<sclee15> What should I do if I wanted to make a long running service (background task thread for Amber app)
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<robacarp> @sclee15 I use my mosquito task runner for that. GitHub.com/robacarp/mosquito
<kolyaio> @Blacksmoke16 then what is the date time format timestamp used by Postgres in Amber orm? I want to format created_at to something more friendly.
<Blacksmoke16> im not sure, never used PG
<Blacksmoke16> you can define your own format tho
<kolyaio> In the sql migration file I saw just timestamp field.
<Blacksmoke16> is `2018-07-06 16:00:57 UTC` what it looks like in the db?
<Blacksmoke16> if you are using Granite im not sure why you need to do a Time.parse() anyway? If you get a record from db using like Model.find, cant just do `created_at.to_rfc3339` for example?
<Blacksmoke16> or even supply your own format to display the timestamp in
<kolyaio> I get it from granite orm but i want to display it differently in the view.
<ZeroPointEnergy> Can anyone help me understand why it is that if I check a param for nil with a validation why do I have to check it again if I want to pass it to a method? Or am I doing something wrong?
<Sija> hi there! is any1 tried compiling amber with Crystal `master`?
<Blacksmoke16> @ZeroPointEnergy do you have an example code?
<Blacksmoke16> i think its because crystal itself doesnt know for sure that param can not be nil
<Blacksmoke16> if using granite can use `field! name : String` notice the `!` on field, tells granite/crystal that it is not nil
<ZeroPointEnergy> @Blacksmoke16 ah thanks, did not know that. Will try to figure it out with a reduced example. Solved it in my code for now