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<forgot-password> How does one create a null-terminated string now? Zig won't let me do "foo\0". Do I need to use the [*c] syntax?
<fengb> All literals are automatically null terminated
<fengb> Er... all strings are auto zero terminated
<fengb> String literals. 3rd time’s the charm >_>
<forgot-password> Haha, alright, thank you ^^
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<geemili36> Also, you can do "\x00" instead of "\0"
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<pixelherodev> If a function is called with a comptime arg, but the parameter isn't specified as comptime, does it receive comptime optimizations?
<pixelherodev> I'm going to guess no?
<geemili36> How does someone who wants to start working on zig development the errors in this issue: ?
<geemili36> In the issue, it says that `-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release` is meant for packaging, but without the flag zig won't compile
<geemili36> So what I am supposed to do? Fix the compile error and submit a pull request?
<pixelherodev> That makes absolutely no sense; ZIg should compile fine w/o that flag
<pixelherodev> Source: my local copy isn't built with that
<geemili36> Hmm. Maybe it's the version of LLVM/Clang that I'm using?
<pixelherodev> Could be?
<pixelherodev> I'm on 9.0.1, if that helps
<pixelherodev> LLVM and Clang built from source locally
<daurnimator> geemili36: also proper packaging shouldn't use `-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release` either. I guess its for low effort packaging
<geemili36> I'm using version 9.0.1
<geemili36> Also I'm on NixOS using `nix-shell`, if that helps
<geemili36> I'm getting the same errors that Jan200101 was getting
<geemili36> *was getting in the issue I linked above\
<fengb> Would it help if you use the nightly package?
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<geemili36> That works, but I want to compile it from source
<mikdusan> geemili36: as a package maintainer or clone the repo and just get a build?
<geemili36> mikdusan: I want to start contributing to zig
<geemili36> So, just get it to build, I guess
<mikdusan> ok so clone the repo; start from clean. you have llvm 9.0.1 available. how is that available? from some rpm or did you build it yourself?
<fengb> I like while-else but the million lines of parsing makes it hard to follow
<geemili36> mikdusan: I'm getting llvm from nixpkgs: `nix-shell -p cmake llvmPackages_9.clang-unwrapped llvmPackages_9.llvm libxml2 zlib`
<mikdusan> and what's your cmake command look like?
<geemili36> `mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make install`
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<daurnimator> fengb: I would prefer while-break
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<daurnimator> that said... why do you have a million lines of code there? why isn't that broken up into functions?
<mikdusan> geemili36: can you paste cmake output to
<fengb> It's parsing specific stuff. Breaking it up only gives it semi-nicer names
<fengb> And leads to a potentially half-built tree
<fengb> Streams aren't easily composable huh?
<mikdusan> geemili36: ok from build dir, do this: rm ./CMakeFiles/zig_cpp.dir/src/zig_clang_cc1as_main.cpp.o
<mikdusan> and then paste the output from: make -n src/zig_clang_cc1as_main.cpp.o
<mikdusan> CMakeFiles/zig0.dir/flags.make should help too
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<mikdusan> what does gcc-wrapper-9.2.0 do?
<mikdusan> the weird thing is I have gcc-9.2.0 on archlinux. the `make -n` command shows identical options for me. yes, I have -Werror, and yet never get a maybe-unitialized problem
<mikdusan> I'd like to know what build options were used for llvmPackages_9.clang-unwrapped
<geemili36> It looks like the gcc wrapper adds a bunch of flags to make gcc work on nixos:
<mikdusan> even those flags don't trigger it for me
<geemili36> It looks like they use the cmake flags `-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-std=c++11` and `-DCLANGD_BUILD_XPC=OFF`
<pixelherodev> It's amazing how much cleaner a properly designed program can be than a hacked together one
<mikdusan> geemili36: don't know what to say. just manually edit zig's CMakeLists.txt and nuke `-Werror`
<pixelherodev> Or fix the maybe-used-uninitialized issue?
<pixelherodev> Still a bug, no?
<mikdusan> pixelherodev: i can't even see the issue, nor reproduce the warning/error on my sys
<pixelherodev> Sure, but I've had similar cases with GCC vs Clang
<mikdusan> i'm using same gcc-9.2.0, but a diff linux distro
<geemili36> I'll probably nuke `-Werror` for the short term
<geemili36> However, this was apparently happened on Fedora as well, so I'll comment on the issue
<pixelherodev> Might be a slightly different compiler revision?
<mikdusan> it irks me looking into one of the warning/errors I can see a code path where it may not get initialized, and I suppose the compiler can see it too (inlined template function) but my compiler isn't moaning about it.
<geemili36> The comment above the line claims that it can't fail, but I can't verify that claim
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<mikdusan> geemili36: curious, what does `llvm-config --cxxflags` show for you
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<pixelherodev> I love how a small refactor can make code smaller, easier to read, and open up the door to even further refactoring accomplishing more of the same :)
<pixelherodev> Changed the signature of a single function in my LLVM lexer, and the resulting changes shrunk the lexer ~20 lines
<pixelherodev> In the process, around a dozen branches on a large if/else if/else chain became similar enough to merge into one piece :)
<pixelherodev> Just cut down code size by nearly 30%, became *more* readable and maintainable in the process, *and* made it easier to extend :D
<pixelherodev> and Zig has only made this *better*. Started with a simple `self.substr_match` function on the lexing iterator that checks if a single substring matches the current position. Altered that to support a variable number of substrings via a tuple (same way std.debug.warn works) and return whether *any* matched. Now, it returns a `?[]const u8` (the matched string *itself*), and the entire code is far far simpler :D :D
<pixelherodev> Checking whether any instruction matches, for instance, basically looks like `if (self.substr_match(.{ "alloca ", "call " })) |s| token.?.token_type = .Instruction;token.?.source = s[0..s.len-1];` :D
<pixelherodev> Writing this as proper Zig instead of trying to use C idioms in Zig makes everything much much nicer
<seoushi> yeah. I started down the path of a direct port of my ecs from c. Then I saw some of things you can do and my code is smaller, more readable and safer. Still learning a lot of things too, it's just gonna get better
<pixelherodev> tl;dr: Zig is awesome, and it makes everything it touches better :)
<seoushi> I'm honestly suprised I didn't hear about it sooner. I randomly heard about it from another guy that was making a text editor in it hah
<pixelherodev> :)
<daurnimator> wow.... std.Buffer is used in so many places that it makes *no* sense for
* daurnimator is writing PR to fix them
<pixelherodev> Got it lexing the first 804 lines of its own IR! (up from ~650 twenty minutes ago :D)
<pixelherodev> Pretty sure the first version would've failed in the first ten lines
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<pixelherodev> `%s/\(self.substr_match(\.{.*}\))/\=join([submatch(1), ", null" , ")"],"")` I knew learning this would be useful in the future :)
<pixelherodev> Automatically appends a `null` argument to every `self.substr_match` call
<geemili36> Is there a way to run tests on only a part of `std`?
<geemili36> Actually, I might not need to, it looks like it's the first time through that is slow
<geemili36> I'm trying to run the zig std library test suite, but one of the tests is being built with the wrong interpreter (I'm on nixos, so the usual `/lib64/ld-linux*` file doesn't exist)?
<andrewrk> geemili36, -Dskip-libc will skip the tests that are building dynamically linked glibc and trying to run it
<andrewrk> personally, I followed the guide in and I use `-Denable-qemu -Denable-foreign-glibc=/home/andy/Downloads/glibc/multi/install/glibcs`
<andrewrk> hmm I wonder how one creates a pipe on darwin with O_NONBLOCK
<andrewrk> I guess fcntl
<geemili36> Ah, okay
<geemili36> Oof, a day to build all foreign `libc`s? I think that's going to be a pass for now.
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<mikdusan> geemili36: that llvm was not built with `-fno-rtti` . whether that changes some things, I can't say.
<mq32> <pixelherodev> Writing this as proper Zig instead of trying to use C idioms in Zig makes everything much much nicer
<mq32> yeah, i've noticed that, too
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<betawaffle> is std expected to be heavily re-organized before a 1.0 release?
<mq32> betawaffle: yes, it is. std right now is allowed to contain "anything that just works and seems kinda related"
<mq32> but afaik the plan is to strip it down and put stuff into packages
<betawaffle> what's your favorite part of std right now?
<mq32> "std.*"
<mq32> the point that nearly all of it works also on freestanding targets
<mq32> "oh, you want json parsing on AVR? Let's do this!"
<shakesoda> mq32: i just hope that said packages don't make building stuff practically require being online
<mq32> shakesoda, no. there's an issue about the package manager and what are the plans for it
<betawaffle> i'm really looking forward to documentation
<mq32> basically it's a fully decentralized package manager that doesn#t require any "repositories"
<shakesoda> mq32: i'll have to give it a good read
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<fengb> @import(“leftpad”)
<betawaffle> heh
<mq32> nice thing is that leftpad is a zero-alloc operation in zig :)
<mq32> ah no.
* shakesoda just really doesn't want to end up with every little tiny thing being a package like in rust...
<mq32> lefttrim would be zero-alloc
<mq32> shakesoda, i think andrew can give you more info about what he wants to keep in std for 1.0
<mq32> but i also think that something like a json parser isn't the right thing in a standard library
<fengb> I think it’d be pretty minimal. I hope we’ll have a concept of “blessed” packages
<fengb> So std can remain small but we still have high quality standard packages
<mq32> but stuff like containers (ArrayList, PriorityQueue), basic i/o (async or not, network/file/...), should be in a "group" std
<shakesoda> i'm not sure what i think about json in std but it happens to be convenient that it's there in use cases i actually have
<mq32> fengb, yeah that sounds reasonable
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<shakesoda> so... i kinda support it
<mq32> maybe create something like pacmans "groups" where you can reference "xorg" and get 50 different packages
<shakesoda> but otherwise, i definitely prefer standard libraries to tend toward being minimal
<fengb> Right that’s what I’m thinking. Last thing I want to see is the Wild West of npm
<fengb> And everybody dependent on some random dude’s leftpad
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<mq32> it's also a thing about compatibility
<mq32> that's what i love about (old) .NET
<mq32> everybody just uses System.Collections.Generic.List or System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary
<mq32> because "they are there anyways"
<mq32> whereas C++ is the absolut other way
<mq32> oh yeah, we're using std::vector, QVector AND boost::vector!
<shakesoda> to be sure, c++'s standard library is frequently horrible
<mq32> it's okayish. Qt has a lot of problems as well (mostly typing errors)
<shakesoda> god help you if you ever get some stl related compile error, or have to use msvc's stl
<shakesoda> to say nothing of the horrible things it all does to compile times
<mq32> :D
<mq32> my C++ compile times aren't that horrible
<shakesoda> and of course when bringing up compile times the retort from people is "get a faster computer" as if that makes it okay that everything is slow
<betawaffle> are type names only decided once? if i do `const A = B`, and then get the name of A, will it be the name for B?
<shakesoda> build times are a lot of what i hate about rust's package situation
<mq32> betawaffle: yeah, as it's the same time
<shakesoda> the million packages involved in everything inflate build times *massively*
<shakesoda> and it's really slow to begin with :(
<mq32> shakesoda: +2
<mq32> building my mini-tool on my RPI takes forever
<mq32> and uses about 2.3 GiB of disk space for build artifacts
<fengb> There was a discussion about Rust on HN. Best response was “it’s not as slow as C++”
<mq32> i think Rust relies too much on compiler optimizations
<mq32> it would be nice if zig had better compile times, but it's not worse either
<mq32> debug builds are also reasonably fast
<fengb> Yeah its LLVM IR output is really bloated
<shakesoda> zig's build times have been okay for me, could certainly be better
<mq32> go is doing a good job on showing "how fast can we actually be"
<fengb> Zig will do better once we have our own backend
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<betawaffle> is there a difference between an extern fn and a (non-extern) fn with callconv(.C)?
<fengb> I don’t think performance has been a priority because it’s stage 1
<shakesoda> build times in general have informed a lot of technical decisions i've made over the years
<fengb> I think extern function was replaced with callconv(.C)
<mq32> <fengb> I think extern function was replaced with callconv(.C)
<mq32> this
<betawaffle> oh, so it's just deprecated syntax then?
<mq32> yep
<mq32> zig fmt fixes it also on some places already
<fengb> Yeah zig fmt is replacing it
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<mq32> i think build times should never be a concern when doing optimized builds
<betawaffle> is there a build mode where it will complain about uses of deprecated things?
<fengb> I honestly wouldn’t have noticed if zig fmt didn’t help me
<mq32> betawaffle: nope
<mq32> there'S no way to declare deprecation
<shakesoda> is there an issue for that?
<mq32> but for debug stuff, the build should be as fast as possible
<betawaffle> we need tags...
<shakesoda> declaring things like deprecation is very useful
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<fengb> I don’t think deprecation will be a priority before 1.0
<shakesoda> it's incredibly useful for selfish reasons and not just standard library ones :)
<fengb> Everything can change!
<mq32> i'm not sure about "tags" as a language feature
<mq32> i think we can do tagging completly in user space
* shakesoda thinks of haxe's properties/attributes you can put on whatever (i think c#, too?)
<shakesoda> my language bias is showing with that particular ordering
<companion_cube> attributes/tags are really nice to have in the syntax though
<fengb> Java has annotations. Python has decorators which can work as tags
<companion_cube> (see __attribute__ even in C)
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<metaleap> as far as std-libs go, tricky to strike a good balance. .net framework or jdk feel to bloated and blown out of all sensible proportion, but "minimalist, fetch 100s of tiny pkgs and their endless nano-deps via yaml/json" is another ugly extreme as in js/ts. zig is the lovelier language vs go to me, but their stdlib approach has always impressed + satisfied me. yes json/http/sockets at least as a general / not-particularly-specialised/-use-case-optimized
<metaleap> "reference edition" in a stdlib is *very* appealing. these have to be as omnipresent for current-day throwaways/rapid-iterative-prototyping as stdio/file-io has always been imho
<metaleap> in the "you must be able to reach for said battery-included even on a desert island" sense.. tho putting it this way, maybe it isnt such a sane desire on 2nd thought :D
<shakesoda> another concern is being robust against remote resources vanishing (which it sounds like has been considered in the issue about the package manager)
<shakesoda> even if you aren't on a desert island, if what you originally needed just goes away you might as well be, and this isn't even slightly uncommon
<betawaffle> sometimes i wish i was on a dessert island, yum
<Snektron> a bit off-topic but i know there are some OS people here: i'm working on a small kernel with a friend, but the cpu errors when executing a far jump to set the cs register
<Snektron> Except it works when i use a far-return based strategy
<betawaffle> what's the error?
<Snektron> general protection fault
<Snektron> (no error code)
<betawaffle> have you set up your gdt entry correctly?
<betawaffle> and can you link to your actual code that's not working? (ie. how similar is it to what you linked there?)
<betawaffle> you might also want to double-check that the jump is actually being compiled correctly
<betawaffle> do you know which instruction is getting the GP? is it the jmp?
<betawaffle> i'd like to see what you've got for the GDT entry, and what the address of gdt_load_cs_reload is
<Snektron> yes
<betawaffle> if you look at, you can see all the places where #GP is raised
<Snektron> yes, i assumed that #GP(new selector) and #GP(segment selector) raises a nonzero error code
<betawaffle> is this in qemu or on real hardware?
<Snektron> qemu
<betawaffle> i think GDT_ACCESS_SYSTEM may be wrong?
<betawaffle> that bit should be *set*, not sure if that evaluates to a 1 or 0 for that bit
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<Snektron> let me check
<Snektron> "This bit should be set for code or data segments and should be cleared for system segments"
<Snektron> according to osdev
<betawaffle> right, it's not a system segment
<betawaffle> it's a code segment
<Snektron> I assume set means 1
<betawaffle> a system segment is like a TSS, for example
<betawaffle> correct
<Snektron> yes
<betawaffle> so what's the value of `GDT_ACCESS_SYSTEM`?
<Snektron> 16
<betawaffle> hmm, ok, that seems correct then
<betawaffle> what's the code that's given with the GP?
<Snektron> its 0, so looking at the reference of jmp, i would think thats some kind of access violation
<betawaffle> this is in protected mode?
<betawaffle> or maybe just before?
<Snektron> We use multiboot, so i think this is already in protected mode
<betawaffle> yep
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<betawaffle> afaict, the only thing that could cause it would be "effective address in the CS, DS, ES, FS, GS, or SS segment is illegal"
<betawaffle> is it possible you shouldn't be using GDT_FLAG_GRANULARITY?
<betawaffle> 0xFFFFFFFF * 4096 is a big number
<Snektron> no cigar
<betawaffle> "Hence, if you choose page granularity (4 KiB) and set the limit value to 0xFFFFF the segment will span the full 4 GiB address space."
<betawaffle> and what is the address of gdt_load_cs_reload?
<betawaffle> also, i *think* this might need to be sizeof(...) - 1?
<betawaffle> don't think it would trigger the GP, but you'll probably hit something eventually
<Snektron> hm, i can't find anything about the -1
<Snektron> let me check load_cs_reload
<betawaffle> "The size is the size of the table subtracted by 1."
<betawaffle> and it's the size in bytes, not entries
<Snektron> oh, weird
<betawaffle> not sure if sizeof is bytes or entries
<Snektron> bytes
<Snektron> let me check the address
<betawaffle> i wonder if it's important to load the other segment registers before the jump
<betawaffle> that's what kernel-zig does
<betawaffle> but you're loading them afterward
<Snektron> I tried loading them before, it didn't help
<Snektron> ah, one weird think is that the jump is assembled to
<Snektron> EA 12 0A 10 00 08 8E
<betawaffle> yikes
<Snektron> So that would translate to jmp 0x08:0x10A12 which corresponds with the address as observed in gdb
<Snektron> except im not sure what the 8E is about
<Snektron> i dumped it into oda earlier since gdb also had issues with it
<betawaffle> are you sure about that translation?
<Snektron> and it didn't recognize it either
<Snektron> eh not quite
<Snektron> jmp 0x08:0x100A12
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<betawaffle> it looks more like jmp 0x8e08:... does it not?
<betawaffle> yep... jmp 0x8e08:0x100a12 is what the internet say
<Snektron> ah hm, thats weird
<betawaffle> i have zero idea why it's compiling to that
<Snektron> Thanks for noticing that
<betawaffle> np
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<Snektron> most me nasm doing something wrong
<andrewrk> (also this is why I like to put links to issues next to workarounds)
<fengb> Lots of LLVM 10 updates. Does this mean release soon?
<andrewrk> I think my estimate of April 13 is accurate
<andrewrk> they post the release schedule of llvm on
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<jaredmm> Where do the lld linker settings get, uh, set?
<andrewrk> link.cpp
<Snektron> Alright, so it turned out not to be the nasm thing, i reported that wrong of course
<Snektron> Friend can run my kernel binary
<Snektron> so qemu seems to be the problem
<Snektron> although it works with kernel-zig, so maybe we do something wrong
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<Snektron> mystery solved: osdev was wrong
<Snektron> no wait, it was just a typo
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<metaleap> chasing typos for hours .. been there, palmed my face o_O
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<seoushi_> zig on pinephone
<mq32> <3
<mq32> is there already the change for "remove 'set to uninitialized in allocator interface'"?
<andrewrk> seoushi_, and that has some zig code running too (e.g. if you ran zig fmt on a file, that would be zig code running on your phone)
<mq32> andrewrk: how bad would you call my idea to store immutable strings with an allocator and pass a null-allocator (always returns OutOfMemory, free does nothing) to use it with string literals?
<andrewrk> happy to discuss in a bit; I'm getting ready to stream
<mq32> ah, oh!
<mq32> have to watch the recording asap, don't have time to follow the stream atm
<betawaffle> Snektron: explain?
<seoushi_> andrewrk: yeah I don't have time at the moment to play with it more. the terminal on the device is a bit painful as well. atleast if you tap on a file from ls it will paste it into your current keyboard input
<seoushi_> there is no tab so that really messes with me
<seoushi_> one minor annoyance is that zig is packaged as a .xz would much rather see gz or bz since I had to install something that could extract 7z format
<fengb> Or zstd? 😇
<andrewrk> seoushi_, that's good to know, thanks
<seoushi_> zstd? I was just trying tar -xf which fails. ended up install unar
<andrewrk> xz is installed by default on many systems, good to know it was missing on this one
<andrewrk> fengb, I'm ending up fixing a lot of async fn codegen bugs in this branch
<andrewrk> for #4404
<pixelherodev> xz > bz/gz :)
<fengb> Arch has started its migration from xz to zstd. Might finally be the compression that replaces everything
<andrewrk> for `./zig test ../test/stage1/behavior.zig --test-evented-io`, codegen completes, but then there are several missed spills to fix
<andrewrk> getting close though!
<andrewrk> the promise of no function colors is coming true
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<fengb> Sweet!
<andrewrk> this makes file system stuff automatically use a separate thread too
<andrewrk> (when the os does not provide non-blocking file system I/O)
<fengb> Oh so we can still simulate async manually?
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<andrewrk> not sure what you're asking
<betawaffle> what's today's topic?
<fengb> We can make it async using threads instead of a proper primitive
<andrewrk> something fun
<mq32> andrewrk: afaik a modern tar can extract xz by just using tar xf
<pixelherodev> mq32, yes, but only if `xz` is installed
<betawaffle> aww, i was hoping for something really dull
<pixelherodev> Yeah me too
<mq32> ah, good to know!
<pixelherodev> mq32, try running that with a modified PATH so `xz` isn't present
<pixelherodev> It's the same way its gzip decompression works
<mq32> ah, so they just have convenience unwrap and re-execute :D
<pixelherodev> Basically, `inline for (compression_methods) |c| { if (file.isCompressedWith(c)) { system(//decompress);}}` before the actual extraction
<andrewrk> starting now:
<betawaffle> game dev!
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<pixelherodev> You weren't joking about fun :)
<seoushi_> wish I wasn't at work or I would watch it.. will catch the recording later
<mq32> seoushi_, i'm at the hacker space right now, same here *grin*
<mq32> but something nice to do tomorrow afternoon
<seoushi_> yeah for sure.
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<pixelherodev> Do you still pay attention here when streaming, or only to Twitch chat?
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<metaleap> so full-file-reads are to be done from std.fs.Dir, right? IIRC one would do fs.Dir.openDirFoo("/").openFile("/my/file.path")
<metaleap> BUT what i'm getting may be a /foo/bar path or a X:\foo\bar path for the windozers
<metaleap> so where's the OS' path-sep, not finding it in std.os nor std.fs
<metaleap> ahhh fs/path.zig