devyn changed the topic of #elliottcable to: YEP
<gq> hi you
<ELLIOTTCABLE> whitequark, glowcoil, gq, you guys down to minecraft?
<gq> ELLIOTTCABLE: don wanna. we should g+ instead
<gq> ELLIOTTCABLE: d is here and everything
<gq> he is also unclothed
<whitequark> ELLIOTTCABLE: I really wanna sleep
<whitequark> maybe tomorrow
<whitequark> like I'm dropping on the spot
<whitequark> I have
<gq> haha
<whitequark> though in the past I did skip sleep for 30+ hr
<whitequark> not pleasant
<whitequark> and not fun
<purr> lol
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<ELLIOTTCABLE> bored. feel ill.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> supposed to be hanging a damn TV, but it's hard, and I ran into yet-more snags. ಠ_ಠ
<gq> everything is dumb
<gq> im tired of everything
<gq> would like to request a new everything please
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: hi!
<gq> ELLIOTTCABLE: just...tired...of my life...i want a new one...or something, idk
<gq> like, suicidal in that utterly passive way where it's like fuck it, just fuck it
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<ELLIOTTCABLE> worst. day. worst. night.
<gq> yeah?
<glowcoil> hi ELLIOTTCABLE
<glowcoil> a bit busy w homework atm
<glowcoil> but maybe can play minecraft in a bit
<glowcoil> ELLIOTTCABLE, gq: :(
<glowcoil> haha whitequark i love you
<joelteon> shit nigga
<joelteon> i have internet in my room
<ELLIOTTCABLE> glowcoil: oh, okay
<ELLIOTTCABLE> isn't whitequark great?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> oh, btw, glowcoil, he's totally your age.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> which makes me sad, and feel unfulfilled.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Everybody's younger than me, and better at everything than me.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I feel like a has-been.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Except, of programming, instead of sports.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> and then there's no
<ELLIOTTCABLE> fucking studs
<ELLIOTTCABLE> in my wall.
* ELLIOTTCABLE throws hands up in the air
<ELLIOTTCABLE> glowcoil, gq? minecraft, or something? distract poor, poor elliott from his desires to MURDERRAPEFUCK?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> If anybody here's ever read the Vorkosigan saga …
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I think of myself as Bothari.
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<gkatsev> I'm not younger than you, I don't think :P
<ELLIOTTCABLE> gkatsev: yeah, but you haven't done anything of value except hats. #pff
<gkatsev> I've done stuff of value, I think.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> you're good at thinking.
<gkatsev> also, I've read Falling Free which is kind of in the vorkosigan saga
<ELLIOTTCABLE> that was a good one!
<ELLIOTTCABLE> not the best, though.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Barrayar was my favorite. I don't actually like Miles much. He's kind of a tit.
<gkatsev> I've read it during my read through of all Nebula Award winners
<ELLIOTTCABLE> … that's … a really good idea. wow.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> okay, now I think you've done something of value. :P
<gkatsev> lol
<purr> lol
<gkatsev> currently giving Ancillary Justice a shot
<gkatsev> but I have the hugo awards as a target next, hopefully by the end of the year.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Fuck *me*, I have an excellent eye
<ELLIOTTCABLE> casually arranged an amp on top of my media centre
<ELLIOTTCABLE> at the mid-point
<ELLIOTTCABLE> then did some math to find the exact mid-point
<ELLIOTTCABLE> it was less than half a centimeter off, in both dimensions
<ELLIOTTCABLE> #unreasonablyproudofhimselfoversomemeasurements
<ELLIOTTCABLE> #reallyreallyreallylikestouselonghashtagstodescribehimself
<ELLIOTTCABLE> #isprettysurethatisapsychologicaldisorderofsomesort
<gkatsev> congrats?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> #fullyexpectstobethesubjectofapsychoanalysisstudysometimeinthenextfewyears
<ELLIOTTCABLE> #doesntwanttostopdoingthis
<ELLIOTTCABLE> woah, embedded tweets in irccloud
<ELLIOTTCABLE> best thaaaaang
<purr> lolwat
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I can retweet from *inside irccloud*. I'm unreasonably impressed by this.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> “(also possibly magic and/or bullshit)”
<ELLIOTTCABLE> glowcoilglowcoilglowcoilglowcoilglowcoilglowcoilglowcoilglowcoilglowcoil
<ELLIOTTCABLE> glowy, glowy coil
<ELLIOTTCABLE> glowcoil glowcoil glowcoil
<gkatsev> so, what have you been up to lately, EC?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> nothing productive.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> haven't coded productively in probably more than a year, now.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I mean, look at this sadness.
<gkatsev> mine isn't much better:
<gkatsev> though, I do work with and on an open source project for my job
<gkatsev> though, I'm excited that I got backbone-nested working with backbone 1.x
<alexgordon> ELLIOTTCABLE
<alexgordon> here?
<alexgordon> gkatsev: same here
<gkatsev> re?
<alexgordon> github productivity
<gkatsev> yeah
<alexgordon> devyn: ha you saw that too
<alexgordon> whenever I read about programming languages it makes me sad that I'm not making one :(
<gkatsev> it's a bit ridiculous if you compare yourself to someone like substack or TJ holowaychuck
<alexgordon> to think all the stuff I could get done with a month of spare time
<gkatsev> clearly you should make one
<alexgordon> clearly I should make some spare time
<gkatsev> just drop everything. Now you have some free time.
<alexgordon> k
<gkatsev> who cares about chocolat anyway? :P
<alexgordon> more people than ever, unfortunately -_-
<joelteon> does chocolat have a fuzzy finder
<alexgordon> joelteon: a what what?
<joelteon> a fuzzy finder
<alexgordon> joelteon: you mean like this ?
<gkatsev> like for files? or for what?
<joelteon> ya
<alexgordon> joelteon: yes
<joelteon> like that
<joelteon> does it have that
<joelteon> ok
<joelteon> does it have vim keybindings
<alexgordon> yes
<joelteon> i want to try it
<alexgordon> ^ yeah I've been working on a brand new fuzzy finder today
<gkatsev> are the vim keybindings not terrible? :P
<alexgordon> the old one is looking tired
<alexgordon> gkatsev: pretty terrible
<alexgordon> gkatsev: it's complicated.
<joelteon> does it have gg
<gkatsev> alexgordon: yeah, I can imagine.
<alexgordon> joelteon: it does!
<gkatsev> IdeaVim for intellij is probably one of the best vim keybinding plugin
<joelteon> does it have word motions
<alexgordon> joelteon: example?
<joelteon> ciw
<joelteon> change inside word
<alexgordon> I don't actually know vim, I just integrated a vim mode that someone else wrote :P
<gkatsev> alexgordon: ah
<alexgordon> joelteon: that did something
<joelteon> delete the current word, place the cursor at its beginning
<gkatsev> joelteon: it's called text-objects
<joelteon> ok
<joelteon> mb
<alexgordon> that selected the first character
<alexgordon> lol why don't you try it yourself :P
<purr> lol
<gkatsev> this is more fun
<joelteon> how do i enable vim keybindings
<alexgordon> joelteon: there is a better vim mode I want to use, but I need to ARC convert chocolat first which will take months
<joelteon> oh
<joelteon> vim mode
<joelteon> it doesn't have visual block :/
<alexgordon> what's that?
<gkatsev> select a block of text
<joelteon> select blocks
<joelteon> of text
<gkatsev> i.e. one character in a column on several lines
<joelteon> oh and then ctrl-e conflicts with the readline ctrl-e which is jump to end of line
<alexgordon> joelteon: if you select the start and end points and tap alt
<alexgordon> that's a bit like visual block probably?
<joelteon> yeah but then i gotta use my mouse
<alexgordon> no you don't?
<alexgordon> in visual mode
<gkatsev> yeah, ideavim has some key binding problems as well. keybinding is hard.
<joelteon> really
<joelteon> i must be doing something wrong
<joelteon> oh hey
<joelteon> there, it sorta works
<alexgordon> yay
<alexgordon> that's out of vim mode though
<alexgordon> so you don't get any vim stuff
<joelteon> yeah it doesn't work like vim
<joelteon> so it's vimmy
<joelteon> not really the vim I'm super familiar with
<alexgordon> joelteon: yah, uncanny valley
<joelteon> yeah but less creepy
<alexgordon> still, it took me about 3 days to implement
<joelteon> oh yeah well i mean
<joelteon> this is a beautiful editor
<joelteon> it's definitely surpassed textmate i think
<joelteon> it's just not the style i'm used to
<devyn> also their name, wtf
<devyn> GO!GO!7188
<devyn> like
<devyn> is that even a name
<alexgordon> joelteon: yah well... it's a life project :P
<joelteon> i doubt there'll be an editor I'll use instead of vim in the near future
<devyn> oh I guess it is shichi-ichi-hachi-hachi
<alexgordon> at this point it's more about slowly improving it than rabidly coding like I did in the betas
<gkatsev> aren't most things better than textmate? :P
<joelteon> textmate 2 is pretty nice
<alexgordon> gkatsev: textmate has a zen like simplicity that most editors (even chocolat) lack
<alexgordon> I use it whenever I break chocolat
<alexgordon> :P
<gkatsev> granted, I've never used textmate
<joelteon> no textmate was the de facto osx editor
<joelteon> it was super nice
<devyn> joelteon: HAVE A CARROT
<alexgordon> the funny thing about making your editor is that you're always on master
<joelteon> no thanks
<alexgordon> i.e. EVERYTHING IS BUGGY
<alexgordon> joelteon: look at this shit:
<alexgordon> oh now it decides to not work, perfect
<devyn> the carrot also squirts carrot juice for no reason at all
<alexgordon> ah there we go
<alexgordon> joelteon: pick a language
<joelteon> go
<devyn> additionally I have a bomb on my head
<joelteon> so random lel
<devyn> joelteon: :)
<alexgordon> joelteon:
<joelteon> oh ok
<joelteon> neato
<alexgordon> I want to make a popover to show the question
<devyn> alexgordon: ooh that's neat
<glowcoil> oh shit thought whitequark was at least like mid 20s
<glowcoil> shit
<alexgordon> he isn't?
<joelteon> how old is whitequark
<devyn> I am whitequark
<alexgordon> in soviet russia, scotch ages you
<devyn> oh I thought that was true everywhere
<alexgordon> (that was a joke worthy of 5am)
<alexgordon> glowcoil: how old is whitequark if not 20s?
<glowcoil> alexgordon: ELLIOTTCABLE said he's my age
<glowcoil> and I'm 18
<glowcoil> halfway to 19
<joelteon> figures
<devyn> I really doubt that
<glowcoil> haha wow just realized how much older 18 is than 12, and there was a time that the micah-is-12 jokes were only a couple years off
<alexgordon> glowcoil: YOU'VE GROWN SO BIG
<joelteon> he doesn't seem very 18 to me
<devyn> there was a time that devyn-is-12 jokes were actually not off at all
<devyn> and not jokes
<alexgordon> there was a time when alexgordon is 12 jokes were spot on: when I was 12
<devyn> anyway, glowcoil: I'm pretty sure he's already done with university, so he's not your age :p
<devyn> unless, well, special
<joelteon> whitequark would be that asshole
<joelteon> that finished university early
<alexgordon> devyn: if you want to be pedantic, college in the UK is 16 to 18!
<joelteon> there's a skype update, maybe it's a bit less bad
<joelteon> but i doubt it
<devyn> Moscow State University
<devyn> Bioengineering and Bioinformatics, 2010 - 2012
<alexgordon> didn't terry tao finish university when he was 15? maybe whitequark is just brilliant
<devyn> whitequark is brilliant
<joelteon> or ambitious
<joelteon> i could've finished university when I was 15
<joelteon> but who does that
<joelteon> i think you guys probably could've done that
<glowcoil> i'll finish when 20 or 21 probably
<alexgordon> "He received his bachelor's and master's degrees (at the age of 16) from Flinders University under Garth Gaudry."
<glowcoil> i have a 4 year full ride so there's no way i'm not going to ride it out
<alexgordon> (terry tao not whitequark)
<devyn> I'll finish whenever I feel like it
<glowcoil> and then maybe grad school
<glowcoil> for math or brains
<glowcoil> or both
<alexgordon> glowcoil: finish when you're 20? you can do that?
<alexgordon> terry tao received his phd at age 21! you should aim for that
<joelteon> hmm I was too optimistic
<devyn> so I went looking for more music and mostly just found shit
<joelteon> no changes in skype
<devyn> sigh
<alexgordon> started reading a post on Aaron Swartz's blog (which is still up) and had a strange feeling
<devyn> I know that feeling :/
<devyn> does anyone actually use the 'share' link on reddit
<alexgordon> no
<alexgordon> what does it do?
<devyn> it lets you email/PM reddit links to people
<alexgordon> weird why would I want to do that!
<devyn> exactly
<alexgordon> email is for old people
<alexgordon> along with facebook
<devyn> and work
<alexgordon> my #1 priority in life is not to get old!
<devyn> you're doing a good job of it by being in #elliottcable
<alexgordon> xD
<alexgordon> and by "old" I mean, set in my ways and out of touch
<alexgordon> that's the beginning of the end
<devyn> I think ELLIOTTCABLE brings us young'uns in here just to lower the average age of the channel
<devyn> intentionally
<ELLIOTTCABLE> holy crap backlog
<alexgordon> oh hi great commander
<devyn> he's like fucking beetlejuice
<devyn> juise*?
<gkatsev> ELLIOTTCABLE: yes, people sometimes talk in there
<ELLIOTTCABLE> gkatsev: “it's a bit ridiculous if you compare yourself to someone like substack or TJ holowaychuck” why?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I can't talk. busy.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> fuck. bye.
<alexgordon> devyn: fortunately I'm not so old yet
<ELLIOTTCABLE> devyn: three times. every time.
<gkatsev> ELLIOTTCABLE: why? because just look at their github activity
<alexgordon> my age has been narrowed down to between 21 and 29
<gkatsev> mine as well
<glowcoil> alexgordon: well, I can definitely get a math degree in 3 years
<glowcoil> alexgordon: and my birthday is after graduation, so, 20
<glowcoil> alexgordon: though I probably want to doubly major with cs so that would make it 4 years probably
<alexgordon> glowcoil: oh right
<glowcoil> or possibly more
<devyn> personally I'm kind of done just having my own pet projects... I'd like to actually work on something with lots of other people
<alexgordon> I was thinking 2 years
<alexgordon> glowcoil: so you can do that in america? I've always been under the impression that you had to do degrees in 4 years
<alexgordon> (in the uk it's 3 years)
<devyn> black rose
<glowcoil> alexgordon: well, I did the IB program and a shit ton of AP classes in high school
<glowcoil> alexgordon: waiving a lot of my generals
<glowcoil> and I mean
* alexgordon has no idea what you just said
<alexgordon> interactive brokers?
<glowcoil> basically, college-credit classes in high school
<alexgordon> associated press?
<glowcoil> Internation Baccalaureate
<devyn> -al
<alexgordon> field marshals?
<glowcoil> it's actually more of A Thing in the UK than here
<alexgordon> glowcoil: oh right
<alexgordon> yeah I didn't know you had that :P
<glowcoil> like, all the shit has british spellings
<glowcoil> :p
<glowcoil> but yeah it's been at my high school for like, 6-7 yrs
<devyn> glowcoil: oh british spellings are my favourite spellings
<gkatsev> alexgordon: in the US you can finish a degree in less time. You just need to meet the credit reqs. It doesn't matter how long or short it takes.
<alexgordon> though I came before they started pushing IB
<glowcoil> alexgordon: anyway regardless of ap/ib I could do like, really heavy course loads and summer semesters and graduate in like 2 yrs probably
<alexgordon> so I actually have no clue what an IB is
<glowcoil> 4 years is really just the average normal amount
<glowcoil> and depending on the degree it's longer or shorter I think
<gkatsev> 4 years is just the default plan
<gkatsev> basically
<alexgordon> glowcoil: I see
<glowcoil> yeah
<gkatsev> at Northeastern where I went, I spent 5 years.
<alexgordon> ouch
<gkatsev> though, I had 1.5 years of work interspersed
<gkatsev> 6 months work + 6 months classes/vacation
<gkatsev> for the last 3 years
<alexgordon> glowcoil: you can extend degrees in the UK to 4 years if for some reason you can't do it in 3. never heard of anybody doing it in 2 years tho
<gkatsev> so, I didn't mind not getting my diploma later
<devyn> y'all are boring. bye
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<gq> ELLIOTTCABLE: no murderrapefucking god dammit
<whitequark> lol everyone thinking I should be good at uni
<purr> lol
<whitequark> not really no
<gq> whitequark: why do they think you should be good at it?
<whitequark> misconceptions?
<gq> whitequark: i thought maybe you were sherlock holmes as a part time job or something
<whitequark> flattering, but no
<whitequark> I'm just a guy with a text editor
<gq> heh
<yorick> gq: I keep thinking gq is an abbreviation for genderqueer
<gq> yorick: in this case it's an abbreviation of gqbrielle, since the password on that nick is gone approximately forever
<yorick> ohh you're gqbrielle!
<gq> yorick: also wow, you're one of the five people on the internet who knows the word genderqueer
<gq> indeed, i am gqbrielle
<gq> technically the protection on that nick got turned off so i could use it, but eh
<yorick> gq: I interact with a few :P
<gq> yorick: :P
<yorick> they are pretty common on the internet
<whitequark> it's that little known?
<gq> not really
<gq> on irc it is
<gq> or it goddamn seems like it
<gq> usually one person will be like gqbrielle? is that for genderqueer? and then the entire rest of the channel is like WHAT IS THAT
<gq> it's fun. or something.
<whitequark> uh
<whitequark> what?
<gq> what what?
<whitequark> I don't get it.
<glowcoil> whitequark: probably just funny that they're animals
<glowcoil> dialogue might be a reference to a show that i haven't seen or something
<glowcoil> gq: actually like a majority of the twets in my twetstream are probably by people who know the word genderqueer
<glowcoil> gq: that's what i like about twitter, you can basically build your own echo chamber
<gq> glowcoil: mine do, definitely...not to mention my tumblr
<glowcoil> yeah :p
<Navarr> gq: hiya
<gq> Navarr: yo
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<glowcoil> alexgordon:
<alexgordon> glowcoil
<gq> when i read glowcoil i think of the inside of fluorescent lightbulbs
<glowcoil> gq: that's sort of kind of what it's related to
<glowcoil> like, i want to release music under it
<glowcoil> it's kind of inspired from a phrase in a burial interview
<gq> glowcoil: cool!
<gq> it's a better name than 'i typoed my real name while i was typing it into words with friends'
<alexgordon> glowcoil: what
<gq> which is my personal origin story.
<glowcoil> he said when he made the album untrue that he had the vocal samples as like, focal points in the songs
<gq> lol.
<purr> lol
<glowcoil> so he wanted them to like
<glowcoil> buzz and glow
<glowcoil> and that's probably my favorite album ever made
<glowcoil> gq: haha well i've gone through lots of usernames before this one
<gq> glowcoil: i'm aware :P
<alexgordon> cuttle
<alexgordon> incomprensibly
<alexgordon> erm
<gq> cuttle, incomprehsibly, micahjohnston
<gq> the various afk and _ variations
<alexgordon> you can talk, gq
<glowcoil> i still don't remember where incomprehensibly came from
* alexgordon is a paragon of username continuity
<glowcoil> proud of it though
<gq> alexgordon: I Don't Know What You're Talking About
<glowcoil> there was some nick-changing war in ##paws
* gq sips dr pepper inconspicuously
<glowcoil> and then months later i logged back in using a different irc client than usual
<glowcoil> and there it was
<glowcoil> alexgordon: yeah well you have a middle initial on twitter
<glowcoil> like i used to
<gq> i wonder if i nicked as inconspicuously if people would think i was incomprehensibly
<glowcoil> until i changed to this
<glowcoil> :p
<gq> omfg i know
<glowcoil> gq: haha probably for a bit
<gq> the t in alexgordon messes me up so bad
<gq> on twitter
<glowcoil> 11 episodes left in community till i'm caught up
<glowcoil> omg omg omg abed and rachel is the most adorable thing ever
eligrey has joined #elliottcable
<glowcoil> night everyone
<glowcoil> (well it's 9:48 am but i haven't really gone to sleep yet)
<gq> lol night
<purr> lol
<alexgordon> night glowcoil
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<audy> getting a vps in amsterdam was a bad idea
<joelteon> why
<audy> joelteon ssh at 5 fps
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<audy> I should probably just setup dokku so I don't have to use it interactively
<ELLIOTTCABLE> glowcoil: omfg lol sleep
<purr> lol
<gq> wat
<ELLIOTTCABLE> mine craft with me?
<gq> ELLIOTTCABLE: do you have like a server or something?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> but what a hack, jesus christ
<ELLIOTTCABLE> gq: 'course
<ELLIOTTCABLE> purr runs a Minecraft server
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I always wanted to get him to actually, you know, purr, on it, too.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> but lazy.
<gq> :P
<gq> ELLIOTTCABLE: anyway sure, send me the info & i'll play
<audy> ELLIOTTCABLE me too please
<audy> I want an oculus rift for minecraft
<ELLIOTTCABLE> gq: mumble is
<ELLIOTTCABLE> gq: server is
<ELLIOTTCABLE> gq, audy: need your Minecraft usernames so I can whitelist you.
<audy> ELLIOTTCABLE vanilla?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> completely
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I'm not online ATM. I'll play a bit later, probably.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I'll get on Mumble, though
<Willox> Is that supposed to say sex?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Willox: hm?
<Willox> The github contributions
<ELLIOTTCABLE> strangely appropriate.
<Willox> I always see words written in people's contributions and I don't know if they are ever intentional
<gq> ELLIOTTCABLE: lol cuddlecraft? nice
<purr> lol
<Willox> I used to own Minecraft but somehow some french person has that account now. I found a youtube video of them playing on it
<Willox> Look at this guy, what kind of skin has he tainted my name with
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Willox: … lolwat …
<ELLIOTTCABLE> you sure you don't just misremember your username?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Willox: been ages. how's life?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> … don't I know you through MrAleph?
<Willox> I made that account a long time ago, but Willox is/was my username
<Willox> You know me through #node.js
<ELLIOTTCABLE> gq: mumblemumblemumblemumble
<gq> ELLIOTTCABLE: i've used mumble all of once. do i have to download a thing or is there a site i should go to or what
<Willox> I sent a request to get my email changed a year or two before minecraft actually supported the change of email because I lost access to it
<Willox> they ignored me
<ELLIOTTCABLE> gq: google. download. install.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> send it again?
<gq> ELLIOTTCABLE: alright, download is in progress
<Willox> Lots of effort
<Willox> 1 May 2011 22:05 Was when I tried to get it changed originally
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Willox, gq, audy … (current) minecraft usernames?
<Willox> I don't have one :(
<Willox> I'll contact support :V
<gq> ELLIOTTCABLE: gqbrielle
<Willox> How on earth do I find a transaction ID from pre-beta
<ELLIOTTCABLE> lol what even
<purr> lol
<ELLIOTTCABLE> lol privmsg pffffff
<ELLIOTTCABLE> you're both whitelisted
<gq> ...what what the hell
<gq> ELLIOTTCABLE: it downloaded as a .dmg file
<gq> oh wait
<gq> nevermind
<gq> ignore me
<whitequark> lol you're still getting gq to minecraft
<ELLIOTTCABLE> whitequark: <3
<Willox> So I have 3 payments to mojang of the same amount
<Willox> Now I have to figure out who the hell I gifted this for
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Willox: omfg relaly?
<gq> nah, whitequark, minecraft would be easy
<gq> mumble is stupid
<gq> i'm doing it, but it's stupid
<ELLIOTTCABLE> whitequark: come join?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> oh shush gq
<gq> you shush
<gq> i should be thankful you're not trying to facetime with me
<gq> then when i say i don't have apple shit you're like WELL WHY NOT
<gq> pff
<whitequark> ELLIOTTCABLE: I just made my CNC machine to work
<whitequark> <3 USSR-made 220V→127V autotransformer
<purr> Let it be known that whitequark hearts USSR-made 220V→127V autotransformer.
<whitequark> I'm afraid if a hot girl told me "fuck me right now", I'd still choose the CNC machine
<whitequark> ... so, ec, probably a bit later
<ELLIOTTCABLE> whitequark: omg yay
<ELLIOTTCABLE> been there, re: fuck-me-right-now vs. cool-gadget
<ELLIOTTCABLE> actually, several times
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I'm probably bad at life :x
<gq> i would say LOL I REMEMBER THAT except i think i met ELLIOTTCABLE through mysterious circumstances that allowed the reverse
<purr> LOL
<gq> aka fuck the cool-gadget, fuck-me-right-now instead
<gq> who knows, the memories are fuzzed.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> ‘mysterious circumstances’
<ELLIOTTCABLE> so I had *all* of my debit cards get canceled **at the same time*
<Willox> Transaction ID is considered proof of ownership
<Willox> sweet
<ELLIOTTCABLE> my life is currently a cluster-fuck of
<ELLIOTTCABLE> “You can't return that, it wasn't bought on this card”
<gq> what
<gq> how did that happen
<ELLIOTTCABLE> “Your account has been de-activated”
<gq> are you going to say i'll tell you later like the last time i asked you about something
<ELLIOTTCABLE> “Your auto-pay account has been declined, you're being evicted”
<ELLIOTTCABLE> etcetcetc
<gq> ...evicted
<ELLIOTTCABLE> i'll tell you later
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I'll be fine, it's me
<gq> ELLIOTTCABLE: if you show up on my front porch with all your stuff i will be very...i wil be very
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I can just throw money at them until they shut up
<gq> will*
<ELLIOTTCABLE> *knock knock knock*
<gq> normally one needs debit cards for money
<gq> noooo lol
<ELLIOTTCABLE> <grabs stack of hundos>
<ELLIOTTCABLE> “Hello, sir—”
<ELLIOTTCABLE> <throws money in face>
<ELLIOTTCABLE> “… Mr. Cable? We've come to—”
<ELLIOTTCABLE> <throws more money>
<ELLIOTTCABLE> “… er, please stop—”
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I find this solves most problems.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> #welladjustedyoungman
<Willox> Sent a support email, but I won't expect a response soon ELLIOTTCABLE
<ELLIOTTCABLE> but seriously, no, I carry unreasonably large quantities of cash, due to being a little bit apocalypse-paranoid (GOD I'M SORRY OKAY I KNOW IT'S RIDICULOUS)
<ELLIOTTCABLE> so I can survive just fine with everything fukt
<Willox> You can use your cash to strangle people and steal their possessions of real worth
<ELLIOTTCABLE> oh, cash-strangling, I'm a huge fan
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Willox: I see we're of one mind.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> gq: are you really having that much trouble with Mumble? :P
<ELLIOTTCABLE> speaking of,
<ELLIOTTCABLE> whitequark: even if you're CNC'ing, get on Mumble! I miss your sexy Russian accent.
<Willox> Date:
<Willox> 5 Aug 2010
<Willox> Time:
<Willox> 08:49:45 BST
<Willox> (Sorry for newlines) This is when I got minecraft
<Willox> British Summer Time!
<Willox> Cost an entire 10 euros, nice 'n cheap
<whitequark> ELLIOTTCABLE: okay
<gq> ELLIOTTCABLE: currently installing it
<gq> ELLIOTTCABLE: mind may be a bit fried 'cos i haven't eaten in two days
<whitequark> it's kinda noisy here though, so complain if that annoys you
<whitequark> mumble ought to be able to deal with it, looking at SNR and all tht
<ELLIOTTCABLE> gq: what the fuck
<Willox> I always struggled with push-to-talk and mumble
<ELLIOTTCABLE> whitequark: just make sure continuous-send is turned off.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> incase you couldn't hear that 'CAUSE FEEDBACK DEAR-GOD
<alexgordon> hi ELLIOTTCABLE
<ELLIOTTCABLE> hi, alexgordon
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -mumble @ alexgordon
<purr> alexgordon: We don't use Mumble for voice-chat! Talk to us: mumble:// (Download the client for Mac, Linux, or PC at
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -find regis
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: Found: where is the love (c)
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -find mumb
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: Found: mumble
<alexgordon> ELLIOTTCABLE: lol no
<purr> lol
<Willox> You don't use mumble?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> alexgordon: )'=
<Willox> Well
<ELLIOTTCABLE> mean fucker.
<alexgordon> I don't use mumble.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -learn mumble = We're currently voice-chatting, hence may be untalkative in IRC. Join us: mumble:// (Download: … you may have to self-register in the client, and then re-log, before you can speak.)
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: Learned `mumble`.
<gq> alexgordon: smart of you
<Willox> mumbling is unhealthy for your vocal chords
<gq> at this rate it's unhealthy for my tongue
<gq> one of my teeth is unhappy with me and is scratching it when i talk a lot
<Willox> $18.18 what to buy
<Willox> game-wise
<Willox> Car Mechanic Simulator looks like it'd be hours of fun
<Willox> I'm kidding, I'll try to buy something decent
<Willox> and I won't be buying any more russian CD keys
<Willox> Me and my friend was pretty intent on getting a key at a specific time and ended up having to settle 3 refunds today
<ELLIOTTCABLE> “he's not in here 'cause he's a dick.”
<ELLIOTTCABLE> alexgordon.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -find intense
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: Found: perspective
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -perspective
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: You develop an instant global consciousness, a people orientation, an intense dissatisfaction with the state of the world, and a compulsion to do something about it. From out there on the moon, international politics look so petty. You want to grab a politician by the scruff of the neck and drag him a quarter of a million miles out and say, "Look at that, you son of a bitch."
<alexgordon> hi ELLIOTTCABLE
<ELLIOTTCABLE> alexgordon: find that comic. re: 100% intense.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I can never find it when I'm trying to communicate this goddamn concept.
<alexgordon> ELLIOTTCABLE: ask jeannicolas
<alexgordon> searching
<alexgordon> ELLIOTTCABLE: aaaand found
<ELLIOTTCABLE> audy: you gotta self-register, and re-log
<audy> ELLIOTTCABLE say what
<ELLIOTTCABLE> right-click your name in Mumble
<ELLIOTTCABLE> click register
<ELLIOTTCABLE> then log out and back in
<audy> ELLIOTTCABLE okay but still not whitelisted
<ELLIOTTCABLE> audy: rebooting server
<audy> ELLIOTTCABLE oh thanks
<audy> ELLIOTTCABLE g2g buy bacon
<ELLIOTTCABLE> omfg really bacon?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I have like
<ELLIOTTCABLE> 8 fucking pounds
<ELLIOTTCABLE> just have some of mine
<audy> ELLIOTTCABLE k brb buying ticket to Chicago
<ELLIOTTCABLE> alexgordon: wat
<yorick> ELLIOTTCABLE: why the 'not'
<ELLIOTTCABLE> 'cause it's not me *wink wink*
<yorick> I see all these people doing it
<yorick> ELLIOTTCABLE: you aren't fooling anyone
<ELLIOTTCABLE> yes I am i'm fooling everyone
<ELLIOTTCABLE> alexgordon: is fooled
<ELLIOTTCABLE> alexgordon: are you fooled?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> alexgordon: you're foold.
<yorick> ELLIOTTCABLE: but if you're saying you're fooling people then you admit it's actually you
<ELLIOTTCABLE> fooling what people? what're you talking about?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Eating a dog very aggressively drinking
<ELLIOTTCABLE> audy: lemme know when you're back with bacon :P
<ELLIOTTCABLE> It says not be able it's the same of the whole anybody let me know if it's just clear
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -topic this is CLEARLY a cult.
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: SyntaxError: Syntax is `s/expression/replacetext/gi`.
<Willox> gj
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -topic s//this is CLEARLY a cult./
purr changed the topic of #elliottcable to: this is CLEARLY a cult.YEP
<ELLIOTTCABLE> You're welcome. <3
<whitequark> ELLIOTTCABLE: where did you just go?
<joelteon> whitequark are we allowed to ask how old you are
<joelteon> there was a discussion yesterday
<joelteon> and it turned out to be inconclusive
<whitequark> 21
<yorick> whitequark is 12
<joelteon> ok cool
<joelteon> that's what i suspected
<joelteon> there was a whole range of guesses
<joelteon> from 17-25
<whitequark> I told ya several times
<whitequark> all of ya
<whitequark> *shrug*
<purr> ¯\(º_o)/¯
<joelteon> well now i know
<joelteon> i won't ask for at least another month
<gq> heh
<ELLIOTTCABLE> whitequark's 19
<ELLIOTTCABLE> lying fucker :P
<ELLIOTTCABLE> joelteon: Minecraft with us!
<joelteon> ok is it a creative server or an actual game
<joelteon> ok
<joelteon> then yes
<joelteon> but i need to buy a mouse first
<joelteon> i'm not gonna play minecraft on a trackpad
<ELLIOTTCABLE> joelteon: go do it
<joelteon> ok
<joelteon> any recommendations
<joelteon> i was thinking logitech, they make good shit
<ELLIOTTCABLE> whatever you can get locally?
<joelteon> yeah but i've needed a decent mouse for awhile
<yorick> it took me 4 seasons to realize the breaking bad logo has a completely wrong electron configuration on the Ba
<joelteon> i'll just go to best buy and get a cheap one
<yorick> which is then repeated again for the chromium :/
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I'm a big fan of trackballs
<ELLIOTTCABLE> but if you want a good mouse, I really suggest the Logitech “pro” mice
<ELLIOTTCABLE> forget the exact model name
<ELLIOTTCABLE> “Performance Mouse MX”
<joelteon> ok cool
<ELLIOTTCABLE> it's a great mouse.
<joelteon> yeah that's what i thought
<joelteon> ok the one on el camino has one
<joelteon> or several
<joelteon> WHICH MEANS
<joelteon> i'll be back in 20 minutes
<ELLIOTTCABLE> awesome <3
<ELLIOTTCABLE> we'll be fuckin' around
<Willox> bonjour
<joelteon> ok i'm back with a mouse
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I drowned a puppy
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I am a terrible dog-friend )'=
<ELLIOTTCABLE> joelteon!
<ELLIOTTCABLE> cool. what's your mine craft username, so I can whitelist you?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> also, gq, where'd you go?
<yorick> ELLIOTTCABLE: liek literly?
<joelteon> ELLIOTTCABLE is it possible to map two separate buttons to next/previous inventory
<ELLIOTTCABLE> yorick: in minecraft
<yorick> oh then it's okay
<yorickpeterse> que?
<yorick> yorickpeterse: not you
<yorickpeterse> :<
<joelteon> ok
<ELLIOTTCABLE> doesn't look like it, joelteon
<joelteon> ELLIOTTCABLE: joelteon
<joelteon> what's the server
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -minecraft
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: Come play with meee :3 <>
<ELLIOTTCABLE> that's wrong
<joelteon> whitelist me bitch
<ELLIOTTCABLE> there ya go
<ELLIOTTCABLE> also, mumble
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -mumble @ joelteon
<joelteon> oh
<purr> joelteon: We're currently voice-chatting, hence may be untalkative in IRC. Join us: mumble:// (Download: … you may have to self-register in the client, and then re-log, before you can speak.)
<joelteon> then in that case i'll have to go fetch my headphones
<joelteon> sec
<yorickpeterse> y'all playing minecraft?
<yorickpeterse> would be a shame if somebody were to join and blow up your castles
<yorick> who here wants to ship me a chromecast for 0.04 BTC
<ELLIOTTCABLE> lol yorick
<purr> lol
<ELLIOTTCABLE> yorickpeterse: yeah. lol.
<yorick> ELLIOTTCABLE: they cost 50 euros over here
<whitequark> ELLIOTTCABLE: ping me in IRC if you wanna talk, noise in your mumble is unbearable
<Willox> That looks really cool
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I have headphones on, you shouldn't be able to hear anything
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Willox: what looks cool?
<Willox> Chromecasts
<joelteon> ELLIOTTCABLE: i think i'm muted
<ELLIOTTCABLE> joelteon: like I said,
<ELLIOTTCABLE> right-click, self-register
<ELLIOTTCABLE> then disconnect and reconnect
<joelteon> missed that
<joelteon> mb
<joelteon> ok
<Willox> That is the only reason I am not a fan of mumble
<Willox> why must it be difficult
<yorickpeterse> try Linux
<yorickpeterse> it's worse
<yorick> Willox: because safety
<Willox> It's not safe to automatically register?
<Willox> Or prompt you to
<yorick> Willox: potentially not because you could be registering to the NSA
<Willox> :o
<yorick> and they want to be very sure you don't
<joelteon> ELLIOTTCABLE: i can't break a tree
<joelteon> i don't think i can do anything
<yorick> joelteon: try it further away from the sfawn area
<joelteon> weird shit is going on
<joelteon> ok now i can
<yorickpeterse> punch the tree harder
<gq> ELLIOTTCABLE: mumble server was like lol derp. i'm going to get food, back in a bit
<purr> lol
<ELLIOTTCABLE> whitequark: you afk?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> whitequark is online, but unresponsive; you're gone; joelteon is broken. >,>
<whitequark> ELLIOTTCABLE: well
<whitequark> I'm playing with my CNC
<whitequark> and I don't have any minecraft ideas, I only have CNC ideas right now
<whitequark> so unless you engage me in minecraft I'll be bored as hell
<whitequark> I mean, it's not like I don't want to play, it's just that if I don't have an immediate task in mind I flow off to CNC and uh
<ELLIOTTCABLE> whitequark: LOL
<purr> LOL
<ELLIOTTCABLE> whitequark: gotcha
<ELLIOTTCABLE> whitequark: come over and help us build a ginormous castle-yard, then? :3
<ELLIOTTCABLE> mostly, I just need stone. unreasonably, large, quantities, of, stone.
<whitequark> ELLIOTTCABLE: one sec, I'll engrave one last thing
<ELLIOTTCABLE> what was up with the audio? you never explained
<whitequark> just horrible noises
<ELLIOTTCABLE> which means get back on audio. and tell me what was so baaaaad.
<whitequark> ELLIOTTCABLE: oh, right, my machine kernelpanicked
<whitequark> sec
<ELLIOTTCABLE> whitequark: hi
<ELLIOTTCABLE> getting better :D
<ELLIOTTCABLE> did you scale it up?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> come on get back on mummmbleeee <3
<whitequark> ELLIOTTCABLE: yep, it was erroneously scaled down 10x
eligrey has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
<Willox> ELLIOTTCABLE, still on mumble?