yeah like it's not as easy to copy-paste but
the sparkline thing is really handy
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* pikajude
starts the process of upgrading work's node app to 4.x
one of our tests fails with a "syntax error"
turns out it's hitting a case in one of our dependent libraries that uses eval.
burn that dep with fire
oh sick
yeah how hard would it be to rip that shit out
seriously what's the last time *anyone* used straight eval?
i've used Function eval a few times
but a) that's for detecting syntax support, and b) i'm a bad person for doing it
(is-arrow-function and is-generator-function on npm)
it's strong-agent
we're tightly bound to the strong- ecosystem
because god hates us
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that makes sense
what the fuck is that
like strongloop?
can you submit a patch?
or similar?
no, it's not OSS
using a non-OSS ecosystem, eesh
welcome to hell
you have *access* to the source though
can you float a patch?
I don't actually know what the tooling for that looks like
but like, fuck
why are you using strongshit anyway?
it won the trial
now i'm waiting 30 minutes for the testsuite to fail
generally find that with javascript-based testing frameworks they tend to forget that the callbacks exist
so you have to wait for the timeout
but upgrades are always painful
npm is now npmjs.com instead of npmjs.org. that's odd
they're a COMpany now
that's a shame
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why is it a shame that now they won't fail and disappear into obscurity?
oh, i read their blurb
i respect their mission
dedicated to the long-term success of the node.js and npm projcets
i was going to make some long-winded moral argument against monetary support of the continued existence of node.js, but i'm really just annoyed i'm professionally obligated to keep using it
and making it go away wouldn't *really* fix anything
on the contrary, i'd think
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rurik... rarik?: ping
alexgordon, yes
this is confusing
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alexgordon, pong
Rurik: so I have figured out 70% of the issues with this thing
e.g. faulting: when you have an object that represents something in the database, but that data hasn't been fetched yet, what happens when someone tries to access a field on it?
Core Data has this crazy faulting mechanism, which causes all sorts of problems
Core Data is that iOS thing, right?
yeah iOS and Mac
but the same goes for django's ORM and rails too I guess
but alternatively, you don't want to make every call asychronous!
so what I decided to do is just throw an exception in that case, and force people to fetch explicitly
which is a much cleaner solution, because now only the fetch call has to be asynchronous
hey all, i asked this yesterday but i don't think anybody saw it
how safe do you think it would be to store my hashed (pbkdf2) password in a text file in a public repo?
pikajude: not safe
pikajude: but it depends on the password
if the password is randomly generated with enough bits of entropy, then it's ok
but if it's low-entropy, then it could be cracked
even if one attempt takes 500ms?
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pikajude: yes because it can be parallelized
i wonder how many boxes someone is willing to throw at the effort to crack my website
probably not many :P
say i have a 24-character random password
then it's fine, nobody can crack that
and it gets hashed 131072 times
doesn't matter
or something
24-character random is fine
2^17 is the repetition factor afaict
what matters is the strength of the password
if it's beyond ~14 characters
and randomly generated, then it's not going to be cracked by brute force
because log(62^14) / log(10) = ~10^25
erm, = ~25
so about 10^12 guesses
unless they get it right the first time
but they can't know the length of the password based on the hash
i don't know how these things normally go
that kind of odds is like.. winning the lottery every day or something
but brute-forcing pbkdf2 for even a 9 character password
that's 500ms per guess
and there are like 40,000 unicode characters
which gives us 2.6e41 possibilities
well if it's _unicode_
ok, ascii then
26 * 2 + numbers and symbols
pikajude: how the maths works is that increasing the length makes much more difference than increasing the set of characters
because it's exponential in the length
how do people normally guess these, anyway?
do they just start with 1 character and move up from there?
get a list of the most common passwords :P
i'm just trying to get an idea of how long it would actually take to guess a 9 character ASCII password that doesn't contain common words
if a single guess takes 500ms
and it can't be rainbow tables'd because of the salt
pikajude: with symbols or without?
with symbols
so that's like what, 1e16 possibilities
95 printable characters
95 ^ 9
so 6.3024941e17
500ms per
3.15124705e17 seconds
divide by how many cores and machines you have to guess with
is that *genuinely* feasible
pikajude: you only have to search half the space
birthday paradox
oh, ok
if you search half the space the probability of collision is 50% I think
so, roughly 1.1 times the age of the earth
with one machine
log(95 ^ 9) / log(10) / 2 = 8.9
10 million years with a network of 500 cores
call it 10^9 attempts
what is log(10) for
work out the exponent
log(95^9) / log(10) is 18, which means 10^18
i.e. 95^9 = ~10^18
so you said you only have to search half the space
how does that correspond to taking the square root of 10^18
rather than dividing b 2
by 2
sorry, local idiot here
well I mean half the exponent. I may be wrong in my remembering of it though
pikajude: "The "birthday paradox" places an upper bound on collision resistance: if a hash function produces N bits of output, an attacker who computes only 2^N/2 hash operations on random input is likely to find two matching outputs. If there is an easier method than this brute-force attack, it is typically considered a flaw in the hash function.
hey ljharb, do you know what the intent of "Buffer.concat(some_array)" is in node?
because in 0.10 it returns some_array[0] and in 4 it throws an error
is it just some_array.join()?
nah, it's supposed to take 2 buffers and give you a new buffer with them concatted together
i see
like the intent is that you do Buffer.concat(someBuffer, someOtherBuffer) I think?
well, some genius is using it apparently as a substitute for join
oh no, I'm lying
I'm lying hard core
see this is what happens when I try to intelligently talk about something I never use
it *looks* like you're supposed to do Buffer.concat(arrayOfBuffers, someExpectedLength)
with someExpectedLength being optional, but faster if you have it
is your array of not-so-buffers?
it's an array of strings
what's funny is that even in 0.10 it won't work unless the array only has one item
so someone hasn't tested their shit at all
yeah, post-0.10 added a number of new asserts
asserts: when you want incorrect code to crash as late as possible
nah jk
pikajude: in older node it's a node-specific implementation
in later nodes it's based off of ArrayBuffer
so there def might be changes there
but also, using buffer for a join is just wacky