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<daurnimator> leeward: what's wrong with LoggingAllocator?
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<leeward> daurnimator: Bugs
<leeward> For one thing, the prints haven't been updated with the no-variadic-function stuff.
<leeward> I don't have the sample code I was playing with, but it took some doing just to get something to compile and then it segfaulted. Not certain the segfault isn't my fault, but the compile errors weren't.
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<daurnimator> ah okay
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<owl_000> why `std.debug.warn ("hello, world!\n","");` needs two argument?
<mikdusan> no more varargs. `std.debug.warn("{}\n", .{"Hello, world!"});`
<mikdusan> no more varargs. `std.debug.warn("{}, {}!\n", .{"Hello", "world"});`
<mikdusan> `std.debug.warn("no replacement format.\n", .{});`
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<owl_000> oh ok
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<owl_000> the example in zig documentation needs to be corrected.
<owl_000> the hello world example produce error
<mikdusan> can you link to it?
<mikdusan> all of those examples _are_ compiled as part of the build process
<daurnimator> I think the hello world isn't?
<daurnimator> someone has mentioned it before
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<mikdusan> daurnimator: re: #3979 is concat operator for tuples going to be a thing, or are we expecting a compiler error?
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<charlesshenton> How do I resolve this compile error? `const copts: []const []const u8 = .{"-std=c99"};` errors with "array literal requires address-of operator to coerce to slice type '[]const []const u8'"
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<cshenton> It's not immediately clear where I should stick the & operator.
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<Snektron> Hm, for some reason i can't get zig to build a static binary inside a docker image
<Snektron> also, i think there might be something wrong with the build system because sometimes it builds without detecting all required libraries
<Snektron> Anyway it just fails on the part where it builds the stage1 compiler
<Snektron> and it doesn't tell me why
<Snektron> Ah, it's because zig0 segfaults
<Snektron> did this commit even pass ci
<Snektron> apparently so
<Snektron> because zig0's entry point is literally an unmapped address
<Snektron> hm, it works with just static llvm
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<leeward> Snektron: Do you have ideas why `zig build test` would fail with a bunch of undefined symbols in clang::?
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<Snektron> i have no idea
<leeward> :/
<Snektron> im not really an expert on Zig's build process
<Snektron> what are you building? The compiler?
<leeward> Yeah, `make` seems to work fine, but `zig build test` fails hard.
<leeward> I thought it might have been part of the thing you were talking about earlier.
<Snektron> Weird, i haven't tried that
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<Snektron> I don't think thats related
<Snektron> thats probably a misconfiguration on my part
<leeward> ah
<Snektron> For some reason zig0 is just an invalid executable when i try to compile Zig statically
<leeward> weird
<Snektron> So im now trying to see if -static-gcc will work
<Snektron> because i don't really want to depend on libgcc
<Snektron> Maybe i don't have the static version of some library
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<Snektron> its also weird how it doesn't fail to compile or anything
<Snektron> it just produces a faulty executable
<leeward> That is pretty odd.
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<Snektron> I made my own docker file instead of using the docker-zig one because i didn't want to wait on compiling llvm
<Snektron> If the master builds were hosted any longer i would have used those
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<frmdstryr> Can zig convert c header files to zig?
<mq32> frmdstryr, yeah "zig translate-c" does this :)
<frmdstryr> What compiler does it use? Eg, #elif defined ( __GNUC__ )
<frmdstryr> Nvm seems to use that
<Snektron> frmdstryr: clang
<Snektron> (which also defines gnuc)
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<frmdstryr> 23.6k loc haha, awesome
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<leeward> zig fmt has way too high a column limit.
<gonz_> I don't think it has a high column limit as much as it just plain doesn't put indentation in there unless you have a trailing comma in an argument list or one of your own newlines in a long binary expression, etc.
<fengb> Infinite is technically too high 🙃
<gonz_> Hah, yeah, good point
<gonz_> I'm happy no one chose 80 for everyone, at least.
<gonz_> Though I guess I'd take any standard, really.
<gonz_> Better to have a common standard that I dislike than no standard at all.
<leeward> 80 would make me the most happy.
<leeward> My problem is that I formatted a line with reasonable wrapping, and zig fmt undid it
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<gonz_> With binary expressions I'll usually put a newline after an operator and it'll accept it
<gonz_> I wouldn't mind if it was more aggressive with auto-formatting, though. Less for me to care about in the end.
<Snektron> I never use zig fmt anyway
<gonz_> I use it all the time, but not actively. I write horribly mis-shapen expressions with spaces missing or even with the wrong indentation and it just takes care of it.
<gonz_> Which is the point, I feel, to not sit there doing these braindead things yourself.
<leeward> I'm just sad that tabs for indentation/spaces for alignment never caught on.
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<Snektron> gonz_, i usually do that correctly when im writing anyway
<gonz_> Seems pointless to me
<Snektron> I dont spend effort on it
<gonz_> I would argue that to get as consistent a result as with auto-formatting, you'd have to actually spend effort on it.
<gonz_> To me it's an easy win because it doesn't generally look like ass and I didn't have to do anything for it.
<gonz_> And with a language like zig it should be easy for everyone to accept an auto-formatter because they don't have years of believing their style is the best style.
<Snektron> Oh well thats just because zig-style happens to be similar to what i usually format my preferred style
<hryx> ahoj friends! I've been away from Zig code & chat for several months and have missed it terribly. I'm catching up on what's new and look forward to getting involved again
schme245 has joined #zig
<schme245> damn
<schme245> just read this series of blog posts on reddit programming:
<schme245> where they benchmark a n body problem simulation and compare Rust and C solutions
<schme245> so I'd thought I'd give it a shot in Zig
<schme245> wrote the simplest implementation I could, and beat the Rust benchmark by 2 seconds! (4-ish vs 6-ish)
<schme245> Zig is awesome
<schme245> will put my code on github tomorrow!
<hryx> that's awesome schme245
<schme245> the Rust solution uses a jumble of unsafe and explicit SIMD instructions, in my Zig solution everything just got auto-vectorized
<schme245> I was looking forward to playing around with @Vector but I didn't even need to :D
<schme245> hats off to Zig, and LLVM
<schme245> I already feel that I've missed something here so take this with a grain of salt :P
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<mikdusan> hey hryx nice to c u again
<hryx> likewise mikdusan
<shachaf> g
<shachaf> Oops.