faustinoaq changed the topic of #amber to: Welcome to Amber Framework community! | https://amberframework.org | Developer happiness, productivity and bare metal performance | GH: https://github.com/amberframework | Docs: https://docs.amberframework.org | Gitter: https://gitter.im/amberframework/amber | IRC Logger: https://irclog.whitequark.org/amber | Amber::Server.start
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<FromGitter> <kolyaio> is there any guide to amber ? :-O
<FromGitter> <kolyaio> tutorial or something because I didn’t find anything like that.
<FromGitter> <katafrakt> aside from official one?
<FromGitter> <kolyaio> The official one do you mean the docs?
<FromGitter> <kolyaio> @katafrakt ? I trying currently learning it by just trying out but there things I don’t know and the docs doesn’t cover many things :-/
<FromGitter> <katafrakt> yes, I mean this: https://docs.amberframework.org/amber/guides
<FromGitter> <kolyaio> @katafrakt Yeah I know these but there things that are not detailed unforetunetly.
<FromGitter> <sam0x17> @kolyaio you might get some insight by looking at some of the rails edge guides and then seeing what stuff from that exists also in amber
<FromGitter> <sam0x17> amber is designed such that if you have familiarity with rails, it's pretty straightforward
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<FromGitter> <Hansterdam> I hope someone here can help me, I've been searching far and wide, but cannot seem to find the answer. I'm trying to run `amber db create` but I get in return `Connection unsuccessful: postgres://postgres:@localhost:5432/postgres`. Even though I've installed postgres, have it running and have it verified at localhost and port 5432. Does somebody here have an idea of how to proceed?
<robacarp> @Hansterdam my guess is you need to change the username or database portion of the url
<robacarp> how did you verify it is available on localhost?
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<FromGitter> <Hansterdam> there was a command to run in psql to check for the port and the config said host: localhost
<FromGitter> <Hansterdam> but I seem to have it working now, by altering the url to postgres://
<FromGitter> <Hansterdam> Thanks for your time anyway:)
<robacarp> :+1:
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<FromGitter> <kolyaio> @sam0x17 Oh ok, now i get it :-)
<FromGitter> <kolyaio> @drujensen Thanks :-)
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