lkcl changed the topic of #arm-netbook to: arm-netbook: Don't ask to ask. Just ask! - EOMA68 spec - ML - Logs or - For Allwinner/sunxi discussions prefer #linux-sunxi - iMX6 Card - Flying Squirrel - Allwinner A10/A20 Card -
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<SPG> Luke Leighton master 6f68521 source whitepapers/ecocomputing_07sep2015.mdwn update mbit to gbit *;a=commitdiff;h=6f68521
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<ericxdu> Oh hi lkcl and thanks for the welcome
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<mozzwald> lkcl: is there a pinout or schematic for the cpu card avail? i can't seem to find it if it's available. I looked here but it seems to be all datasheets
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<oh2ftg> scroll down to "Table of EOMA-68 pinouts"
<oh2ftg> the rhombus-tech site is really hard to navigate, but I did find schematic links there, somewhere
<oh2ftg> apparently this git repo has the schematics
<oh2ftg> but the page refers to allwinner a10, when according to my understanding, the current card as a20
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<desttinghim> I think I've seen it mentioned a couple times where the A20 is a drop in replacement for the A10
<desttinghim> Take that with a grain of salt though
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<mozzwald> oh2ftg: thanks. I knew of the elinux pinout. was looking for the pcb pinout to see alternate functions of the cpu pins on the eoma interface (and internal header)
<oh2ftg> no idea about internal headers
<mozzwald> the sitemap at rhombus-tech site seems to be the way to find stuff. I didn't think to look at the a10 board
<oh2ftg> and as the card is eoma68 compliant, the pins should match the standard
<oh2ftg> mozzwald: me neither, I used the site map
<mozzwald> which I think is same/similar to the a20 as desttinghim says
<arkimedes> hey lkcl congrats on the funding completion!!
<arkimedes> sorry i havent been able to work on the site yet got super swamped with stuff
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<mozzwald> yeah, pins on eoma should match the standard. I was just curious what other functions were available on them
<mozzwald> and I think there is an internal header on the cpu card
<oh2ftg> well the other functions available are the one's mentioned in the eoma68 standard
<mozzwald> typically, cpu's have multiple functions on 1 pin. so, if one wanted to not use usb on a set of pins, you could use them as regular gpio or whatever else the cpu provides on that pin
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<oh2ftg> maybe, but with that software the card would become incompliant to eoma68 and noncompatible with all/most hardware made for eoma68 use
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<mozzwald> i understand, and agree :) I'm just curious
<mozzwald> anyways, looks like the a10 schematics/layout are for the old eoma spec. I see sata and ethernet in it
<arossdotme> mozzwald, there are no optional pins, use a arduino-like thingy for gpio :)
<arossdotme> i use the sitemap my self to get around. the site does need work, i belive your welcome to try improve it, login and start editing :)
<arossdotme> so then the question is what to make the menu structure into ? heh
<arossdotme> decisions, ponders, debates, trials
<arossdotme> etc
<mozzwald> arossdotme: i fully understand what the specifications of eoma68 require :)
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<mozzwald> my point is, i should be able to work outside that spec in the comfort of my own home. this is free/libre project, yes?
<hssa> pretty sure it is free and libre.
<hssa> who are you talking to
<hssa> ?
<hssa> I am curious if the main dev is here
<hssa> thats why i ask
<mozzwald> just making a point i guess
<hssa> do you use trisquel forums at all?
<mozzwald> i'm just curious to see the schematics if available. they may not be
<hssa> I believe he has uploaded some of the source code to the design already
<hssa> Rhombus tech maybe has it
<hssa> on that website
<mozzwald> i havent checked trisquel. i'll check it out.
<hssa> I would have to look it up again but the people are said they
<hssa> that Luke uploaded the schematics
<mozzwald> cant find it in the rhombustech site
<hssa> hmm
<hssa> well if you want i can look up your question
<hssa> Since you seem curious
<hssa> I will ask that forum
<hssa> you use linux right?
<hssa> gnu/linux to be more accurate
<mozzwald> yes
<hssa> okay
<mozzwald> thanks
<hssa> oh by the way
<hssa> I am going to make a thread about it on trisquel's forums feel free to look at the replies it gets okay?
<hssa> is the website
<hssa> go to the forums and calmstorm is my username
<hssa> okay I made the post
<hssa> I will no doubt return in the future
<hssa> So if you see me ask me to look it up if you don't remember to do so yourself
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<hssa> gtg
<mozzwald> awesome, i'll check it out. thx
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<lkcl> arkimedes: thxman.... just got a looot of work to do now :)
<lkcl> mozzwald: there is an internal header... it's an FPC20 i think... i'm not going to be putting it on by default
<mozzwald> ah, sweet
<lkcl> mozzwald: track the links there.
<lkcl> mozzwald: but please, if you're thinking of using any EOMA68 computer card for "non" EOMA68 features... please don't.
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<mozzwald> like i said, "in the comfort of my own home." I wouldn't release a real product that was non compliant
<mozzwald> thanks for the links
<lkcl> mozzwald: it's not so much that - it's that you'll end up developing something that, when *you* come to upgrading, you have to start again entirely from scratch... because you used a feature of the A10 that's not part of EOMA68.
<lkcl> mozzwald: just bear that in mind. for example the A64 has a totally different pinouts... do the multiplexed functions of the A20 match even the *slightest* bit with those of the A64? absolutely none of them do!
<lkcl> mozzwald: which means that you relegate the EOMA68-A20 to "just another SBC to be thrown into landfill"
<lkcl> if that makes any sense.
<mozzwald> I understand the concerns :) I don't even know if there's anything I'd use.
<mozzwald> and it makes sense, yes. it's still anyones choice to do what they want with it
<lkcl> mozzwald: correct.... it is.... but i'm not allowing people to claim it's "compatible with the EOMA68 standard" if they use alternative functions.
<lkcl> mozzwald: that's *really* important because if people start doing that, they're in effect CLAIMING that they have authorisation to EXTEND the EOMA68 standard.... which they most certainly do not.
<lkcl> mozzwald: thus they would be bringing the standard into disrepute.... and that's where i have to put my foot down.
<mozzwald> lkcl: right. no one should claim to have an eoma68 compliant device if it doesn't meet the spec.
<lkcl> mozzwald: correct.
<lkcl> mozzwald: so with that proviso in mind.... feel free :)
<mozzwald> my interest is for personal use. and again, I dunno if I will even want to use the multiplexed functions, or have a need. I just like to know my options :D
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<lkcl> mozzwald: push the boundaries. so... now you know :)