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<ky0ko> is there a way to disable .h file generation in build.zig
<ky0ko> i'm running into #2173 and don't actually need the .h file at all
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<ky0ko> i tried doing exe.setDisableGenH(true); but it still runs into it
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<ky0ko> ah wait i see, it needs to be set on the individual objects, not the exe
<ky0ko> got it
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<daurnimator> andrewrk: is `myslice[start..][0..len]` well-optimised?
<daurnimator> as in: I'm hoping it won't bother to calculate an intermediate length.
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<shakesoda> shouldn't `for (thing) |i| { ... }` be equivalent to `var i: usize = 0; while (i < thing.len) : (i += 1) { ... }` ?
<shakesoda> i've got a case here where the former is giving me index out of bounds errors but the latter isn't and i'm really confused
<fengb> It’s `for (thing) |element, i|`
<shakesoda> oh!
<shakesoda> fengb: thanks
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<pixelherodev> LSP?
<pixelherodev> Ah, okay
<pixelherodev> `going slow because aiming for protocol-completeness-from-the-outset` Yeah, that's always smart
<pmwhite> <pixelherodev "Ah, okay"> Linux Systems Programming
<pixelherodev> Threw away LLVM parser v1 because I *didn't* do that and so it was a mess to maintain
<pixelherodev> New version can almost lex itself, hopefully by the end of tomorrow :)
<pmwhite> Oops, I didn't mean to do a reply to that. I'm on the matrix bridge to the IRC channel
<pixelherodev> No worries. I mean, aside from the fact that you're using Matrix instead of using IRC as nature intended.
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<pmwhite> Haha, well fengb is also using matrix.
* shakesoda is very much looking forward to zig having a language server at some point
<fengb> IRC doesn't work with mobile. Need some intermediary
<fengb> work well*
<pmwhite> that's one thing for me. I also like being able to keep with a conversation without having to have a client always running.
<shakesoda> same reason i use irccloud
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<pixelherodev> I have a bouncer :)
<fengb> this is neat
<shakesoda> pixelherodev: i got tired of running mine at some point
<SyrupThinker> What did you use? My ZNC has been running for a year without touching it
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<seoushi> fengb: I wish I could still contribute to open source and put stuff on github. My gitmemory page in comparison is bare because I haven't posted anything new in years
<shakesoda> SyrupThinker: znc, it wasn't much burden but i just wanted to not think about it at all and have something that played nice on mobile without fuss too
<adamkowalski> is the format api documented somewhere? I want to provide custom format printing for my type
<shakesoda> i was running it for a very long time
<SyrupThinker> Alright, thanks :)
<adamkowalski> awesome thanks!
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<adamkowalski> yeah I found that uefi example before and I was confused what the context is exactly.
<fengb> Ah yeah it's a little confusing. It's just annoying boilerplate :P
<adamkowalski> okay, i'm also confused by the output function pointer. what happens if you call it haha
<adamkowalski> it seems like both of them are just forwarded to fmt.format and you just act as a middleman
<adamkowalski> I got something working for now though, i'll do a deep dive on what all the API offers later to fully utilize it
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<fengb> You can call output directly if you want. It consumes any []const u8
<adamkowalski> okay will this also work with allocPrint if I want to output to a string instead of stdout?
<fengb> Yeah, context/output/error are fed through to make all of that work
<fengb> Context should contain the string buffer that's accruing the value.
<adamkowalski> ah okay perfect, thanks!
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<ky0ko_> i have an error building some zig code that i'm not sure what to do about. it's while trying to reference a struct imported from c code, and involves... allowzero?
<ky0ko_> there's a global struct, svs, in c, that contains an array of struct client_s, which i am trying to iterate through
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<mikdusan> ky0ko_: sounds like
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<ky0ko_> hah, i just keep hitting all sorts of bugs with this project
<ky0ko_> hm, looking at that i'm not sure
<ky0ko_> the thing here is, i'm not writing freestanding code and i am not using allowzero
<ky0ko_> the allowzero is coming from an imported c header, which seems... weird, to me
<ky0ko_> it *is* giving a very similar error though
<ky0ko_> hmm, maybe it is that
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<daurnimator> ky0ko_: the allowzero isn't coming from your code?
<daurnimator> I didn't think translate-c/c-import could ever generate allowzero....
<ky0ko_> it is most assuredly not
<daurnimator> ky0ko_: could you share the C header/snippet?
<daurnimator> I don't see `allowzero` (or similar tokens) in translate-c.zig at all.
<mikdusan> or --verbose-cimport
<daurnimator> mikdusan: btw, any chance you can look at ?
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<ky0ko_> unfortunately the project is *much* larger than a snippet but i can try and pare it down to a minimal repor
<ky0ko_> s/repor/repro
<ky0ko_> i just did a grep -r of my entire src/ and there is definitely not allowzero anywhere in there
<ky0ko_> daurnimator: here's a minimal repro
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<plumm> andrewrk: currently using -fdump-analysis is there any way to get the type of a declaration from the package?
<plumm> right now im trying to do basic file completion, so getting the declarations from the root package, but going from pkg->decls only gives me the position in src where they are defined and their name
<fengb> Slicing `[*c]` returns allowzero pointers...
<daurnimator> fengb: that sounds wrong. time to file a bug methinks
<fengb> I can't even get it to compileLog :(
<mikdusan> and if you make `|c|` mutable `|*c|` seems to not error
<fengb> `| *allowzero u32` it's still wrong, but it's not complaining :P
<mikdusan> and there's no error if the `|c|` var is not used
<daurnimator> looks like it was introduced at the same time as `allowzero` itself
<fengb> So it's been around? >_>
<ky0ko_> maybe so, and we're only seeing it because of the issue linked above?
<ky0ko_> this same code compiled in 0.5
<fengb> I'll create an issue
<fengb> Markdown doesn't work in the title whoops
<daurnimator> fengb: we all understand it anyway :P
<fengb> I'd go remove it but then it'll show my edit forever
<daurnimator> also editing the title splits the thread in my inbox
<fengb> I'll keep that in mind 🙃
<mikdusan> for now coerce before slice should work: `var clientList = @as([*], c.svs.clients)[0..16];`
<ky0ko_> thanks mikdusan and everyone else
<mikdusan> typo fixed: `var clientList = @as([*]client_t, c.svs.clients)[0..16];`
<ky0ko_> oh fun, now i'm reaching unreachable code
<ky0ko_> porting a game engine seems to be a *really* good way to find problems
<fengb> Ah, I think this is exacerbated by the dereference bug that LemonBoy opened
<mikdusan> I blame young John Carmack
<fengb> It seems to have always convert to allowzero pointers, but now it can't dereference and generating compiler errors
<ky0ko_> young john carmack wrote some terrible code. i learned c by studying that code and it took me years to recover
<mikdusan> I seem to recall something in ir-clean-up branch and saw that error -- (erroneously) concluded that error existed pre PR and we moved on
<ky0ko_> hm. so if i have .h file generation enabled i hit the "TODO implement get_c_type for more types" issue
<ky0ko_> and if i disable it i get an unreachable from an assert that wants h file generation enabled
<mikdusan> confirmed: regression caused by #4152 and here's the comment I marked as offtopic:
<fengb> I seriously hosed my compiler. Nothing is working now -_-
<ky0ko_> any ideas here?
<mikdusan> somewhere generation of .h files is disabled, and it's expecting it to NOT be disabled
<ky0ko_> i have generation of .h files disabled in my build.zig, because otherwise i hit the TODO. my understanding was that if *I* didn't need those, i could disable them safely
<ky0ko_> but clearly some code path is being hit that expects those
<mikdusan> are you using setOutputDir ?
<ky0ko_> yyyyyes
<ky0ko_> however disabling it made no difference
<mikdusan> just today andrew mentioned it was deprecated. ok, was wondering if it caused issue
<mikdusan> s/mentioned/not_reallly... I read it somewhere _today_/
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<mq32> oh, wonderful
<mq32> "void" isn't a keyword anymore, so i can name my struct fields void!
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<jzck> Hi guys! we're doing a day of open-source at work. I'm working on issue #1519 (build system documentation)
<mq32> jzck, neat!
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<jzck> actually it seems that the main documentation has this already solved but it hasn't been pushed to master
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<jzck> Ah, I was looking at the homepage. The docs are in sync with master
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<forgot-password> The compiler always starts crashing when I use a function from a MacOS Framework. Is this related to linking?
<mq32> i don't think the compiler should crash in any way
<mq32> but i'm no MacOS user, i cannot reproduce this
<betawaffle> well... the compiler crashes for all kinds of things
<betawaffle> forgot-password: what's the error?
<forgot-password> I know, I'm sorry for the broad description, but the compiler is not exactly accurate with its message ^^
<forgot-password> Well, it just says "The following command terminated unexpectedly" when I execute "zig build run"
<forgot-password> And it fails at the build step I think
<mq32> ah
<betawaffle> so it's probably a seg fault or something. try running the command directly
<mq32> you can just call the command that failed by hand
<mq32> this will yield a more descriptive output
<forgot-password> Yes, I will try that
<andrewrk> happy to report all tests passing in llvm10 branch, with llvm assertions enabled
<betawaffle> what's new in llvm10?
<andrewrk> as far as zig project is concerned, mostly bug fixes
<mq32> \o/
<forgot-password> Now I removed the call that causes the issue with "zig build run", so it works fine. But when I execute the command by hand it reports that there are undefined symbols
<betawaffle> when's the next stream gonna be?
<andrewrk> it's a nontrivial amount of work to keep up with new llvm versions. some projects are several major versions behind
<andrewrk> betawaffle, today
<betawaffle> forgot-password: linking macos frameworks isn't trivial, last i tried. you had to specify the right framework dir
<forgot-password> Okay, but why does it work fine when I use "zig build run", but not when I execute the command directly?
<betawaffle> cool, and what's the topic?
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<betawaffle> forgot-password: i can only imagine you're running a different command than zig build is when it works
<forgot-password> I think it's related to the directory... When I moved into zig-cache/bin it works fine as well
<mq32> andrewrk: random thought that crossed my mind: Are you aware that the current way of doing varargs probably hit a local maximum? it creates code bloat per call, which is probably not the thing you want to have on a embedded target. C-style varargs have a single function, but can accept different argument types.
<forgot-password> Okay, nevermind, I failed to copy a few parameters from the 'zig build' command... Now it actually fails with a segmentation fault. Is there any way to get more information from that?
<shakesoda> i'm trying to pass a page_allocator around but unlike arena allocator it wants to be const, which breaks everything else
<shakesoda> this leads me to believe i'm doing it wrong, so what should i be doing instead?
<mq32> shakesoda: for page allocator, are you using std.heap.page_allocator?
<betawaffle> forgot-password: run it under gdb or lldb
<betawaffle> i think that's generally as easy as lldb -- <the command and args>
<forgot-password> Yes, I just did that, but the information is not really helpful to me, hehe
<shakesoda> mq32: yes, i'm trying to
<shakesoda> mq32: but actually, i just passed it wrong - disregard
<betawaffle> forgot-password: bt?
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<forgot-password> betawaffle: bt?
<betawaffle> type bt<enter> and put the output in a gist?
<shakesoda> mq32: i switched it from the arena i had first and forgot to fix the indirection of it, and the error i got led me to believe i'd done something very different
<betawaffle> (bt is a shortcut for backtrace)
<forgot-password> Sure, give me a second
<shakesoda> naturally, i figure this out after i mention it on irc instead of 20 minutes ago :P
<fengb> Rubber ducking is great
<betawaffle> in a switch with a non-exhaustive enum, when doing `_ => |val|`, what is the type of val? the enum, or the tag type?
<shakesoda> i'm working on my basic zig-fu, which today means "write a tga file" -> (seems to be working!)
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<andrewrk> mq32, I'm aware of this problem. I have a plan to address this. The fact that we have a release-small build mode helps, since the compiler can choose to deal with generic functions differently (although it currently is not capable of doing so)
<mq32> okay, good :)
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<shakesoda> is @as the only way to specify the size of an int/float in an anonymous struct or is there some syntax for it
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<shakesoda> ` .{ .foo = @as(u8, 5) }` works, just don't know if there's another form to know about
<wilsonk> betawaffle: clang-10 is faster than 9 by about 9% when building itself...just so you know. So there might not be large differences for zig with llvm10 but there may be for building large code bases with clang. Strangely I can build llvm/clang/lld 10 in 8:10 with gcc-7.4, whereas clang-9 takes 8:35? I thought clang-9 would be, and was faster, the last time I checked (but I may have to rebuild clang-9 with itself to get the best performance
<wilsonk> that is for release builds, btw
<betawaffle> k
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<forgot-password> Seems like I resolved my problem. I just forgot to link against CoreFoundation...
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<metaleap> say you have this: fn foo() !MyStruct { return .{ fld = 123 }; }
<metaleap> "type 'MyErrorSet!MyStruct' does not support struct initialization syntax"
<fengb> you have this: fn foo() !MyStruct { return .{ fld = 123 }; }
<metaleap> heh
<metaleap> in the long run i think it "should" -- as error enumerants cannot be constructed via struct-initialization-syntax
<metaleap> objections? agreements?
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<metaleap> (at least in a self-hosted future)
<fengb> I think the goal is to actually allow inferred construction
<metaleap> meaning? (note same msg on anyerror!MyStruct return, not sure if this also involves inference)
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<fengb> It'll understand error unions and create a struct for you rather than bombing
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<fengb> Don't quote me though. I'm trying to find the issue
<metaleap> also when you know you wont ever error and thus annotate with `error{}!MyStruct` (lets say the signature with ret `anyerror!T` was prescribed by some lib)
<metaleap> so no error ever, the struct-initializer *must* be for the rhs of the union-ish ret type
<fengb> Same issue with optionals:
<fengb> I guess it doesn't have a resolution or tag so I'm not sure which direction it'll go
<metaleap> well, i'll keep these things in my head's backburner area until the self-hosted zigcompiler comes up. rather than flooding with mostly-mere-convenience requests right now
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<fengb> I didn't realize the usefulness of `for |*foo|`
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<pixelherodev> Wait, what? You mean e.g. `for (a) |*b|`?
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<frmdstryr> Does enumToInt have any runtime cost?
<andrewrk> no
<fengb> pixelherodev yeah, I just used `for (alloc()) |*item|` to simplify so much
<pixelherodev> Huh, that's an interesting pattern
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<betawaffle> what types are allowed in the "iterator value" of a for loop? anything besides slices/arrays?
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<fengb> Only arrays and lices
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<mikdusan> maybe we should genericize it to accept anything with .ptr and .len
<betawaffle> heh, that'd be neat, though not sure how useful it would be
<fengb> I'd love to do for (range)
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<betawaffle> you can easily make a slice out of a ptr and a len value
<mikdusan> yeah we'd need a fn call to make it useful
<betawaffle> but we already have while for that use-case, so...
<betawaffle> i'd like to see `until` and `unless` added, though
<betawaffle> for situations where you only want the `else` block
<fengb> Disagree
<andrewrk> var it = range(10); while ( |i| {}
<andrewrk> if anything `for` should be removed
<betawaffle> i guess we already have things that cover the use-case, fengb
<betawaffle> like orelse and catch
<betawaffle> andrewrk: what time is the stream and what will the topic be?
<andrewrk> 17:00 EST, topic not determined yet
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<seoushi> My pine phone arives today. Will be fun to see if zig cross compiling will run on ubports.
<andrewrk> seoushi, I bet the aarch64 download tarball will work correctly
<seoushi> I will give it a shot for sure
<seoushi> speaking of cross compiling tho. Are there any plans for cross os compiling? like compiling on linux and build a windows build?
<andrewrk> seoushi, you are about to be pleasantly surprised
<andrewrk> zig is completely unmatched when it comes to cross compiling
<seoushi> oh, hey that is awesome.
<seoushi> How does this work with dynamic libraries. Like say I depend on SDL, I'm guessing it's just a matter of including the dlls?
<seoushi> mac is also a bit odd because it has .app folders for executables and not just a binary.
<andrewrk> seoushi, here's an example of cross compiling targeting windows, including SDL:
<andrewrk> `zig build -Dtarget=x86_64-windows-gnu` and you have yourself a .exe file. you can even test it with wine
<seoushi> very nice
<andrewrk> zig's power isn't even tapped into yet, until we have the package manager
<seoushi> yeah code organization is something I'm still kinda learning in zig. I converted my code base to use files as structs and it feels a lot cleaner. I do have an enum in a single file tho and would like to treat it kinda the same, like the whole files is that enum
<andrewrk> not gonna happen, just do const your_thing = @import("foo").bar;
<fengb> Oh I’m thinking of getting a Pnephone. You have to tell me how it goes :P
<seoushi> yeah. that is what I currently do. I assume that comptime structs are in the same boat of not going to happen?
<seoushi> fengb: will do.
<andrewrk> I received my pinephone last night. Put postmarketOS on it. The phone doesn't support 5Ghz wifi, or my sim card, so it's basically a brick
<andrewrk> the OS software was barely usable as well
<companion_cube> wait, you don't have "normal" wifi?
<seoushi> I thought i does support 5ghz. Or do you mean the os doesnt'?
<andrewrk> the hardware only supports 2.5GHz
<seoushi> yeah I wanted to try ubports because it's suppose to be more of an out of the box experiance
<andrewrk> in summary: it won't work as a real phone any time soon. but it's exciting if you want to be an early part of the development process
* shakesoda mostly just wants a phone that acts like the computer it is, to do computer things with
<Snektron> if its a brick you could always try to make it run the zig arm ci
<seoushi> I also have the librem 5 coming but I have no idea when that will be at this point.
<Snektron> theres linux for smart phones, as in, desktop-derived versions
<Snektron> not sure if theyre any good
<andrewrk> Snektron, we have drone ci ready to run arm32 CI, the ball is actually in zig's court to get those tests passing
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<Snektron> oh thats cool
<Snektron> i heard there are these cool arm server cpus now
<shakesoda> huh, pinephone wifi really is only single band. haven't seen one of those in a while
<ky0ko> andrewrk, so: i have some code that triggers ""TODO implement get_c_type for more types" doing .h file generation. i don't need the .h file, so i disabled that. but then i get this.
<andrewrk> ky0ko, can I send you a patch to try?
<ky0ko> yes
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<Snektron> andrewrk, do you think its viable to extend whatever is now calculating comptime code to also calculate non-comptime code for quick interpretation?
<ky0ko> andrewrk, that appears to have fixed the issue
<andrewrk> ky0ko, ok thanks, pushing to master
<andrewrk> Snektron, I think you're imagining that it works a lot differently than it does
<Snektron> (not like now, but more in general)
<Snektron> might be, i didn't look up yet how it works
<Snektron> In my uni compiler i just implemented simple constant propagation on the AST, but i could imagine a solution working on IR
<Snektron> both of which could be extended to non-comptime code
<Snektron> Native code might be harder, but its probably possible to fashion something jit-like
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<fengb> Oh you don’t even have a 2.4 band? I needed to set one up for my printer and thermostat
<andrewrk> I have it disabled
<andrewrk> could turn it on. but this is a mobile phone. the point is that you go into a wifi you've never been to before and use it
<Joefish> hi. Is there a tutorial or something like the rustbook to learn zig or are the docs the only way right now? tbh the docs seem fine to learn the language because of all the example code in it. just curious and I am wondering if it is kept up to date with changing syntax.
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<andrewrk> hi Joefish. the docs are the best we have currently. that, and a bunch of example projects
<Joefish> example projects that are in the commnuity tab?
<Joefish> no wait.. they were somewhere.. like tetris and a few others
<Joefish> ah ´zig in the wild´. found it
<Joefish> alright. thanks andrewrk :)
<Joefish> btw is the (unofficial) discord server still active? theres a link on but the invite is invalid
<andrewrk> it's active. I forwarded your report to the discord channel
<Joefish> thanks
<lunamn> Joefish: I manage the server. the invite is valid, weird
<Joefish> yea I tried disabling my adblock but same. helped in the past where is showed an invite as invalid but it was because of blocked cookies/js
<wilsonk> metaleap: have you seen to compare to your LSP impl? There might be some overlap there
<metaleap> havent
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<metaleap> freakish, he seems intent on porting much of go's stdlib to zig in this project:
<wilsonk> yeah, it is a little different but it was somewhat useful for me in vscode so I figured I would mention it
<metaleap> at least numerous files like this in there :P
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<shakesoda> `while (i<n) : (i += 1)` pattern is bizarre
<metaleap> truth be told i'm too absorbed too deeply into it now to even remotely consider any other's half-a-year-ago-attempts at the subject matter. who knows at what point they stopped? would i spend my time bringing that stuff up to nightly? fuggeddaboutit :D
<shakesoda> does anything else use : that way in zig?
<metaleap> occasionally do. its part of the while construct. but only in the beginning as most uses turned out to be `for`able upon revisiting
<andrewrk> I've found zig code to be surprisingly resilient to language changes
<Joefish> lunamn, could you add a PR for the link with a non-expiring invite? would be great :)
<wilsonk> oh, yeah that had bitrotted a while ago...I had to build an old zig to actually get hoodie to build, but it did work once I got it built
<andrewrk> but to be fair that may have something to do with writing most of the compiler code and language design
<andrewrk> metaleap, labels
<lunamn> Joefish: the invite is set to never expire
<Joefish> huh..
<metaleap> andrewrk thought shakesoda meant the `:` in while
<andrewrk> metaleap, oops yes I meant to tag shakesoda
<companion_cube> soon zig will have more language servers than rust
<wilsonk> metaleap: not sure if you also saw this ... I only mention these things because I would love to see an lsp server up and running for zig and the smaller the amount of duplicated effort the better ;)
<metaleap> to the *user* maybe not to this writer :D
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<shakesoda> andrewrk: i see
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<metaleap> wilsonk i wrote my own go "lsp-like" for vscode (before LSP was really devised/published much) because their go-ext sucked so bad back then. once i'm infatuated with "my next decade's fav non-work / hobby lang", i always ensure top tooling tweakable / extendable / fixable at a thought's notice. if i had to dig into some 3rd party code the momentum would already be lost and the usecase dismissed by the inner sluggish-animal lizard brain
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<metaleap> but thx for the links nonetheless because for the part of actually analyzing those fat -fdump-analysis jsons soon, i'll have to look around if and how others have done it
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<wilsonk> ah, ok no problems...just mentioning things. I understand your preferences with regards to this, as well
<metaleap> (will see how smart it can get while staying at ast level, not much i'm afraid unless type-inferencing)
<metaleap> yeah as i said might come in handy soon for sure so thx
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<jaredmm> Do you need to build LLVM in debug mode to build the Zig compiler in debug mode?
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<andrewrk> jaredmm, on posix: no, in fact the recommended debug build of zig is with release mode llvm
<andrewrk> on windows: unfortunately yes
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<akavel> Hi! I need to watch stderr & stdout of a child process separately, immediately reacting to any output, differently for each descriptor
<akavel> Can I do that in Zig? If yes, how?
<akavel> Should I use event.Loop for this somehow? If yes, how? I couldn't find any guide :/
<akavel> (I'm a complete noob)
<andrewrk> akavel, the API does not handle this case gracefully yet. i'm working on async i/o which helps a lot
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<andrewrk> with status quo you'll have to use the "pipe" option for each stream, and poll() to find out which one to read from
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<akavel> will this poll work on Windows?
<andrewrk> in summary, if you find a tutorial for how to do it in C, it will be the same in Zig right now, until the API is improved
<jaredmm> andrewrk, thanks, that's what I thought. I was having problems building llvm on Windows and the errors told me release mode wouldn't work, but I wanted to double check before I tried to figure the LLVM build out.
<andrewrk> akavel, no; there is no graceful cross platform API to handle this yet
<akavel> is there an issue I can subscribe to track progress on this front?
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<akavel> also, IIUC some work on IOCP seems already started? at what state it is? would it be much work if I wanted to try extending child process to support it?
<andrewrk> I have a branch I will be pushing later today that takes a big step in this direction
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<akavel> @andrewrk Thanks for the link! Subscribed. Will you mention some details in a comment in #938 after doing this push?
<andrewrk> yes
<akavel> Ok, cool, I'll read through. Still, is there any guide or example of event.Loop usage somewhere? in zig repo or third-party?
<akavel> some test?
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<andrewrk> event.Loop is an implementation detail; no need to use it directly
<akavel> oh; hm, so I must be missing/misunderstanding something :/
<akavel> I'm coming from Go, with C/C++/Asm background
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<andrewrk> what you're missing is documentation, and a working implementation
<andrewrk> what I'm describing is currently vaporware
<akavel> oh
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<akavel> In Go, I can do "select{}" on channels; is async/await and event.Loop somehow going to provide a similar mechanism? or is it something completely different?
<mq32> akavel, it's completly different
<mq32> async/await is not for channels, but you describe "inherent" concurrency as in "i don't care in what order the stuff is executed, but please be done 'here'"
<andrewrk> zig has channels in userland: std.event.Channel
<andrewrk> select() isn't implemented yet but it will be
<andrewrk> go's runtime has zig's beat, but not for long ;)
<andrewrk> `async foo();` in zig using evented I/O mode can be thought of as equivalent to `go foo();` in Go. But instead of being forced to use a channel, you can get the return value with `await`
<andrewrk> also when I say "zig's runtime" I mean the event loop written into the standard library, which is optional, and can be swapped for your own, and can be implemented on freestanding targets
<akavel> Will there be something like `select { await foo, await bar }` available ?
<andrewrk> it will be a userland function that operates on std.event.Channel
<pixelherodev> There a good tutorialy article on Zig async?
<pixelherodev> Suddenly discovered a use for it
<akavel> @andrewrk Ok, thanks, so I assume I'll wait on #938 until I see mention of this stuff (incl. `select`) being done (?)
<andrewrk> that sounds reasonable. async std will be a big focus for me for the rest of the release cycle
<seoushi> is this compiler bug known or should I submit an issue? I looked through the issues and it seems it might be related to
<mq32> i'm still not safe on the semantics of async (in terms of how the compiler is actually doing the async)
<akavel> One more, completely unrelated question: on Windows, in C, I can link to a DLL library if I only have a .def file describing it; can I do it in Zig somehow?
<mq32> so: where is a suspension point (which is clear from the docs) but more important: where does it suspend to?
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<mq32> akavel, you can create def files from DLL files via implib
<akavel> mq32 uh, I see my question is unclear:
<akavel> I want to write a Zig app that links to a libfoobar.def
<akavel> can I do this? if yes, how?
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<andrewrk> akavel, --object libfoobar.def
<fengb> @suspend dumps the raw frame somewhere that needs to be @resume. await will suspend and assume the suspend will resume somewhere else in the code (like await file io)
<akavel> cool, thanks! is there some similar mechanism that will work on Linux too? can .def files be made for .so libraries?
<fengb> I’m not sure why I wrote @suspend and @resume
<andrewrk> akavel, on linux you @cImport a .h file or have pre-made .zig file with extern fn definitions
<akavel> andrewrk: on Windows, can I pass the `--object libfoobar.def` somehow as part of build.zig?
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<andrewrk> addObjectFile
<akavel> andrewrk: cool, thanks!
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<seoushi> found this .. Guess the bug is known :)
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<companion_cube> andrewrk: have you looked at mopidy?
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<andrewrk> yes
<andrewrk> mpd protocol is hopeless
<companion_cube> mopidy seems to use something different, and it has tons of plugins
<companion_cube> (like, at last, I can listen to spotify without the electron monstruosity)
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<andrewrk> I'm postponing the stream today. I'm late getting to the gym
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<betawaffle> until when?
<andrewrk> same time, tomorrow
<betawaffle> ah, ok
<andrewrk> if you miss it you can catch the upload later
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<andrewrk> mikdusan, ^
<andrewrk> (not related to what you're working on, just thought you might find this interesting)
<andrewrk> hint: zig's * vs [*] would have caught this
<andrewrk> it's a wonder any async functions work at all
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<mikdusan> looping for the fun of it :)
<BaroqueLarouche> whoups
<fengb> Hmm would that fix one of my bug reports? :P
<andrewrk> possibly more than one
<jaredmm> Anyone have a Windows debug build of llvm sitting around? Apparently this machine's 12GB are not enough to link it.
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<TheLemonMan> andrewrk, ping
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<andrewrk> sorry I'm about to head out
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<forgot-password> Has the c-string syntax, like `c"foo"`, been removed?
<TheLemonMan> np, I think we have the first miscompilation of the llvm-10 branch heh
<metaleap> forgot-password: yes
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<geemili36> Hello
<geemili36> I'm thinking of trying to take on issue 4311 (
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<andrewrk> TheLemonMan, I did successfully run the full test suite with a debug build of llvm10. release/10.x which was at 2d9954dd8244c7a9d6a1e160fcbb22fe2b9b514f
<andrewrk> bye! afk
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* mikdusan expects the treadmills at andrew's gym to soon boot with a zig logo
<fengb> They’ll run Electron before they run Zig 🙃
<companion_cube> mikdusan: boot would be too short to notice the logo
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