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cshenton_ has joined #zig
<cshenton_> andrewrk: have you considered setting up a discourse for zig? They're less intimidating than irc for new users and more importantly get indexed by search engines so people can find answers to common questions.
<lupine> won't the zig channel logs get indexed?
<cshenton_> They will, but they're not threaded so there's no guarantee a question will be close to an answer.
<cshenton_> I know we have the discord but I meant something like this:
<mikdusan> ah i c
<cshenton_> and for completeness
<cshenton_> I think stuff like this is important to people for language adoption because they can get a feel really quickly for whether other people are actively using the language for the same use cases as them.
<daurnimator> FWIW I really dislike discourse as forum software
<Snektron> switch to asmbb instead
<pixelherodev> What would be neat is if we can get a server automatically integrating IRC logs with the forum
<pixelherodev> e.g. automatic forum users for IRC users
<pixelherodev> Though I suspect it'd be a pain to try automatic thread detection for anything not containing a pinging reply
<Snektron> I love Zig's ability to not be a dynamic executable at all
<Snektron> Sending a 32K executable to an archaic uni server that runs centos and being able to run it without having to rip packages from ubuntu repos is really nice
<pixelherodev> Agreed
<pixelherodev> musl == <3
<Snektron> i'm doing aoc, part 2 of day 18 is not so nice
<Snektron> so i adapted my part 1 solution, and while i think of a better method i just pushed this onto one of my uni's servers because i don't have enough ram
<Snektron> it's gonna take a while though, oof
<mq32> Snektron, pixelherodev: static linking solves a whole problem class that people now do workarounds for (flatpak, snap, appimage, ...)
<Snektron> plus i'm fairly sure this server also doesn't have enough ram
<cshenton_> aren't aoc problems meant to be runnable on pretty minimal hardware?
<Snektron> yeah, my solution is bad
<Snektron> at least, it was good for the first one as it was some dijkstra variation
<Snektron> i adapted it to work for the second part but that blows up the solution space much more
* daurnimator has been thinking lately about what an ABI for zig would look like
<mikdusan> some kind of thunking for errors?
<mq32> daurnimator: i don't think you can build native zig libraries because of comptime
<daurnimator> mq32: we'd need to ship some sort of "header" format I guess
<mq32> but you could bundle code as zig IR into a library
<pixelherodev> I think you can do it
<mq32> assuming zig gets its own backend, translating zig IR to native code should be pretty fast
<pixelherodev> But it'd be far easier on e.g. source-based distros
<mq32> pixelherodev: fn(comptime i : i32) i32 { return i; }
<mq32> this function is impossible to "precompile"
<mq32> except into IR representation
<pixelherodev> Yeah, except that only `export`ed functions would be usable anyways
<Snektron> oof, out of memory
<pixelherodev> That's no different than a macro in a C library
<daurnimator> mq32: one way: it could end up as a macro in a .h file
<pixelherodev> e.g. #define a(x) x
<mq32> but that would be a C ABI
<mq32> :D
<Snektron> I struggled so much with these damned servers during my bachelor's thesis
<mq32> we have that already
<daurnimator> mq32: right. but we can think of a zig equivalent
<pixelherodev> Huh. Comptime -> macro? I - don't think that's entirely possible
<Snektron> i even wrote an entire python script "package manager" especially designed to rip packages from ubuntu repo's and install them on archaic systems...
<Snektron> daurnimator: i once saw a project which used that kind of code everywhere
<Snektron> it was quite strange
<mq32> daurnimator: yeah, that macro language is Zig IR :D
<daurnimator> mq32: except zig IR was not designed for stability
<daurnimator> or portability
<mq32> i can imagine that this may change
<mq32> as it is an implemetation detail atm
<mq32> so zig could use something like .NET any-cpu assemblies
<daurnimator> what is architecture but an implicit comptime argument? :)
<mq32> where a bytecode is stored that may be executed at comptime or be compiled to native code
<daurnimator> However I *would* like to be able to have zig emit a shared library and be able to introspect the ABI without going via C headers
<mq32> if we remove comptime from exportable functions, it will be easy to define an ABI
<mq32> but i don't think it's good to actually have precompiled native libraries in the world of zig
<mq32> it's something that will reduce the portability and cross-platform ability al ot
<pixelherodev> I disagree
<pixelherodev> Native compilation will always be different from cross-platform targeting
<pixelherodev> As long as native doesn't come at the expense of cross-compilation I'm all for ti
<pixelherodev> it*
<mq32> point is: if there is an option for native shared libraries
<mq32> people will start creating closed-source libraries with a limited set of precompiled targets
<mq32> let's say win64, linux-x86_64
<pixelherodev> They can do that regardless.
<mq32> and you cannot use the library on any other platforms because they don't provide you with the source
<pixelherodev> You can already do that
<mq32> in the current state, to provide a zig library, you have to provide the source
<mq32> otherwise it's just a C library ;)
<pixelherodev> No you don't.
<pixelherodev> Well yeah
<pixelherodev> But that doesn't matter
<mq32> imho it does
<mq32> because a library written in Zig, but following C abi rules, will just not be a zig library
<pixelherodev> If they have to do it as C libraries they will
<pixelherodev> Removing the option to produce native Zig libraries won't cause people to release the source
<pixelherodev> It'll cause them make the minor tweaks needed to make native C libs
<mq32> which would still be a benefit as the library would be usable with C as well then :D
<pixelherodev> Exactly
<pixelherodev> I don't think there's really anything we could to force people to release source capable of a draconian license, which would just kill the language anyways
<mq32> nah, that wasn't my point
<mq32> i don't want to force people to release the source, but cross-platform-usable libraries
<mq32> which may be closed source
<mq32> because that's one thing i really hate about the C env
<mq32> you have 4 versions of SDL for windows
<mq32> {32bit,64bit}*{msvc,mingw}
<pixelherodev> More than four
<mq32> at least those are the official libraries *per* release
<pixelherodev> Ah - you meant *official* :P
<mq32> yeah ^^
<mq32> and i don't want that this happens to zig
<mq32> because those libs are all slightly different
<mq32> and it's only "2" targets
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<mq32> got to go to bed
<Snektron> finally, i improved my solution
<Snektron> it fails on one example, but it did find the right solution
<Snektron> i'll take it
<Snektron> It's been nice doing these things in Zig, i didn't quite get around to larger projects this semester
<daurnimator> what is `@sizeOf([1024]u1)` in zig?
<daurnimator> and how do I get it to be 128?
<fengb> PackedIntArray?
<daurnimator> Ah
<daurnimator> what if I wanted bool instead of u1?
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<pixelherodev> @sizeOf([1024]u1) should already be 128 I think...
<daurnimator> `[1024] align(0) u1` doesn't seem to be valid
<daurnimator> pixelherodev: u1 by default has alignment 1. and zig doesn't have "packed arrays" IIRC
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<daurnimator> I'm running into an issue where a symbol from a library is NULL
<daurnimator> printing it I get: `extern fn(c_int, c_int) c_int@0`
<pixelherodev> What if you a packed struct containing that array?
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<mikdusan> daurnimator: what does `objdump -T /usr/lib/ | grep blsInit` output?
<daurnimator> 00000000000196f0 g DF .text00000000000004fa Base blsInit
<daurnimator> mikdusan: ^
<mikdusan> how about objdump -T for blz.executable, is it referencing "Base blsInit" or just blsInit ?
<mikdusan> *bls exe
<daurnimator> 0000000000000000 DF *UND*0000000000000000 blsInit
<mikdusan> I may be on a wild goose chase here, but it seems to me that we should see UND for "Base blsInit" to match "<blsInit@@Base>" of the library?
<daurnimator> what is "Base" there?
<mikdusan> I'm only guessing, maybe it is like an begin version when there is no versioned symbol
<daurnimator> mikdusan: anything else that might help you figure it out? :)
<mikdusan> is libbls something i can install? or create?
<daurnimator> mikdusan: sure, its if you're on arch I recently uploaded a PKGBUILD to the AUR
<mikdusan> I'll try AUR. updating my arch first.
<mikdusan> ok I have a reproduction. AUR wasn't that painful at all :)
<daurnimator> mikdusan: do you use an AUR helper?
<mikdusan> didn't need to. just git clone'd bls-git and libmcl, makepkg -si and all is good
<daurnimator> k :)
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<mikdusan> ok so "Base" thing was not an issue.
<mikdusan> try this: `zig run bls.zig -lc -lstdc++ -L/usr/lib -lbls_c256`
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<daurnimator> mikdusan: huh... so its a linking libstdc++ thing?
<mikdusan> ...first tried `-lc` and it complained of a missing symbol re: c++ unwinding, so then just added `-lstdc++` to quiet it,
<mikdusan> I'm fuzzy on linux executable rules. if linking to a c++ .so, must main.exe be linked with -lc and -lstdc++ ? I can't remember.
<daurnimator> weird.... why was I able to compile without errors/warnings?
<mikdusan> the bls.c equivalent works without specifying -lstdc++
<mikdusan> and `gcc -v` on that produces a ton of options that may do something to an exe to support linking against a c++ .so . but don't quote me on that.
<mikdusan> that is it may do _more_ than whatever zig is doing for a non-libc linux executable
<mikdusan> long story short, I think you're on bleeding edge here, zig executable without libc, and linking against a c++ .so
<daurnimator> mikdusan: I'm not sure what the issue(s) to file are...
<daurnimator> mikdusan: <== working example :)
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<mikdusan> hmm. looks like this is unrelated to c++ altogether. I forced a symbol from a c-library ( and it was null until linked `-lc`
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riba has joined #zig
<leeward> Does Zig's stdandard library have anything akin to condition variables?
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MajorLag has joined #zig
<riba> is there a simple way to print a c string i received from a library using a zig format string?
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MajorLag is now known as tgschultz
<riba> even when i try forcing it by using "{s}", i get the "{type]@{address}"
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<daurnimator> riba: you have a pointer not a slice
<leeward> riba: Can you paste an example?
<daurnimator> riba: turn it into a slice with mem.toSlice
<daurnimator> riba: that said, now that we have sentinel-terminated pointers it might make sense for std.fmt to print the contents. make an issue?
<Aransentin> It seems to work already as long as you cast to `[*:0]u8`
<riba> yes it's not a slice, and the big switch in the format function seems to jump to the c pointer case which just prints it that way
<riba> i get a path from calling a c library and just want to append something
<riba> daurnimator: i'm still not convinced the issue isn't me :D
<riba> Aransentin: i'll try that, thanks
<daurnimator> riba: *oh* you have an actual C pointer?
<daurnimator> sorry I was thinking of the old removed C-strings
<riba> daurnimator: yes, a c pointer which i know is a "string"
<daurnimator> riba: cast it to a `[*:0]u8`
<daurnimator> and *then* you'll hit the issue I was thinking of ;)
<leeward> Hmm, I guess I'll just use pthreads explicitly and throw a compile error if we're not building with pthreads for now.
<daurnimator> riba: <-- what I thought you might need
<leeward> Rut roh, if I @cInclude("pthread.h") I get a compile error.
<leeward> cimport.zig:212:5: error: duplicate struct field: ''
<daurnimator> leeward: sounds like a symptom of
TheLemonMan has joined #zig
<TheLemonMan> leeward, have you checked out ResetEvent in the stdlib?
<leeward> TheLemonMan: no
<leeward> daurnimator: Maybe...
<TheLemonMan> beside that the cond_ api for pthread are already available in c.zig
<leeward> TheLemonMan: That might be what I was looking for. I didn't really want to depend on posix.
<leeward> TheLemonMan: ResetEvent looks like it's only good for signalling a single thread. I was using pthread_cond_broadcast, which signals multiple threads.
_whitelogger has joined #zig
<leeward> Anyone know why there's defer and errdefer but no successdefer?
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<leeward> D's got scope(exit), scope(fail), but also scope(success).
<leeward> It feels like an intentional decision.
<daurnimator> I can't say I've ever found myself wanting it
<leeward> I hadn't before today, and the thing I wanted it for might be more clearly expressed without it, so that might be why.
<leeward> It's not the (allocate resource/free resource) pattern that it's usually used for, but it's fewer lines of code: `successdefer thing(); return otherThing();` where otherThing is of type !void. Probably clearer as `try otherThing(); thing();` anyway.
<daurnimator> not only clearer but highly recommended: if you don't do the `try` then your function won't appear in the traceback IIRC
<leeward> Really? Isn't `try a` the same as `a catch |e| return e`?
<leeward> Does it really behave differently from `return a`?
<leeward> That is, `return try a` vs `return a`
<fengb> I wrote up a proposal to mandate the try. I don’t think it got a lot of traction either way
<daurnimator> leeward: essentially I think of it as casting an error to an error union appends to the trace
<daurnimator> leeward: `return e` => that is then converted to an `someerrorunion!void`
protty has joined #zig
<leeward> It seems unnecessary to me. `return foo()` from within bar only works if foo and bar have the same return type. All `return try foo()` does is remind the author that both have a ! somewhere up in their prototype.
<fengb> If you have multiple returns, it’s not obvious which one can error
<leeward> Hmm, I lied. If foo doesn't have a ! in it, `return foo()` will still work in bar, even if bar does, as long as it has some path that can return an error.
<leeward> Still, I'm not a fan of making `try a` more complicated than "sugar for `a catch |e| return e`"
<leeward> fengb: I see your point, but I think I weighted the cost and value differently.
<protty> leeward: read back a bit in the history. std.ResetEvent could possibly be made to signal all waiters on .set() with a few modifications (or was there a different pthread_cond_t use case wanted?)
<leeward> daurnimator: Still confused.
<riba> daurnimator: that does sound like what i need
<leeward> protty: Yep, using std.ResetEvent. It might be worth adding a .setBroadcast() or something to more accurately mirror pthreads condition variables, but I'm not convinced yet.
<riba> also, how do i cast to '[*:0]u8'? when i try to @ptrCast i get that ':' is an invalid character
<riba> (i'm on 0.5.0, could that be it?)
<leeward> riba: yes
<leeward> I don't think sentinel-terminated array syntax was in 0.5 yet.
<riba> leeward: i see, thanks
<protty> a few questions on
<protty> ... sync primitives: 1) should mutex & spinlock have deinit() removed since they dont represent a resource 2) should reset event broadcast by default
<leeward> protty: if we leave deinit() on those, it opens up the possibility of implementing them differently, which I like.
<leeward> 2: Hard to say; it can be more expensive than single-thread signalling, but it's more widely useful.
<leeward> Also more general purpose.
<protty> will test it out and make a PR if it doesnt slow stuff down too much
<leeward> Sounds like a good plan.
darithorn has joined #zig
<leeward> Hmm, I'd like the ability to remove an element from priority_queue.PriorityQueue other than the first one (I have an event queue where events can be cancelled).
<leeward> Would it be better to add a new type or just add another method to PriorityQueue?
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<protty> another method sounds better if possible
<leeward> That's definitely the easier path.
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<WendigoJaeger> What's the best way to accept a generic InStream paramter ? using *io.InStream(anyerror) doesn't work:
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<WendigoJaeger> My current workaround is using @ptrCast but it's ugly
<leeward> WendigoJaeger: It is ugly. That's my current workaround.
<leeward> I think the plan is to do something with error sets and coercion.
<WendigoJaeger> make sense
<WendigoJaeger> I'll add a note to double-check when dispatch objects/virtual functions or similar will be implemented
<leeward> hmm, `zig build test` on master is failing for me.
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<leeward> lld: error: undefined symbol: clang::DiagnosticsEngine::EmitCurrentDiagnostic(bool)
<leeward> Thats after I updated to master and rebuilt from scratch.
<WendigoJaeger> Is there a way to have a predictable path for the test executable? I want to attach a debugger to it
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<leeward> WendigoJaeger: Yes, it's one of the options. Unfortunately, I don't know which.
<D3zmodos> Is anybody running the zig compiler from a symlink on Windows? I'm fairly certain I had it setup like that a little while ago but now it doesn't work (I get "Unable to find zig lib directory" which I guess is self-explanatory but I'm just wondering if there's something sneaky that I might need to do to point it in the right direction)
<leeward> Windows supports symlinks?
<WendigoJaeger> NTFS only
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<andrewrk> WendigoJaeger, --output-dir [dir]
<andrewrk> you can also use --test-cmd and --test-cmd-bin to have zig execute the debugger, if you like
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<leeward> `zig build test` is still giving an lld error about clang::DiagnosticsEngine::EmitCurrentDiagnostic(bool)
<leeward> Am I missing a library or something?
<protty> are github's timestamps borked?