<ZeroPointEnergy> Hi ⏎ Is there any clever pattern how to do the equivalent of "has_many :books, dependent: :destroy" with amber and granite?
<elorest> Just write it as a call back on destroy.
<ZeroPointEnergy> ok, thx
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<valenciaj> Hi
<valenciaj> There are a way to pass a variable from pipe to action controller?
<valenciaj> Or I must use initialize method controller?
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<Prutheus> @faustinoaq hey!
<kolyaio> Hey github complains me about some vulnerability package named ⏎ hapijs / hoek how to update when it sub dependency of node-sass ?
<Blacksmoke16> what version of hapijs / hoek?
<kolyaio> @Blacksmoke16 2.16.3
<kolyaio> npm audit prints this dependecy tree: ⏎ node-sass > node-gyp > request > hawk > sntp > hoek