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<dimenus> it's not at cross_target.zig:646?
<dhawkie> does this line hint at a mistake on my side of things? (the C code is 3rd party, public and compiles)
<dhawkie> pub const gwinit = @compileError("unable to translate C expr: unexpected token Id{ .Keyword_sizeof = void }");
<dhawkie> zig-cache/o/[...]/cimport.zig:580:20: error: unable to translate C expr: unexpected token Id{ .Keyword_sizeof = void }
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<andrewrk> dimenus, ah, ok I remember that now. sorry. ok so you are expecting that function to change the C ABI?
<dimenus> the glibc_version
<andrewrk> that seems reasonable to me
<andrewrk> well it doesn't currently change the C ABI. so if you didn't select gnu for the C ABI then it does nothing
<andrewrk> I'll change it to do that and add docs though, I think that makes sense. thanks
<dimenus> andrewrk: i apologize if i'm being thick here, do you have examples for this branch?
<andrewrk> dimenus, can you elaborate on <dimenus> that emits a regular native target instead of the one you defined above
<dimenus> currently calling setGnuLibCVersion doesn't actually affect the triple that gets generated
<andrewrk> what makes you think that?
<dimenus> because i printed it out
<andrewrk> ok and what was the output
<dimenus> your isNative check doesn't check the glibc vresion
<dimenus> 'native-native'
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<andrewrk> thanks dimenus- fixed in e683eee4
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<companion_cube> (not sure if/when I posted this here last — could be useful)
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<daurnimator> andrewrk: no stream today?
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<jaredmm> daurnimator: postponed to tomorrow to show off target stuff.
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<andrewrk> ok I think this commit will finally get the CI passing
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<daurnimator> andrewrk: the comment above standardDynamicLinkerPath seems to be incorrect now
<andrewrk> thanks, fixed
<daurnimator> andrewrk: <== this comment was never resolved?
<andrewrk> an untagged union would be the right way to model the data
<andrewrk> union { non_gnu_libc: void, gnu_libc: Version }
<andrewrk> all that would do is introduce a panic sometimes, in some build modes
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<LakeByTheWoods> In translate_c do C inline functions (or other functions in imported code) get parsed with the parceC... functions or do they all go through clang and the trans... functions? I want to know if it's safe to assume that the parseC functions will always be parsing macros.
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<LakeByTheWoods> Ah, I think I answered my over-arching question `// eventually this will be replaced by std.c.parse which will handle these correctly`
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<andrewrk> LakeByTheWoods, inline functions are parsed and semantically analyzed by clang. only macros are parsed and heuristically translated by zig
<LakeByTheWoods> Awesome, thanks!
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<daurnimator> andrewrk: so.... now with different versions of e.g. windows supported, how do we make structs different per-version?
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<alexnask> andrewrk: Do you think a '@genericFunctionInstance' builtin that takes a generic function pointer and a tuple of argument types and returns a funcion pointer would be reasonable?
<alexnask> I feel like it could be useful for metaprogramming if you are using tuples and @call to generate functions (e.g. in std.interface if I could generate a tuple type from a slice of types and had this builtin I could generate vtable functions for any number of arguments)
<alexnask> Right now I am forced to switch on the number of arguments and generate a closure accordingly, since using a tuple argument would make the function generic
<pixelherodev> So I just learned that LLVM supports both ATT and Intel syntax for inline asm
<pixelherodev> Not sure why I was surprised by that
<daurnimator> pixelherodev: full of bugs :(
<pixelherodev> I remember why I was surprised by that
<pixelherodev> Regarding, shouldn't `self.allocator` be passed as the implicit first parameter anyways due to method invocation syntax?
<pixelherodev> Ah
<pixelherodev> Wrong clipboard
<pixelherodev> ... unless shrinkFn is a function pointer, which I vaguely recall being accurate
<daurnimator> pixelherodev: it's not a method, its a field
<daurnimator> yeah
<pixelherodev> Can you change which field of a union is active without assigning it to a freshly initialized union?
<pixelherodev> That is, `const a = union {A: blah, B: blob }; const b = a{.A = blah};`; can you do `b.B = blob`? or do you need to do `b = a {.B = blob}`?
<alexnask> andrewrk: Scratch that, passing a slice of argument types wouldn't work, it would need to be a tuple of types + comptime values I guess but then building a tuple is a whole other issue
<daurnimator> If we get @reify, I wish it could synthesize from a list of field names, types and offsets
<daurnimator> where the offsets don't have to be in order
<daurnimator> would be helpful when reverse engineering
<daurnimator> but also when creating struct definitions from specs
<daurnimator> TIL the windows TEB has: `StaticUnicodeString` and its Buffer seem to be provided as a convenience for pretty much any API function that has temporary need of a pathname-sized buffer.
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<jessermeyer> How am I to report compiler bugs like 'Assertion failed at D:\a\1\s\src\analyze.cpp:1003 in get_fn_type. This is a bug in the Zig compiler. Unable to dump stack trace: debug info stripped'?
<jessermeyer> The code base I have isn't exactly small.
<jessermeyer> It's not huge either tho.
<jessermeyer> Also, the file path in that assertion doesn't make sense to me since the compiler and src are stored on C:.
<daurnimator> jessermeyer: did you compile your zig executable yourself?
<jessermeyer> So unless Zig is creating a tmp directory on D (which would be a bad move here, since that's a platter disk drive), I dunno.
<jessermeyer> Nope.
<daurnimator> its a reference to where zig was on the machine that compiled zig
<jessermeyer> Nightly as of... yesterday I believe.
<jessermeyer> Zig is not stored on my D Drive.
<daurnimator> jessermeyer: and are you the machine that compiled zig?....
<jessermeyer> Oh, I missed 'that compiled zig'.
<jessermeyer> Sorry, eyes go too fast.
<jessermeyer> I've isolated the compiler bug down to the first inclusion of a vulkan type. var instance = zeroes(VkInstance);
<jessermeyer> Declared as: pub const VkInstance = @OpaqueType();
<jessermeyer> That type comes to me through translate-c.
<jessermeyer> So, maybe the compiler can't zero out that field since it's opaque?
<metaleap> after updating zig to current nightly (after keeping it unupdated for maybe ~10 days or so at my end), seems to have a new bug where it's blocking itself forever or sth when using it like `&;`. my 2 langservers (dummy one and zig-wip one) had "no stdio going on seemingly" (radio silence instead of back+forth chatter) until i temporarily
<metaleap> switched back to `&`. (after lettin off some steam that is). seems like i hit sth that unit tests didnt, will take a look
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<alexnask> jessermeyer This is (obviously) a compiler bug, intended behavior is a @compileError() from mem.zeroes
<jessermeyer> I submitted an issue with minimal repo.
<alexnask> Yeah I saw it, just calrifying what should happen
<alexnask> clarifying*
<jessermeyer> Agreed, thanks. :)
<TheLemonMan> the intended behavior is an error from the compiler
<TheLemonMan> @opaqueType is not a valid return type
<jessermeyer> The assertion helped me track down what went wrong. That's rare in my experience.
<jessermeyer> At least this far removed from the source of the problem.
<alexnask> mem.zeros checks for Opaque types and @compileErrors (along with other unsupported types)
<TheLemonMan> compilers are complex beasts
<jessermeyer> Smells like a regression then.
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<TheLemonMan> nope, there's a missing error check in the semantic analisys code
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<frmdstryr> Yo TheLemonMan, I have another arm related issue that I'm hoping you can help with
<TheLemonMan> shoot!
<frmdstryr> So this was happening before the change to llvm10
<frmdstryr> Still occurs with llvm10
<frmdstryr> The code works fine in debug mode but when building with release-safe it hard faults when loading main.main
<frmdstryr> the instruction it's hard faulting on is vpush {d8-d15}
<TheLemonMan> hmm, misaligned stack?
<frmdstryr> and i've narrowed it down to something with the inner loop in display.zig line 698
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<TheLemonMan> in drawCubicBezierSegment ?
<frmdstryr> Yea
<TheLemonMan> can you upload the faulty binary somewhere?
<pixelherodev> Hmm, can you tail call inline asm?
<pixelherodev> Wait, should probably ask in #llm
<pixelherodev> s/llm/llvm
<BaroqueLarouche> andrewrk: Found a regression in EmitRaw with latest master
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<BaroqueLarouche> andrewrk: that's actually a better fix :)
<BaroqueLarouche> andrewrk: I also did this one
<BaroqueLarouche> C:\Programmation\Zig\zig\lib\std\zig\cross_target.zig:648:47: error: use of undeclared identifier 'ObjectFormat'
<BaroqueLarouche> pub fn getObjectFormat(self: CrossTarget) ObjectFormat {
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<fengb> daurnimator: using streams seems to be a lot easier. I might actually be able to get it working this weekend
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<andrewrk> daurnimator: re: "TIL the windows TEB has: `StaticUnicodeString` and its Buffer seem to be provided as a convenience for pretty much any API function that has temporary need of a pathname-sized buffer."
<andrewrk> Wow that's an incredibly useful find!
<andrewrk> A couple things to verify though: is it per thread? Does it work with IOCP? What if applications are using it, will we suprise people by clobbering the data?
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<TheLemonMan> andrewrk, I have a nice solution for the osx version detection problem, but only works from High Sierra onwards
<frmdstryr> Can I somehow cast a fixed sized multi dimentional array to a slice of slices?
<jessermeyer> Is it possible to include comptime const variables in debug information for inspection? I'd like to constify where-able, but I'm not generally in favor for that if it hinders debuggability.
<alexnask> I think there is an issue open about this
<jessermeyer> Ah, noted.
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<mq32> nice!
<shakesoda> BaroqueLarouche: nice, is tga support on the todo list?
<BaroqueLarouche> shakesoda: yes
<shakesoda> i've got a really, extremely basic writer for tga in my project right now
<shakesoda> <- extremely basic
<BaroqueLarouche> PR is welcome!
<BaroqueLarouche> I want to do those formats: GIF, PNG and JPEG
<BaroqueLarouche> PNG is very high priority
<shakesoda> yeah, rather important
<shakesoda> dumping tgas to disk is just extremely easy to write and useful for generating graphics
<shakesoda> so i hacked that up some weeks ago
<BaroqueLarouche> wow look so simple to write
<BaroqueLarouche> (TGA)
<shakesoda> feel free to use that code, it's only the most basic case but it is enough to be useful
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<hazeycode> Hi Zig people!
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<mq32> hey hazeycode
<hazeycode> I have a silly question... I couldn't find the answer in the docs... is there a way to pass a comp time var through zig build? i.e. `zig build --gfx_backend=VULKAN` ?
<metaleap> hazeycode: everything you pass following `zig build` is *definitely* accessible from your `build.zig`, but from other source files (those being *built*) i dont think so. or if it is i never heard about it.
<metaleap> if you do `zig builtin` you see all the stuff coming from the build-time that your to-be-built source files have access to at comp-time
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<hazeycode> Thanks metaleap! Do you know a good approach for achieving something along the lines of the following?
<hazeycode> ```
<hazeycode> ```pub usingnamespace @cImport({ switch (platform_layer) { GLFW => { if (gfx_backend == VULKAN) { @cDefine("GLFW_INCLUDE_NONE", "1"); @cDefine("GLFW_INCLUDE_VULKAN", "1"); @cInclude("GLFW/glfw3.h"); } }, SDL => { @cInclude("SDL2/SDL.h"); }
<hazeycode> }});```
<hazeycode> (sorry)
<metaleap> the only hack you could do is that the param in your build.zig and write some "my_generated.zig" file before building. then your other code @import("my_generated.zig")
<metaleap> s/that/take
<mq32> hazeycode: ½ Answer: You can add custom options/defines to zig build with
<mq32> pub fn option(self: *Builder, comptime T: type, name: []const u8, description: []const u8) ?T
<metaleap> oh nice i didnt know about that. still this is only accessible in build.zig and to "pass it into the src-files about to be built" would require some .zig file-gen'ing right?
<hazeycode> Nice! Thanks guys that's a huge help
<hazeycode> It's kinda a shame (I think) it could be cool to have something like a compile time getenv kinda thing
<mq32> i don't know if that fits the spirit of zig
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<mq32> it's a thing that always bugged me about a lot of C libraries
<mq32> you can configure the hell out of em
<mq32> the best possible outcome is a single executable for an os/platform combination
<metaleap> a comptime dict to be instrumented when the compiler is invoked? sounds like a decent idea to me. but yeah better keep those build-opts nicely-described and dont do silent defaults then
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<hazeycode> I guess the proper way to have modular program layers is to build them as separate fragments that you switch on at build time and have a single interface.zig to import. I think that would be nicer than the hack I'm trying atm
<mq32> yeah,, just make multiple files
<mq32> as you are building multiple executables
<hazeycode> Ok yeah I'll do that and make use of `pub fn option(self: *Builder, comptime T: type, name: []const u8, description: []const u8) ?T`... thanks for the advice!
<hazeycode> It is possible to separate declarations from definitions right? With regard to said interface.zig
<alexnask> Iirc you want to do something like std.zig
<alexnask> If I understand correctly* woops brainfart
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<hazeycode> alexnask possibly yeah. I guess my problem is the same as building std.zig; specifying a platform layer to build and link against while maintaining a portable interface, in the future I may have a PS4 layer for example that I want to swap in easily. I'll take a look at how std.zig is built
<alexnask> Ah right, I would recommend you take a look at how std.os stuff is handled
<hazeycode> Thanks!
<alexnask> It's really easy and graceful in zig though, you basically just have conditional imports
<hazeycode> Yeah that was sort of my original question, how do I get a comp var through zig build to do said conditional import
<alexnask> Right, not sure about setting custom globals through the build system
<alexnask> A hack like defining them in some options.zig file generated by build.zig like someone mentioned will work for sure
<alexnask> But it does sound like a useful thing to build into the build system/compiler
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<mq32> BaroqueLarouche: do you think it's a good idea to have a library for loading/saving images AND modifying the image contents?
<BaroqueLarouche> mq32: yes
<mq32> hmm
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<mq32> yeah, makes sense probably
<mq32> What about gpu acceleration?
<BaroqueLarouche> if we implement image filers, why not
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<andrewrk> There is zig build API to do this. It's not well documented
<andrewrk> But it's a good use case that is supported
<andrewrk> That was in response to hazeycode
<BaroqueLarouche> andrewrk: did you see the compilation erro I reported a while back ?
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<hazeycode> Thanks andrewrk that's great news to me! Good you point me in the right direction of this API?
<hazeycode> *Could
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<mikdusan> hazeycode: I think this example should help:
<mikdusan> `zig build -Dhello` is mechanism to get from command line; line #5
<mikdusan> line #11 is mechanism to get it "importable" as `<namespace>.hello`
<mikdusan> and #31 ... #32 bob's your uncle
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<hazeycode> Awesome! Thank you so much mikdusan
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<shakesoda> mikdusan: i had no idea that existed
<shakesoda> very helpful