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<leviathanch> focus: hi
<leviathanch> I've sent you an updated A31 symbol, with S0 and S1 split into two separate subunits
<leviathanch> this way you can connect the SDRAM much easier
<leviathanch> I also added some text into the subunits
<leviathanch> so that it's obvious which subpart is what
<leviathanch> :-)
<focus_it> thanks I got it
<leviathanch> great!
<leviathanch> something's a little bit fail: kicad would support drawings which are only visible within subunits, but you have to define it manually with a textedito. ther isn't an UI option for it >_>
<leviathanch> so at the end I had to edit the a31.lib with vim in order to only draw the squares and the text within one specific subsymbol
<leviathanch> ^^
<leviathanch> let's make this board as an opensource project, together
<leviathanch> as long as I have my pads for soldering random stuff onto it
<leviathanch> I'm happy
<leviathanch> squee
<leviathanch> :-D
<focus_it> yup!
<focus_it> do you get the kicad project with 3D for A31 and the expeyes + SODIMM joined together?
<focus_it> the file also has the correction for pad size - needs to up it to 0.3mm
<leviathanch> ah, did you receive my python script I wrote?
<leviathanch> which updates the pad sizes automatically if you set the right parameter?
<leviathanch> simplyfies everything a lot :-)
<focus_it> hard to tell - the web mail i use out of hours is not same as evolution
<focus_it> at work - so I can't see back too far
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<leviathanch> uhm
<leviathanch> focus_it: I've sent you a tar.gz file
<leviathanch> which contains some python scripts
<leviathanch> :-)
<leviathanch> otherwise I'll send it to you again
<leviathanch> but you need a csv
<leviathanch> hmm
<leviathanch> wait I'll just send you the tar.gz once again
<leviathanch> ;-)
<leviathanch> focus_it: you've got email :-)
<focus_it> ok thanks - the pads easily adjusted in pcbnew - right click pad > (select pad) > edit all pads > and then work with the option from there
<focus_it> got it thanks
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<leviathanch> focus_it: no problem :-)
<focus_it> brilliant start preparing it as a proper project for release some time monday / tuesday
<focus_it> I note the new cubieboard uses tiny cylinder for xtal - may be you want to do that, its a big space and cost saver
<focus_it> the expeyes used smt - a bit expensive compared to watch type cylinder xtal
<focus_it> what chip do you plan for the power? AXP209?
<focus_it> leviathanch: if using AXP209, the expeyes project has it done and you can download it and copy/paste that into your schematic and save a lot of time
<focus_it> The DDR parts also identical NT5CB256M16BP-DI 256*16 to GT memory because it is JDEC compatible memory - so can copy schematic and bga footprint to save time
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<leviathanch> focus_it: sorry, I was having dinner
<leviathanch> no, the newer one, AXP221
<leviathanch> focus_it: is the schematics symbol for the DDR contained within the tar.gz you've uploaded?
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<leviathanch> focus_it: I was warned the PowerVR might give us some problems with the GPL
<leviathanch> ...
<leviathanch> would be ironic if I'd get f**ed because my board commits a GPL violation after having shouted against companies commiting such myself
<leviathanch> >_>
<leviathanch> we really have to check that
<leviathanch> focus_it: hehe,
<leviathanch> a loop hole
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<focus_it> leviathanch: "copyright holder do not need the permission granted by the GPL to distribute their own work, so they do not need to satisfy the GPL's requirements"
<focus_it> it sez there - pro
<focus_it> probably how they get around it
<leviathanch> hehe
<leviathanch> yes
<leviathanch> what I ment
<leviathanch> so we don't have a GPL violation at least
<leviathanch> puh
<leviathanch> it's still not nice
<focus_it> The DDR is in this older file:
<leviathanch> ok
<leviathanch> thx!
<leviathanch> focus_it: is this RTL chip still recent?
<leviathanch> focus_it: RTL8201CP
<leviathanch> because I can remember some years ago I was using the exact same in order to provide ethernet for my RepRap electronics
<leviathanch> but never got to develop an effective web interface for it
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<leviathanch> it did print some design for the tablet with it recently though
<leviathanch> hmm
<buZz> reprap \o/
<buZz> :)
* buZz just designed and printed a custom case part for a cubieboard
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<focus_it> leviathanch: The RTL8201CP chip is still selling and very cheap and supported by Linux
<focus_it> This guy asks for $0.3 + shipping
<leviathanch> O_o
<leviathanch> unbelievable cheap!
<leviathanch> awesome ^_^
<focus_it> Allwinner sez AXP221 - but datasheet in CN - google translate can help - but do you have a proper English translated datasheet of AXP221 to work with?
<leviathanch> uhm, the most important information is the value table and the reference schematic
<leviathanch> and I could even guess without google translate which of the rows and columns is the minimum and maximum voltage
<leviathanch> ;-)
<focus_it> ok understand but one or two items hard to guess
<leviathanch> our luck that nearly every CAD has been written by English speaking people
<leviathanch> same for EDA
<leviathanch> so they are forced to at least name the pins in European alphabet
<leviathanch> xD
<leviathanch> focus_it: yeah
<leviathanch> focus_it: you don't understand Chinese?
<leviathanch> or do you?
<focus_it> i been in CN 2yr but not understand CN, also they have cad but obviously they can't export to here
<focus_it> in cn they also have huge varieties of cheap dev systems but not export to here because its all in cn
<focus_it> also numerous ultra cheap cpus costing $0.1 but as good as PICs and ARM cortex without the price
<leviathanch> hmm
<leviathanch> did you hear of this octa-core which should be released soon by some Chinese company?
<leviathanch> low cost SoC
<buZz> My new cubiecase with built-in PSU :
<leviathanch> buZz: nice!
<focus_it> buZz: envy!
<leviathanch> buZz: you've got a RepRap as well?
<leviathanch> ^^
<buZz> yeah
<buZz> made one last year
<buZz> its such nice tech ;)
<leviathanch> buZz: hehe
<focus_it> buZz: I'm gonna beat you boyeee! I bought this
<leviathanch> built mine some years ago
<focus_it> I ordered it half paid for by my company
<leviathanch> most of it has been printed or is recycled iron
<buZz> focus_it: resin prints are fragile
<leviathanch> the threded rods and so
<leviathanch> ^^
<leviathanch> focus_it: what does RMB mean btw?
<leviathanch> which current?
<buZz> right mouse button
<buZz> :P
<leviathanch> ahh
<leviathanch> I've googled
<leviathanch> xD
<leviathanch> sorry
<focus_it> RMB means CN currency
<leviathanch> ok
<leviathanch> hmm
<focus_it> formlabs is 25 micron accuracy which is good enough for production run models in $ company which is why my boss agreed to buy it
<leviathanch> that's cheap for so much RAM
<leviathanch> wow
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<buZz> focus_it: i am not talking about accuracy, that is great
<buZz> focus_it: i am talking about being able to crush the prints with your hands
<leviathanch> focus_it: I'll use both RAM slots, ok?
<focus_it> leviathanch: ok
<leviathanch> ok
<leviathanch> focus_it: it's not the target which counted for me when building my prusa mendel out of recycling material
<leviathanch> it was the way
<focus_it> buZz: this for sales guys who need something to show to customers
<leviathanch> cuting iron, debugging electronics, screwing and measuring
<leviathanch> is as good as Zen meditation
<leviathanch> ^^
<buZz> focus_it: ah yeah its fine for pointless demos, not for production work
<buZz> reprap ownes production work
<focus_it> i bought a reprarap but after 80% assembly I gave up - and then ordered parts to build my own one better designed - still haven't done it yet - shame on me
<focus_it> i have a laser cutter and it makes parts in minutes such as boxes - but not proper 3d shapes with high definition
<leviathanch> focus_it: you've got a laser cutter?
<focus_it> 80W
<leviathanch> focus_it: can you also cut thin iron parts? around 2mm thick?
<focus_it> 600x400mm
<leviathanch> oh
<leviathanch> hmm
<leviathanch> damn 80W won't cut iron
<leviathanch> ...
<focus_it> metal cutting needs oxygen and 150W
<leviathanch> yes
<focus_it> or a 500W fiber laser
<leviathanch> well, we have one at the hackerspace in Basel
<focus_it> 100k!
<focus_it> cool
<leviathanch> I'll ask folken if he can cut it for me
<leviathanch> hmm
<leviathanch> focus_it: where are you usually, when you're not in CN?
<focus_it> in uk
<leviathanch> oh, damn that's also far from Switzerland
<leviathanch> still too far for a beer
<leviathanch> ^^
<focus_it> i have travelled the world - may be some day i be there
<focus_it> i was in geneva a few years back on an exhibition
<leviathanch> hmm
<leviathanch> focus_it: which one?
<leviathanch> maybe I've been there as well
<leviathanch> ^^
<focus_it> buZz: I order this 3D scanner as well for future work
<focus_it> leviathanch: the swiss invention show
<focus_it> i can't remember its full name but it is one of the biggest
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<leviathanch> focus_it: we have a hacked kinect sensor in our hackerspace xD
<leviathanch> and also some low power plasma thruster based on Chen Diazs VASIMR200 design
<leviathanch> ^^
<leviathanch> but really home brew and low power
<leviathanch> with a recycled magnetron
<leviathanch> 3D printing, some basic physics experiments
<leviathanch> what just cam to my mind
<focus_it> wow - dangerous them magnetrons
<leviathanch> you just need to shield it right
<leviathanch> basically I couple all the energy into the plasma, so there's not much leakage
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<buZz> focus_it: we are building a 3d scanner around a kinect setup
<focus_it> i took apart a new microwave to get to the magnetron. My idea was to put it inside a transparent double wall box. The double wall will be filled with water and the microwaves can't then escape
<focus_it> not enough time to go finish that project
<focus_it> buZz: the matter form one is very supportive of open source - which is why I went for that
<penguin42> focus_it: It's an interesting way to try and build a kettle
<buZz> nice nice
<focus_it> matter form sent me one of their high definition scans - it was very high definition - then I imported it into meshlabs and then into wings3d and it worked flawlessly importing end exporting
<buZz> i think we are soon receiving someones line scanner
<buZz> just a laserline + webcam + rotational platform
<penguin42> meshlab is very neat - I've played with 3d fractals in that a few times
<focus_it> penguin42: interesting way to experiment with microwaves without getting cancer. Need to see the experiment and what it is doing while experimenting to take the experiment forward - hence the double wall made of water
<buZz> meshlab is really fast
<leviathanch> focus_it: I've just tinkered around a lot with fundamental physics projects
<leviathanch> you know, when something pops up in my head I have to finish it
<penguin42> focus_it: I'm not sure I'd trust it to keep all the microwaves in
<leviathanch> took me more then a year to finish the RepRap
<leviathanch> but I invested every free minute into it
<leviathanch> same for the thruster
<leviathanch> it's my way to escape the daily problems
<leviathanch> or hacking embedded devices
<leviathanch> ^^
<focus_it> penguin42: which is why I never finished the project - need a microwave detector and more in case it penetrated the shielding
<leviathanch> I borrowed one from my professor of physics
<leviathanch> ;-)
<leviathanch> did cost me a beer
<penguin42> focus_it: Well you could always build it inside the case of the microwave you extracted the magnetron from
<leviathanch> yes
<focus_it> levianthanch: that is great this persistance to get things done - I dabble but too much in too many pies
<leviathanch> but I needed a long channel were the longer wave subharmonies can travel through and bear the plasma with'em
<leviathanch> and the material of the original oven isn't enough
<focus_it> penguin42: this experiment must not have metal objects other than experiment near it
<leviathanch> so I had to use a fine looped iron web
<leviathanch> hmm
<leviathanch> sometime a small spark
<leviathanch> otherwise all the microwaves stay within the plasma
<leviathanch> nearly no emmision along the tube
<leviathanch> 10mN thrust
<leviathanch> yeepee
<leviathanch> 1.2kW
<leviathanch> >_>
<penguin42> sorry - did you just say thrust?
<leviathanch> oops
<leviathanch> sorry, you got me, I'm not a native speaker ^_^"
<leviathanch> uhh
<leviathanch> it's right
<leviathanch> ahh you mean because it's that weak
<leviathanch> yeah
<leviathanch> hihi
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<penguin42> but you did say mN so that's consistent with thrust - I've never thought of a radio source as producing thrust
<leviathanch> at it's not blowing up
<leviathanch> *at least
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<leviathanch> penguin42: yes
<leviathanch> thrust
<leviathanch> plasma thrusters
<leviathanch> produce thrust
<leviathanch> ^^
<penguin42> wow - that's a good title
<penguin42> oh, right it's not the radio waves themselves that are giving the thrust - that's ionising some gas
<leviathanch> it just tickled me within my fingers to build it when I had read Chen Diazs scientifc paper
<leviathanch> yeah
<leviathanch> Argon
<leviathanch> you can get 5 liters for around 20$ at Pangas
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<penguin42> hmm but it only works in a vacuum doesn't it?
<focus_it> I'm trying to verify this guy
<leviathanch> focus_it: they forgot to mention that it fries everything beneath it, uhum
<leviathanch> ^^
<leviathanch> but yeah, radiation pressure is a well known phenomenon
<leviathanch> take your 70W laser and point it towards a black colored pinpong ball
<leviathanch> it will start to move
* penguin42 has no idea if that makes sense or not
<leviathanch> since E=mc²=hv
<focus_it> i don't believe in it - but the experimentation and its difficulty keeps nagging away to build something and test it
<leviathanch> E=mc²=hv ;-)
<leviathanch> since p=m*v
<leviathanch> you can calculate the momentum of a photone
<focus_it> the guy has a video (fake?) on youtube with his machine spinning on a turntable and nothing to make it turn that way
<leviathanch> Dr.Harold White from NASA space centers Eagle Lab is working on a faster then light drive, seriously
<focus_it> he claims about 50mN+ and the latest is 0.1N or better - can't scoff at such claims - got UK funding from government
<leviathanch> and he's not a nut case
<leviathanch> ^^
<leviathanch> hmm?
<leviathanch> focus_it: 50mN isn't far from realistic
<leviathanch> you only need a high radiation intensity
<leviathanch> just fill it into the formula for the radiation pressure
<leviathanch> calculate the area
<leviathanch> woosh you've got such a value
<focus_it> hmm... the wall of water would block the radiation
<focus_it> so it would have to work inside the transparent box of water before i believe in it
<focus_it> which is where I think this guy is going wrong
<focus_it> i got the plastic to make the double wall and microwave is just a household microwave but still haven't got round to experimenting with it
<leviathanch> I'd stick to a good old fashio shielding with fine looped iron
<leviathanch> hmm
<leviathanch> grate
<leviathanch> it is called
<leviathanch> ^^
* leviathanch sometimes has to loop up words
<focus_it> the guy might turn that around and say the mesh interfered with his experiment by reflecting microwaves back - water - no chance!
<focus_it> its crap anyway! :)
<focus_it> I was going to make some plastic structures and stick down copper tape to get the metal structures I needed.
<focus_it> If I understood my university lectures in electromagnetism, I would be able to really play with microwaves for the first time without risking injury. Build microwave devices, test them, etc.
<focus_it> Even build plasma engines of low power - even a cross polaroid to block plasma penetration
<penguin42> focus_it: Generally it's probably a bad idea to play with kW microwave sources unless you did understand it!
<focus_it> I agree - which is why i stop
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<leviathanch> focus_it: well if you are very unlucky a magnetron can actually already cause blindness
<leviathanch> quickly
<leviathanch> so take care
<leviathanch> I had a special face protection on the first time I measured it
<leviathanch> just to make sure
<leviathanch> some students who were watching my laboratory and already knew a bit about mircowaves had the opinion I'd be too careful
<leviathanch> but my sight is relevant for what I'm doing :-)
<focus_it> true - the experimenter in me says I am trained to handle microwaves so I should do it all - but because microwaves are off the menu in science experiements, the practical experience is nil in classroom and in labs
<focus_it> at our university you would have to head on down to the physics department to get to microwaves
<focus_it> despite it being electronics department subject
<focus_it> tooo dangerous - leave it for some time in the future
<focus_it> good night folks :)
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