacker as a replacement for the stock windows task manager
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<ntgg> I just "finished" my first thing in zig, snake!
<andrewrk> cool!
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<ntgg> I'm trying to compile on windows, and I am getting an error about an invalid carriage return, but there is no carriage return there
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<dimenus> run your code through zig fmt
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<dimenus> andrewrk: zig build is a definite improvement for building on Windows :)
<ntgg> zig fmt is failing on `const std = @import("std");`
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<Sahnvour> zig fmt also errors on carriage returns
<gonz_> ntgg: And what's the line ending set to on the file?
<gonz_> msdos or unix?
<andrewrk> Sahnvour, `zig fmt` fixes carriage returns & tabs as of last week
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<Sahnvour> andrewrk: nice, missed that
<gonz_> Wut, you mean I don't have to set my line endings anymore?
<ntgg> it should be unix, I wrote all the code on linux, just cloned the repo to windows
<gonz_> Windows clones by default with CRLF
<gonz_> And commits with LF
<ntgg> how do I turn that off?
<Sahnvour> in this case you may want to configure git to always use unix style, for example
<gonz_> You probably shouldn't
<gonz_> to be honest
<gonz_> There's no real use
<andrewrk> git should be configured to not mangle anything
<gonz_> You can set certain file types to always be LF, however
<andrewrk> it's a real shame that they made mangling the default, it was a poor choice
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<gonz_> It's a non-issue in the vast majority of cases
<gonz_> When doing transitions between systems it might matter, but that's a special case. Trying to copy over CRLF files to a docker container without converting first, etc.
<nrdmn> andrewrk: I've been playing with zig and uefi recently. Are there any plans for uefi support in zig's standard library?
<gonz_> Doesn't that seem like more of a userland thing?
<andrewrk> nrdmn, such changes are in scope but it's not a project I personally plan to work on. so it can happen but will require contributions from the community
<andrewrk> a good start would be improving the default panic handler
<ltr-> any gotchas on using sqlite with zig?
<andrewrk> I'm not aware of anyone who has tried that yet
<nrdmn> andrewrk: what is it supposed to do?
<andrewrk> some kind of diagnostic to help the programmer troubleshoot why it happened, and then not return
<emekankurumeh[m]> is there any guarantee in the order of writes from the assignment of a struct initializer?
<Sahnvour> andrewrk: do you have a moment to discuss a practical issue ?
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<andrewrk> Sahnvour, let me grab some lunch and then I can
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<emekankurumeh[m]> trying to store a function pointer to a function that takes a var parameter seems to mess zig up
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<Sahnvour> andrewrk: sure. I'm thinking about the implementation of wyhash for the stdlib. A part of it (handling the remaining bytes after eating them by packs of 32) is basically a big switch covering 32 cases with slightly different behaviour, that can be expressed in other, more generic ways. See the patch here for example. My issue is that while a big
<Sahnvour> switch is hard to read and maintain, it's much easier on the optimizer.
<Sahnvour> For example consider when we're hashing a u64: casted as a slice of u8, we know its size at comptime and can easily ignore the loop on 32byte packs, and directly select the good switch case that will handle perfectly the data's size. The optimizer can see through this pretty easily and generate efficient machine code.
<Sahnvour> But the generic version contains more control flow and branches, and incurs a big overhead for small data sizes. It's generic at the cost of having runtime control flow. I'd like to get rid of it. Since the behaviour of each case of the switch depends on the value (0-31), I would like to be able to use it at comptime, in a similar way to inline while. That's what the original switch is doing, but manually. It's
<Sahnvour> ok to generate 32 code paths in this case, if this helps performance by dropping a few branches.
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<nrdmn> the documentation for std.debug.assert says "In Debug and ReleaseSafe modes, calls to this function are always generated, and the `unreachable` statement triggers a panic.", but also "this function may not detect a test failure in ReleaseFast and ReleaseSafe mode."
<nrdmn> so why may a test failure not be detected if the code is not optimized away in ReleaseSafe mode?
<nrdmn> is the second quoted sentence meant to say "in ReleaseFast and ReleaseSmall mode" ?
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<andrewrk> Sahnvour, is this sort of like duff's device?
<Sahnvour> nope, we execute through the switch one time for each call
<Sahnvour> and it does not influence the next one
<andrewrk> the switch looks fine to me, tbh
<andrewrk> it seems easier to read than the programmatic code
<Sahnvour> I believe the programmatic approach could be simpler with more expressive powers, but it's not satisfactory to me either as it is
<nrdmn> seems like functions supportin
<nrdmn> g a variable number of arguents are not documented
<emekankurumeh[m]> zig varags are going to be removed
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<Tetralux> Here's a possibly related one actually
<Tetralux> Suppose you've written a BucketArray(comptime T: type, comptime bucket_size: usize)
<Tetralux> And you want to store a lot of several types.
<Tetralux> So you have a struct that essentially is
<Tetralux> or rather has
<Tetralux> A field of type BucketArray(T, n) for every type you want to store.
<Tetralux> But you don't know what exact Ts you're gonna use.
<Tetralux> Or, put more simply
<Tetralux> Or - not simply - a different way
<Tetralux> You want data: ArrayList(BucketArray)
<Tetralux> But BucketArray is polymorphic.
<Tetralux> Essentially, you want somewhere to keep your instance of T, U, etc.
<Tetralux> You have a BucketArray for each one.
<Tetralux> But you don't want to list them out and access the one you want.
<Tetralux> You want a struct that you ask for a T, and it makes a BucketArray for Ts and gives you one.
<Tetralux> But how do you store the BucketArrays.
<Sahnvour> Tetralux: what you want is a container of heterogeneous types ?
<Tetralux> Not quite.
<Tetralux> See it's not an array of 'any'...
<Tetralux> It's an array containing BucketArrays for each type you want to store.
<Tetralux> But BucketArray is polymorphic.
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<Tetralux> You essentially want to do .get(T) and it makes a BucketArray for T if there isn't one, and gives you a T from that array.
<Tetralux> But how do you store that new BucketArray?
<Tetralux> If it wasn't poly, you could maybe have a HashMap(T, BucketArray) for that T.
<Tetralux> HashMap(type, BucketArray)
<Tetralux> *
<Sahnvour> is listing all the Ts used to create BucketArray(T) an option ?
<Tetralux> I'm interested in both if you do and don't.
<Tetralux> If so, then it'd be because you'd have .get(T)
<Tetralux> (.. for example.)
<Sahnvour> I think usually for this, you want to either create something containing all your BucketArray(T)s ahead of time, or associating each type T with an id that's used to fetch the correct BucketArray(T) at runtime (similar to the hashmap idea)
<Tetralux> .. like it's TypeId :)
<Tetralux> But
<Sahnvour> for example
<Tetralux> How do you have a HashMap that maps a TypeId to BucketArray(T)?
<Tetralux> Like - it won't let you store multiple BucketArray(T)s in a map where T is different for each key.
<Sahnvour> at this point the thing is you have to hide the genericity (BucketArray can contain any T) behind something, and do some casting
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<Tetralux> I guess I'm not entirely sure how you'd hide it here.
<Tetralux> Like
<Tetralux> I could have *void values in the map but..
<Sahnvour> yeah that's not really elegant, but it works
<Sahnvour> I mostly did this kind of design in C++ where you can get away with abstract classes and inheritance to make it less ugly
<Tetralux> See - it would be better to reimplement the BucketArray inline.
<Tetralux> But that's against reuse :)
<Tetralux> The BucketArray contains [N]T which is why it needs the type parameter.
<Tetralux> I essentially want to hide the T from the equation for the purposes of storing them in the array.
<Tetralux> I'm not sure how best to solve that without resorting to another pointer indirection and *void.
<fengb> I don't think you can do that since that's not comptime known
<fengb> Without the [N]T known to the compiler, the memory layout isn't guaranteed
<fengb> So you'd be stuck doing a void pointer hack
<Tetralux> The [N]T in BucketArray _is_ comptime though.
<Tetralux> But even if not,
<Tetralux> Is "use *void" the best solution here?
<Tetralux> Like - is there something Zig could have that would make this much cleaner?
<fengb> Yes but that needs to be a hard reference variable
<fengb> The compiler needs to know at a given time which specific BucketArray to use
<fengb> I suppose you can kludge it with pointers. Then the memory layout of all BucketArrays will be identical
<Sahnvour> if you know ahead of time the complete list of T you will use, you can create your specialized BucketArrays and access them in a type-safe way
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<Sahnvour> otherwise, I think you're good for void pointers
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<Tetralux> One way you could solve this is to have a builtin Any type
<Tetralux> Which is packed struct { info: *TypeInfo, value: *void }
<Tetralux> But with buitin support for things like: const s = "Hello, World"; const a: Any = s;
<Tetralux> Or, perhaps more likely, const s: Any = "Hello World"
<Tetralux> Essentially, you could cast any type to Any implicitly.
<Tetralux> You could then store ArrayList(Any) and an array of TypeId and use the latter to look up which one corresponds to the former.
<via> i am running into an issue where i would really like to have a type like that too, which is leading me to my whole nested structs and tagged unions thing from last night
<Tetralux> Honestly, I think I'd make my own Any than doing any fancy with nested structs xD
<Tetralux> That doesn't sound fun
<Tetralux> We have the 'static'/comptime version of it already: fn f(p: var)
<Tetralux> (.. The var causes f to be specialized for every type passed for it.)
<Tetralux> But you could also use fn f(p: Any) and then anything you pass would be auto-converted into an Any.
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<Tetralux> (.. If you did `const s = 42; f(s);`, the Any would contain `&s` and `@typeInfo(s)`
<Tetralux> You'd then switch on the typeInfo.
<Tetralux> I'm not familiar with how typeInfo in Zig works yet.
<Tetralux> But if there's one instance of TypeInfo for every type in the program, then you'd store *TypeInfo and essentially check for ` == @typeInfo(U)`
<Tetralux> Alternatively, you might also be able to use TypeId.
<Tetralux> Odin has Any IIRC.
<Tetralux> There was an interesting thing about passing Anys across the DLL boundary though.
<Tetralux> But yes - It could prob be userland, but the implicit casting could not of course.
<companion_cube> Tetralux: ocaml uses a crypto hash of the signatures when linking
<companion_cube> so if you dynlink something that uses a bunch of types, it could compare the hash of these types with the linker's?
<Tetralux> im not sure a hash is a good idea precisely because it isnt perfect and you may randomly get things being considered equal when they are not.
<companion_cube> a crypto hash? no way
<Tetralux> for something like that, i would not accept anything less than a perfect hash.
<companion_cube> really? you don't use git either?
<Tetralux> i do not want that kind of bug in my program.
<Tetralux> full stop.
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<Tetralux> having that kind of bug in the runtime of a langauge is unacceptable if you are serious about your langauge.
<companion_cube> do you also distrust pgp signatures?
<Tetralux> you may be misrepreenting crypto hashing there
<Tetralux> they are not meant to be perfect
<Tetralux> just "good enough" for security
<Tetralux> i dont want good enough for langauge runtime basic stuff
<Tetralux> i want "isnt gonna f*** me over"
<companion_cube> hmmm, for me something like sha256 is not just "good enough"
<companion_cube> the probability of a collision is so astronomically low that it'll never happen
<companion_cube> (ofc if you link untrusted code and rely on the hash only… you're f*cked anyway)
<Tetralux> id honestly prefer just testing for ptr equality over a non perfect matching method
<companion_cube> I'm not really following, isn't the issue that you're linking a .so which cannot share pointers with your program?
<Tetralux> if that means passing between dlls is not possible then so be it.
<Tetralux> (.. using ti ofc)
<companion_cube> (but seriously, how often have you met collisions in crypto hashes? 😅)
<Tetralux> I can't really claim to have tested enough possibilities :p
<Tetralux> But no - your point is valid.
<Tetralux> I'd probably use BLAKE2 which produces a 1024b hash IIRC.
<Tetralux> _Just_ because I do _NOT_ want that particular thing to be a problem that badly.
<Tetralux> For me, the problem is very simple: I want it to be foolproof and reliable no matter what I throw at it.
<Tetralux> We have enough random crashes and bugs without introducing one into Zig that you cannot control.
<Tetralux> (.. Enough crashes in software in general today.)
<Tetralux> You could even have `ti1.eql(ti2)` compute the hashes more than once to make extra-damn-extra-sure xD
<Tetralux> That's maybe getting a little silly at that point though.
<Tetralux> One thing I can say though, is that ptr comparision is the most transparent thing you can do.
<Tetralux> And for that reason, I would rather have something along in that same vein.
<Tetralux> You also don't want to have a super slow hash either.
<Tetralux> If anything you want a superfast one.
<Tetralux> But then you have collision problems.
<Tetralux> It just kinda... I dunno... 'Has the sense of overcomplication about it a bit. :D
<companion_cube> I mean, the hash would be computed during compilation anyway?
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<Tetralux> Fair point :xD
<andrewrk> nrdmn, yes it's supposed to say ReleaseSmall at the end not ReleaseSafe
<andrewrk> emekankurumeh[m], I think is ready to merge now
<andrewrk> thanks nrdmn, merged