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<andrewrk> fengb, it looks like you can experiment with SIMD in wasm if you use -target-cpu bleeding_edge
<andrewrk> (or -target-feature +simd128)
<fengb> Great... more features to implement lol
<andrewrk> lol
<andrewrk> fengb, you might find this interesting:
<fengb> I guess it’s easy to do a naive implementation
<fengb> Hmm I should pay attention to the proposals
<andrewrk> damn I can't run the target.zig unit tests because the compiler depends on them
<andrewrk> well I'll know if the code is working, once the code is working ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
<fengb> Neat features, multi return obviates my silly “jam everything into f64” hack
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<pixelherodev> Heh, my lexer's now so fast that I could genuinely make it faster by removing the usage of InStream.readUntilDelimiter and doing a manual scan + memcpy :P
<shakesoda> multireturn? where
<pixelherodev> 4 ms, and I might actually be able to reduce that to 1ms if I'm willing to take a few hours to optimize (I'm not)
<shakesoda> multireturn is one of the things i miss deeply when writing everything but lua
<pixelherodev> I feel like multireturn could exist in Zig as syntax sugar over returning a structure... but it'd make the language more complex and probably not be worth it
<fengb> Returning tuples will be a thing so we kinda have multi returns
<pixelherodev> That's an accepted proposal? Neat
<pixelherodev> make that 3 milliseconds :D
<pixelherodev> ... 2500 microseconds, rather
<pixelherodev> That was just by stripping out libc :)
<pixelherodev> It's nice that zig's startup time is (relatively speaking) much faster than C's too
<fengb> Progress: my wasm bytecode doesn’t crash! I guess should actually verify it works too
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<andrewrk> nice
<pixelherodev> ... okay, so after my latest change, everything works fine in debug mode, but in release-fast it behaves differently :(
<pixelherodev> (misparses a string?)
<pixelherodev> The worst part is that it's impossible to debug
<pixelherodev> values are all optimized out
<pixelherodev> Whelp, time to just do more structural changes and hope that fixes it :P
<fengb> Does it work in release-safe?
<pixelherodev> Good point
<daurnimator> pixelherodev: I had a similar issue with my copy of bss. had to use inline assembly so it wouldn't be optimized
<pixelherodev> ?
<pixelherodev> fengb, yeah
<daurnimator> pixelherodev: uh, for certain environments, you have to set up your sections. global variables need to be initialised from their initial values in their readonly section. and you need to zero-initialise bss
<daurnimator> the issue was that `memset` got optimized to the compiler builtin... which internally used bss... which wasn't initialised yet...
<daurnimator> you break the loop by writing memset and memcpy by hand without any state.
<pixelherodev> Works in every mode but fast :(
<pixelherodev> But in release-small it now outperforms the previous release-fast :P
<pixelherodev> (by like 300 microseconds, but given the scale this runs on that's actually a lot)
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<pixelherodev> Hmm, ArrayList.ensureCapacity zero-initializes the new memory?
<daurnimator> it shouldn't....
<daurnimator> it uses .realloc. which in non-release-fast modes will initialise to `undefined` (i.e. 0xaa). and in release-fast it will be.... whatever was there before (which for a fresh anonymous mmap, should be 0)
<fengb> Pretty sure release-small also doesn’t memset or have any safety features
<pixelherodev> ... huh, that's odd
<pixelherodev> Found it
<pixelherodev> There's a @memset in *all* modes in realloc
<pixelherodev> to undefined
<fengb> Which should be a noop in safe or fast
<fengb> Er... small or fast
<pixelherodev> It's not
<daurnimator> it should be...
<daurnimator> what are you seeing instead?
<fengb> Look at the assembly output. Any assignment to undefined should be optimized out in non-safe
<pixelherodev> Double checked, and it's not.
<pixelherodev> According to callgrind, ~1/6th of execution time is a memset call *from ensureCapacity*
<pixelherodev> Which I'm 99% sure is inlined std.mem.Allocator.realloc
<pixelherodev> Tjere
<pixelherodev> there's only two function calls in ensureCapacity: self.capacity(), which just retrieves current capacity, and realloc
<daurnimator> pixelherodev: which allocator are you using?
<pixelherodev> PageAllocator IIRC
<pixelherodev> Yeah
<pixelherodev> But it shouldn't be allocator specific, the memset is in the Allocator interface's realloc function
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<daurnimator> pixelherodev: could you try and show off that memset in e.g. godbolt?
<pixelherodev> Probably note, but that's because I can't possibly read the optimized asm
<pixelherodev> s/note/not
<daurnimator> godbolt is good at helping you see what compiles to what
<pixelherodev> not in release-fast/release-small
<pixelherodev> Try a simple example of ArrayList.ensureCapacity and let me know how it goes ;)
<pixelherodev> (I know, because I tried)
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<pixelherodev> Figured out why it wasn't working in release fast mode: there was a latent bug in the lexer that went unnoticed before the refactor, which ended up becoming a problem in other modes upon further changes. Fixing that fixed release-fast mode :)
<pixelherodev> 1.2 milliseconds :D
<pixelherodev> (If I set up a bash loop to run it a thousand times, average execution time goes down even further, but that's just abusing the branch predictor to get a meaningless speed improvement)
<pixelherodev> s/bash/shell
<pixelherodev> Interestingly though, that performance improvement doesn't exist on the much larger IR of the lexer itself - or rather, it does, but it doesn't scale to file size :P
<shakesoda> does zig build know about things like vcpkg or do i need to convince it to know
<daurnimator> shakesoda: it does.
<shakesoda> daurnimator: any magical incantation for it?
<shakesoda> looks like i just had to manually add the paths for it and things are alright
<andrewrk> shakesoda, yes, zig build knows about vcpkg and pkg-config
<andrewrk> I think you do artifact.addVcpkgPaths()
<andrewrk> I'm not sure why it's not automatic
<andrewrk> Sahnvour probably knows more
<andrewrk> more information:
<andrewrk> shakesoda, I filed
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<mikdusan> oh noes `zig0 test` now depends on self-hosted: stage0 called stage2_detect_dynamic_linker
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<mikdusan> (on macOS)
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<andrewrk> mikdusan, I think you can prevent that by explicitly providing --dynamic-linker to zig0
<andrewrk> which I think is fair to be required to do since direct use of zig0 is only for debugging
<mikdusan> oh I'll try that.
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<mikdusan> yaay that works
<mikdusan> I found another 214 MiB (macOS):
<mikdusan> basically: track GenConst and find those that are ref_count=0 and (redundant but !has_side_effects)
<andrewrk> nice!
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<dimenus> andrewrk: you weren't kidding when you said building glibc takes awhile :)
<dimenus> (for zig anyway, with all of its targets)
<mikdusan> it'll get much better when zig starts building things in parallel (assuming spinning media is not in play)
<fengb> And chew up more memory :P
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<dimenus> this isn't zig building things, i'm building glibc-2.31 because zig doesn't support it yet
<dimenus> sorry, i should clarify. I'm building glibc 2.31 for the zig compiler itself (all targets)
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<fengb> Can I cast between function pointers if all the types are binary compatible?
<fengb> e.g. fn (a: i32, b: *T) i64 => fn (a: u32, b: *T2) u64
<mq32> i'd say for "extern functions" it *should* be possible
<mq32> but i would not rely on that
<shakesoda> argh! luajit doesn't let you do a custom allocator on 64 bit
<shakesoda> i wonder if this was fixed in 2.1 or moonjit
<shakesoda> looks like not
<shakesoda> guess i'll just have to note this one as a quirk
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<shakesoda> lua_tostring and stuff fail to translate
<shakesoda> i think it's the same as one of the issues already posted, though
* shakesoda checks
<shakesoda> yeah, it's #4328
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<forgot-password> Is it possible to pass zig var args to a c function with var args?
<Snektron> Do you mean a struct literal or old-style varargs
<forgot-password> a struct literal
<forgot-password> The objc_msgSend function definition looks like this in C: id objc_msgSend(id self, SEL op, ...), but I want to write a few wrappers to make it more comfortable to use with Zig
<fengb> Umm... there's a really bad kludge you could use
<forgot-password> Haha, sounds good to me ^^
<betawaffle> i mean isn't objc a kludge anyway?
<fengb> I mean it's super kludgy Zig
<fengb> There might be an actual way to do this sanely >_>
<betawaffle> what about @call?
<fengb> I don't think there's a good way to combine tuples
<betawaffle> ++ ?
<betawaffle> can you not do .{ id, op } ++ args
<fengb> Oh was that added? I thought it only worked on homogeneous arrays
<betawaffle> dunno
<betawaffle> i thought i saw mention of it at some point in here
<betawaffle> it seems to compile at least
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<fengb> breaking for me
<betawaffle> ah, yeah
<Snektron> "seems to compile" is deceitful in Zig
<forgot-password> Well, I gotta leave now, but I'll check it out this evening. Thank you :)
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<fengb> Yeah Zig doesn't actually compile unless it's referenced :P
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<Snektron> I recently realized thats not really that bad as it seems
<Snektron> The only difference between that and other languages is that compile errors are caught, but the code isn't used in either case
<andrewrk> Snektron, also, languages which have generics (which includes, e.g. C++ and Rust) have this same problem with generic functions
<andrewrk> in zig there is less distinction between generic functions and normal functions
<Snektron> Yeah thats true
<Snektron> Sometimes my c++ experience seems to be like Zig in that regard, considering the amount of templates i usually use
<companion_cube> andrewrk: in rust you'll get errors even if you don't use generics
<companion_cube> they're checked at definition time, not instantiation time
<andrewrk> companion_cube, how can it know the types you will pass to it if you never do that?
<andrewrk> let me try to make an example
<companion_cube> in rust, you can only interact with the generic types through traits
<companion_cube> (same as C++ concepts, mostly)
<companion_cube> so you only check them once
<Snektron> You specify explicit requirements
<andrewrk> oh I see, right. my mistake- it only applies to duck typing like c++. that is a really nice property of rust
<companion_cube> exactly, if you do `x == y` where `x:T` you have to say `T : PartialEq`
<Snektron> You cant pass in a type that doesn't satisfy the requirements, and you can't use anything besides the requirements
<betawaffle> tbh, that's something i like about zig is you don't have to constrain your generic arguments
<Snektron> Soon(tm) in c++ with concepts
<companion_cube> betawaffle: it might pose some issues at scale though
<fengb> I wish we could constrain generic requirements heh
<betawaffle> companion_cube: true
<betawaffle> but for prototyping it's really useful
<Snektron> Ye seema useful fengb
<Snektron> I think that proposal about functions as parameter types is a step in the right direction
<fengb> Been doing `instream: var` because it's painful otherwise. But it's painful to debug when I pass in the wrong value
<companion_cube> in D you have this notion of "voldemort types" I think, because of all the `auto` (same as `var`?)
<companion_cube> it's super powerful but you lose a lot of static guarantees, in a way
<companion_cube> your generic functions are not really typechecked, only their instances
<andrewrk> fengb, yeah that's considered a design flaw in zig right now and the issue is
<andrewrk> I'm hoping it can be fixed with some kind of interface language feature, but I have no concrete plan for that yet
<Snektron> Huh? Fixing error sets with interfaces?
<companion_cube> polymorphism + effects is hard 🤷
<andrewrk> Snektron, yes one of the design goals of interfaces for me would be to interact with error sets in a way that lets them compose as you would expect them to
<andrewrk> e.g. maybe an interface itself supports error set inference, something like that
<Snektron> But what does that have to do with that issue?
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<andrewrk> well the issue is that you're basically forced to accept `stream: var` rather than `stream: *Stream` and it's mainly because of the error set
<companion_cube> cause you'd need `stream: *Stream(E)` for an inferred E?
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<Snektron> But that just seems a problem with comptime parameterizatiom rather than that specific error of not being able to figure out an error set at compile time if a function doesn't return one
<andrewrk> yeah
<andrewrk> oh I think I linked to a different issue than I meant to
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<andrewrk> I meant to link to this one:
<Snektron> That explains a lot
<companion_cube> andrewrk: how about associated types?
<companion_cube> instead of `Stream(Error)`, you'd have an interface `Stream` with a field `Error`
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<betawaffle> has anyone taken the name "zag" for a library yet?
<fengb> Absolutely everybody lol
<gchristensen> do it anyway betawaffle
<andrewrk> it's a rite of passage
<andrewrk> the holy grail is if you can make a simple video game clone using only zig packages named "zag" that all do different things
<andrewrk> I'm pretty sure pixelherodev does `const zag = @import("std");`
<shakesoda> andrewrk: in the future, also while running the thing everyone expected most: zagOS
<Snektron> If it doesn't have window 3.1's ZIGZAG you've failed
<andrewrk> which one is considered more "default"? ARMv8mBaseline or ARMv8mMainline ?
<andrewrk> e.g. should it be generic+v8m => ARMv8mBaseline, or generic+v8m_base => ARMv8mBaseline
<shakesoda> andrewrk: looks like mainline is more common
<shakesoda> according to the ever handy arm cortex m wikipedia page
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<shakesoda> unless there just happen to be a lot more M23's than M33 and M35P (maybe?)
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<pixelherodev> ... I refer to it as Zag, but I've typically imported as std. *Until Now.*
<pixelherodev> On the other hand, thanks for giving me a better name for my kernel shakesoda
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<pixelherodev> ZagOS has a much better ring to it, and is more accurate anyways
<fengb> Is this in competition with vOS? 🙃
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<pixelherodev> Okay, did a quick `find -exec sed`; now everything's ZigZaggy
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<fengb> Can someone suggest a less stupid name for my wasm interpreter? :)
<araspik> fengb: 999
<fengb> Less stupid 🙃
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<fengb> I like how "Azigly" sounds but the spelling is terrible
<pixelherodev> WASMade
<fengb> A-zig-bee
<pixelherodev> ZWASM
<pixelherodev> zeh-wah-zem
<companion_cube> WebZassembly
<pixelherodev> Has a nice ring
<pixelherodev> WeebASM
<pixelherodev> WeebsAssemble
<fengb> wazm
<companion_cube> I like that one!
<pixelherodev> That's actually a good oen
<pixelherodev> one
<fengb> What really? I tossed that out almost immediately >_>
<araspik> yeah it's not bad
<fengb> Acronym for web assembly zig machine
<fengb> Okay I'll take it. Thanks
<fengb> Luckily I avoided all names in the git so no paper trail :P
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<betawaffle> i mean, what about wazm?
<betawaffle> oh, you already had that idea
<companion_cube> :D
<betawaffle> it's not like i have time to read things first
<betawaffle> only after i've already made a mistake
<andrewrk> wazm is good
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<fengb> Oh do we have a convention for projects? Like PyFoo, Foo4J, Foo.js, etc.
<fengb> Important questions in life
<andrewrk> libfoo
<andrewrk> eat c's lunch
<fengb> So our output files will be 🙃
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<andrewrk> at ok cupid we had, no joke, a build artifact called
<andrewrk> which if you think about it, means "library library library library"
<fengb> lol
<andrewrk> maybe this is tooting my own horn but, I really really like programming in zig compared to C++ for the self-hosted compiler bits
<andrewrk> it's so much easier to make changes without introducing regressions
<andrewrk> compile errors be like, hey buddy, remember that thing you needed to do?
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<shakesoda> andrewrk: zig is destroying my life and that's a wonderful thing
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<shakesoda> andrewrk: i've got some work in the queue on some c++ codebase, and it is hurting my soul so much more than usual
<shakesoda> fortunately, that hasn't started yet, so i can enjoy using zig for myself ;)
<Snektron> Imagine making your own programming language and then programming in ot
<Snektron> Sounds neat
<shakesoda> i've done it before, except my language sucked and i got distracted before really following through
<jaredmm> andrewrk: this is a few days old now, you you were right that __cplusplus isn't defined when running an empty translate. Somehow including Windows headers seems to enable it? Been sick the last two days and couldn't investigate anymore.
<shakesoda> never got far beyond "vaguely working prototype"
<andrewrk> I'm excited for when zig goes into "maintenance mode" and I can actually just use it instead of working on it
<Snektron> Same
<fengb> I find it fascinating that a language can possibly be well-designed to account for edge cases
<fengb> Or rather... most of the time it's not
<andrewrk> jaredmm, this works for me: zig translate-c foo.c -target x86_64-windows-gnu -lc
<andrewrk> that works on any system ^ (where foo.c is #include <windows.h>)
<andrewrk> and __cplusplus is not defined
<andrewrk> this works on any system because zig ships with the ability to build mingw-w64 libc from source, and its headers
<andrewrk> wow, that is one nasty macro translation:
<shakesoda> oh no
<fengb> ... is that accurate? o_O
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<Snektron> Oh no
* shakesoda is scrolling through a cimport.zig with... many thousand... @compileErrors
<jaredmm> andrewrk
<jaredmm> Oops
<jaredmm> Nevermind, my addled brain isn't working yet. I'm recalling that the problem was that it was missing an enumeration definition.
<jaredmm> I assumed that it was running the __cplusplus code based on how the result looked, but it was actually an empty variable name?
<jaredmm> : struct_tagMOUSEHOOKSTRUCT, is in the resulting definition when it should be `DUMMYDATA: : struct_tagMOUSEHOOKSTRUCT,`, I think. I need to get back into it.
<jaredmm> `MOUSEHOOKSTRUCT DUMMYSTRUCTNAME;` is what the header has
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<andrewrk> jaredmm, the next step to diagnosing this is probably to try to recreate a small self-contained test case of C code that translates into different zig code than you would expect
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<jaredmm> Yep, that's the plan. I think I did make an example the other day, just need to find it.
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<fengb> Can I cast between function pointers if all the types are binary compatible? e.g. fn (a: i32, b: *T) i64 => fn (a: u32, b: *T2) u64
<mikdusan> looks like download bins aren't updating
<Snektron> I think its asking for trouble, fengb
<Snektron> I'd say to restrict it to extern functions because of the abi guarantees
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<fengb> My wasm vm jump table can disappear if I can use a function pointer
<fengb> So... I'm asking for trouble :P
<andrewrk> fengb, if you use an explicit calling convention, such as C calling convention, then @ptrCast in this case will be well-defined
<andrewrk> otherwise a @ptrCast between these functions is undetectable undefined behavior
<andrewrk> mikdusan, looks like this:
<fengb> Cool thanks. I guess I have to make a concession with error codes, but I can wrap that
<pixelherodev> Could always make a wrapper function which casts the arguments and calls the real function
<pixelherodev> Aggressive inlining should clean that up also
<andrewrk> I think you both said the same thing
<andrewrk> mikdusan, I wonder if this is related to
<mikdusan> andrewrk: sure has the same smell
<Snektron> fengb, keep in mind that function pointers means an indirect call
<Snektron> Slow
<fengb> Sure I just didn't want 544 different function signatures, which is what I'd need if I couldn't merge the function pointers
<Snektron> A giant switch is probably faster
<fengb> Matrix ate my asterisks
<mikdusan> I would generally look to the first commit where it stopped updating... but I only changed ir_print stuff in that one
<fengb> Yeah there's a billion other things I need to do to speed up this vm >_>
<andrewrk> mikdusan, I pressed the "resubmit" button, and when it fails again it will let me log in
<andrewrk> mikdusan, ok i can reproduce this just by downloading and running it on linux
<andrewrk> => 0x00007ffff1bee9bd <+1101>:vpcmpeqq %xmm0,%xmm1,%k0
<andrewrk> it's this instruction, inside cpuFeaturesFromLLVM which is part of src-self-hosted/stage2.zig
<andrewrk> so actually I do think this has to do with incorrectly enabling extra cpu features
<fengb> Funnily enough... I can generate the giant switch at comptime so that'd optimize out the FP if I can have reasonably similar
<andrewrk> mikdusan, my sub-architectures branch coincides with this issue, so I'll just make sure it's working before I merge that branch
<mikdusan> +1
<andrewrk> mikdusan, oh, derp, I forgot to make the cmake invocation of zig0 cross compile rather than native
<mikdusan> ah
<mikdusan> so it produced libuserland.a with native insts ?
<andrewrk> yes exactly
<andrewrk> it's renamed to libzigstage2.a now btw
<mikdusan> the cross-compile should be a target which then defaults to base features?
<andrewrk> yes we just need to add `-target arch-os` in cmake
<andrewrk> maybe zig0 can support -mcpu=baseline
<andrewrk> that way we don't have to add any cmake logic
<mikdusan> heh i was just trying `zig0 targets` but hey... it's a stage2 feature
<mikdusan> alternatively we have /opt/llvm dependency. are there any llvm/bin/* tools that can show suitable target?
<andrewrk> eehh I think a more reliable solution is a hard coded flag to zig0
<mikdusan> indeed. I just saw what llvm targets look like.
<Snektron> Zig0 = stage1?
<andrewrk> more like stage0
<fengb> Zig0 is the stage1 minus zig userland
<andrewrk> stage1 has some stage2 stuff in it
<andrewrk> bootstrapping is messy :)
<fengb> We use zig0 to build the userland and link it into stage1
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<Snektron> Wait so whats the difference between stage1 and 2?
<andrewrk> mikdusan, alright the latest master branch commit should hold us over until #4509 is merged
<mikdusan> zig0 builds a minimalist (explicit) amount of stuff from userland and creates libzigstage2.a; zig (we dropp the `1` suffix) is then built with c++ and links libzigsage2.a which has some exports to C. then in future we will use zig (aka zig1, aka stage1) to build self-hosted stage2 compiler
<andrewrk> Snektron, "stage2" is when stage1 builds The Self Hosted Compiler
<andrewrk> zig0 is a sub-step of stage1
<Snektron> Oh right i see
<andrewrk> mikdusan, I also want to note that once we're shipping self-hosted, this problem becomes irrelevant. first of all we won't need zig0/zig. but also, if we did, it could use native CPU features because when stage3 is built that's when we would decide the for-real cpu feature set
<andrewrk> everything until stage3 can be native
<mikdusan> this is all the great-stage2-bootstrap-of-[2015-2020]
<fengb> Stage3 is when stage2 builds zig source?
<mikdusan> stage3 is when self-hosted builds self-hosted in a final, clean step
<andrewrk> right because otherwise we would be shipping a self-hosted compiler *which was built by c++ code*
<andrewrk> hmm it's difficult to avoid ambiguity when explaining this
<andrewrk> it's like, consider where the compiler binary bits came from
<fengb> And stage4 would be identical to stage3?
<andrewrk> stage1: they came from gcc compiling .cpp code
<andrewrk> stage2: they came from stage1 compiling .zig code
<andrewrk> stage3: they came from stage2 compiling .zig code
<fengb> Stage4 = we use stage3 to compile again
<andrewrk> only stage3 has zig compiling zig
<andrewrk> right stage4 would be identical. we can test that because release builds are supposed to be reproducible
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<andrewrk> that will be a fun set of bug(s). when we find out that stage4 is not identical to stage3
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<fengb> I think everything makes sense... but I still find it funny that stage1 uses half of itself to build the rest
<andrewrk> right but after we are shipping self-hosted, that can stop
<andrewrk> this is just a way to make incremental progress
<andrewrk> err maybe I didn't understand your comment
<nepugia> Hey, have a question best expressed in image form: , syrupthinker said llvm doesn't support 8086, is there something i can do? :3
<fengb> C++ only yields zig0. We use zig0 to link the rest of zig1
<companion_cube> I forgot, didn't some people ask about compiling Zig to C?
<andrewrk> nepugia, lol nice pic
<fengb> We build the bootstraps for our shoes to lift ourselves up
<andrewrk> I thought 8086 is the same as i386?
<mikdusan> stage0 = 100% c++; stage1 = 95% c++ (the same from stage2) + 5% .zig
<companion_cube> that'd be nice for removing the ladder from under zig3
<mikdusan> typoe: "the same from zig0"
<andrewrk> fengb, zig0 builds libzigstage2.a, that does not involve linking. then the same tools that built zig0 link
<nepugia> andrewrk, well i386 is a newer cpu afaik
<Snektron> 8086 is 086
<Snektron> So 386 is 3 generations later
<mikdusan> what's llvm minimum x86 ?
<Snektron> 3
<Snektron> Maybe
<fengb> Not sure if you're joking... i386 is the first 32 bit extension of 8086 whereas 286 was the 16 bit extension
<andrewrk> nepugia, I think it works if you pass -target-cpu generic -target-feature -x87,-cx8
<fengb> 286 = "full" 16-bit, 8086 had (mostly) 8 bit registers and 16 bit memory bus
<andrewrk> oh, 8086 is 16 bit? nvm
<mikdusan> the "6" in 8086 was "oooh 16 bits of something" so number went down from 8088 -> 8086
<fengb> 8086 is mostly considered 8bit
<andrewrk> ah ok, my mistake, yes no support for this yet :)
<Snektron> Wait really mikdusan
<andrewrk> maybe this would be a fun target for the non llvm backend
<Snektron> Intel really comes up with the strangest things
<Snektron> andrewrk, is there already something in the works for that?
<companion_cube> wait until you learn about 2048
<mikdusan> Snektron: actually I got it wrong. 8088 was indeed newer.
<Snektron> I assumed it was just the year of release
<Snektron> Or something
<fengb> It's newer but I believe weaker. It was to make things pin compatible with older boards
<fengb> Snektron: 8088 was introduced in 1979
<nepugia> ah, the pc has 8088 not 8086, my mistake (for reference the pictured computer is the IBM personal portable computer)
<mikdusan> (ah yes now I remmber. 8008 was the 8-bit from '72. 8086 was '74, 8088 was '79. things sure moved fast back then).
<fengb> Funny enough... Intel 808x is dead, but Z80 lives on
<Snektron> Thanks, TI
<mikdusan> fengb: in 20 years... "funny enough... C is dead but Zig lives on" :P
<fengb> Nah, that's called progress
<fengb> Oh, Z80 was only 8080 compatible so I don't know much about 8086 >_>
<mikdusan> 8008, 8080. octal marketing dept
<fengb> But why did they stick with x86?
<mikdusan> Intel 8008 = 3,500 transistors. Intel 8088 = 29,000. AMD 3990X = 39.5 billion transistors
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<mikdusan> 6502 = 4,528 transistors
<mikdusan> Z80 = 8,500
<fengb> Eh, Github has pinned issues?
<nepugia> andrewrk, perhaps, how far is the non-llvm backend now?
<andrewrk> 100% vaporware
<andrewrk> well we do have the beginnings of an assembler (, and this library to help with x86 instructions
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<dimenus> andrewrk: i have a quick question about the update libc documentation. What dir is the 'rm -rf $(ls ../lib/libc/include/ | rg gnu) supposed to be run from?
<dimenus> from build or hdrs?
<andrewrk> build. it's referring to $zigcheckout/lib/libc/include. it should be clear if you ls that dir first
<andrewrk> dimenus, btw if you leave your glibc build on your hard drive, you'll be able to use `-Denable-foreign-glibcs` when running the test suite
<andrewrk> dimenus, also I think that will incorrectly delete mingw dirs, since that was added after the wiki article was written
<andrewrk> mingw-w64 triples look like, e.g, x86_64-windows-gnu
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<dimenus> andrewwk:but that first call doesn't delete anything then, it evaluates to a rm in the build dir instead of the $zigcheckout/lib/libc/include
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<andrewrk> well it's not a script, it's instructions for a human to follow. do you get the intent? maybe you can clarify the instructions
<andrewrk> I see the problem you're pointing out
<dimenus> i realize that, which is why I'm trying to clarify what the intent is
<andrewrk> dimenus, I updated the page, should be correct now
<dimenus> andrewrk: perfect, thank you
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