oh I figured it out. if I make it a comptime variable and do a manual `if` on it then it works
*parameter not variable
that said, would it be silly for something like transCreateNodeBoolInfixOp to do an assert that you only passed it a booland or boolor operator? The original CPP code made such an assert. Does the function get auto-duplicated if you use compile time values, as long as they're not type variables and thus actually have to have different
"if I make it a comptime variable and do a manual `if` on it then it works" ... definitely not going to steal that idea :)
Also, regarding that LLVM backend thingy: I slowed down the VM and now it looks even cooler
frmdstryr, I'm definitely interested in working on the perf of stream server with regards to async and stuff, but there's a bunch of work to get to that point. I wonder if in the meantime you would be interested in looking into the perf of self-hosted parser
that's a very straightforward, blocking operation
even when we have threads, the task of parsing won't be split into threads
(perhaps 2 threads separately parse 2 files, but not 2 threads on 1 file)
and I'm sure that we're not at top speed for self-hosting parser, I think there is probably a lot of room for improvement
how the arena allocator works for one, as well as which list data structure to use (I doubt the current use of SegmentedList is the best choice)
and then maybe even some of the parsing code, idk
andrewrk: do you really want to tell me that zig can now again compile for AVR __after__ i coded my weekend project in C?! :D
*grin* next project it is, then... :)
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andrewrk: at this point... do you think streams as mixins will be accepted? I don't want to build too much more on top
the part where the namespaces conflict is a no-go
andrewrk: hey, am here from the PR if youd prefer faster feedback
FWIW I actually consider the namespace conflict a good thing. I can't imagine wanting to do: myobject.something.read() *and* having myobject.someotherthing.read() and having 2 different results...
daurnimator: C# has a quite nice feature for "different implementation of a method with the same signature from two different interfaces"
interface A { void Foo(); } interface B { void Foo(); }
class C : A, B { void A.Foo() { } void B.Foo() { } }
whereas a normal implementation looks like this:
class C : A { public void Foo() { } }
mq32: if I have a `C`, how do I call them?
you have to explicitly cast into the interface
lemme test
mq32: for just the conflicting case? or the general case?
if just the conflicting case... I guess that's okay, but I think that people's tendency for defensive coding will make it a mess where people use it too much
if its the general case.... I don't get the ergonomics I'm after
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mq32: I'm a little confused with your example: could you show an example of an interface adding "helper" methods?
what is a helper method?
C# has only "pure" interfaces
e.g. base class implements `fn add(x) {}`, and now you want to add a `fn inc() { return add(1); }`
--> the whole idea of "mixins" is to have a library of these wrappers that you can add to your object
i'll make an example
but keep in mind: C# can't do implementation of methods in templates
mq32: I think that's the whole point though: the question is: if you implement methods in interfaces/templates, then how do you handle collisions
c# doesn't allow the call then and requires an explicit cast
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mq32: how does that work with chaining?
mq32: e.g. what if an interface implements or requires another interface?
you can just use inheritance on interfaces
interface B : A { }
which will require all methods from A to be available when implementing B
extension methods in C# are quite powerful as well. you can even implement them on generics
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What options do we have for sets in the standard library?
adamkowalski: std.HashMap(T, void)
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daurnimator: thanks! if I want to construct a set of items (but the items are already stored somewhere else) should I just store the pointers in the HashMap?
Or if the struct is a union of u64 types just with different tags, should I store it by value?
depends on the lifetime of the items and the set...
It is still a "primitive" type at that point right
what is?
a union(enum) of many different u64 types
the lifetime of the items is going to be longer then the lifetime of the set
so storing pointers is not dangerous
however a union will be the size of the largest member anyway right? so it will be 64 bits
and a pointer will be 64 bits
so it seems like it doesn't matter?
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adamkowalski: if its a tagged union then it will be size of largest member + tag size
(+ alignment)
Thanks! Speaking of tagged unions, is there something akin to if let in Rust?
I know I can switch on the tag and then do something, but what if I only care about one case
what's the floating point operation called, that is "ceil" but always away from zero
`0.1 -> 2` `-0.1 -> -2`
andrewrk: towards infinities?
that's what its called
either "round_towards_infinity" or "round_away_from_zero"
"ceil" is usually taken to mean towards positive infinity.
i.e. `0.1 -> 2`, `-0.1 -> 0`
uh, `0.1 -> 1`
I assume you mean that before?
I want: 0.1 -> 1, -0.1 -> -1
yep that would be "infinity"
what libm function is that
there isn't one IIRC. round-towards-infinity isn't defined as an IEEE754 mode
C++ has nearbyint
usually the modes are: up, down, zero, near
andrewrk: I'm having an issue with recursion. The compiler says it cannot resolve inferred error set: not fully analyzed yet
adamkowalski: recursive functions need to specify their error set
Is there a way to query a function for it's error set? I should just be able to to look at all the functions I call try on and take the union of that right?
data-man: in C that's FE_TONEAREST
round is so close, but it's off by 0.5
andrewrk: do you have a usecase for this?
* daurnimator
thought you might have been asking for reasons of completion
yeah it's for the codegen of comparison operators between ints and floats
I'm working on merging the oldest open pull request
new language change: comparison operators (<, >, >=, <=, !=, ==) work on any combination of ints and floats, no type errors
sounds good. probably has some real funky edge cases!
especially with vectors
it's sound though, one can always answer the boolean question, regardless of the types
this complains that field access is not supported
Can I just query a hashmap directly? None of the error sets are listed in the source for hash map so it's hard to get that information haha
adamkowalski, give the function an empty error set, and let the compiler tell you the errors you need to put in there
this may be able to be improved in the future, inferred error sets of recursive functions
andrewrk: you also said in one of your streams that we should start using the async functionality to make sure our recursive functions don't stack overflow right?
Would that also apply to tail recursive functions?
daurnimator, that codegens as @as(i17, op1) <= @as(i17, op2)
assuming the operands are runtime known
andrewrk: okay; similar question: `@as(f32, 33554432) <= @as(u16, 33554431)`
uh, u32 on the right
I don't see how this question is different
andrewrk: because then I follow up with the question: what about `@as(f32, 3.4028234664e1038) <= @as(32, 0xFFFFFFF)`
there is a mathematically correct answer to this comparison, which is clearly `false`
yes mathematically its fine, but for codegen, wouldn't you need a branch before each comparison to check if the f32 is out of range of the integer before you try and convert it to an `i33`?
for a given pair like f32/u32 there are numbers in one range that aren't in the other; and vice versa
yes, I don't know how to codegen this without branching
It seems like a tricky problem to figure out how to do it with a minimal amount of branching: you'd at least need one for checking too large; one for checking too small; and one for the comparison itself?
yeah, I can tell you what it's going to do in stage1: error: TODO implement this
though even then you'd probably need to do a check for fractional amounts..... though maybe you can do something clever with subtraction there
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but yeah: I was curious if you had figured out an elegant way to do it
nope, only the realization that according to the type system, it is sound to allow for any (numeric) types
which, I would argue, makes the language smaller. since it lets you do something that makes sense to be able to do
maybe some hardware has float/int comparison instructions, idk
you also can get lost in the realm of ULPs... e.g. when comparing an integer to a float, are you comparing it when the integer is converted to a float?
each value has a mathematical number that it represents; that is what is being compared
it doesn't though
floating point values essentially represent a range
andrewrk: What do you think about new std.search module? binarySearch, Bitap, etc.
And move to std.search some funcs from std.sort
from x-ULP/2 to x+ULP/2
daurnimator, I see your point
andrewrk: e.g. if I write `@as(f16, 4095)`, then it's == to `@as(f16, 4096)`
hmm that's a decent argument in favor of not allowing the comparison
you *can* still compare them though: @as(f16, 4096) is obviously <= @as(u32, 5000)
but only for certain values
or at least: if it's within 1 ULP.... the answer is "its complicated"
Hmm... if you convert both operands to floating point.... is it always correct?
I think yes; unless you get an infinity
`@as(f16, 4096) <= @as(u16, 4095)` should be: `@as(f16, 4096) <= @as(f16, @as(u16, 4095))` which is: `@as(f16, 4096) <= @as(f16, 4096)` which is `true`
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andrewrk: ^
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<daurnimator "I can't say I like rust's soluti"> You can already kinda do that with your mixin strategy
Then you would create a wrapper type every time you want to use a method
Ex Random(&rng).int(u2)
Hm, i guess that is a lot more different that i thought
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scientes, btw I took your proposal to make comparisons work for all integer types, about to push to master
I'm actually really glad c"" is gone. I had thought that it returned c pointers, and inferred [*c] pointers were null terminated pointers
i get segfaults when allocating too much stack
While I'm on the subject, is there a canonical way to implement an opaque data structure in Zig? I've got a C library that I'd like to replace, and it's built around passing opaque struct pointers around.
Snektron, zig doesn't yet have the ability to detect stack usage at compile-time and request more at startup, but that is planned
Snektron: Thanks!
const slice: [:0]const u8 = "hello";
Snektron, one problem I haven't quite worked out is what to do when we know we need a certain amount of stack space, but zig is not in charge of calling main()
ahh that is really clever
and it makes some of the stdlib work better on linux
This is... weird
That segfault I mentioned?
Returning an error seems to trigger it...
Rather, under specific conditions, *any* return seems to
It works and allows arbitrary yields along the entire stack
Even @panic
Snektron: So if I want to export an opaque type in a generated header, I'll just "export const foo = @OpaqueType();"?
const slice: [:0]const u8 = "hello";
this also allows using null-terminated style with --release-small
andrewrk, did you consider to add it to TypeInfo? if you still want to remove recursion, you could provide an @typeInfo(main).Fn.required_stack_space
leeward, i think you're only allowed pointers to opaque types
Snektron: Oh, right, there should be a * in there.
even with recursion, that value could be ?usize for required stack space
Snektron, it's not really part of the type; 2 functions with the same type could have different stack requirements
depending on the invocation, yeah...
Could we annotate function pointers with max stack size?
Thats another thing
(Should we?)
Snektron: Yeah, but that doesn't talk about generating header files. I need my library's users to have a name for the opaque type.
fengb, I think that will be a necessary component of eliminating stack overflow at compile time
leeward, i think those OpaqueType's export just like normal types
andrewrk, you could always have @requiredStackSpace(expr)
The only caveat to OpaqueTypes is that they can only exist as pointers and you can't dereference them, similar to forward declared structs in C
thats alright when you export them
Snektron: Trying it
btw, are promises still a thing?
Because the documentation still lists them under TypeInfo
Is this a thing I can do, and if not, will it ever be?
Also, I'm guessing that my C API needs to have a bunch of functions that accept the opaque pointer type and @ptrCast it to the thing it's supposed to be, then call the function that actually does the thing with the pointer.
I'd argue it should parse the signature and only the signature
So you'd be able to determine that it returns Foo and takes no parameters, but it wouldn't evaluate the function itself
fengb, I think @typeInfo is going to stop having declarations in it
If you only analyze the type of a function without calling it, there's no need to parse the function, and thus it shouldn't be parsed
something as drastic as removing decls isn't necessarily needed though. now that we have lazy values, they can be used to tackle this problem
Incidentally, am I right in assuming that I just don't have permission to add labels like `bug` to issues I raise and PRs I submit? I've seen other people add tags to my stuff, but I don't see an obvious way to do it myself.
leeward: yeah, github restricts that to people with write access to the repo etc
i think there might be a second permission level for it also, but not sure
shakesoda: Excellent. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't creating more extra work for people than I needed to.
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don't worry, the effort of labeling issues is nothing compared to the effort of actually solving the problem
Hmm, getting a link error with that printf example from before: lld: error: unable to find library -lC
if only zig could be improved, by futzing with labels all day :P
andrewrk: wouldn't that be a convenient alternate reality, lol
leeward, your `C` should be `c`
as a maintainer of various things i always rather preferred doing them myself anyway
Of course it should.
andrewrk: thanks
shakesoda: I understand that. Having no label is better than having wrong labels.
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I thought about lazy values, but that could lead to non deterministic declarations
e.g. running type info later can yield different results
that's a good point
fengb, a non-disruptive small improvement would be to make lazy all the declarations though. so if you never accessed the decls field then none of them get poked
and accessing decls field would mean all get poked
Ah I see. That’d make sense
That should fix it for this formatting issue. Thanks
alright, oldest "ball-is-in-my-court" pull request is now in November
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andrewrk: how long have you been working on zig fulltime now? a year?
since 2018 Jun 07. there was another stretch of time before that, adding up to about 1 year as well
still enjoying it?
impatient for async I/O & self-hosted to be further along though
i realize "writing large numbers" is quite ambiguous
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This is odd
If I don't catch the error and just exit the function calling the function for which codegen is failing, I get a completely different segfault
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hmm thats too bad, andrewrk
andrewrk, similar topic than number separators: would it be possible and reasonable to make zig fmt allow some alignments in declarations?
if one is writing matrices or similar, it's really hard to read them after a zig fmt removes all white space
... or not. I somehow got an entirely different error without changing the code but at least I'm getting this one consistently now?
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i can swear that i haven't seen that working
pixelherodev, if you're trying to debug a crash in llvm, I recommend a debug build
there's probably a useful assert that you're not hitting otherwise
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... I don't think I can afford to that anytime soon
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It takes a lot of hours and battery life, and I'm w/o a charger for the rest of the day (I use a spare battery instead of a charger because it's easier to carry)
I think I might be running into #3029 actually
The stack traces are very very similar
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But it's not a simple inline for this time...
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Found a workaround for this
It only happens when that return is inside of a while
Using a boolean and returning outside the loop works
I think my original suspicious of it being a nested loop issue was right
I think the basic block in question is one of the conditional blocks for the innermost loop
Furthermore, `break` in the loop causes the same issue, so it's not a return
And it also only triggers *inside of the conditional*
This is really odd
I have `if (std.mem.eql) {...} else {return error / break / etc}` -> panic
With `else {failed = true;} if (failed) {break / return error / etc` it works fine
I think Zig is generating invalid IR
Going to use `--verbose-llvm-ir` and see if I can figure this out
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andrewrk, correct me if I'm wrong, but returning an error should not generate `ret void` in the IR?
Ah, was looking in the wrong place
That error table is huge
almost 5000 characters :(
if you don't use @errorName then it doesn't generate one
also there is optimization opportunity with error sets, not taken advantage of
Switching to @panic made it far easier to trace
Since it's just a global with the string, a global for the slice containing that string, and the call to panic using the second global
There a LLVM cli program to validate a module?
probably opt
... huh. I split out the breaking part into its own function to make the IR easier to analyze
And the segfault vanished
it can sometimes be an in-memory-only problem
No, I mean the normal compiler worked
... I think it might be an error merging error sets?
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Weirdly, the error isn't even in the IR corresponding to the changed code
It's in the unchanged then branch
huh. And removing the error return from there causes an entirely different segfault which occurs before the codegen stage :(
weird. Removing the entire then branch causes the same thing.
Some integer overflow
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huh. A grep for `null operand` gives nothing in the zig src
Am I to assume that's from LLVM?
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... I have no clue how to really debug this...
Or not
Just remembered metadata exists :D
Okay, so this seems to occur in a very limited set of circumstances: has to be a conditional inside of a nested loop with two different branches which either never return (e.g. panic) or return immediately
There's an entirely *different* bug that occurs if I remove either branch of the conditional without making some other tweaks :P
Importantly, the second bug only occurs if the *else* branch specifically has such a branch
So, correction: the second bug doesn't occur if only the else branch is removed
* lupine
wonders about fuzz testing compilers with randomly generated programs
Okay, here's another weird bit
lupine, you're assuming that finding bugs is the bottleneck. we have 247 open bug reports
With `if (a) {} else { branch }`, segfault
With `if (a) {} else if (!a) {branch }`, compiles fine
There a way to specify that e.g. past contributors can set labels in issues they open?
there is not
Or possibly create a team for new contributors that gives them very limited permissions - such as setting labels?
That's probably more work
then just setting the labels manually :P
Yeah, this isn't just a hyper-specific bug
Plenty of other places I'm switching from debug.warnings to returning errors that are running into the exact same thing
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pixelherodev, are you trying to narrow down a bug in the LLVM IR?
Zig compiler is producing invalid IR
hmm, are you using an inline for?
I know which issue you're referring to
That was my first thought as well
I suspect it might be the same issue though
I'll look into the inline for tonight, but it's quite possibly the same issue
An easy way to test: `zig build-exe ... --verbose-llvm-ir` 2>temp ; opt temp; rm temp`
Pass in an inline for to that
If you get a message about "expected value in address space, received <null operand!>" it's probably the same issue
It gets more interesting - returning an error from the if statement works fine
Adding a non-branching else condition works
oh, so the error comes from opt?
`opt` verifies the LLVM IR
And detects that it's not valid
Adding a branch *in the else* doesn't break the else
The else still generates correctly
...so it's `opt` that raises the error
zig will still segfault there.
Because it's generating invalid IR and then trying to produce valid asm from it
opt just tells you what Zig is doing wrong
Okay I see what you meant
The `opt` is what causes the error message to print, yes
Anyways, I think I figured out the specific logic that's breaking it
Adding in a branch in the else shifts the target of the if branch - at least *logically*
But that reference hasn't been updated
And is thus null
Branch in the if doesn't cause the same problem, because that's calculated before its target is
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How does allowzero interact with optional pointers?
Should `var p: ?*allowzero u8 = undefined` be legal?
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yup, it's codegen'd as a *u8 and a i1 to store whether it's null or not
Okay, so uh - with a file opened via openWrite, is there an equivalent to fflush I need to use?
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Never mind.
* pixelherodev
smacks his head into a wall
I was using the wrong file path :P
leeward, good catch, you've found a simple yet gnarly-to-fix bug :)
TheLemonMan: fun. Should I file it?
fengb: looks like its always for single-threaded release-fast but cant find the reason of failure. All tests (excluding [free|net|open]bsd) work fine locally through qemu & wine
leeward, sure thing, I have a one-line fix ready but I'm not 100% sure it's the right thing to do™ atm
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What bug is this?
protty, the windows build is slightly more informative as it exits with EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION
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protty34: Could you benchmark https://github.com/frmdstryr/zhp on your computer? Interested to see how it compares to the other results in your gist
TheLemonMan: you're right, its definitely segfaulting, but looks like it does so without outputting the test binary in zig-cache + the core dump backtrace in gdb is stripped..
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frmdstryr: sure, I can try it out
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it gets rid of the mem_slot thing, making all allocas the same, and gets rid of the differences in result locations between comptime code and non-comptime code
lots of regressions to fix before it can be merged tho
oh that sounds cool
less tests -> less regressions to fix -> faster turnaround!
the next major blocker for self-hosted is async I/O in std. the next major blocker for that is getting std.fmt.format to work as an iterator rather than using a callback function, so that std.fmt.format doesn't ever have to be async
so that we can make std.os.write participate in async I/O
aand I'm done for today, gn everybody!
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