ChanServ changed the topic of #elliottcable to: laser printers are fucking awesome
<joelteon> suffix ! or prefix !
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<alexgordon> joelteon: prefix!
<joelteon> ok
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<alexgordon> joelteon: that was a joke btw
<joelteon> ok
<joelteon> alexgordon: how do you parse things that are left associative
<alexgordon> joelteon: with a parser
<alexgordon> first you must answer, "how do you parse things." ?
<joelteon> ok
<joelteon> assuming i've answered that, what's the answer to the next question
<alexgordon> joelteon: implement it
<alexgordon> joelteon: I can't tell you how to parse things that are left associative without knowing what kind of parser you have
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<alexgordon> "how do I cook?"
<alexgordon> "what are you making?"
<joelteon> ok
<alexgordon> "assuming I've answered that, how do I cook it?"
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<glowcoil> joelteon: in parsec, use a combinator like scanl
<glowcoil> joelteon: in a recursive desxcent parser, rwrite a loop
<glowcoil> and use an accumulator
<devyn> hi gq
<devyn> how are you
<joelteon> alexgordon: im using parsec to parse my token stream
<joelteon> how do i parse left associative stuff
<alexgordon> joelteon: beats me, glowcoil said scanl
<joelteon> oh, wow
<joelteon> parsec has a combinator for it
<joelteon> chainl
<alexgordon> joelteon: lol in lemon it's "%left TOKEN."
<purr> lol
<alexgordon> joelteon: erm, remember left associative means suffix, and right associative means prefix
<alexgordon> it's the opposite
<joelteon> good old lemon
<joelteon> yeah, I know what left associative is
<alexgordon> holy shit windowserver is fucked
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<alexgordon> ahhhh that's better
<devyn> lolosx
<purr> lolosx
<alexgordon> why can't someone make a _good_ android phone -_-
<devyn> there are plenty of good Android phones
<alexgordon> nope
<alexgordon> name one
<alexgordon> and I'll tell you why it sucks
<devyn> I love my S4, but it needs a custom ROM to be a good phone
<devyn> it has excellent battery life
<devyn> very well performing
<devyn> excellent OLED screen
<alexgordon> oh yeah, samsung, crapware :P
<devyn> yeah, TouchWiz is awful
<devyn> and they install crapware
<glowcoil> joelteon: yeah chainl is what i mean
<glowcoil> t
<devyn> and they seem to like gimmicks
<devyn> idfk why
<devyn> but other than that the phone's hardware is solid
<alexgordon> devyn: (crapware, bad camera, too big): pick at least two
<devyn> the camera is alright'
<glowcoil> joelteon: you *can* write it recursively yourself but that's no fun
<devyn> it's better with the stock app though
<devyn> idk why the regular Android camera app is worse
<devyn> and it's the perfect size for me; I hate how small the iPhone is
<devyn> I can barely use it
<devyn> my hands are big though
<alexgordon> I dunno, I hate big phones because you can't use them one handed
<devyn> ...I can
<devyn> but
<devyn> my hands are big
<alexgordon> I use my phone one handed like 90% of the time
<devyn> so do I
<devyn> additionally I prefer how Samsung still uses physical buttons
<devyn> I don't really like the trend of having on screen buttons
<alexgordon> but yeah it's the camera that really pisses me off, I think only the expensive samsung phones have a competitive camera
<alexgordon> with the iphone
<alexgordon> everything else is shit
<devyn> the S4 isn't an expensive Samsung phone?
<alexgordon> it is
<devyn> yeah
<joelteon> man
<joelteon> indentation for layout
<joelteon> is kinda hard
<alexgordon> devyn: lol
<purr> lol
<devyn> I like Haskell's way of doing it
<joelteon> yeah that's really hard
<devyn> oh you mean for parsing
<devyn> yeah
<devyn> it's really hard
<alexgordon> devyn: and that's why cool kids don't use okcupid!
<joelteon> ok fuck that
<devyn> alexgordon: it's pretty interesting
<alexgordon> devyn: I guess :P
<alexgordon> the problem with okcupid is... everything
<devyn> I think it's fascinating how accurate stereotypes seem to be there
<devyn> based on this
<devyn> "It seems that it's much easier for a 5 girl to hookup with a 7 guy that it is for a 5 guy to hook up with a 7 girl. Girls can move up much more easily than boys can."
<devyn> like
<alexgordon> 1) the idea that you should date people who you politically agree with, 2) the lack of even half attractive people, 3) the lack of girls in general
<devyn> I don't know, the hot guy got quite a few girls apparently
<alexgordon> yeah but the sex ratio is terrible
<devyn> as for 1, I think it is of some importance if it matters to you
<devyn> i.e. if you care about politics at all
<alexgordon> it doesn't matter, that's the thing
<devyn> how can you say that? it says quite a lot about our personal worldview and philosophy
<alexgordon> ehhhhhh it doesn't work like that...
<alexgordon> e.g. would you rather date an outspoken atheist or a christian who keeps her beliefs to herself?
<alexgordon> for me, the latter. every time
<joelteon> ok I think I'm gonna go with the a(b,c,d) approach instead
<joelteon> it's a lot less fucking painful
<devyn> alexgordon: honestly I guess the latter but I'd have a lot of problems with either probably
<alexgordon> I care about politics, in an abstract way. But it has very little bearing on who I get along with
<purr> hah
<devyn> even if you "keep them to yourself" it still affects important decisions
<alexgordon> e.g. elliott could not be further from me politically...
<alexgordon> he's conservative, gun-toting, evolution-denying, god knows...
<alexgordon> but I don't care cause he's a cool guy
<devyn> e.g. you start to have kids
<devyn> your SO wants them to go to church
<devyn> what do
<alexgordon> devyn: that's why you marry people who you get along with and who you're able to reach consensus with!
<purr> hah
<devyn> IIRC ELLIOTTCABLE believes in more of an impersonal god
<devyn> but I'm not entirely sure about it
* devyn hugs purr
* purr rrrrrrr
<devyn> alexgordon: I guess but I don't see how that could really work out even if you do usually get along
<purr> hah
<devyn> for one person it's critical that their kids go to church or they'll suffer hellfire
<joelteon> is elliottcable evolution denying
<devyn> for the other, they probably see it as a negative influence
<alexgordon> joelteon: he was a couple of years ago
<devyn> because even if your SO keeps her beliefs to herself
<devyn> the other people at church don't always
<joelteon> haha
<joelteon> that's amazing
<devyn> and of course the other thing is that I would rather date someone I connect with on a philosophical level just so that I can discuss that kind of thing with them
<devyn> because I do frequently run into things that make me question what I thought I believed
<devyn> I'd rather have someone to talk to about it
<devyn> that I trust
<alexgordon> devyn: I understand the idea of that but really, it just cuts down your pool too much
<devyn> and who finds that just as interesting as I do
<devyn> I understand
* devyn shrugs
<purr> ¯\(º_o)/¯
<devyn> I actually do have fairly high expectations
<devyn> I can be attracted to someone easily
<devyn> but
<devyn> it's unlikely they'll interest me unless they have X, Y, and Z after talking with them for a while
<alexgordon> oh well, horses for courses
<glowcoil> alexgordon: who carse if it cuts down your pool, i'd rather wait longer to date someone i connect with than rush into relationships with people i don't connect with
<devyn> yeah pretty much glowcoil
<glowcoil> like i mean hookups are different :p
<devyn> glowcoil:
<alexgordon> glowcoil: oh for sure, but I'm just saying there's more important priorities than specialist knowledge or politics
<alexgordon> like can they cook good scrambled eggs?
<glowcoil> alexgordon: right, i won't date someone based on them being good at electronic music production or game development specifically, those are surface level things
<glowcoil> hahah
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<glowcoil> :\
<glowcoil> bye?
<devyn> he'll be back
<devyn> crappy internet
<devyn> I think
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<glowcoil> lol that picture devyn
<purr> lol
<glowcoil> i don't know the words but i get what it is
<devyn> :p
<alexgordon> did I miss anything?
<devyn> who knows
<devyn> 21:18:03 <+glowcoil> alexgordon: right, i won't date someone based on them being good at electronic music production or game development specifically, those are surface level things
<alexgordon> 05:18 <glowcoil> alexgordon: right, i won't date someone based on them being good at electronic music production or game development specifically, those are surface level things
<devyn> no, nothing after that
<devyn> really
<joelteon> i'm going to make an okcupid profile
<joelteon> once i make an attractive picture of myself
<alexgordon> joelteon: seriously don't bother :P
<devyn> you're pretty attractive, and you don't need okcupid
<alexgordon> joelteon: it's full of crazies
<glowcoil> alexgordon: but like if they like, say "you're a nerd" every time i say something cool i figured out about math or science or something yknow
<glowcoil> and are just not curious about the world
<joelteon> well the world is full of crazies
<glowcoil> i would not connct with them
<glowcoil> yknow
<glowcoil> nothing wrong with okcupid
<glowcoil> real world meeting is random anyway
<joelteon> that's how the cookie crumbles
<devyn> glowcoil: yep, unfortunately I have a hard time finding people who are like that; especially the last part
<joelteon> i'd like to meet more girls than 0
<devyn> glowcoil: I know tons of people who are interested in math and science and such
<devyn> glowcoil: but just seem to have zero curiosity about the world
<joelteon> it would just make my day
<alexgordon> glowcoil: the problem with okcupid is that the girls that go on it... there's a reason they're on it
<devyn> joelteon: just play like, any MMO
<joelteon> why would i play an mmo
<devyn> and whore yourself out
<devyn> lots of girls play MMOs
<devyn> I'm not even kidding
<glowcoil> alexgordon: i don't think that's accurate
<joelteon> oh really
<glowcoil> alexgordon: i mean definitely applies to some cases
<joelteon> huh ok
<joelteon> well the downside is i'd have to play an mmo
<joelteon> i'll weigh the pros and cons
<devyn> heh
<glowcoil> alexgordon: but like, just becasue someone is maybe shy in real life or doesn't spend a lot of time meeting new people doesn't mean i wouldn't be interested in them
<devyn> joelteon: oh but granted a lot of them won't be your age so never mind
<devyn> I guess
<alexgordon> glowcoil: ah but the shy people delete their account after they start getting tons of messages
<glowcoil> in fact in some ways it could be the opposite in that i'd perhaps connect with someone who's more shy like me i guess
<glowcoil> yknow
<devyn> joelteon: not all. you'll get a few I guess
<joelteon> devyn: how old are they
<glowcoil> devyn: yeah there are lots of people in like the honors college here and stuff who do it as like, a grades and career and success thing
<glowcoil> devyn: not passion or fun or anything
<alexgordon> glowcoil: just leaves the narcissists and the undesirables
<devyn> joelteon: like anywhere from 12-25 really
<glowcoil> alexgordon: in the end i haven't gone on okcupid
<joelteon> ok
<devyn> glowcoil: yep, I know people like that too
<glowcoil> alexgordon: but that's definitely not 100%
<alexgordon> definitely
<glowcoil> and it just facilitates more random interactions in the context of dating, which is what meeting people in real life does slowly anyway
<alexgordon> I saw at least one nice girl on OKC
<alexgordon> glowcoil: half the problem is that if you say "I'm an atheist", then OKC automatically puts you with the /r/atheist girls
<devyn> haha
<alexgordon> because normal people are agnostic
<alexgordon> or non-practising christian
<devyn> it's been a while since I've been to /r/atheism but even there I'm pretty sure the consensus was mostly what they like to call "weak atheism" aka agnosticism
<alexgordon> actually this is another point
<devyn> since it's just ridiculous to say "no, there is no god"
<glowcoil> alexgordon: sure but i don't advertise myself as an atheist in real life either
<whitequark> there's a difference between "I'm an atheist" and "I do not believe that any gods exist", unfortunately
<alexgordon> glowcoil: on okc you have to answer "questions" and it uses that to judge your "compatibility"
<whitequark> since "atheist" in today's internet at least means you're a part of a certain group of people
<glowcoil> devyn: i find nothing ridiculous about that statement
<whitequark> and that is unfortunate
<glowcoil> devyn: remember russell's teapot
<alexgordon> glowcoil: so it's kind of unavoidable, unless you are very clever at answering the questions
<devyn> glowcoil: well let me explain further: I think it's ridiculous that something such as the Christian god could exist at all
<alexgordon> glowcoil: it will match you with bastard clones of yourself
<glowcoil> alexgordon: sure i mean i'd probably put agnostic or whatever because of that anyway
<glowcoil> :p
<glowcoil> devyn: right, the word "god" has all these trappings
<glowcoil> it's an entirely man-made ocncept
<devyn> glowcoil: I don't think it's ridiculous that there might be a creator
<joelteon> whoa
<devyn> maybe we're a science experiment somewhence
<joelteon> shots fired, religion!!
<glowcoil> and all our intuition about the universe can tell us nothing about what coul be outside it, but the idea that it'd look like anything that the word "god" implies is ridiculous
<alexgordon> glowcoil: nah because the questions aren't "are you an atheist" but stuff like "do you prefer reason or faith?"
<glowcoil> alexgordon: ok
<glowcoil> devyn: i mean sure but we can't even begin to discuss the likelihood of that
<devyn> exactly, we just don't know
<devyn> and probably can't know
<glowcoil> devyn: it's as likely as any other bizarre possibility we think of since we have literally no access to givens about it
<alexgordon> glowcoil: it's a dumb site :P
<glowcoil> devyn: but what i'm saying is that specifically the word "god"
<glowcoil> devyn: you can say with certainty that nothing matching it exists, just like you have certainty that fairies don't exist
<glowcoil> because the idea is self-contradictory and obviously man made
<devyn> glowcoil: I don't know, there are deists who define god as not a person but just some kind of force
<alexgordon> WHAT?! fairies certainly do exist
<devyn> so I don't think it's impossible to define god that way
<glowcoil> devyn: sure you can redefine god but that means you're living in a world of discourse separate from 99% of everything ever ever
<glowcoil> that's not useful
<devyn> are you really?
<glowcoil> i can define fairies as robots
<glowcoil> and there *are* robots
<glowcoil> so
<alexgordon> do people really think god exists as like a man in the sky?
<alexgordon> I think devyn is closer to the truth
<alexgordon> erm, "truth"
<glowcoil> "god" basically implies personhood in some way
<glowcoil> like, new agey panentheism stuff redefines it
<glowcoil> and some religions believe that like there are spirits in waterfalls but they don't use the word god
<glowcoil> or whatever
<glowcoil> or if they do it implies personhood
<devyn> actually, shintoism does believe that there are spirits in things
<devyn> and they use the same word as for god
<glowcoil> right, and they imply personhood
<devyn> I suppose so yes
<glowcoil> "god" implies volition/consciousness/personhood
<devyn> okay, let's say not a person like us
<devyn> but a volitional, conscious force thing
<devyn> intentionally created the universe
<glowcoil> ok so that is outside the realm of useful application of probability/logic
<glowcoil> it's as likely as not
<alexgordon> I've decided this is a dumb semantics argument
<glowcoil> but there are infinite possibilities
<devyn> is it? I don't really see any reason why
<glowcoil> so any one possiblity has 1/infinity probability
<glowcoil> :p
<devyn> ah
<devyn> I see what you mean
<glowcoil> so like, they're all *possible*
<devyn> yes, it is silly to believe *just that*
<devyn> that doesn't make it impossible
<glowcoil> but we have to use our intuition
<glowcoil> about the universe itself
<glowcoil> and basically, whenever we try to use our anthropomorphic intuition on the universe it turns out wrong
<glowcoil> so, apply *that* intuition
<glowcoil> here
<alexgordon> glowcoil: ah but god is outside the universe, and so logic doesn't apply to him
<glowcoil> alexgordon: that's only support for rejecting any particular idea, not for believing in one
<devyn> yeah
<alexgordon> glowcoil: also he created the appearance that he doesn't exist, as a test. You need to have faith
<glowcoil> also i reject the concept of things that aren't well-formed
<devyn> :p
<glowcoil> the only things that exist are well-formed
<glowcoil> that's the definition of existing and well-formed
<glowcoil> alexgordon: sure but that clashes with everything about him being loving etc., so you have to reject that particular idea as being self-contradictory
<glowcoil> alexgordon: sure you can have self-consistent ideas about a malicious deceptive god
<glowcoil> alexgordon: but then we're back to, equally unlikely as anything else and also anthropomorphic so definitely false
<alexgordon> glowcoil: you say this now while you're young, but when you're old and dying you will find comfort in god
<glowcoil> alexgordon: give me the rest of your checklist
<alexgordon> it's never too late, jesus loves everyone
<glowcoil> alexgordon: so i can go over all of it
<glowcoil> ;p
<alexgordon> mccain '08!
<glowcoil> anyway regarding that, i would love to live forever and have some objective ideological basis to lean on
<glowcoil> and i feel lonely and scared a lot because there isn't anything like that
<glowcoil> but i can't choose to believe stuff that doesn't make sense
<alexgordon> the best evidence that god exists is that he created Hitchens
<glowcoil> haha
<devyn> glowcoil: maybe it's because I've never been part of a religion, but I've only ever had one long existential crisis and after that I've been perfectly content with just existing
<glowcoil> devyn: i mean i'm content most of the time
<glowcoil> like i've reached contentment about a lot of things
<glowcoil> about dating, about god, etc.
<glowcoil> most of the time i can be patient and not panic about anything
<glowcoil> but not all of the time
<alexgordon> DON'T PANIC
<alexgordon> glowcoil: what would you panic about?
* devyn gives alexgordon a towel
<glowcoil> lol
<purr> lol
<glowcoil> alexgordon: idk like sometimes i'll stare down at the valley and look at how big it is but how small a part of the world it is, and realize how trapped i am on the surface of the earth i am and how flat it looks because the sphere is so fucking big
<glowcoil> and sometimes that's a dizzyingly beautiful expierence
<glowcoil> but sometimes it's terrifying
<alexgordon> hm, I just see a valley
<glowcoil> r u trol
<alexgordon> actually, no
<alexgordon> but england is a small and relatively flat country :P
<alexgordon> glowcoil: sometimes I think the universe is big, but really we're on the most interesting bit
<glowcoil> well we are
<alexgordon> the sun is huge, but it's also boring
<alexgordon> just a big sphere of gas
<glowcoil> like, nebulas are boring on the human scale
<glowcoil> so i'm content to just see them through telescopes
<alexgordon> also I never really felt that the earth is actually that big
<glowcoil> but that doesn't change how tiny and immobile we are
<glowcoil> idk try getting somewhere high elevation and look off to the horizons
<alexgordon> I can fly from one corner of the earth to another in half a day or so
<glowcoil> and see how fucking flat it looks
<glowcoil> even though eventually it curves down, and around, and back
<alexgordon> it's big but... I have the power to go to almost any bit of it I want
<alexgordon> it still seems within a human scale
<alexgordon> the earth was bigger before the invention of jet travel
<glowcoil> sure *ability*-wise it's not out of reach
<glowcoil> we can get around on it
<glowcoil> though even like cars make me kind of dizzy
<glowcoil> like, without a car it'd take forever for me to walk from this dorm to my house
<glowcoil> a few days at least
<alexgordon> clearly you need a horse ;)
<glowcoil> lol
<purr> lol
<glowcoil> what i mean is
<alexgordon> assassin's creed!
<glowcoil> there are a lot of things that aren't even accessible to our senses
<glowcoil> like, once you get to galaxy sized things it has to be an abstract realization
<glowcoil> or particle physics
<glowcoil> but you can make the scale of the earth real, by looking down out of an airplane
<glowcoil> it's just so much fucking bigger than anything you interact with day to day
<glowcoil> it can have a visceral impact like nothing else when you have this sensory realization of it
<alexgordon> I guessss
<glowcoil> i think you are
<alexgordon> inhuman?
<glowcoil> emotionally dead
<glowcoil> ;p
<alexgordon> perhaps!
<alexgordon> I'm definitely tired
<devyn> haha
<alexgordon> o7 all
<devyn> see ya
<alexgordon> glowcoil: Live long and prosper.
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<glowcoil> aw
<joelteon> BTC for blowjobs
<joelteon> best idea
<devyn> hahaha
<glowcoil> :
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<glowcoil> -how is bitcoin doing?
<glowcoil> -
<glowcoil> -fuck
<glowcoil> -adfs
<devyn> glowcoil: still pretty bad
<glowcoil> devyn: did it take a nosedive?
<glowcoil> i'm trying to find graphs
<devyn> it's like $466 right now
<devyn> I'd buy again but I'm less certain
<devyn> glowcoil: oh I'll get you a graph
<devyn> hold on
<glowcoil> ok cool
<devyn> … I can't connect though
<devyn> wtf
<glowcoil> not loading for me either
<glowcoil> -shrug
<purr> glowcoil: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<glowcoil> I'm into electronic, indie, ambient, hip-hop and rock, including:
<glowcoil> mewithoutYou, Death Cab for Cutie, Childish Gambino, Burial, Owl City, Baths, Port Blue, Boards of Canada, Alt-J, Vampire Weekend, Sufjan Stevens, Kanye West, The National, The Postal Service, Metric, My Bloody Valentine, Coldplay, A$AP Rocky, Tame Impala, Panic! at the Disco, Pixies, Daft Punk, Keane, Kendrick Lamar, Radiohead, Bon Iver, Neutral Milk Hotel, CHVRCHES, Blood Orange, Chance the Rapper, The Decemberists, Frank Ocean, The Shins, Dirty ...
<glowcoil> ... Projectors, J. Cole, Imagine Dragons, The Underachievers, Gotye, Sara Bareilles, Ólafur Arnalds, Mitch Hedberg, Jamie Woon, Arcade Fire, Tegan and Sara, Imogen Heap, Kristen Bell, Sigur Rós, Jon Hopkins, The Mountain Goats, Flying Lotus.
<glowcoil> Check out my music taste:
<joelteon> fucking arcade fire
<glowcoil> arcade fire is incredible
<glowcoil> have you heard the "her" soundtrack
<glowcoil> or listened to reflektor
<devyn> I think my teacher thinks that C if/while etc. always need a semicolon after the last bracket
<devyn> eh probably not
<devyn> she probably got these notes off someone else
<devyn> lol
<purr> lol
<glowcoil> devyn: lolol
<glowcoil> devyn: it's admissible :p
<glowcoil> whitequark: so could you have a cpu that's like, effectively a sigmoid or w/e, every unit does some operation based on the outputs of other units, guaranteed only one writer for each cell
<glowcoil> whitequark: does that constraint free up a lot of routing problems
<glowcoil> whitequark: or does it not work
<whitequark> glowcoil: "so could you have a cpu that's like, effectively a sigmoid or w/e" wat.
<purr> beep.
<whitequark> I really dunno, tl;dr and I'd need to study it in detail to answer that with at least some certainty
<whitequark> oh, 15 pages, lemme read it
<whitequark> glowcoil: it's cool beans but not sure if relevant to our purposes
<whitequark> I mean, to me it seems like this: it's basically what today's GPGPU offers or relatively same thing, except with way less transistors
<whitequark> it doesn't change anything wrt/ architecture really
<glowcoil> whitequark my sigmoid idea was separate from the presentation link thing
<whitequark> oh
<whitequark> wtf is sigmoid
<glowcoil> like
<glowcoil> very simple neuron model
<glowcoil> output is a sum of weighted inputs
<glowcoil> if it crosses threshold it fires
<glowcoil> so like, coefficients on each input
<glowcoil> but i mean, not necessraily that function but like a LUT thing
<whitequark> depending on exact impl of "LUT thing" it can get from very cheap to very expensive
<whitequark> I mean, in FPGAs there's two orders of magnitude difference in cost depending on LUT structure
<whitequark> okay. so what'd you do with it?
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<glowcoil> whitequark: idk, simulate a brain, write general purpose apps, etc.
<whitequark> what we currently have for GP is best we'll likely ever have for GP
<whitequark> simulate a brain? like human brain? still too slow
<whitequark> like a nematoda brain? well, maybe
<whitequark> well, nematoda nervous system, it doesn't have a brain
<glowcoil> -shrug
<purr> glowcoil: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<glowcoil> i still feel like there are unexplored avenues for GP
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<devyn> good god I love spam
<yorickpeterse> I want some of that IMP
<devyn> I just looked it up
<devyn> ew
<whitequark> ohhh IMP
<whitequark> I used to use it
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<joelteon> is drparse in
<whitequark> no
<joelteon> drats
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<devyn> joelteon: the doctor is in
<joelteon> neat
<joelteon> i forgot my question
<alexgordon> hi joelteon
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<joelteon> hi alexgordon
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<yorickpeterse> whitequark: your country is nuts
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