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<FromGitter> ... controller?`class TaskController < ApplicationController ⏎ def index ⏎ ⏎ ```render("update.slang")``` ⏎ ... [https://gitter.im/amberframework/amber?at=5b4056b03d8f71623d639891]
<FromGitter> <cjfravel_gitlab> I'm just getting started with amber and I'm having trouble with generating a public section of my site, I have generated a user using the auth generator, and I've generated a scaffold for a Task resource. However when I goto the tasks routes it's redirecting to signin and I don't have a before action to the generated redirect_signed_out_user on that controller. How can not perform this action on this
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<FromGitter> <kolyaio> @Blacksmoke16 I don’t know but npm says the version of node-sass is `4.9.1` but yet the problematic plugin didn’t updated
<FromGitter> <kolyaio> Also btw I want to transfer from slang to ecr and i don’t want to generate new template.
<FromGitter> <kolyaio> with changing the template engine i needed in the end changing every instance of importing slang to ecr. which is annoying. but well there’s no better solution
<FromGitter> <kolyaio> @cjfravel_gitlab I think you have pipeline that handles that in the user controller
<FromGitter> <kolyaio> @cjfravel_gitlab Do you need this part ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/amberframework/amber?at=5b406edabd92d807829b0f37]
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<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> yea dunno, prob dependent on downstream people updating their stuff as well
<FromGitter> <cjfravel_gitlab> @kolyaio it was a pipe, hadn't gotten to that documentation yet. Thanks!
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<FromGitter> <silentworks> Where can I see the available types in Crystal when generating a scaffolding?
<FromGitter> <silentworks> `amber g scaffold Pets name:string description:text`
<FromGitter> <silentworks> I want to know how to do an enum type?
<FromGitter> <silentworks> It it would be good if there is a list of the available types somewhere
<FromGitter> <silentworks> Kind of like what they have for Strapi https://strapi.io/documentation/guides/models.html#define-the-attributes
<FromGitter> <eliasjpr> @silentworks take a look at the crystal docs for Enums
<FromGitter> <silentworks> @eliasjpr its doesn't tell me how to use it in the scaffold command
<FromGitter> <eliasjpr> @cjfravel_gitlab you have to white list the url paths that do not require login. Take a look at the Auth Pipe
<FromGitter> <eliasjpr> There is no scaffold for Enums
<FromGitter> <silentworks> Are these the only valid types `integer, float, datetime, date, timestamp, time, text, string, binary, and boolean`
<FromGitter> <silentworks> actually `datetime` doesn't seem to work, but `date` does
<FromGitter> <eliasjpr> Not sure if Granite has support for enums, even though enums are just int types
<FromGitter> <silentworks> @eliasjpr I am more looking for the available types when using the scaffold command
<FromGitter> <eliasjpr> so if you want to use a database table field as enum just define a Int32 for the field
<FromGitter> <silentworks> As I cannot find this listed anywhere, its left up to my imagination to work it out
<FromGitter> <eliasjpr> Give me a sec @silentworks Im looking to see if I find something related to Enums in the source code
<FromGitter> <silentworks> Do note my hangup is not on whether there is an Enum type or not, its more about what are the available types as its not listed anywhere and as you can see from the link I posted, strapi has their listed.
<FromGitter> <eliasjpr> Is that helpful?
<FromGitter> <eliasjpr> Those are the Crystal Type mapped to Db Types
<FromGitter> <silentworks> yes this is super useful
<FromGitter> <silentworks> thank you
<FromGitter> <silentworks> I wonder where in the documentation would be the best place to list these
<FromGitter> <eliasjpr> Awesome, feel free to document the DB mappings in Amber docs
<FromGitter> <eliasjpr> you can contribute by opening a PR here https://github.com/amberframework/docs