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<akaizen> Is anyone working on the Allwinner A10 VPU still?
<akaizen> if so plz pm me, im a systems dev and just got one of these devices and have some time for a side project
<WarheadsSE> akaizen: yeah, still be worked on
<akaizen> cool, who can i talk to get involved
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<akaizen> checking the logs, thats a nice feature!
<WarheadsSE> Handy, yes
<WarheadsSE> I'm not the one working on the VPU though :p
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<orly_owl> the red building is allwinner offices?
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<cheng> i'm following guide multi-boot u-boot here( to load kernel,after following all steps, board is still running internal android
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<hno> Heh.. been pulling my hair for a while trying to figure out why JTAG crashes after a while in the merged sunxi tree, only to realize that it's the watchdog I added myself that kicks in.
<hno> u-boot that is.
<Triffid_Hunter> heh
<mnemoc> hno: :D
<Triffid_Hunter> whenever I use watchdog with stuff, I make it print out during reboot that the watchdog triggered last time.. not sure how easy it is to do that with these arm chips though
<hno> RaYmAn or mnemoc, do you have time to test u-boot from the sunxi branch on both A10 and A13?
<mnemoc> hno: I'll prepare my desk for that now
<hno> Triffid_Hunter, yes that would be nice, but I have no idea to tell why these Allwinner chips reset.
<hno> and to complicate further I had no console cable connected, only JTAG.
<cheng> hno: i have console cable connect, would be good if i can helps out
<hno> cheng, sure, just grab the sunxi u-boot branch, build for sun4i or sun5i depending on what you have and prepare an SD card with the result and try booting.
<hno> If all is well you should see SPL banner, and then u-boot starting.
<RaYmAn> I'm not at home (and devices are at home), so can't help unfortunately
<hno> I have only been able to test A13 SPL via JTAG so far. And now at work and can't do any testing until late tonight.
<cheng> i'm still in learning stage. previously i have clone uboot-allwinner, so now i just issue 'git pull', what else i need to do before building?
<hno> you need to switch to sunxi branch. Default branch is still sun4i.
<hno> git checkout -b sunxi origin/sunxi
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<cheng> i believe compile command still this 'make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi- sun4i', right?
<lundman> i just say make, but then I compile on arm
<cheng> arm-none-linux-gnueabi-ld: section .bss [4a01fbb8 -> 4a05241f] overlaps section .rel.dyn [4a01fbb8 -> 4a02301f]
<cheng> arm-none-linux-gnueabi-ld: section .dynsym [4a023020 -> 4a0230ef] overlaps section .bss [4a01fbb8 -> 4a05241f]
<cheng> make[1]: *** [u-boot] Error 1
<cheng> arm-none-linux-gnueabi-ld: u-boot: section .bss vma 0x4a01fbb8 overlaps previous sections
<cheng> make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/cheng/Desktop/study/a10/source/uboot/uboot-allwinner'
<cheng> make: *** [sun4i] Error 2
<cheng> i switch back to sun4i and building ok
<cheng> gtg, will try again later on
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<hno> odd..
<hno> need to know if that's the spl build or u-boot build.
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<oliv3r> lkcl: but there are hopes then? E.g. there might be reason to invest into a a10 based device? It really sucks that AMLogic didn't want to play ball, as there atleast is some software available for their vpu :(
<von_fritz> hno Loading U-Boot... ### ERROR ### Please RESET the board ### nohting more on mele
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<oliv3r> I wonder how well an A10 based native (or i guess even with android) XBMC box would sell. If enough momentum could be gained so a big enough order could be generated, that would be a nice incentive. But with all the android xbmc boxes out now, it's highly unlikly people would be interested :(
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<hno> von_fritz, nothing else? Ok. will look into it tonight. Thanks for testing.
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<rz2k> hno: ### ERROR ### Please RESET the board ### is the error I've got on my ly-f1 when it was working, fixed with board soft reset by onboard button wired to A10 reset. never did boot up from cold start.
<rz2k> s/got/had/
<ibot> rz2k meant: hno: ### ERROR ### Please RESET the board ### is the error I've had on my ly-f1 when it was working, fixed with board soft reset by onboard button wired to A10 reset. never did boot up from cold start.
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<hno> rz2k, it's a fairly generic error. Error reporting in SPL isn't the best.
<mnemoc> oliv3r: you can configure xmbc to use an external player, like mx, which then uses the native cedarx support in android 4.0
<mnemoc> oliv3r: not nice, but at least better than what we have on linux
<mnemoc> hno: building sun5i, make[2]: *** No rule to make target `/home/amery/projects/allwinner/hno-uboot-sun4i/include/linux/types.h', needed by `cache_v7.o'. Stop. ... should I copy it or symlink something?
<oliv3r> Well, as a 'user'; I much support what rhombus tech aims and wants to do, but atm I think, the most 'open source' we have right now, is the pivos (amlogic) I haven't played much with the source yet though and the mediaplayer sure does look very messy
<hno> mnemoc, did you remember CROSS_COMPILE?
<mnemoc> hno: yup
<hno> mnemoc, try "distclean"
<oliv3r> anybody know btw, what OpenMAX goal is? Is it to 'replace' vpdau/XvBA/VA-API/xvmc etc? be 'the one to rule them all' kinda?
<mnemoc> hno: meh. distclean did the trick.... a mere `clean` wasn't enough
<mnemoc> odd
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<mnemoc> hno: does uboot support an O= like argument to be able to build both over the same working tree?
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<mnemoc> it does :)
<hno> mnemoc, no idea. I hope so.
<mnemoc> $ du -sh sun*
<mnemoc> 6,8Msun4i_build
<mnemoc> 6,8Msun5i_build
<mnemoc> :)
<mnemoc> now to test
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<hno> mnemoc, build worked now? What was the cause to types.h error?
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<mnemoc> hno: I had renamed the working dir from hno-uboot-sun4i to hno-uboot-sunxi but that detail was important to make, so distclean solved it
<mnemoc> absolute references are anoying :<
<mnemoc> but more annoying are my ttl/usb adapters... they like to go on strike :<
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<mnemoc> ordered a bunch more so I don't have to move them from one device to the next
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<cat_x301> mnemoc: what is the recommended place to download rtl8192cufw.bin?
<mnemoc> ow
<mnemoc> /lib/firmware/ is the standard place
<mnemoc> I had forgotten the mainlined wifi driver needs that
<cat_x301> mnemoc: to download from actually :)
<mnemoc> your desktop machine? :p
<mnemoc> want my /lib/firmware/rtlwifi/rtl8192cufw.bin ?
<mnemoc> from ubuntu 12.04
<cat_x301> unlikely.. but lemme check..
<cat_x301> i am running gentoo..
<mnemoc> linux-firmware: /lib/firmware/rtlwifi/rtl8192cufw.bin
<mnemoc> want it?
<cat_x301> hmm, there is something in gentoo too, not sure hoever, because last two letters are different: net-wireless/rtl8192su-firmware
<mnemoc> in rtlwifi I have c, cu, de, se and u. but not su
<cat_x301> :)
<cat_x301> anyway, got one from your link, thanks!
<mnemoc> I suppose it might be a good idea to include this .bin in our tree if we are going to use that driver
<mnemoc> yw
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<cat_x301> mnemoc: affirmative
<specing> cat_x301: Another Gentoo user? LOVELY
<specing> cat_x301: join #gentoo-embedded
<specing> cat_x301: Everything should be in linux-firmware
<cat_x301> specing: actually i am not that advanced with it. Rarely do any update, hardly understand packaging system -- in short use it like a monkey :) but like it anyway!
<mnemoc> specing: I mean, about OS support on any A10/A13 device
<specing> Oh
<specing> Well I haven't worked on my tablet in over two months now
<mnemoc> :(
<specing> Im just doing a regular batch of system updates right now
<mnemoc> Gentoo fans will still value your knowledge about running Gentoo on sunxi devices :)
<specing> updating an ARMv5 filesystem right now
<specing> I do get it to the login prompt
<specing> But I have no way to login... yet
<mnemoc> we have fbcon now
<specing> yay
<mnemoc> :)
<specing> Anyway Im just doind updates right now
<specing> I won't have time to actually work on getting it to run _properly_ until after 2 months
<cat_x301> mnemoc: gentoo is on my pc, and mk802 runs mer --
<mnemoc> cat_x301: ?
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<cat_x301> mnemoc: yeah, but too early! :)
<RaYmAn> lol
<RaYmAn> mnemoc: should setup an auto-reply for all OS keywords you can find ;)
<mnemoc> RaYmAn: :D
<cat_x301> mnemoc: no ui yet, fighting with gles..
<orly_owl> cat_x301: do you use a desktop eniv on it?
<oliv3r> i love my gentoo! :p
<RaYmAn> cat_x301: I'm not convinced ANYONE got gles working outside of android :P
<mnemoc> cat_x301: but you have knowledge to share at already :)
<cat_x301> mnemoc: common, not that fast! I am slow-pace man :D
<mnemoc> :)
<orly_owl> cat_x301: what do you use your mk802 for?
<cat_x301> orly_owl: well, first several days enjoyed android, got bored, and now trying to run on it something exotic, i.e. mer+nemo.
<orly_owl> cool
<orly_owl> im looking at unity or kde's plasma active for tablets
<cat_x301> orly_owl: i was thinking of that too, but nemo looked better for me. though in the past i liked kde, until it became to heavy for me :)
<cat_x301> s/to/too
<orly_owl> now i shall find a screenshot of nemo
<cat_x301> orly_owl: you can even try it with virtualbox, there is an image. I guess plasma-active image is available too
<orly_owl> a mer image? cool
<cat_x301> orly_owl: do not expect any super-puper-funcy stuff there however..
<orly_owl> darn
<orly_owl> i wanted at least semi-fancy stuff
<cat_x301> orly_owl: :D
<orly_owl> enough to make a tablet useful
<orly_owl> =D
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<cat_x301> hmm, no luck with rtlwifi, something is wrong:
<cat_x301> [root@localhost ~]# ifconfig wlan0 up
<cat_x301> SIOCSIFFLAGS: Operation not possible due to RF-kill
<orly_owl> does wifi need the driver to load a binary blob?
<merbanan> oliv3r: OpenMAX is like OpenGL but for codecs
<oliv3r> so a replacement for ffmpeg, libavcodec etc? with a possible hardware accelerated backend?
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<cat_x301> orly_owl: what do you mean?
<orly_owl> firmware
<orly_owl> does the wifi driver load firmware onto the wifi chipset?
<cat_x301> orly_owl: firmware is loaded by rtl8192
<orly_owl> what wifi chipset do a10 tablets use?
<cat_x301> orly_owl: lsusb gives this
<cat_x301> Bus 004 Device 002: ID 0bda:8176 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8188CUS 802.11n WLAN
<RaYmAn> that's definitely the most used one for a10 devices
<orly_owl> on the mk802?
<mnemoc> the allwinnerized driver has the firmware encoded within the C code
<cat_x301> orly_owl: firmware is loaded like this:
<cat_x301> [ 15.290000] rtl8192cu: Loading firmware rtlwifi/rtl8192cufw.bin
<mnemoc> not sure how the GPL license of that code affects the blob
<cat_x301> mnemoc: ah, you're right, i was talking about upstream driver. orly_owl: sorry
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<mnemoc> eventually we all should use the upstream driver
* cat_x301 : mer does not have rfkill tool :(
<orly_owl> mnemoc: so you can view the firmware source code or it's in binary form?
<mnemoc> disable rfkill in your kernel build
<cat_x301> mnemoc: brilliant idea!
<mnemoc> orly_owl: binary, as a char[] :p
<orly_owl> darn
<orly_owl> ok
<cat_x301> i guess one can easily make firmware blob out of it.
<hno> mnemoc, any success/failure in u-boot tests?
<cheng> hi hno. i just tried with the u-boot, boot ok.
<cheng> but once i change to to sun4i, it no longer work.
<hno> cheng, which one works, and which fails?
<cheng> sunxi working..
<cheng> sun4i not working
<hno> what board do you have?
<lundman> finally I can port mirror and do some packet sniffing
<cheng> mele a1000
<hno> sun4i branch should work fine on a1000.
<mysteryname> cheng: does yours hang? IIRC I tried sun4i on the A2000 and it hung, so I have reverted it till I have more time to play around.
<orly_owl> make firmware blob out of it? meaning?
<cat_x301> orly_owl: no sense as long as there is working upstream driver :)
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<orly_owl> oh
<orly_owl> upstream driver doesnt load firmware onto the wifi chipset?
<hno> orly_owl, it does in most cases.
<hno> from a file.
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<orly_owl> ok
<orly_owl> is there a list of wifi chipsets a10 tablets use?
<hno> almost no upstream drivers have firmware embedded in the driver.
<hno> orly_owl, most are using various realtek modules.
<orly_owl> ok
<hno> Allwinner have a list they support.
<hno> why?
<cheng> for sun4i uboot, kernel stop at cannot open root device "mmcblk0p2"
<orly_owl> all of which either load firmware using the driver or have firmware embedded in the driver
<orly_owl> id like a tablet that doesnt require loading firmware onto the wifi chipset
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<hno> why?
<hno> cheng, make sure there is rootwait on the kernel command line.
<orly_owl> for the freedom aspect
<orly_owl> free software and so on
<hno> cheng, so both sunxi and sun4i branches suceed in loading the kernel for you, but with sun4i the kernel fails to mount the root?
<cheng> yes, both sun4i and sunxi can load the kernel.
<hno> orly_owl, so you are of the opinion that a firmware rom on the wifi module is more free than a binary file with the same contents loaded runtime?
<hno> well, both are loaded runtime.
<hno> only differing in by whom and from where.
<mnemoc> hno: haven't been able to test yet :<
<orly_owl> hno: yes, im funny like that
<merbanan> oliv3r: not completely but it is supposed to be a generic interface against codecs, but it isn't
<cheng> yup, 'rootwait' solve ok
<cheng> but in all cases, i do not use the spl
<orly_owl> i consider firmware burnt onto a rom part of the hardware
<RaYmAn> orly_owl: almost all, if not all, wifi chips used in embedded devices have binary firmware that is uploaded runtime. (BCM4329/4330 is one, very popular, example)
<cat_x301> orly_owl: in that case you should not worry about how it ends up there in hw
<orly_owl> RaYmAn: mhm, thats why i prefer atheros wifi
<orly_owl> for laptops
<orly_owl> obviously not really an option for a10 devices
<RaYmAn> iirc atheros embedded chipsets also loads firmware runtime.
<mnemoc> orly_owl: eoma68-a10 + good-laptop with atheros wifi ;-)
<orly_owl> RaYmAn: nah, it stays on the wifi card
<orly_owl> mnemoc: ok, let me know when eoma68-a10 is for sale :3
<RaYmAn> so it clearly doesn't on ath6k
<mnemoc> orly_owl: i believe before xmas... but we still need someone to make a good eoma68 laptop :<
<orly_owl> there is an ath6k?
<orly_owl> mnemoc: until then, time to gut existing laptops and stick an eoma68-a10 inside
<RaYmAn> well, the driver is called that. I guess it's more AR6xxx devices.
<oliv3r> merbanan: so it's doomed to fail? :p
<mnemoc> orly_owl: :)
<orly_owl> or coreboot my thinkpad
<orly_owl> Either way
<merbanan> oliv3r: no, android uses omx, and the spec has been revised
<merbanan> but it is a mess
<merbanan> you can't implement omx support for one driver and have it work for another
<merbanan> there are quirks in all different implementations
<RaYmAn> It's still a hell of a lot better than people using their own proprietary stuff (but definitely; it should be much more standardized)
<oliv3r> ah, I thought OMX was OpenMaX :p
<oliv3r> merbanan: so what would you think the best long term solution for hw assisted decoding is? something like vpdau/xvba/cedarx? something more generic suitable for all? OpenCL/Max/OMX?
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<merbanan> omx is openmax
<merbanan> I guess a better specified omx is the way to go
<merbanan> but right now it is a mess
<merbanan> just check all the quirk flags the stagefright omx layer has
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<oliv3r> and does the khronosgroup have any plans for that?
<oliv3r> personally, I guess opencl would be a better solution, and simply have proper backends for neon and maybe even dedicated 'video' units
<mnemoc> libav ftw!
<mnemoc> err... libva
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* cat_x301 still has no luck with wifi..
<cat_x301> kernel bug:
<cat_x301> [root@localhost ~]# ifconfig wlan0 up
<cat_x301> [ 81.970000] rtl8192cu: MAC auto ON okay!
<cat_x301> [ 82.050000] rtl8192cu: Tx queue select: 0x05
<cat_x301> [ 82.070000] ------------[ cut here ]------------
<cat_x301> [ 82.070000] kernel BUG at /home/cat/src/a10/linux-allwinner/arch/arm/include/asm/dma-mapping.h:321!
<cat_x301> [ 82.070000] Internal error: Oops - BUG: 0 [#2] PREEMPT ARM
<cat_x301> [ 82.070000] Modules linked in: hdmi hdmi lcd lcd disp disp cfbcopyarea cfbcopyarea cfbimgblt cfbimgblt cfbfillrect cfbfillrect mali_drm mali_drm drm drm ump ump rtl8192cu rtl8192cu rtl8192c_common rtl8192c_common rtlwifi rtlwifi
<cat_x301> this happened after i disabled rfkill.
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<hno> cat_x301, high quality driver code. There should be more info in the oops pinpointing more exactly where the error is.
<cat_x301> hno: yeah, i know, but it is a bit inconvenient to post duplicated messages here..
<RaYmAn> cat_x301: pastebin ;)
<cat_x301> RaYmAn: no only that, i have to remove every second line by hand to provide some sane reading :)
<cat_x301> s/no/not
<RaYmAn> oh yeah - Disable low-level debug output. If you boot to regular console, there's not much point in that
<cat_x301> i asked already about getting rid of messaging like this:
<cat_x301> <6>rtl8192cu: MAC auto ON okay!
<cat_x301> [ 81.970000] rtl8192cu: MAC auto ON okay!
<cat_x301> it does not seem to be that low level.
<cat_x301> priority 6..
<RaYmAn> the <6> messages are the low-level debug thingy
<RaYmAn> it's an allwinner thing.
<cat_x301> RaYmAn: how come 3.6 kernel does not do anything like this, with the same codebase+defconfig?
<cat_x301> well, allwinner codebase :)
<RaYmAn> you probably didn't add in the debug code :)
<cat_x301> RaYmAn: :)
<cat_x301> but hey, i am using upstream version of rtlwifi
<cat_x301> no allwinner cr#p
<RaYmAn> fine, let me expand on my statement. Allwinner registers a serial debug console very early in their code. (IIrc, hardcoded somewhere outside of anything allwinner should ever touch)
<oliv3r> does the a10 allready run a 'mainline' kernel?
<cat_x301> oliv3r: at least i get up to console.
<RaYmAn> cat_x301: hence, all messages written to console are put out on that debug console. Then when the 'regular' console registers, double messages appears.
<cat_x301> RaYmAn: to me it looks like stderr and stdout are simply printed on the same console.
<RaYmAn> cat_x301: I give up.
<cat_x301> RaYmAn: please don't! :)
<grevaillot> hi all
<grevaillot> dupplicated log is not an allwinner thing, it's normal when using LL_debug with a regular console on the same uart
<oliv3r> or rather, a 'vanilla' kernel?
<grevaillot> just config issue :)
<hno> RaYmAn, maybe they did not know about earlyprintk?
<cat_x301> grevaillot: what is config option to get rid of this? early printk does not affect
<RaYmAn> hno: I guess so :P
<hno> cat_x301, getting your hands dirty in the kernel code and clean up the mes.
<hno> s
<cat_x301> RaYmAn: i think you are right, look:
<cat_x301> [ 0.430000] sunxi-uart.0: ttyS0 at MMIO 0x1c28000 (irq = 1) is a U6_16550A
<cat_x301> [ 1.110000] console [ttyS0] enabled
<cat_x301> it starts duplication exactly after this line
<cat_x301> <6>console [ttyS0] enabled
<grevaillot> hmm, they might have their early_printk stuff not plugged n ;)
* grevaillot total allwinner noob...
<grevaillot> alinuxino a13 in the mailbox yesterday
<RaYmAn> cat_x301: gee, that almost sounds like it's saying I'm right ;)
* hno still remembers running 3.4 with only earlyprintk console, no ttyS0. Was a bit limiting.
<RaYmAn> kind of one-way, isn't it? :P
<hno> grevaillot, good timing just as we got u-boot working decent.
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<hno> RaYmAn, it is.
<RaYmAn> I wish I could remember where allwinners earlyprinkt-type stuff is hidden
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<grevaillot> hno: i was looking at your uboot tree, not sure of what it implies - discovering the boot chain process on sunxi platform
<hno> I am a little confused that it has been allowed to surive.
<hno> grevaillot, what?
<grevaillot> hno: are we not dependent anymore of allwinder boot0 and boot1 blobs ?
<hno> grevaillot, we have not depended on them in quite a while, but only on A10. Now on A13 as well.
<grevaillot> ah, nice
<hno> but only for SD booting so far. Sill have to crack some details about the nand contorller/driver.,
<jinzo_> Hello, I'm looking around and see a boatload of A10 + Mali400 boards/devices, but does anyone know if there're any without Mali400 (and with SATA)? So something aimed at small servers/alike?
<RaYmAn> mali is inside the a10 SoC
<hno> jinzo_, MALI is always there. but you don't need to use it if you don't want it.
<hipboi> jinzo_: checkout
<hno> oh, hi hipboi
<jinzo_> that's what I feared. hipboi I'm having my eye on it
<hno> jinzo_, why fear?
<hipboi> hno: hi
<jinzo_> hno, because I hoped there will be some even cheaper devices without a GPU available sometime
<hno> jinzo_, the A10 isn't exactly expensive.
<jinzo_> indeed - but why would I pay for something I won't need?
<Marex> hno: hey
<Marex> hno: how're things going ?
<mysteryname> jinzo_, it's like asking for a intel with out the HD4000 in it, I don't think that can be done.
<hipboi> hno: have you got a uSD breakout board
<jinzo_> but, looks like I'll have to snag cubieboard and play with that :)
<hno> Marex, quite well. Merging sun4i & sun5i trees, and then cleaning the tree up for submission.
<hno> hipboi, no, was about to ask you what happened with that
<oliv3r> Most servers have integrated graphics, but not loading the driver is usually enough to not waste any resources or increase temperature :)
<Marex> hno: perfect
<Marex> hno: thanks!
<hipboi> hno: because i said i will send you one
<hipboi> hno: with the cubieboard
<Marex> hno: I'm now doing a gigantic stdio/serial rework
<jinzo_> oliv3r, indeed - and probably easier to upgrade/hack if you don't relay on proprietary GPU drivers :)
<hno> hipboi, yes...
* hno don't have a cubieboard either.
<hipboi> hno: will start to ship this weekend, hopefully
<oliv3r> and that :) as for price, I guess you could find a SoC without a GPU in it but doubt it'll be any cheaper.
<jinzo_> hipboi, regarding your shop - ever considered selling RF (presuming the Mele F10 sensor remote is RF) usb dongles?
<jinzo_> because I found out that it's hard to get a good "generic" remote.
<hno> The Mele remotes include an RF dongle from what I can remember.
<rz2k> hipboi: any news about mali r3p1?
<jinzo_> hno, oh? Then I missed it. That would be great.
<hipboi> cubieboard is too small to put another usb hub chip and a rf module
<hipboi> there is ir on the board
<hno> hipboi, you have USB ports. That's sufficient.
<jinzo_> hipboi, I'm not talking about cubie itself - but more as a generic solution I could plug in
<oliv3r> hipboi, about your shop, why is shipping to europe so horrendosly expensive? I was looking at a mele a1000 but 75USD for the device, 42USD for shipping is ... harsh :)
<jinzo_> to any of the myriad of A1X devices.
<jinzo_> oliv3r, that's quite standard for aliexpress and DHL/others.
<jinzo_> the cubieboard shipping is 29USD tho :D
<oliv3r> yeah, but when I order via dx; i get the same device, with "free" shipping
<mnemoc> jinzo_: pick china post, not fancy carriers
<oliv3r> I don't mind spending a little extra as sponsoring
<jinzo_> yeah, with China Post (so slower)
<mnemoc> 2w max
<jinzo_> mnemoc, yeah I know - but I think I didn't notice china post on much of aliexpress listings
<oliv3r> It didn't seem like it was changable
<mnemoc> jinzo_: what country?
<Triffid_Hunter> oliv3r: I ordered one from DX.. 6 weeks later I cancelled the order, they never shipped and never gave any reason why not
<jinzo_> mnemoc, Slovenia
<jinzo_> Triffid_Hunter, probabbly means only shipping
<oliv3r> I've orderd many many things via dx
<jinzo_> so from the time they ship to the time you recieve it, and it's somewhere there - from 2 to 3w to europe
<mnemoc> jinzo_: send hipboi a message asking what country to pick instead
<jinzo_> mnemoc, indeed - Austira (close to us) offers china post
<mnemoc> jinzo_: aliexpress doesn't let sellers give shipping price per region, they have to set one by one or aliexpress's default absurdly-high prices win
<jinzo_> didn't know that - Thanks for the tip!
<oliv3r> Netherlands!
<mnemoc> jinzo_: in that case pick austria and add a comment
<jinzo_> I just tought noone on aliexpress uses China Post Air Mail
<mnemoc> oliv3r: for .nl, pick .de
<jinzo_> mnemoc, I can even pick it up in austria (30min by car) if nothing else - again thanks!
<mnemoc> jinzo_: it's just that sellers usually forget to set custom rules for slovenia
<jinzo_> can't blame them :D
<mnemoc> :)
<oliv3r> I know hipboi's store/stuff is reasonably popular in NL, hipboi, add .nl to your list of china post destinations :D
<oliv3r> makes things much easier and logical for us stupid europeans :p
<jinzo_> :D
<oliv3r> as I said, I don't mind payinga few dollars more, with that sponsoring opensource devs :)
<jinzo_> or at least put a note somewhere - that will increase the sales in my hones opinion
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<oliv3r> that too :)
<jinzo_> s/hones/honest/
<ibot> jinzo_ meant: or at least put a note somewhere - that will increase the sales in my honest opinion
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<jinzo_> oo goodie :)
<hipboi> good idea
<jinzo_> That means cubieboard to EU is ~40€ - that's awesome. I hope it's sustainable.
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<hipboi> yes, i will have to live on it
<mnemoc> jinzo_: just don't forget to buy some accessories to let hipboi's family eat :p
<jinzo_> mnemoc, :D I'm eyeing that remote too
<mnemoc> :)
<jinzo_> hipboi, someone mentioned that Mele F10 Sensor Remote (btw: I think you have a typo comes with a IR dongle. Could you confirm that?
<oliv3r> A note, and slowly add shipping destinations, add once, never worry :)
<hipboi> yes, F10 contains ir and 2.4G wireless
<hipboi> but no ir dongle
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<hipboi> only a rf dongle
<jinzo_> that's Great - just tought it's using IR.
<oliv3r> I will then possibly create an account and order some new toys from your shop hipboi ;)
<oliv3r> hipboi: btw, your domain is still broken,
<hipboi> oh, my Chinese blog
<hipboi> hosted on Dreamhost free host
<oliv3r> I googled it once and found it to be dead; hoped for a link to your webshop
<hipboi> they don't provide free host any more
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<oliv3r> hipboi: one more question, the PHY you use for the ethernet on A10, does it have the same problems as the one on the a1000? I read somewhere that the a1000 was using pio mode or something for the datastransfer crippling network performance so bad, that a USB dongle would actually work better
* specing waves to jinzo_
* jinzo_ waves back o/
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<hipboi> oliv3r: it's the same phy as mele
<oliv3r> bummer :( I wonder how bad performance actually is :)
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<oliv3r> oh, interesting, let me read
<hipboi> i remember lundman has tested before
<hipboi> the speed is not that bad
<oliv3r> i read that blu-ray decoding over the network, or other high-bitrate encodings would chop
<hipboi> indeed
<oliv3r> but taht
<oliv3r> but that's a bug in the a10, not the phy, right?
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<oliv3r> you could use an a10 based tablet in your store :p
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<hipboi> oliv3r: yes
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<hno> oliv3r, the Ethernet performance problems is not about the PHY, it's about the MAC that is within A10.
<naguirre> somebody get opengl acceleration working on a10 ?
<hno> The driver is far from optimal, but hard to work with as we know very little about the MAC hardware.
<rz2k> hipboi: you've missed my question or there is nothing new? I'm sorry for being pain in the ass, but, any news about mali r3p1?
<hipboi> rz2k: news?
* rz2k trying to understand why our drm and mali.ko dont want to be friends.
<hipboi> rz2k: really
<rz2k> hipboi: can you deliver r3p1 libs for us like before?
<hipboi> let me check
<mnemoc> and please! armhf cedarx libs
<rz2k> also, did you test r3p0 on linux? it fails for me with unknown symbol in OpenVG lib, cant tell right now which exactly, my r3p0 setup was on sdcard that died last night.
<mnemoc> rz2k: using the next_mali kernel branch?
<hipboi> cedarx libs has some serious memory leak problem
<hipboi> rz2k: really?
<rz2k> mnemoc: yes, I've tested both
<hipboi> but someone has used the r3p0 in developing of their tv products
<rz2k> its crippled library
<mnemoc> rz2k: commits for that branch are also welcomed :)
<hipboi> they need openVG for qt
<rz2k> strange
<hipboi> an Indian guy who lives in Taiwan
<hipboi> not sure if he is here
<mnemoc> hipboi: any chance to convice your colleague to fix it?
<hipboi> i think he is fixing it
<hipboi> not sure about the progress
<hipboi> he insisted there was no bug
<hipboi> but finally he realised the bug
<naguirre> :)
<mnemoc> classic :)
<hipboi> : )
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<rz2k> if that guys are developing for qt using oVG, they use mali with x11 and have working setup, or they can just use openvg and raw fbdev?
<oliv3r> hno: a see, I knew I read that somewhere. it's really a bummer. I wonder if that'll be fixed in the new and mighty a20! (or whatever it will be called)
<orly_owl> a15 seems to be the upcoming soc
<orly_owl> iirc
<mnemoc> yes, and it seems it will be a quad cortex-a7
<oliv3r> wasn't the a13 'weaker' then the a10? or 'less complex',
<orly_owl> yep
<orly_owl> aimed at tablets
<mnemoc> and 2/4 layer boards
<orly_owl> no hdmi iirc
<mnemoc> a12 has hdmi, but I've never heard about a device using it
<oliv3r> so calling the next one A15, sounds confsuing :p
<mnemoc> oliv3r: marketing :)
<oliv3r> so true
<orly_owl> there's one called a12?
<RaYmAn> calling it a15 is just really silly :/ unless it's actually a Cortex A15 design :(
<oliv3r> so the 'budget' version of the a15 will be A18? :p
<mnemoc> oliv3r: :p
<rz2k> I would enjoy 2layer board with DDR
<oliv3r> hence, A20 makes somewhat sense, then they can use A23 for their budget version
<mnemoc> RaYmAn: that's exactly the marketing-wise beauty
* rz2k pretty shure that is impossible
<mnemoc> RaYmAn: cortex-a7 is the little brother of cortex-a15, while 100% compatible with it
<RaYmAn> It's still poor marketing :(
<mnemoc> RaYmAn: calling their cortex-a17 as A15 makets people buy it more
<mnemoc> a7
<mnemoc> damn. coffee
<WarheadsSE> heh
<mnemoc> RaYmAn: calling their cortex-a7 as A15 makes people buy it more
<RaYmAn> poor in the sense of, well, cheating
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<mnemoc> RaYmAn: chinese marketing works that way :|
<mnemoc> the add the Hz of each unit in the chips too
<RaYmAn> yeh
<mnemoc> it's not strictly a lie... just... not accurate
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<jelly-home> mnemoc: that's the definition of "lie"
<jelly-home> just sayin
<popolon> sounds like some are confusing between arm cotex A8,A9, A15, A7 and Allwinner A10, A13
<RaYmAn> jelly-home: it's not a lie - more like twisting the truth :P
<jelly-home> RaYmAn: stop proving my point
<oliv3r> they are 'abusing' the similarity of names to make it seem it is more then it actually is
<oliv3r> i think that's as lcose to lieing as you can get, without actually calling it lieing
<RaYmAn> you can't really call the naming lying as such. They aren't calling it "Cortex A15", they are calling it "Allwinner A15" etc
<RaYmAn> A15 by itself means nothing, despite people using it.
<oliv3r> yes, they make it appear as if it where a cortex a15, without actually saying it
<oliv3r> it's misleading
<oliv3r> which i think is almost, if not, lieing
<RaYmAn> I suspect there is a clear legal distinction :P
<popolon> and there are some tablets called A10
<oliv3r> clear, or chinese :p
<popolon> that doesn't use allwinner chips
<oliv3r> i would think a15 to be less confusing as the whole a10/a13 thing, especially if they choose to call the butcherd version a14 :p
<RaYmAn> If one could argue that it was common knowledge that A15 == Cortex A15, then maybe. Otherwise it's just people not understanding A15 != Cortex A15. There's no doubt it's misleading marketing, but lying; not so much.
<oliv3r> almost lying :p
<oliv3r> shenzen-style :p
<oliv3r> jk
<popolon> they are not from shenzhen
<oliv3r> gangdam style would have made less sense, as that's korean :p
<orly_owl> lol
<popolon> like windows didn't discovered real windows nor system computer windows
<popolon> americans are all big liers too ;)
<popolon> that's a little stupid to associate action from some people to a whole country
<oliv3r> no denying that :p
<popolon> A10 for Allwinner 10 could be understandable
<mnemoc> marketing is by definition the art of making you believe you need/want something you don't really do
<popolon> intel call it's last processors core i3, core i5, core i7 isn't it ?
<popolon> rockchip rk3066...
<mnemoc> as also happens to lawyers and politians, marketing people can't really do their job well without adding some... not strictly true salt
<hno> jelly-home, it's not a lie, it's lawyer & marketing default style.
<jelly-home> hno: marketing is the ART of lying
<oliv3r> if allwinner made intel's chip, it would have been i3, i7, i5 (in order of performance)
<oliv3r> anyway, it's all fun and games and once 'we' figure out which chip does what
<oliv3r> the name means only so much
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<oliv3r> I wonder if the next-next iPhone will use allwinner's A10, it beats apple's own A6 :D
<oliv3r> in naming :p
<jlj> Is it possible to build the sndi2s,sun4i_i2s
<popolon> apple a5 is a samsung implementation of cortex A9 :D
<jlj> drivers as modules? I seem to be getting messages like "sun4i_sndi2s cannot find any using configuration for controllers, return directly" when I try
<oliv3r> hometime :)
<naguirre> hum, binaries which can be found here
<naguirre> are for hardfloat only ?
<mnemoc> that's only the hardware pack, you can add "armel" userspace to that too
<naguirre> it seems that for example is linked agains
<naguirre> libUMP too
<mnemoc> naguirre: uhm, mali libs. poke hipboi
<naguirre> i already sent un mail on the ml few month ago, i was trying to build the mali X11 drivers but i get a 0x3003 erroor
<naguirre> i was just wondering if it's better a couple of month later :)
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<mnemoc> Turl:
<mnemoc> Turl: ping
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<rz2k> can somebody confirm this?
<rz2k> mali_drm from r4p1 pack has driver.platform_device = dev; in that place, seems like guy who pushed it to git just deleted that line because in 3.x it is now driver.kdriver.platform_device.
* rz2k ping techn_
<hno> hi
<rz2k> s/r4p1/r2p4/
<ibot> rz2k meant: mali_drm from r2p4 pack has driver.platform_device = dev; in that place, seems like guy who pushed it to git just deleted that line because in 3.x it is now driver.kdriver.platform_device.
<rz2k> hi hno
<naguirre> mnemoc: there is a r3p1-01rel0 version on the arm website, did you tried it ?
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<mnemoc> naguirre: nope. we have r3p0 on the next_mali branch (tested by Turl)... patches to update that to r3p1 are welcomed... but we are limited by the availability of r3p1 libs
<mnemoc> we do have r3p0 libs for android and armhf in
<mnemoc> it would be awesome if someone could test that on linux
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<RaYmAn> mnemoc: does any drivers even fully work yet?
<RaYmAn> as in, 3d accel
<naguirre> ?
<mnemoc> RaYmAn: never tried it myself...
<mnemoc> naguirre: yes
<naguirre> ok, i should receive a mele a2000 soon, my mele a1000 is used in "production"
<naguirre> i will try when it will be there
<mnemoc> thanks
<naguirre> tom's binaries seems to be harhf also
<mnemoc> natively compiled on ubuntu 12.04 armhf afaik
<naguirre> ah
<naguirre> but is closed source or i missed something
<mnemoc> as allwinner employee he has access to the sources
<naguirre> hum ok
<naguirre> si if one day OpenGL ES acceleration works, it's gonna be with armhf only ?
<RaYmAn> it's the future =P
<RaYmAn> most distros are switching to hf anyways
<naguirre> i never found difference between armfh and soft float
<RaYmAn> the ABI
<naguirre> only abi breaks ...
<naguirre> i mean in my benchmark
<RaYmAn> the basic explanation is: hardfp passed floating point arguments in float point registers
<naguirre> yep
<naguirre> but in the facts i never seen differences
<RaYmAn> it only affects apps that heavily pass around floating point numbers
<naguirre> yes, like povray :P
<naguirre> but who uses povray these days ;)
<naguirre> just joking
<naguirre> i need to try angstrom with armhf
<RaYmAn> it's definitely showing improvements on other ARM devices at least
<naguirre> i tried here with an omap3 and i can see any diff for common uses
<naguirre> i can't see
<naguirre> but you're right in few cases it's better
<ssvb> naguirre: many "common uses" don't even exercise floating point math
<rz2k> mnemoc: by the way, r3p0 still uses r2p4 mali_drm.
<rz2k> r2p4 aimed for 2.6.36 :/
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<mnemoc> rz2k: ouch. what do I `git cherry-pick/apply` :)
<hno> the performsance differences are complicated by most softfloat being compiled for armv5tel, while every hardfloat is armv7.
<hno> and comparing armv5 softfloat to armv7 hardfloat is huge differenmces
<specing> not if you are comparing against kirkwoods
<hno> should have said n an armv7 device.
<hno> on an ..
<rz2k> mnemoc: with r3p0/1 there is no mali_drm and we need to update it accordingly to changes in kernel drm between 2.6.36 and 3.0.42
<mnemoc> rz2k: can you?
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<rz2k> I'm noob, I need help :)
<mnemoc> we all are...
<rz2k> first that I've noticed is platform_device being moved from top structure to union, check dramP.h for platform_device.
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<mnemoc> rz2k: you can comment and post patches for comments at
<naguirre> rz2k: next_mali branch do not include this driver ?
<mnemoc> rz2k: can't :< awfully busy :|
<rz2k> naguirre: next_mali is just r3p0 from, mali_drm is still from r2p4
<mnemoc> fix it :)
<rz2k> mnemoc: ok, I will post that there.
<naguirre> and the changes are interresting ?
<naguirre> between r2p4 and r3p0
<naguirre> i can't find a changelog
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<hno> mali_drm is from Tom. It's not part of the ARM MALI driver but SoC platform specific.
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<hno> except the one we have is almost an empty shell.
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<cat_x301> rz2k: there is no any other mali_drm afaik
<cat_x301> oops.. hno, haven't noticed your comment
<cat_x301> rz2k: anyway, i understood that mali_drm is rather generic and was only supplied once with r2p4..
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<mnemoc> ours is actually no more than an skeleton...
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<hno> skeleton or empty shell, mostly the same just different animals.
<hno> inner or outer skeleton.
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<mnemoc> :)
<mnemoc> hno: indeed your "empty shell" is more correct as they are NOP implementations of the needed hooks
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<popolon> do you know if there is an arm board with HDMI input for using VPU/dsp to encode HDMI signal and push it on the network ?
<techn_> what I remember r3p0 didn't have mali_drm anymore on ARM's site.. previous one's did
<techn_> rz2k:
<rz2k> yep
<techn_> + mali_drm in our repo is broken.. open/probe logic won't work -> no drm in our dev-tree
<techn_> I tried with linaro's one and I managed to get drm to dev-tree.. but still no opengles2 :(
<techn_> could we use opengl libraries without X? with directfb? or wayland?
<techn_> btw. which rendering library android is using?
<rz2k> do you have logs with mali init when drm is in dev-tree?
<cat_x301> popolon: +1
<techn_> not currently..
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<popolon> Most SoC with Cortex A8/A9 has a DSP or vpu able to encode 1080p in h264 today (with good quality, when I look at what do my phone). but the optic & the sensor are only good in day light
<rz2k> techn_: you mean this one;a=blob;f=drivers/gpu/drm/mali/mali_drv.c ?
<popolon> I would like to plug my camera HDMI output to these good encoder directly :p but don't found the good solution :/
<techn_> rz2k: yep..;a=blob;f=drivers/gpu/drm/mali/mali_drv.c or is meego's one.. but both looks better than ours
<traeak> get a usb device...but the usb device of course would have an encode chip on it
<traeak> so it woudl take over the hard work
<rz2k> mali400 is on PCI? because there is a mention of it in function names
<rz2k> return drm_pci_init(&driver, &mali_pci_driver); for example
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<techn_> there's other;a=blob;f=x11/mali_drm/mali/mali_drv.c;h=30538f5932e753296767821d0c088d88ed6c9ca9;hb=HEAD
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<techn_> rz2k: .. it could be this row that we are missing "driver.kdriver.platform_device = dev;" .. like you earlier mentioned
<rz2k> also, why igloo's mali_drm has two device initializations?
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<techn_> for both fb'?
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<naguirre> whe you say empty shell what's is missing ? I don't understand what is missing to have a complete chain working.
<naguirre> from kernel to userland
<naguirre> and where i could help :)
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<naguirre> ok thanks
<naguirre> i already built xorg driver with r3p0-04rel0 sources
<naguirre> but i get a 0x3003 error when initilizing egl
<rz2k> readme for mali_drm and last known "official" mali drm is in this package
<naguirre> on the kernel side we need 2 drivers ?
<naguirre> rz2k: yes i'm on of the guy who report the error
<rz2k> 3, mali, ump and mali_drm
<naguirre> ah yes and ump right ok
<naguirre> so mali is one of arm
<naguirre> and mali_drm is specific to the 10 architecture ?
<naguirre> s/10/s10
<naguirre> a10*
<naguirre> i'm tired
<rz2k> mali_drm is specific to X11
<rz2k> and DRM system
<rz2k> because there is no commercial products using a10 and X11 we have this problems.
<naguirre> ok so it's a userland driver for x11
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<rz2k> it is actually kernelside, "userland" sort of driver is UMP which is bridge between userland mali and kernelside.
<naguirre> ah ok :)
<rz2k> I might be wrong about everything, though :)
<naguirre> linux graphics stack is a bit complex ^^
<rz2k> naguirre: techn_ is now working on disp/hdmi for sunxi devices, he probably knows more than me.
<rz2k> and I'm going to bed. good night.
<naguirre> gn thanks !
<jinzo_> naguirre, I found this writeup quite understanding
<naguirre> thanks !
<RaYmAn> rm: - alternative to the stellaris launchpad. 10$ in 1000's..i guess it will be a bit more for end users when it goes on sale
<jinzo_> that's the new one with accelometer righT?
<RaYmAn> yeah
<RaYmAn> 3d accel sensor with 3d mag sensor, 3axis gyro
<jinzo_> that ups the price a bit :)
<RaYmAn> yeh, but if it's ~15$ it's still pretty good price :)
<RaYmAn> It includes buiilt-in jtag debugger
<specing> so does TI's
<RaYmAn> yup
<RaYmAn> Still cool though :)
<hno> Nice. Now we only need SWD support in OpenOCD..
<hno> And there it is.. OpenOCD 0.6.0 New STLINK V1/V2 JTAG/SWD adapter support.
<RaYmAn> Cool
<RaYmAn> Just in time :)
<hno> almost a week old. Sep 7.
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<mnemoc> naguirre: be sure to compile sunxi-disp as module, or you won't get ump integration
<mnemoc> which is evil, but I have no idea how to solve that
<hno> can't we get those decoupled somehow?
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<hno> can't even locate the UMP code in disp now. Where is it?
<mnemoc> drivers/video/sunxi/disp/dev_fb.c
<hno> looks trivial to fix. ump driver needs to register with the fb driver,and fb driver request ump when seeing the single ioctl.
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* mnemoc has no idea how to hook that up. feel free to fix it :)
<hno> And current integration is somewhat borked. Only handles a single framebuffer.
<hno> we may have two.
<naguirre> hno: does it means that we can only display on one screen at a time ?
<hno> mali will likely crash if more than one is enabled.
<naguirre> ok :/
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<hno> mnemoc, pushed a draft split to disp_ump_split in my repository. Haven't tried building it yet.
<mnemoc> hno: great. tomorrow morning I'll give it a try (together with uboot/sunxi)
<mnemoc> good night!
<Turl> night mnemoc
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