purr changed the topic of #elliottcable to: mo'nads, mo'problems
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<glowcoil> dumb
<eligrey> aww yiss ksp ELLIOTTCABLE
<eligrey> or ec
<eligrey> whichever one you are
<eligrey> ec ELLIOTTCABLE: instead of rescue missions for your crashed attempts consider just sending (and stranding) more kerbals
<eligrey> they have infinite oxygen and energy
<eligrey> leave them to repopulate the mun on their own instead of rescuing them if you crash
<ELLIOTTCABLE> eligrey: hi
<ELLIOTTCABLE> eligrey: what?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> crashed attempts? o_O
<eligrey> you've never crashed?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> don't they die if you crash?
<eligrey> ever?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I've never been to the moon yet.
<eligrey> yeah i'm referring to non lethal crashes
<eligrey> moon? there is no moon
<alexgordon> hi glowcoil
<ELLIOTTCABLE> every time I've had something crash (only like three times, and each time because of a failed parachute), explosions and all-dead-ness
<alexgordon> hi ELLIOTTCABLE
<eligrey> only the mün
<ELLIOTTCABLE> how can you have a non-lethal crash o_O
<alexgordon> ELLIOTTCABLE: it's possible
<ELLIOTTCABLE> the Mün is Kerbal's moon.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> note non-proper-case.
<alexgordon> ELLIOTTCABLE: if you crash very gently, sometimes only one will die, or maybe none of them
<eligrey> eligrey: well if you ever break just enough of your spacecraft that it doesnt go kablewy everywhere you'll end up having a stranded kerbal
<whitequark> reddit is really sad today
<eligrey> or just run out of fuel
<alexgordon> whitequark: ?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> why would I want to rescue it? kerbals don't matter.
<eligrey> i have a couple stranded kerbals in kerbin orbit
<alexgordon> whitequark: ukraine?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> career mode doesn't have any reason to not lose kerbals, yet
<whitequark> thread one: guy depressed, drank himself to the point of passing out then lied there for four days
<eligrey> <ELLIOTTCABLE> why would I want to rescue it? kerbals don't matter.
<eligrey> #oftn recruiting quote
<eligrey> ELLIOTTCABLE cares not for kerbin life
<whitequark> thread two: /r/askmen, asking why do men not give up on dating, chock full of responses that they do
<whitequark> I'm fucking outta here
<alexgordon> whitequark: there there
<alexgordon> there's an /r/askmen? lol
<purr> lol
<eligrey> ELLIOTTCABLE: if ksp ever gets multiplayer i challenge you to an orbital jousting match
<whitequark> well sure
<whitequark> ksp has multiplayer
<whitequark> well sorta
<eligrey> its a mod iirc
<whitequark> yes
<eligrey> i never tried it out
<eligrey> wouldn't synchronizing warps be all eh?
<whitequark> well... it's a part of a bigger problem
<whitequark> I'd happily talk about some other time
<whitequark> because 4:37
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<ELLIOTTCABLE> that feel when …
<ELLIOTTCABLE> mis-placed parachutes slightly, and now my craft is descending upside-down
<ELLIOTTCABLE> brb rocket-tower embedded perfectly vertically into the earth like a nail
<whitequark> alexgordon: well at least the comments are *sane*
<whitequark> not caustic as I half-expected it to be
<alexgordon> also what's wrong with vaginas?
<whitequark> not everyone finds irregular weirdly looking lumps of flesh inherently attractive, I guess
<whitequark> plus also, there's fucking stereotypes
<ELLIOTTCABLE> lol I jsut got 57 science (a lot, for my current place in the game) for a failed launch
<purr> lol
<alexgordon> some vaginas are not nice. some are nice. ...
<glowcoil> hi alexgordon
<whitequark> which are so bad right now that people are seriously doing vaginoplasty or w/e, basically an operation to make them less gross
<glowcoil> hi ELLIOTTCABLE
<whitequark> which is
<whitequark> insane
<alexgordon> glowcoil: current topic: vaginas
<whitequark> seriously cosmetic plastic surgery should die
<ELLIOTTCABLE> 'cuz I just happened to land on the *runway* biome, completely intact. And used all my science gear on the runway, at ground-level.
<whitequark> waste of money, time and talent
<alexgordon> whitequark: oh yeah vaginoplasty is weird
<alexgordon> it's like boob jobs, arguably makes it look worse
<whitequark> it's not weird, it's borderline abusive
<whitequark> or not borderline. when society makes you feel that horrible about your body that you voluntarily go and cut it up
<whitequark> what the fuck is up
<alexgordon> whitequark: could say the same about tattoos
<whitequark> alexgordon: not sure I follow?
<alexgordon> you can't, that's the point :P
<ELLIOTTCABLE> er, society making you feel bad about your body also makes people go fucking *run*, non-stop, dying and gasping for breath and in immense pain, for *hours*. For dozens of miles.
<whitequark> ELLIOTTCABLE: I heard running is quite enjoyable
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I think cosmetic surgery is a lot more sane than the year of self-abuse necessary to do that.
<alexgordon> whitequark: girls shouldn't mutilate themselves, and people shouldn't get cheap tattoos. Neither one is abusive IMO, just misguided
<whitequark> ELLIOTTCABLE: besides, what surgery do you mean here?
<whitequark> if you meant like, liposuction, it doesn't work that way. only way to get less fat is to eat less. Δfat = intake - spending. *shrug*
<purr> ¯\(º_o)/¯
<whitequark> alexgordon: why do people get cheap tattoos?
<alexgordon> whitequark: beats me
<alexgordon> impulsiveness
<alexgordon> lack of taste
<whitequark> it's also like. plastic surgery is motivated negatively ("I wanna look less gross"), tattoos are additive ("I wanna look more cool")
<whitequark> I think that's important
<whitequark> but may also be complete bullshit
<joelteon> i love reddit
<joelteon> guess not everyone finds irregular weirdly shaped chunks of meat agreeable
<joelteon> well no i don't
<alexgordon> whitequark: wanting to look less gross is a better reason than wanting to look more cool
<whitequark> alexgordon: I dunno, "less gross" usually means "more like arbitrary standard dictated by whatever's fashionable"
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<whitequark> which should just go and die
<whitequark> "more cool" at least implies some shred of self-determination
<alexgordon> cosmetic surgery was developed for fixing up injured soliders -- who presumably wanted to look less gross, before they realised they could make a crapton of money selling it to insecure people
<whitequark> or well, that's what I mean by it
<whitequark> alexgordon: injured people are another thing. when you cannot perform basic tasks without pain or not at all, that's a fucking good reason for surgery
<whitequark> but don't fix what ain't broken
<alexgordon> whitequark: I don't mean for injury, just for people missing ears or whatever
<whitequark> people missing ears definitely had some sort of injury
<whitequark> I mean, unless you know something about people that I don't
<alexgordon> hahaha right but the procedure isn't functional
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I fucking loooooove this game.
<alexgordon> ELLIOTTCABLE: :D
<alexgordon> whitequark: what worries me is
<ELLIOTTCABLE> less-gros vagina isn't arbitrary standard.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> nor is less-fat.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Smoother, more coherent, *anything*, is more attractive. Nothing to do with society's standards.
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<whitequark> there are absolutely societes where fat = attractive.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Yes. They're also wrong.
<whitequark> lol what?
<purr> lol
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Why are Macbooks prized more than Thinkpads?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I can't hold this conversation, cuz aforementioned macbook can't handle KSP, and my typing is lagging *unimaginably* bad.
<alexgordon> whitequark: most women seem to have a very inaccurate opinion of what is attractive and what isn't
<alexgordon> so it logically follows that most men do too
<whitequark> alexgordon: you're wrong to like os x, because ubuntu is Right™
<whitequark> that's what you're basically saying
<alexgordon> so what do *I* believe that is false?
<alexgordon> whitequark: did you mean elliott?
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<whitequark> essentially, countering an arbitrary claim with an arbitrary, unbased claim
<whitequark> elliott too
<whitequark> "have a very inaccurate opinion of what is attractive and what isn't"
<alexgordon> whitequark: like vaginoplasty and boob jobs for instance
<alexgordon> they think it makes them look better. it doesn't
<whitequark> ah, in this sense
<alexgordon> ugg boots!
<whitequark> well... they aren't doing this for *you*. they're doing it for themselves
<whitequark> and *why* they're doing it for themselves, is because of an arbitrary standard imposed by society
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<whitequark> perhaps "imposed" is a wrong word, it implies force
<whitequark> something like "because of an arbitrary standard emergent from a society"
<alexgordon> whitequark: I... guess? you might be right, but I think "wanting to look sexier" is a big factor in why women get boob jobs
<joelteon> what is a vaginoplasty? i just googled it and the page was blocked
<alexgordon> joelteon: it's where you trim the fat off your axe wound
<whitequark> joelteon: plastic surgery on vaginas, if it's not obvious
<whitequark> oh wow axe wound. someone *actually* uses that euphemism
<whitequark> I've once googled it accidentally and found it extremely hilarious
<alexgordon> beef curtains?
<whitequark> alexgordon: well ask yourself, what is "sexier"
<joelteon> oh
<whitequark> "more attractive to men" is not it. "what is *considered* more attractive to men" is
<alexgordon> joelteon: it's a surgical resection of the labia majora
<whitequark> hence, stereotypes
<alexgordon> whitequark: yeah but that was the lead in to my point. What do I believe about male attractiveness that's wrong?
<whitequark> they're showing it off, first and foremost, to themselves and their peers
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<whitequark> hm? no, I agree that, in your example, boob jobs arent making them more attractive to men
<whitequark> what I'm saying is that is not really relevant
<alexgordon> lolol no I'm switching it around
<purr> lolol
<whitequark> and *that* is my point
<whitequark> wat
<alexgordon> women get boob jobs, men get ???. What do men do that makes them less attractive?
<alexgordon> while trying to achieve the opposite
<alexgordon> or if you want, how are women and men's views on male attractiveness different
<whitequark> ugh, it's 5am
<whitequark> I wanna sleep, ask someone else :p
<whitequark> dropping dead here
<alexgordon> :(
<alexgordon> glowcoil!
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<glowcoil> alexgordon!
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<purr> <devyn> elliottcable: イフィンdもstボアrdがめsとべ利家てゃt.
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<devyn> whitequark: and yeah, I saw that /r/askmen thread
<devyn> I can relate to it :/
<devyn> but things are getting better
<devyn> I'm realizing things
<joelteon> me too
<devyn> > It's a crap shoot trying to find someone you're compatible with. 7 billion people on this planet to wade through, most of whom you'll never meet so if you're holding out for that 1 perfect person, you're SOL. Especially if you don't take a good hard look at why you think you deserve the high caliber person you feel you need in your life. What do you bring to the table?
<devyn> been thinking about that sort of thing
<devyn> I definitely don't think I want someone very different from me
<devyn> which is why as I've said before my bar is pretty high
<devyn> I need things I can relate with
<devyn> lots of things
<devyn> but another good thing that came out of that thread
<devyn> that I've also been thinking about
<devyn> is just how damaging the idea that you need a relationship is
<devyn> because it leads to thinking that the only reason you're unhappy is because you don't have one
<devyn> so all in all I don't think that thread was really all that depressing for me
<joelteon> do I have someone ignored?
<joelteon> hmmm
<joelteon> ok no i don't
<devyn> hmm?
<devyn> is my soliloquy confusing you
<joelteon> yes
<devyn> :p
<joelteon> it was
<joelteon> no longer
<devyn> I tend to write a lot
<devyn> sorry
<devyn> lol
<purr> lol
<joelteon> just wasn't sure if you were talking to someone or not
<joelteon> no need to apologize
<devyn> well
<devyn> sorry, I'm Canadian
<joelteon> yeah i know
<devyn> I really honestly don't know whether that was actually odd for you
<devyn> was it?
<devyn> because here
<devyn> it makes sense to apologize for things like that
<joelteon> no it wasn't odd
<devyn> lol okay
<joelteon> people apologize for stuff like that all the time
<devyn> good
<devyn> making sure.
<joelteon> i don't, which confuses some people
<joelteon> my social skills
<joelteon> are not great
<devyn> well
<devyn> I don't really have a lot of trouble with people I know
<devyn> but when I meet someone new
<devyn> I'm either way too fucking psyched to meet them or really awkward
<devyn> sometimes both
<devyn> lol
<joelteon> when i meet new people i'm usually not awkward at all
<joelteon> makes me think of the neuroscientist who found out he was a psychopath
<joelteon> and i'm sure 98% of the males on reddit who read that were like
<joelteon> "oh, i'm probably a psychopath"
<joelteon> afterwards
<devyn> lol
<purr> lol
<joelteon> incredibly depressing
<devyn> honestly if I didn't have such great friends who are happy to argue with my emotions
<devyn> and tell me what's wrong about what I'm doing
<devyn> or thinking
<devyn> I'd probably consider therapy
<joelteon> i can't believe i just dug straight down in minecraft
<devyn> you're a dum dum
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<joelteon> omg
<joelteon> one more eye of ender
<joelteon> and i can get to The End™
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* devyn in chair rolls
<joelteon> SO
<joelteon> i just found 10 diamond and 2 emerald in 90 seconds
<devyn> gj
<devyn> I just realized I have to do dumb MS office hw
<joelteon> rats
<devyn> brb like maybe 20 minutes
<joelteon> the company i work for has an official partnership with office 365 :/
<devyn> what is that
<joelteon> it's like the new office suite
<joelteon> plus some "online tools"
<devyn> btw I hate the ribbon UI
<devyn> did MS fix that in 2013
<devyn> I forget
<devyn> doesn't seem like it
<devyn> sigh
<joelteon> the biggest problem i have with working w/ godaddy is the fact that we market specifically to the kind of people that buy godaddy products
<joelteon> no
<joelteon> they did not
<devyn> there are parts I like about it but the categorization is mostly too generic to be useful
<devyn> it's not quite so bad, but sometimes it feels like they would be more aptly named Tab1, Tab2 etc.
<devyn> lol
<purr> lol
<devyn> it's also inconsistent
<devyn> horribly so
<devyn> I'd much rather just do a lot of things from a context menu
<devyn> but noooo
<joelteon> aaaaaand found my final ender eye
<joelteon> (385, 545)
<joelteon> remember that
<joelteon> oh
<joelteon> -545
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<glowcoil> i wish tab referred to psychedelics more than to ui elements
<glowcoil> ui elements are dumb and boring
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<joelteon> fuck the fucking ender fucking dragon
<joelteon> i would appreciate a /r/all-funny
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<purr> <ellio> sometimes I feel like micahjohnston when I talk about things
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<purr> <micahjohnston> somebody should get a large corpus of english text in IPA and markov-chain it to a text-to-speech
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<whitequark> kill la kill checking in: episode 20 is consistently more fucked up than previous 19
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<purr> <joelteon> butts
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