ec^ changed the topic of #elliottcable to: a
<alexgordon> oh that is cool
<glowcoil> ec^: i really liked accelerando
<glowcoil> ec^: also apartment buildings are not very friendly to dogs
<glowcoil> ec^: are you not able to just take notes on a laptop/ipad during class?
<glowcoil> ec^> intelligence (an absolute judgement);
* glowcoil hmmmmms really hard
<ec^> glowcoil: smol dogs!
<ec^> glowcoil get a Sheltie get a Sheltie
<ec^> I will 4 real irl totes srsly like freals tho
<ec^> … subsidize ur Sheltie
<ec^> krainboltgreene, gkatsev, literally that entire conversation went over my head, whaaaat
<krainboltgreene> ec^: Okay, so javascript, specifically node, is in a weird position right now: It's hard to debug node.js.
<krainboltgreene> Luckily we have years of research and tooling in the form of Chromium webkit/blink devtools.
<krainboltgreene> One feature they added like, ages ago, was watching local folders for sourcemaps/hotloading.
<krainboltgreene> This tool uses that feature, and others, to gain inspection into a node process.
<krainboltgreene> Mancy is another node-based debugging tool.
<gkatsev> I've previously used node-inspector
<gkatsev> but it's kind of a pain
<gkatsev> devtool seems neat
<gkatsev> thealphanerd: lolwat
<purr> LOL
<thealphanerd> legion
<ec^> glowcoil: ???
<glowcoil> ec^: ¿
<ec^> krainboltgreene: I only know about node-inspector / blink; when did this happen?
<ec^> Critical Thinking
<ec^> 6:42 PM — glowcoil hmmmmms really hard
<glowcoil> ec^: at "intelligence (an absolute judgment)" :p
<ec^> yes, hence ?????
<ec^> typing one handed with a huge patty melt lol
<purr> lololololol
<ec^> thealphanerd: lol'ing
<krainboltgreene> ec^: So there's devtools, mancy, node-inspector, bode-inspector, node devtools, and like 2 others.
<thealphanerd> you can also used node's built in inspector
<ec^> krainboltgreene: lol'ing more
<krainboltgreene> Yeah.
<krainboltgreene> It's pretty redic.
<glowcoil> ec^: as in intelligence is no more an absolute judgment than competence
* ec^ hmmms vaguely hard
<ec^> so, ignoring the word, because I can't think of a better one, do you agree that:
<ec^> 1. there exists a group of people with a deficit / disability,
<ec^> 2. making value-judgements by comparisons to sweeping groups of people is usually bad, and more specifically, is *oppressive* when done casually against a disadvantaged group,
<ec^> 3. there is such a value-judgement at play in the use of the word ‘dumb’,
<ec^> and 4. thus using such a word as a value-judgement against (competence, intelligence, whatever you want to call it) is therefore oppressive against mentally-disabled folk?
<glowcoil> oh i fully agree with all of those
<ec^> (genuine questions, not meant as debatey as they sound. Ableism is *far and away* the most difficult issue for me to conquer internally, so it's very, very difficult for me to try and think these things through logically.)
<glowcoil> shrug
<ec^> hm
<ec^> k
<glowcoil> yeah it was more of a nit pick i suppose
<glowcoil> you just said "intelligence (an absolute judgment) vs competence (a value-judgment)" and i was just pointing out that any possible measurement of intelligence is exactly as subjective a value-judgment
<glowcoil> some article i was reading about children on the street selling fruit in a stand, who could calculate change/dollar+cent amounts incredibly quickly but would obviously not be able to answer arithmetic questions on a written test
<glowcoil> also just like, the way that what a society happens to value at a given time+place is considered intelligent, or competent, or normal, and can be like inverted in different times/places
<glowcoil> but yea just nitpicking i believe we agree in spirit
<krainboltgreene> Wowzers.
<krainboltgreene> I'm tempted to pay like, $50 just to see if upgrading the dyno+pg instance would decrease network costs.
<alexgordon> for some reason cmd-tab has stopped working
<alexgordon> this is really annoying
<ljharb> alexgordon: killall dock
<alexgordon> thank you ljharb
<alexgordon> you are the saviour
<ljharb> (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
<alexgordon> ahh much better
pqlyr has joined #elliottcable
alexgordon has quit [Quit: Textual IRC Client:]
<pqlyr> What's up E it's KV
<pqlyr> I'll be around
whitequark has joined #elliottcable
<glowcoil> i am a miserable pianist
LucIenn has joined #elliottcable
<ec^> pqlyr! o7
<ec^> glowcoil: really?
<ec^> glowcoil: that's something that needs persistent and intensive practice. it's very math-y in that way.
<ec^> there's absolutely no shortcuts, because there's really nothing your brain can learn ... it's all your fingers learning without you while you're not paying any attention.
* whitequark glares at ec^
<ec^> ugh want to learn Rust ugh
<ec^> whitequark: what!
<ec^> geeze!
<ec^> I didn't even say anything to you this time!
<ec^> should I, like, privitize all the Paws repositories and speak about it exclusively in #ELLIOTTCABLES_SECRET_PAWS_SIDECHANNEL? :P
<whitequark> what
<whitequark> it wasn't about paws
<whitequark> I thought your piano learning analogy was simultaneously monstrous and not nearly as inaccurate as it sounds
<whitequark> i.e. you were right but for all the wrong reasons
<whitequark> which is why i just went ジー
<whitequark> er.
<whitequark> glare.
<whitequark> ec^: so basically, fun neurobiology fact. what people call "fine motor skills" is basically when your brain takes a front seat to driving your fingers. this only really works when you have direct visual contact with whatever the fuck you're doing
<ec^> 9:26 PM <+whitequark> i.e. you were right but for all the wrong reasons
<ec^> I lol'd
<purr> lolwat
<whitequark> when you do not have said direct visual contact, the actual movements are encoded in neurons in the cerebellum and spinal cord
<ec^> I'm very aware that there are not tiny brains in my fingers, whitequark
<ec^> lord I hope that's obvious
<whitequark> no, I didn't think about that
<ec^> like I know your opinion of me is suitably low in some ways, but if it's *that* low, :P
<whitequark> anyway, the most fun part of that is that for some actions, there are specific designated neurons that are the same in most humans
<whitequark> like for walking
<ec^> 9:29 PM <+whitequark> the actual movements are encoded in neurons in the cerebellum and spinal cord
<ec^> faaaaaaccakegskrhd
<whitequark> walking is controlled by something like
<whitequark> eight neurons
<whitequark> that are assembled in a circuit not unlike a two-transistor multivibrator
<whitequark> ec^: more fun facts: there are some animals, such as octopi and sea-stars, that *do* have tiny brains in their fingers
<whitequark> sea stars have *more* brain in their rays than in the central part of their body
<whitequark> which doesn't really have a lot of neurons for that matter
<ec^> yah that I knew
<whitequark> octopi do have a proper central nervous system, but by no means it directly controls all the suckers
<whitequark> i think the part about walking is my favorite, lemme dig up a diagram
<whitequark> there's even some software you can use to simulate those, but the models are embarrassingly crude and the software is so fucking awful I wasn't able to run it at all
<whitequark> aha
<ec^> is this distinct from the whole spinal-reflex thing?
<ec^> i.e. you're not just talking about neuronal reflexes in, idk, the equivalent of multiple spinal cords for each limb? there's more to it than that?
<whitequark> with octopi? as far as I'm aware they can independently learn and make decisions
* glowcoil is trying to use KiCad and having a very bad time
<whitequark> glowcoil: use EAGLE
<whitequark> like... I want to use KiCad because FOSS and everything
<whitequark> but I hate it
<whitequark> so I use EAGLE
<glowcoil> whitequark: thanks, i will in the future, but I'm required for this class :p
<glowcoil> yeah this is kind of miserable
<glowcoil> open office/gimp type shit
<whitequark> uhm, well, not really
<whitequark> EAGLE is shit too
<whitequark> it's just shit in ways that many, me included, find easier to cope with
<glowcoil> haha ok
<whitequark> KiCad became much better since CERN poured a shitton of money into it, too
<whitequark> but they still have lots of papercuts and stupid UI choices
<whitequark> see, crap like this is why I'm spearheading maintenance of a 3d CAD myself :p
<glowcoil> oh cool
<whitequark> i told you about solvespace right?
<glowcoil> i don't think so
<whitequark> ohhh
<whitequark> the only FOSS 3d CAD worth using
<whitequark> the original dev almost entirely quit so I'm overtaking this now. we ( have a person working on it full-time
<glowcoil> cool
<whitequark> basically, it's a parametric 3d CAD, which was written with lots of attention to detail
<whitequark> the constraint solver is *excellent*
<whitequark> the NURBS backend is kinda meh, especially on revolved surfaces
<whitequark> but it's way better already than anything non-parametric, and it's way better than FreeCAD, whose UI was made by a series of fair dice rolls
<glowcoil> i wish i were doing more engineering type stuff in school
<glowcoil> i'm only in this class because it's 1/2 cs students 1/2 ee students
<whitequark> you can grab OS X binaries from
<glowcoil> could i make
<glowcoil> cute characters and then 3d print them at my university
<glowcoil> with this
<whitequark> i've learned cocoa literally just to write a native OS X GUI for this
<whitequark> hmmm
<whitequark> no, use Blender for that :p
<glowcoil> haha
<glowcoil> ok
<whitequark> the idea behind a parametric CAD is that you create your design as a series of constraints
* glowcoil nods
<whitequark> and then fix some initial values, and the solver guesses the rest
<whitequark> so it's good for engineering, but basically useless for art
<whitequark> there are no freeform modeling tools, for example, by design
<glowcoil> mhm
<whitequark> you get extrusions and revolutions and (with a better NURBS backend in the future) lofts, chamfers and fillets
<glowcoil> i did like 10 minutes of, i think, autocad in high school
<whitequark> autocad is a non-parametric CAD
<glowcoil> there were some constrainty things but yeah it was pretty blendery
<whitequark> the difference is like between using a keyboard and an awl and punched cards
<whitequark> I'm not even exaggerating
<glowcoil> haha
<jfhbrook> nurbs?
<jfhbrook> my school was all about solidworks
<jfhbrook> never learned it though
<whitequark> nurbs, like used in solvespace, can represent curved surfaces exactly
<whitequark> so you don't get stuck with being unable to put a cylinder pin into a cylindrical hole without interference
<whitequark> openscad can't do that
<whitequark> solidworks is a pretty good commercial parametric CAD that also uses a NURBS backend
<jfhbrook> oh
<jfhbrook> yeah
<jfhbrook> good ol' openscad
<glowcoil> so i have to make a schematic for a simple little feedback system to control a DC motor
<whitequark> i'm more like "ugh, openscad"
<glowcoil> in kicad
<glowcoil> at least i don't have to do like the pcb layout yet
<whitequark> layout is the fun part though
<whitequark> and I heard good things about kicad's layout module
<whitequark> just not good enough to suffer through its schematic capture one...
<jfhbrook> I'm embarrassed to admit that I somehow got roped into hosting openscad builds on a DO droplet w/ nginx + scp
<glowcoil> hopefully it is fun, i am just feeling super overwhelmed already haha
<ec^> LucIenn: yah, text me for private shit, but send everything else in heeeere
<LucIenn> I'm bad in chat rooms
<LucIenn> In fact I do everything to avoid them
<ec^> aww
<ec^> I really wish Freenode supported fully-disabling privmsgs. +R isn't enough >:
<ec^> Facebook, too
<glowcoil> but yeah just barely learned about H bridges and I²C and pull up resistors
<ec^> I'd *literally pay $100-a-year* to entirely disable Messenger, and display an error to users when they try to type my name into Messenger
<ec^> glowcoil: omg these things are all new to me too
<whitequark> glowcoil: lol i2c
<purr> lolol
<ec^> glowcoil: whitequark tweeted me this this morning
<glowcoil> whitequark: what lol about it
<ec^> it's cute af
<whitequark> glowcoil: it's a bus that looks absurdly simple but somehow it *always* exhibits obscure, annoying failure modes
<glowcoil> ah haha
<whitequark> like I swear you are going to debug an i2c failure with this board
<whitequark> I don't even know how it looks
<glowcoil> hahaha
<glowcoil> the funny thing is
<glowcoil> we're using it for a temperature sensor
<glowcoil> but like
<glowcoil> nominally it's to monitor the heat of the motor/h bridge
<glowcoil> but we're just going to like put it next to it on the board so it won't really be useful for that
<glowcoil> so basically just
<glowcoil> a fun toy
<whitequark> errr
<whitequark> next to h bridge?
<glowcoil> yeah
<whitequark> you will find a nontrivial amount of temperature rise, assuming your h bridge dissipates a bunch
<whitequark> so no, it's not useless in that way
<glowcoil> ah ok
<whitequark> but i'd still have just used a ptc thermistor
<glowcoil> we're using this apparently
<whitequark> so like, it handles conversion for you, but knowing the exact temperature is not actually useful
<whitequark> because it won't be the temp of your h-bridge anyway
<glowcoil> mhm
<LucIenn> ec^: ok listen no offense to everyone in this room but I don't /want/ to talk to the people in this room I barely know any of these people there's like 30 people listed and I'm not dealing with group social anxiety so I can chat with someone local; I have ISSUES with chat rooms I have ISSUES with forced social situations and it's really frustrating that you
<LucIenn> refuse to chat with me any other way
<ec^> that's no offense lollll
<purr> lollllllll
<jfhbrook> ec^: I actually kinda like facebro messenger
<ec^> jfhbrook: tell me l8ter
<whitequark> glowcoil: I would also consider an h-bridge driver with integrated thermal shutdown
<whitequark> like this
<whitequark> because it's one more thing you don't have to design
<ec^> LucIenn: I'm, er, sorry? I'm ... really bad at maintaining one-on-one friendships. Like, most of my friendships have died since starting school. Also, I didn't realize I was your only local chat-person.
<glowcoil> whitequark: good to know for when i am not bound by assignment requirements :p
<whitequark> glowcoil: well I would personally also rant about that assignment to whoever assigned it, because it's stupid
<whitequark> in addition to turning in what they want
<LucIenn> ec^: idk what you did to your privmsgs but it won't let me reply to you dude
<ec^> LucIenn: oh, you're not registered? goddamit
<ec^> LucIenn: future reference if you continue to IRC, `/msg NickServ register`, but fixed
<ec^> 9:59 PM <+whitequark> glowcoil: well I would personally also rant about that assignment to whoever assigned it, because it's stupid
<ec^> literally the one thing that school teaches you; don't bother conflicting with authority
<whitequark> ec^: well fuck that
alexgordon has joined #elliottcable
<alexgordon> yawn
<whitequark> i will gladly conflict with any authority that gives away stupid assignments
<whitequark> in school or outside of school
<whitequark> served me pretty well so far.
Wraithan has joined #elliottcable
<pqlyr> You know I just read the message about being a miserable pianist and just wanted to say muscle memory. It's more of a kinesthetic learning process from what I get of it.
<ec^> whitequark: didn't you drop *out* of school? :P
<whitequark> ec^: i dropped out of school because i suck at math
<ec^> pqlyr: you're Marcy's husband, right?
<pqlyr> Indeed
<Wraithan> Howdy
<pqlyr> Math takes more overall understanding before practice becomes effective imho
<Wraithan> The (i assume) korean in the topic is doing funny thing to PuTTY
<ec^> o7 Wraithan
<Wraithan> heh
<ec^> Wraithan: welcome to my terrible PLT/SJW/BBQ channel
<Wraithan> I like all three of those things
<glowcoil> fucking h bridge has literally 20 pins
<glowcoil> eveyrthing
<glowcoil> has so many pin
<ec^> -learn micah's problem= 10:10 PM <+glowcoil> eveyrthing. has so many pin
<purr> ec^: Learned `micah's problem`.
<ec^> -learn micah's problem= <+glowcoil> eveyrthing. has so many pin
<purr> ec^: Learned `micah's problem`.
<glowcoil> i didn't know that ARM just stands for
<glowcoil> advanced risc machines
<Wraithan> most of my PLT learning efforts have been centered on reading Types and Programming and toying with ideas that come out of that
<glowcoil> which is funny to me
<Wraithan> should be proprietary risc machine :/
<Wraithan> RISC V looks awesome though
<ec^> ugh I got nerd-sniped
<ec^> just spent the last 5 minutes trying to find a backronym for ‘BBQ’ that meant social/chat/silliness/anything like that
<Wraithan> I've been programming for a while, but PLT is a newer hobby of mine
<Wraithan> ec^: can't it just mean delicious grilled stuff?
<ec^> NO
<ec^> Bird-bath questionable?
<ec^> wordnik lists `republican` as a synonym (not even equivalent, or similar-context-word: literal synonym) for `social`
<ec^> *definitely* not a usage I've ever seen before in the wild.
<ec^> okay that's just weird: words found in the same context as `social`: sexual, domestic, American, religious, Baconian
<Wraithan> A bird of a kind that builds many nests together
<Wraithan> could be where social comes from
<Wraithan> TIL about republican birds
<ec^> 10:17 PM <Wraithan> TIL about republican birds
<ec^> Wraithan: man, where the *fuck* do I know your nick from
<ec^> Wraithan: any old IRC haunts from the last decade that we may have shared? You're definitely new to me on Twitter, but I swear I know your nick.
<ec^> or big projects you've been responsible for / maintained?
<Wraithan> I've hung out on freenode for like 10+ years
<Wraithan> I used to be the maintainer of ReadTheDcos
<Wraithan> s/Dcos/Docs
<Wraithan> I maintain node-newrelc
<Wraithan> Can't type worth a damn tonight evidently
<ec^> hm. maybe RTD was it?
<ec^> hm.
<ec^> K I'm out for a bit
<Wraithan> Spent years in the Django community before I went to node
<Wraithan> was a mozillian back then too
<ec^> somebody go write me a plain-text / ASCII-art / Unicode-art ‘typesetter’ for UniMATH
Rurik has joined #elliottcable
<pikajude> yo ljharb
<pikajude> you're an op in #Node.js
<pikajude> can i abuse you for a sec
<ljharb> lol
<purr> lolslow
<ljharb> perhaps
<ljharb> pikajude: what up?
<pikajude> ljharb: i got responses in the channel, thanks
<pikajude> you're in for some fun if you want to watch
<ljharb> ah np
<pikajude> i am now against mocking
<ljharb> mocking sucks
<ljharb> the only things you should ever mock are super lowest level APIs for i/o
<ljharb> and even then you should do it sparingly
<pikajude> yep
<pikajude> i've been bitten one (read: 73) too many times
<ljharb> yup
<ljharb> you might say… you've been mocked
<ljharb> •_•)
<ljharb> ( •_•)>⌐■-■
<ljharb> (⌐■_■)
<pikajude> (⌐■_■)
<pikajude> ( •_•)>⌐■-■
<pikajude> ( •_•)
<ljharb> (ง'̀-'́)ง
<alexgordon> -what
<purr> <devyn> nerrrrrrrrrrl
<alexgordon> -what
<purr> <joelteon> I say parser in a relative sense
<alexgordon> lol
<purr> lolllllll
<alexgordon> -what
<purr> <gqbrielle> devyn: what.
<whitequark> -what
<whitequark> ...
<VanguardVivian> Jehovah's Witnesses of diet and exercise
<whitequark> but why
<ja> ☉_☉
<ja> -what
<purr> <nuck> Why are we singing Thrift Shop
<ja> -what
<purr> <gqbrielle> devyn: what.
<ja> -what
<purr> <micahjohnston> I'm about to code all of Paws in an hour
<ja> \o/
<whitequark> -what
<purr> <alexgordon> CRYSTAL DICKS
<whitequark> ..
<ja> sounds heavy
Sorella has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]
<whitequark> -what
<purr> <elliottcable> go burn orphanages for half an hour
<whitequark> .....
<ec^> …
<ec^> -what
<purr> <prophile> if there's one thing women want it's to be lit on fire
<ec^> pearl of wisdom, alynn
<ec^> 11:17 PM <+pikajude> can i abuse you for a sec
<ec^> 11:28 PM <+ljharb> lol
<ec^> 11:28 PM <@purr> lolslow
<purr> Lol
<ec^> 1-in-10 chance purr's actually become sentient, but only about lol ...
<whitequark> -what
<purr> <Nuck> I love the feeling of blood on my dick
<whitequark> what is it about dicks
<whitequark> -dicks
<whitequark> no?
<whitequark> meh.
<pikajude> -blood
LucIenn has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]
<whitequark> -feeling
<ec^> -find feeling
<purr> ec^: Found: i know that feeling and does the mozart distribution model give programmers a warm, fuzzy feeling when writing distributed applications?
<ec^> woah
<ec^> -does the mozart distribution model give programmers a warm, fuzzy feeling when writing distributed applications?
<purr> ec^: In short, yes it does.
<ec^> -factoid does the mozart distribution model give programmers a warm, fuzzy feeling when writing distributed applications?
<purr> ec^: Popularity: 1, last changed by: ELLIOTTCABLE, 616ſ 518mſ ago
<ec^> ... huh. I have no idea what that is, so.
<whitequark> lol
<purr> LOL
<glowcoil> -find
<purr> glowcoil: Found: bot, nuck, clouds, !, and test
<glowcoil> -clouds
<purr> glowcoil: is stuck up in the clouds; hilight 'em if you want 'em.
<glowcoil> -unclouds
<purr> glowcoil: is no longer stuck up in the clouds.
<glowcoil> -ununground
<purr> glowcoil: is no longer stuck up in the clouds.
<glowcoil> -ununclouds
<purr> glowcoil: is stuck up in the clouds; hilight 'em if you want 'em.
<glowcoil> -unununground
<whitequark> -!
<purr> whitequark: ikr!!
<whitequark> -test
<purr> whitequark: Error: Failure while printing test status.
<whitequark> lolwhat
<purr> lolllll
<whitequark> -nuck
<purr> whitequark: shut up nuck you are a nuck
<whitequark> -nuck @ purr
<purr> purr: shut up nuck you are a nuck
<glowcoil> -purr
* purr
<glowcoil> -find purr
<purr> glowcoil: he purrs. he's a purr. that's what he does.
<glowcoil> -find gq
<purr> glowcoil: genderqueer
<glowcoil> -find whitequark
<purr> glowcoil: he is actually redquark.
<whitequark> -find node
<purr> whitequark: not a good snapwich
<whitequark> ... what
<whitequark> -find good
<purr> whitequark: Found: java, node, katlogic, go on, and fistbump
<whitequark> -java
<purr> whitequark: a good sandwich
<whitequark> -katlogic
<purr> whitequark: -> The key to a good relationship is knowing when the fucking you are getting is worth the fucking you are getting.
<whitequark> -go on
<purr> whitequark: *sips from tumbler* Do go on, good sir, …
<whitequark> -find fuck
<purr> whitequark: Found: mix, wat, sex, fuck you, and bye
<whitequark> -mix
<purr> whitequark: shut up you fuckers i'm awesome and like elliott but better 'cos tits
<whitequark> -wat
<purr> whitequark: what the ever loving fuck are you saying
<whitequark> -sex
<purr> whitequark: I'm a fuckin' dude. Cock, balls, tit—er, pecs. Whole nine yards.
<whitequark> -fuck you
<purr> whitequark: <>
<whitequark> -bye
<purr> whitequark: so long you fucks
<ec^> glowcoil: wtf it supports arbitrary numbers of ‘uns’ … since when
<glowcoil> whitequark: i think the "not a good snapwich" comes from alexgordon saying that java is a really good sandwich
<glowcoil> ec^: no it only goes to two uns
<ec^> -factoid ununclouds
<purr> ec^: Alias: clouds
<ec^> oh lol it's just a factoid
<ec^> ugh I wanna know who aliased it meh
<glowcoil> -factoid factoid
<purr> glowcoil: Error: Factoid not found.
<glowcoil> -find factoid
<purr> glowcoil: Found: user factoids, i only love you for your factoids., factoids, metafav, and factoid pattern
<glowcoil> -i only love you for your factoids
<whitequark> -i only love you for your factoids.
<purr> whitequark: You’re a collosal dick, I hate you forever. /=
<alexgordon> yes
<glowcoil> -metafav
<purr> glowcoil: no, I lied, *↑* is *actually* my favorite factoid.
<glowcoil> -factoid pattern
<purr> glowcoil: Error: Factoid not found.
<alexgordon> java is like a good sandwich
<glowcoil> -user factoids
<purr> glowcoil: Format: "Information <URIs> [Projects] (extraneous data)" extraneous data, colonspace-assigned, commaspace-separated
<whitequark> -find factiod pattern
<purr> whitequark: Could not find `factiod pattern`.
<whitequark> -find factoid pattern
<purr> whitequark: what devyn thinks I have.
<alexgordon> whitequark: what I meant by that was that java as a langauge is quite simple and well designed, like a good sandwich
<whitequark> alexgordon: lol well designed
<purr> lolwhat
<glowcoil> -lol
<purr> glowcoil: lol
<glowcoil> -find lol
<purr> glowcoil: lol
<alexgordon> it may lack certain things, as all sandwiches do, but the parts that are there work well together
<glowcoil> lmao
<whitequark> no they don't lol
<alexgordon> -shrug
<purr> alexgordon: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<glowcoil> -find shrug
<purr> glowcoil: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<whitequark> if java is a sandwich, it's filled with glass
<glowcoil> -find glowcoil
<purr> glowcoil: Found: rebel, codesigner, and micah's problem
<glowcoil> -rebel
<purr> glowcoil: <alexgordon> glowcoil is such a rebel, bitches love rebels
<whitequark> not even good kind of glass
<glowcoil> -micah's problem
<purr> glowcoil: <+glowcoil> eveyrthing. has so many pin
<glowcoil> 12:05 AM <•whitequark> if java is a sandwich, it's filled with glass
<glowcoil> 12:05 AM <•whitequark> not even good kind of glass
<glowcoil> -codesigner
<purr> glowcoil: glowcoil
<glowcoil> -designer
<glowcoil> -find designer
<purr> glowcoil: Found: codesigner
<whitequark> -comonad
<glowcoil> -find devyn
<purr> glowcoil: he is so wat right now
<whitequark> -monad
<alexgordon> glowcoil: do you have a girlfriend? I have to know whether my prediction came true...
<whitequark> -monads
<purr> whitequark: gonads
<whitequark> -cogonads
<whitequark> -learn cogonads = monads
<purr> whitequark: Learned `cogonads`.
<glowcoil> alexgordon: what was the prediction
<alexgordon> <@purr>glowcoil: <alexgordon> glowcoil is such a rebel, bitches love rebels
<ec^> -learn the kind of glass = <+whitequark> not even good kind of glass
<purr> ec^: Learned `the kind of glass`.
<ec^> -learn glass = <+whitequark> if java is a sandwich, it's filled with glass
<purr> ec^: Learned `glass`.
<glowcoil> alexgordon: i have been seeing someone lately but not officially
<alexgordon> because you are a rebel?
<alexgordon> lol
* whitequark facepalms
<ec^> guys, #purr, lol
<ec^> although:
<ec^> 1:05 AM <+glowcoil> -codesigner
<ec^> 1:05 AM <@purr> glowcoil: glowcoil
<glowcoil> -glass
<purr> glowcoil: <+whitequark> if java is a sandwich, it's filled with glass
<glowcoil> -the kind of glass
<purr> glowcoil: <+whitequark> not even good kind of glass
<ec^> -alias what kind of glass = the kind of glass
<ec^> derp.
<whitequark> -find jesus
<purr> whitequark: Jesus Harold Christ!
<ec^> -learn alias what kind of glass = the kind of glass
<whitequark> ......
<alexgordon> man 7am
<purr> ec^: Learned `what kind of glass` => `the kind of glass`.
<glowcoil> -find god
<purr> glowcoil: Found: ebonics, god forbid, santa is female, this channel is the best, and s-expressions
<ec^> -find am
<purr> ec^: Found: abstractsingletonproxyfactorybean, otters, how's the bitcoin doing?, eboy, and eboyjr
<glowcoil> -find ebonics
<purr> glowcoil: <+elliottcable> oh my god there need to be ebonics tlds <+elliottcable> bitch.izzle <+elliottcable> theupintheh.izzle
<alexgordon> I should _really_ go to bed some time
<alexgordon> but purrr
<whitequark> -santa is female
<purr> whitequark: god mode unlocked.
<glowcoil> -find abstractsingletonproxyfactorybean
<purr> glowcoil: AbstractSingletonProxyFactoryBean is BESTSINGLETONPROXYFACTORYBEAN <>
<alexgordon> -what
<purr> <ja> alexgordon: I used regexp to parse ActiveRecord SQL in order to make HTTP API calls
<glowcoil> -find how's the bitcoin doing?
<alexgordon> -what
<purr> <prophile> nrocinu a m'I <elbacttoille>
<whitequark> -burn
<whitequark> -find burn
<purr> whitequark: Found: burntheworld and hipsters
<alexgordon> -ovoids
<purr> alexgordon:
<whitequark> -hipsters
<whitequark> what
<whitequark> who are shipsters
<alexgordon> seamen
<glowcoil> -rot13
<glowcoil> -find rot13
<purr> glowcoil: Could not find `rot13`.
<ec^> SHIPSTER (n.) – one who desires a particular fictional relationship before it's *cool* to desire that fictional relationship.
<glowcoil> -find what
<purr> glowcoil: Found: paws, wat, memory?, cake, and what the fucking fuck
<ec^> -rot13 rot13
<purr> lololololol
<glowcoil> -what the fucking fuck
<purr> <prophile> then suddenly steve streza
<glowcoil> lol
<glowcoil> loll
<glowcoil> lolllol
<glowcoil> purr: :(
<whitequark> -learn shipster = one who desires a particular fictional relationship before it's *cool* to desire that fictional relationship.
<purr> whitequark: Learned `shipster`.
<ec^> crying
<glowcoil> whitequark: ahahah
<ec^> need to be doing homework
<ec^> stop making ELLIOTTCABLE cry
<glowcoil> -elliottcable
<purr> glowcoil: o hater of things, a cuking jerk [b-sol: 7 162 ſ]
<ec^> I hope you all know that I shout my name in real-life too
<glowcoil> -glowcoil
<glowcoil> -ec
<purr> glowcoil: o hater of things, a cuking jerk [b-sol: 7 162 ſ]
<whitequark> -cake @ ec^
<purr> ec^: The cake has been tainted by elliottcable. (don't ask what he did to it)
<ec^> just ask gkatsev, it was very disruptive during talks
<whitequark> ... what
<glowcoil> -piss
<ec^> -factoid cake
<purr> ec^: Popularity: 14, last changed by: <unknown>, <unknown time> ago
<ec^> god, that's old, then
<glowcoil> -factoid ec
<purr> glowcoil: Alias: elliottcable
<glowcoil> -factoid elliottcable
<purr> glowcoil: Popularity: 35, last changed by: ec^, 19ſ 403mſ ago
<glowcoil> -find factoid
<purr> glowcoil: Found: user factoids, i only love you for your factoids., metafav, factoids, and factoid pattern
<glowcoil> -find find
<purr> glowcoil: No.
<ec^> -fav
<purr> ec^: ↑ that’s my favourite.
<glowcoil> omfg
<alexgordon> -haskell
<purr> alexgordon: HASKELL IS NOT A TOY.
<alexgordon> LOL
<glowcoil> -find haskell
<purr> glowcoil: HASKELL IS NOT A TOY.
<ec^> -find LOL
<purr> ec^: lol
<glowcoil> -find jesus christ
<purr> glowcoil: Could not find `jesus christ`.
<glowcoil> -find christ
<purr> glowcoil: Found: jesus
<ec^> -find LO
<purr> ec^: Found: clouds, logs, ground, i love this bot, and colors
<alexgordon> -mormons
<whitequark> -colors
<purr> whitequark: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
<ec^> -find OL
<purr> ec^: Found: elliottcable, colors, sex, eboy, and beltbuckle
<glowcoil> -logs
<purr> glowcoil: `curl -Lr -`bc <<<'2 ^ 16'` | tail +2 | less -RS`
<ec^> -beltbuckle @ whitequark
<ec^> -!!
<alexgordon> -paws
<glowcoil> -find mormon
<purr> alexgordon: what i see every time i poop
<purr> glowcoil: Found: facemormon
<purr> ec^: ikr!!
<glowcoil> -facemormon
<purr> glowcoil: horny mormons on the moon, man. you can send them some porn, but they probably won't watch it.
<ec^> -!!!!!!
<purr> ec^: ikr!!
<glowcoil> -find mormons
<purr> glowcoil: Found: facemormon
<glowcoil> -find sex
<purr> glowcoil: I'm a fuckin' dude. Cock, balls, tit—er, pecs. Whole nine yards.
<ec^> that needs to change
<alexgordon> -learn mormons what i see every time i poop
<purr> alexgordon: SyntaxError: Syntax is `learn ( [alias] foo = bar | foo =~ s/expression/replace/gi )`.
<glowcoil> -gender
<purr> glowcoil: I'm a fuckin' dude. Cock, balls, tit—er, pecs. Whole nine yards.
<ec^> -learn sex = see -gender
<purr> ec^: Learned `sex`.
<glowcoil> -factoid gender
<purr> glowcoil: Alias: sex
<ec^> -learn gender = see -sex
<purr> ec^: Learned `gender`.
<alexgordon> I am too tired to figure out that syntax
<ec^> "-learn foo = bar"
<alexgordon> -learn mormons = what i see every time i poop
<purr> alexgordon: Learned `mormons`.
<ec^> realllllly not complicated, unless you want the response to start with a ~, in which case ... oh-oh.
glowcoil_ has joined #elliottcable
<whitequark> y u hate mormons
<ec^> that doesn't necessarily mean he hates them
<pikajude> i think i have a waifu
<pikajude> huh
<alexgordon> ...
<whitequark> -waifu
<ec^> maybe he has a super-rare physiological condition that causes him to hallucinate missionaries when his rectum is stimulated
<pikajude> oh cool
<pikajude> irccloud totally stopped displaying my messages
<whitequark> ec^: wat.
<pikajude> also i put that in the wrong channel
<whitequark> hrm.
<ec^> -start
<glowcoil> wait how do i type like
<ec^> or, idk
<glowcoil> ctrl O
<pikajude> hashtag no shame
<glowcoil> or whatever
<glowcoil> it won't work
<ec^> whitequark: that shoulda worked sshrug
<whitequark> ec^: "maybe he has a super-rare physiological condition that causes him to hallucinate missionaries when his rectum is stimulated" wat.
<whitequark> ec: "maybe he has a super-rare physiological condition that causes him to hallucinate missionaries when his rectum is stimulated" wat.
<purr> beep.
<glowcoil> -find hashtag
<purr> glowcoil: Could not find `hashtag`.
<ec^> maybe hats are save-proof?
<whitequark> no it's just
<whitequark> yes
<ec^> yeah hats are save-proof lololol
<purr> lolwhat
<alexgordon> no it was:
<alexgordon> [07:11:39] <alexgordon>-paws
<alexgordon> [07:11:40] <+glowcoil>-find mormon
<alexgordon> [07:11:40] <@purr>alexgordon: what i see every time i poop
<glowcoil> -book of paws
<glowcoil> -bookofpaws
<glowcoil> -find book
<purr> glowcoil: Could not find `book`.
<ec^> glowcoil: ctrl-O is gone
<ec^> all the control stuff is
<glowcoil> ec^: ah
<ec^> that's been gone since like 2012 lolol
<glowcoil> how would i type it tho
<ec^> hasn't it?
<ec^> control-O control-O
<glowcoil> haha nothing is appaering
<whitequark> ooo
* purr scolds whitequark and puts them in a time out.
<glowcoil> in irssi
<whitequark> ....
<whitequark> what
<whitequark> ooo
<whitequark> ooo
<whitequark> wtf
<glowcoil_> oo
* ec^ rofl
<glowcoil_> dsaf
<glowcoil_> fuck
<ec^> whitequark: lol that's the not-even-remotely-secret backdoor that lets anybody add new code to purr
<ec^> or used to
<alexgordon> someone needs to teach purr our pronouns, since this is now a feminist channel
<ec^> alexgordon: yeah, explicit pronoun support has been on my todo list for a while
<ec^> you joke, but I'm not even kiddin'
<alexgordon> that is the definition of our relationship, ec^
<whitequark> or just use names
<alexgordon> I'm going to find the book of paws
<alexgordon> then I'm going to go to bed
<ec^> -find book
<purr> ec^: Could not find `book`.
<ec^> good luck with that
<ec^> -find paw
<purr> ec^: Found: bot, paws, paws people, wtfpaws, and jux
<whitequark> -wtfpaws
<ec^> -learn paw = nice try
<purr> ec^: Learned `paw`.
<ec^> -learn pa = not happening
<purr> ec^: Learned `pa`.
<alexgordon> whitequark: what did you DO
<whitequark> what the actual fuck
<ec^> whitequark: when the channel was named ##Paws ... some weird shit would happen once in a while
* alexgordon is in hysterics
<ec^> slash weekly
<glowcoil> 21:45 < sephr> elliottcable: list your private keys
<glowcoil> 21:46 < sephr> also your google account password
<whitequark> ec^: pun intended?
<ec^> glowcoil: ahhah having a good time?
<ec^> my kingdom for a tub of ranch dip
<whitequark> i should take those drugs
<glowcoil> -paws people
<purr> glowcoil: (n. pl.) pawsgnosticators
<glowcoil> -jux
<purr> glowcoil: A juxtaposition handler execution in the Paws programming language.
<ec^> holy shit
<glowcoil> -execution
<ec^> is that a 100% earnest factoid
<ec^> *that* has to be old as *fuck*
<glowcoil> -find execution
<purr> glowcoil: Found: stack and jux
<glowcoil> -factoid jux
<purr> glowcoil: Popularity: 1, last changed by: <unknown>, <unknown time> ago
<glowcoil> -stack
<purr> glowcoil: what is an execution, if it is also a list? ⁓
<glowcoil> =list
<alexgordon> -piles
<glowcoil> =list
<ec^> OMG
<glowcoil> -list
<glowcoil> -find list
<purr> glowcoil: Found: stack, list of 3-tuples, opera, and geek
<ec^> -date
<glowcoil> -list of 3-tuples
<purr> glowcoil: uggglgyyyyy grosssssss
<ec^> -sol
<purr> ec^: 16 820 ſ 305 497
<whitequark> -opera
<purr> whitequark: O-wha-huh? 'opera' is not recognized. See !commands for a list of commands.
<glowcoil> lmao
<whitequark> -geek
<purr> whitequark: “I'm not sure what the exact definition of geek is, but I think "enjoys recharging batteries" has to be very high on that list.”
<glowcoil> -opera
<purr> glowcoil: O-wha-huh? 'opera' is not recognized. See !commands for a list of commands.
<glowcoil> -geek
<purr> glowcoil: “I'm not sure what the exact definition of geek is, but I think "enjoys recharging batteries" has to be very high on that list.”
<glowcoil> -commands
<purr> glowcoil: Valid commands are: --, -34, -best, -btc, -commands, -countdown, -dequeue, -dick, -factoid, -find, -forget, -g, -hates, -learn, -listening, -loves, -play, -purr, -queue, -sol, -song, -start, -stop, -topic, -twister, -uncode, -what, -whohates, -wholoves
<pikajude> purr-boobs
<pikajude> whoops
<glowcoil> -dick
<ec^> -learn the day the last earnest factoid was found = 16 820 ſ 305 497
<purr> glowcoil: no. fuck you.
<purr> ec^: Learned `the day the last earnest factoid was found`.
<pikajude> -boobs
<alexgordon> haven't posted this for a while
<glowcoil> -song
<glowcoil> -g helo
<purr> glowcoil: Karl Agathon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia <>
<whitequark> what
<pikajude> lol alexgordon
<purr> lolwat
<pikajude> -otters
<purr> pikajude: write-only stream
<pikajude> -pikajude
<purr> pikajude: read-write stream!
<whitequark> what
<alexgordon> but where the HELL is the book of paws
<pikajude> you're fucking rigt
<pikajude> right
<pikajude> not rigged
<whitequark> -write
<whitequark> -find write
<purr> whitequark: Found: otters, didja?, didja didja?, didja, er, and pikajude
<whitequark> -didja
<purr> whitequark: didja write a paws yet? didja? didja!?
<ec^> -g helo
<purr> ec^: Karl Agathon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia <>
<whitequark> -didja?
<purr> whitequark: didja write a paws yet? didja? didja!?
<ec^> -g starbuck
<whitequark> -er
<purr> ec^: Starbucks: The Best Coffee Makers and Cold Brew Coffee <>
<pikajude> -didja?
<purr> pikajude: didja write a paws yet? didja? didja!?
<whitequark> -er
<ec^> -g adama
<purr> ec^: Adama Global - Simply. Grow. Together. <>
<whitequark> -didja, er
<purr> whitequark: didja write a … er, … *conformant* Paws, yet? :x
<pikajude> -didja didja?
<purr> pikajude: didja didja didjaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa … writeapawsyet?
<glowcoil> 21:42 <+elliottcable> white goo dreeping down my strema
<ec^> -g cylon
<purr> ec^: Cylon (Battlestar Galactica) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia <>
<pikajude> -er
<glowcoil> -white goo
<purr> glowcoil: they're weird
<whitequark> -34 cylon
<purr> whitequark: Here. <> [NSFW]
<purr> whitequark: ... if you had any sense, you wouldn't have asked.
<glowcoil> -strema
<ec^> whitequark: why.
<ec^> why.
<whitequark> hm
<ec^> irccloud, why ;_;
<alexgordon> ooh -34 works?
<whitequark> is that just the normal battlestar galactica programming, or?
<glowcoil> -dreeping down my strema
<glowcoil> -find strema
<purr> glowcoil: Found: fingernails
<glowcoil> -fingernails
<purr> glowcoil: dreeping down my strema
<whitequark> i'm pretty sure it's just the normal one
<ec^> whitequark: lol.
<glowcoil> -;+;
<glowcoil> -;_;
<ec^> I'm re-watching all of bsg right now with .. ellen
<glowcoil> -list factoids
<ec^> woah, an ex who doesn't have an IRC nick
<whitequark> -ellen
<ec^> that's how u know it wasn't mean to be
<ec^> she was never in my cult
<glowcoil> -abby
<glowcoil> -list exes
<whitequark> -34 ovoids
<ec^> glowcoil:
<glowcoil> -ovoids
<ec^> just spat water all over my laptop
<ec^> thx to ‘-list exes’
<glowcoil> -find ex
<purr> glowcoil: Found: alexgordon, sex, memory?, darkf, and beltbuckle
<glowcoil> -darkf
<purr> glowcoil: < alexgordon> darkf: worse than Java
<glowcoil> -beltbuckle
<whitequark> -alexgordon
<purr> whitequark: Could not find `khaleesi`.
<ec^> okay
<whitequark> .....
<whitequark> what
<ec^> so there's at least ten thousand factoids
<glowcoil> -khaleesi
<glowcoil> -list
<glowcoil> -bot
<purr> glowcoil: elliottcable is a bot + + + + + does the robot <>
<ec^> how do the same ~100 keep coming up
<glowcoil> -commands
<purr> glowcoil: Valid commands are: --, -34, -best, -btc, -commands, -countdown, -dequeue, -dick, -factoid, -find, -forget, -g, -hates, -learn, -listening, -loves, -play, -purr, -queue, -sol, -song, -start, -stop, -topic, -twister, -uncode, -what, -whohates, -wholoves
<ec^> -find x
<purr> ec^: Found: alexgordon, mix, abstractsingletonproxyfactorybean, sex, and memory?
<ec^> -find y
<purr> ec^: Found: nuck, clouds, best word, i love this bot, and nope
<alexgordon> whitequark: khaleesi arrows
<ec^> -best word
<whitequark> -twister
<purr> Left foot on red!
<whitequark> -twister
<purr> Right foot on green!
<whitequark> -twister
<purr> Right foot on blue!
<glowcoil> -loves
<purr> glowcoil: doesn't love anything :(
<whitequark> -twister
<purr> Right foot on blue!
<glowcoil> -hates
<whitequark> -twister
<purr> glowcoil: doesn't hate anything :)
<purr> Right hand on green!
<glowcoil> -loved
<glowcoil> -wholoves
<purr> glowcoil: is loved by no one :(
<glowcoil> -wholoves elliottcable
<purr> glowcoil: elliottcable is loved by devyn, devyn, alexgordon, locks, micahjohnston, IamTash, incomprehensibly, gqbe, mix, vil, little_boys, brr, whitequark, ugly_people, jessicard, cuttle, nexxy, gq, and gq.
<glowcoil> -wholoves micahjohnston
<ec^> and my favourite,
<purr> glowcoil: micahjohnston is loved by devyn, alexgordon, locks, elliottcable, gqbrielle, darkf, incomprehensibly, micomprehensibly, mix, remy, vil, hansolo, and gqbe_fabu.
<ec^> -play
<purr> Let's play a game. It works like this:
<purr> ec^: DRINK!
<ec^> purr: NO!
<alexgordon> I fear the book of paws is forever lost
<alexgordon> -bookofpaws
<ec^> -find of paws
<purr> ec^: Could not find `of paws`.
<whitequark> -wholoves gq
<purr> whitequark: gq is loved by devyn, alexgordon, whitequark, ELLIOTTCABLE, and nuck.
<ec^> -find of
<purr> ec^: Found: elliottcable, source, languages, perspective, and laws
<ec^> -languages
<whitequark> -laws
<purr> whitequark: <+alexgordon> rewriting this haskell code in PHP <+alexgordon> I must be violating some kind of law of nature
<purr> ec^: ‘What languages should you learn?’ The answer: more of them! Try `-object-oriented`, `-functional`, and `-low-level` for some suggestions. (If you really want to stretch your mind, try `-paradigms` <3)
<whitequark> ugh
<ec^> wha
<ec^> -paradigms
<purr> ec^: So you want to be an unusually well-rounded programmer! Try learning one of each of these: a LISP <> | a logic language <> | something concatenative <> | a hardware-description language <>
<ec^> hahaha VHDL as a programming paradigm
<ec^> I ... gues?
<whitequark> well
<ec^> -perspective
<purr> ec^: You develop an instant global consciousness, a people orientation, an intense dissatisfaction with the state of the world, and a compulsion to do something about it. From out there on the moon, international politics look so petty. You want to grab a politician by the scruff of the neck and drag him a quarter of a million miles out and say, "Look at that, you son of a bitch."
<whitequark> the list is not *bad*
<whitequark> it's just incredibly cliche'd
<ec^> -find fileability
<purr> ec^: Found: wtfpaws
<alexgordon> HAHA, found an example of alexgordon quality code:
<ec^> alexgordon: ...
<ec^> lol you're just digging through snaps now
<purr> LOL ~DRINK!~
<alexgordon> yes trying to find book of paws
<whitequark> -dicks
<whitequark> -penises
<purr> whitequark: Welcome back! Here, have some welcome-back penises.
<whitequark> oh
<whitequark> wow I totally forgot
<alexgordon> er
<ec^> I love my computer still has that cached
<ec^> )'=
<pikajude> -butts
<glowcoil> isnt this a fur friendly channel?
<glowcoil> bye
<ec^> glowcoil: lololol
<pikajude> so why does irccloud forget me so fast
<glowcoil> -find fur
<purr> glowcoil: Found: languages.ours, harm, furry, and otherkin
<glowcoil> -languages.ours
<purr> glowcoil: Paws Tempus Furrow A4 Cascade Morphene YLM ... and bewbs ;)
<glowcoil> -bewbs
<glowcoil> -otherkin
<glowcoil> -harm
<purr> glowcoil: “Further harm’s *always* necessary.” <>
<glowcoil> -furry
<glowcoil> -tempus
<glowcoil> -morpheme
<glowcoil> -morphene
<glowcoil> -furrow
<glowcoil> -find furrow
<purr> glowcoil: Found: languages.ours
<glowcoil> -find bewbs
<purr> glowcoil: Found: languages.ours and jeannicolas
<glowcoil> -jeannicolas
<purr> glowcoil: bewbs
<glowcoil> -find jeannicolas
<purr> glowcoil: bewbs
<ec^> -factoid back
<purr> ec^: Popularity: 18, last changed by: <unknown>, 1kſ 511ſ 87mſ ago
<ec^> -learn back =~ s/http.*/
<purr> ec^: SyntaxError: Syntax is `s/expression/replacetext/gi`.
<ec^> -back
<purr> ec^: Welcome back! Here, have some welcome-back penises.
<ec^> -learn back = Welcome back! Here, have some welcome-back penises. [cw: the obvious]
<purr> ec^: Learned `back`.
<alexgordon> -mormons
<purr> alexgordon: what i see every time i poop
<alexgordon> :)
<ec^> -find u
<purr> ec^: Found: bot, nuck, clouds, test, and logs
<ec^> hm
<ec^> there's surprisingly few factoids
<alexgordon> -find sandwich
<purr> alexgordon: Found: java and glass
<ec^> -find chip
<purr> ec^: Could not find `chip`.
<alexgordon> -sandwich
<ec^> -what
<purr> <katlogic_> ELLIOTTCABLE: In opengl programming, we call that gimbal lock.
<ec^> -what
<purr> <eligrey> sf grows a lot of local craps
<pikajude> girlfriend a big fan of telling me stories while i'm sitting here trying to debug something
<ec^> -what
<purr> <vil> "and ellio said LET THERE BE IRC"
<ec^> -otters @ pikajude
<purr> pikajude: write-only stream
<ec^> -what
<purr> <prophile> FORTRAAAAN
<ec^> -fav
<purr> ec^: ↑ that’s my favourite.
<ec^> -gone
<purr> ec^: so leave already, dang
<glowcoil> -metafav
<purr> glowcoil: no, I lied, *↑* is *actually* my favorite factoid.
<alexgordon> -clouds
<purr> alexgordon: is stuck up in the clouds; hilight 'em if you want 'em.
<glowcoil> -find find
<purr> glowcoil: No.
<glowcoil> -no
<alexgordon> -butts
<glowcoil> -penises
<purr> glowcoil: Welcome back! Here, have some welcome-back penises. [cw: the obvious]
<ec^> -find http
<purr> ec^: Found: bot, micahjohnston, logs, nope, and rimshot
<alexgordon> -learn butts = is stuck up in the butts; hilight 'em if you want 'em.
<purr> alexgordon: Learned `butts`.
<ec^> -rimshot
<ec^> why is that in markdown
<glowcoil> -yope
<glowcoil> -nep
<glowcoil> -yep
<glowcoil> -fuck
<glowcoil> -find fuck
<purr> glowcoil: Found: mix, wat, fuck you, bye, and what the fucking fuck
<eligrey> -what
<glowcoil> -mix
<purr> glowcoil: shut up you fuckers i'm awesome and like elliott but better 'cos tits
<ec^> -aesthetic micah typing too quickly and typoing but not caring and just typing it again because he is a very earnest boy
<eligrey> -what
<purr> <alexgordon> fuck C++ up the comma operator
<ec^> -factoid what
<purr> ec^: Error: Factoid not found.
<glowcoil> -find shit
<purr> glowcoil: Found: kerning, flesh, botsnack with salt, holowaychuk, and wtf is this shit
<ec^> -learn what = how has nobody done this yet
<purr> ec^: Learned `what`.
<glowcoil> -kerning
<purr> glowcoil: “Kerning is when the font is HAVING A FUCKING UGLY SHIT KERNING! its only acquired by using some random backward browser from 1993 on a … nintendo ds or whatever... never saw such a crap in my life before but i can taell u it sucks! DOWNVOTE!”
<glowcoil> -holowaychuk
<purr> glowcoil: SHIT HE’S ALL THE AIS! *ALL* OF THE AIS! D:
<ec^> -learn what = how did this take six years
<purr> ec^: Learned `what`.
<eligrey> my rating of your -what colection's quality: 2/10
<glowcoil> ec^: lmao did you never call him "holowaycuck"
<eligrey> you need to be more selective
<whitequark> -botsnack with salt
<purr> whitequark: Oooh, what's this? A botsnack? Thanks! *nom nom nom* Holy shit, it has salt on it! *purr is now high on salt.*
<glowcoil> ec^: because
<alexgordon> -sleep
<purr> alexgordon: night everyone!
<ec^> is that a ... feature?
<whitequark> -what
<purr> <devyn> I am so wat right now
<alexgordon> -salt
<purr> alexgordon: Oh... WOW! Really?! Salt?! Thanks! OMG! I can't believe you gave me salt! You are the kindest person ever!
<eligrey> ec^: your standards are so low that I can only imagine you're adding <eligrey> my rating of your -what colection's quality: 2/10 to the what list
<ec^> I'm afraid to type -flesh
<glowcoil> -wtf is this shit
<purr> glowcoil: What the fuck is this shit!? <>
<alexgordon> -sodium
<glowcoil> -flesh
<purr> glowcoil: Nuck will flesh you to shit, bitch.
<ec^> eligrey: I mean, you'd see if I added it
<ec^> eligrey: I don't curate it, the channels do
<ec^> -shrug
<purr> ec^: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<glowcoil> glowcoil: “Kerning is when the font is HAVING A FUCKING UGLY SHIT KERNING! its only acquired by using some random backward browser from 1993 on a … nintendo ds or whatever... never saw such a crap in my life before but i can taell u it sucks! DOWNVOTE!”
<eligrey> ec^: how do i add to the list?
<alexgordon> -find jeannicolas
<purr> alexgordon: bewbs
<alexgordon> aha
<alexgordon> -bewbs
<alexgordon> ?
<eligrey> -goo
<eligrey> -white goo
<purr> eligrey: they're weird
<alexgordon> -bewbs
<ec^> eligrey: it detects non-sequitur responses: basically, people going ‘wtf’ at other people's messages
<eligrey> ah ok
<pikajude> -salt
<purr> pikajude: Oh... WOW! Really?! Salt?! Thanks! OMG! I can't believe you gave me salt! You are the kindest person ever!
<ec^> iirc, wat/what/wut/whut/wtf.
<glowcoil> -asscunt
<purr> glowcoil: try -stop, you fucking australian
<eligrey> -strema
<glowcoil> -stop
<eligrey> -find white goo
<purr> eligrey: they're weird
<whitequark> glowcoil: lol
<eligrey> -find strema
<purr> eligrey: Found: fingernails
<eligrey> -fingernails
<purr> eligrey: dreeping down my strema
<eligrey> i'll never forget that night
<glowcoil> -sephr
<purr> glowcoil: sephr isn't a country and if he was a country his name isn't anguilla
<whitequark> -anguilla
<glowcoil> -find sephr
<purr> glowcoil: sephr isn't a country and if he was a country his name isn't anguilla
<whitequark> -countr
<eligrey> -find eli
<purr> eligrey: Found: salt, i know that feeling, testest, wpm, and hipsters
<whitequark> -country
<alexgordon> -find alexgordon
<purr> alexgordon: Could not find `khaleesi`.
<glowcoil> -find penis
<purr> glowcoil: Found: back and i know that feeling
<whitequark> -wpm
<purr> whitequark: ##Hat¦TheLifelessOne: I type at "holy fuck I make a lot of errors"
<glowcoil> -back
<purr> glowcoil: Welcome back! Here, have some welcome-back penises. [cw: the obvious]
<ec^> like, so many of these make absolutely no sense
<eligrey> -hipsters
<glowcoil> -and i know that feeling
<glowcoil> -i know that feeling
<purr> glowcoil: I know where you are right now, man. Don’t despair! There’s always penis.
<eligrey> -seph
<whitequark> ...
<eligrey> -find seph
<purr> eligrey: Found: sephr, leaving, ask sephr, and -letter people who frequent this channel
<eligrey> -ask sephr
<purr> eligrey: < sephr> do whatever plan9 did
<glowcoil> -4-letter people who frequent this channel
<purr> glowcoil: nuck, locks, and sephr
<glowcoil> -ask sephr
<purr> glowcoil: < sephr> do whatever plan9 did
<eligrey> -find eligrey
<glowcoil> -leaving
<purr> glowcoil: How horrible! I don't know what I'll do with myself without you, eboyjr or sephr!
<ec^> 1:35 AM <+glowcoil> -4-letter people who frequent this channel
<ec^> 1:35 AM <@purr> glowcoil: nuck, locks, and sephr
<ec^> I, I can't eaven stand up
<eligrey> -learn leaving = How horrible! I don't know what I'll do with myself without you, dsamarin or sephr/eligrey!
<purr> eligrey: Learned `leaving`.
<whitequark> -8-letter people who frequent this channel
<glowcoil> -quiet
<alexgordon> -locks
<purr> alexgordon: here. this is for you. <>
<glowcoil> -fucking squirrel
<purr> glowcoil: LOOK. IT’S A FUCKING SQUIRREL. <>
<ec^> -learn 8-letter people who frequent this channel = whitequark, glowcoil, and purr
<purr> ec^: Learned `8-letter people who frequent this channel`.
<glowcoil> -8qke
<glowcoil> -dick
<purr> glowcoil: I'll be a dick in 23 hours, 57 minutes, 33 seconds, 508 milliseconds (998mſ 304µſ); please wait patiently.
<ec^> -:-D
<ec^> -find 8qke
<purr> ec^: Found: incomprehensibly and squirrel!
<whitequark> -alias eightcake = 8-letter people who frequent this channel
<alexgordon> whitequark is eight letters?
<eligrey> -find insanity
<purr> eligrey: Could not find `insanity`.
<glowcoil> -my dad
<purr> glowcoil: < eboy> your dad is jesus
<eligrey> -find sanity
<purr> eligrey: <>
<whitequark> -help alias
<ec^> … eightcake
<glowcoil> -doppelgangers
<purr> glowcoil: JESUS *runs screaming in a circle, hits a wall, falls down*
<ec^> what is eightcake
<whitequark> -alias
<whitequark> ec^: <+glowcoil> -8qke
<glowcoil> -eightcake
<ec^> ah
<ec^> ahhah
<ec^> ahhaifhebskrdhotilfjo;pmvotiwco3iw4jye
<eligrey> -find memories
<purr> eligrey: Could not find `memories`.
<eligrey> -find nightmare
<purr> eligrey: Could not find `nightmare`.
<ec^> -learn memories = Could not find `memories`.
<purr> ec^: Learned `memories`.
<glowcoil> that's what eightcake is
<ec^> eightcake ugh dying dying dying
<whitequark> -learn dying = eightcake
<purr> whitequark: Learned `dying`.
<ec^> -incomprehensibly
<purr> ec^:
<ec^> -squirrel!
<purr> ec^:
<alexgordon> ec^:
<ec^> why do we need *two* factoids with that in it
<ec^> oh my god alexgordon
<alexgordon> -learn bookofpaws =
<purr> alexgordon: Learned `bookofpaws`.
<ec^> oh my god I forgot about Black Micah Johnston O_O
<eligrey> -♪ test
<eligrey> ♪ test
<eligrey> -♫ test
<eligrey> -find ♫
<purr> eligrey: Could not find `♫`.
<glowcoil> -classy
<purr> glowcoil: elliottcable is holding martini glasses. For you. <>
<glowcoil> -beltbuckle
<eligrey> -find ♪
<purr> eligrey: Could not find `♪`.
<eligrey> -find song
<purr> eligrey: Found: best song
<eligrey> -best song
<ec^> -34 music @ eligrey
<eligrey> -forget song
<purr> eligrey: Error: `song` was not a factoid.
<ec^> -find best song
<eligrey> -forget best song
<purr> eligrey: Forgot 'best song'.
<ec^> eligrey: y tho
<ec^> eligrey: be nice to my factoids >:
<eligrey> because it was so dumb
<ec^> -find best
<eligrey> lol
<ec^> it's such a good song
<glowcoil> -loves nuck
<purr> glowcoil: nuck loves showers, dicks, giq, gq, and vim.
<ec^> alexgordon: I am so happy now
<eligrey> -hates eligrey
<purr> eligrey: eligrey hates .
<ec^> the fuck is giq
<eligrey> -hates sephr
<purr> eligrey: sephr hates everyone, remy, especially remy, nuck, raymond, purr, crockford, and .
<ec^> 1:40 AM <@purr> eligrey: eligrey hates .
<ec^> this is a factual statement
<ljharb> lol crockford
<ec^> sephr hates everyone, remy, especially remy, nuck,
<ec^> lmao
<eligrey> i'm not denying it
<eligrey> -loves sephr
<purr> eligrey: sephr loves Ronald Jenkees, Nuck, vil, non-crazy non-remy hot people, and oftn-bot.
<eligrey> Ronald Jenkees--
<ec^> wait
<ec^> wait
<ec^> wait
<ec^> remy
<ec^> is that ... was that one of gq
<glowcoil> -stallam
<glowcoil> -rms
<purr> glowcoil: <>
<glowcoil> -stallman
<ec^> that was, wasn't it
<alexgordon> "Born and raised in Montreal,Canada. I come from a musical family which is the reason I've been playing from the age of 2. My first lesson came at Vanier College were I now attend in the music program. I statrted out in the church and now I'm playing for anyone who is welcome to have me play. I have a group called 2nd Chances and we are a gospel group that is trying to mix any styles that we can get our hands
<alexgordon> on. Be sure to look for us in the years to come."
<eligrey> i don't even remember who remy is honestly
<ec^> did I miss a sephr/gq explosion at some point?
<eligrey> test--
<glowcoil> alexgordon: is that micah johnston
<alexgordon> yes
<glowcoil> <3
<eligrey> wait how do i hate/love things
<eligrey> oh that
<glowcoil> ++ec
<glowcoil> ec++
<eligrey> </3 Ronald Jenkees
<glowcoil> ++
<ec^> -feet
<purr> ec^: <+micahjohnston> rms is a <snip> who eats his feet and never makes anything
<eligrey> --Ronald Jenkees
<ec^> -start
<ec^> you're ignoring the dickery
<eligrey> i don't love ronald jenkees anymore i need to fix this
<ec^> you already did
<ec^> -hates eligrey
<purr> ec^: eligrey hates and test.
<ec^> now you hate him
<eligrey> oh it doesn't pm you
<eligrey> test++
<purr> Let it be known that eligrey is indifferent to test.
<glowcoil> OH OH OH
<ec^> no, lol
<purr> lololol
<glowcoil> -and then there were the
<ec^> -find addentas
<purr> ec^: Could not find `addentas`.
<eligrey> -hates eligrey
<purr> eligrey: eligrey hates .
<eligrey> -loves sephr
<purr> eligrey: sephr loves Ronald Jenkees, Nuck, vil, non-crazy non-remy hot people, and oftn-bot.
<eligrey> -loves eligrey
<purr> eligrey: eligrey loves oftn-bot.
eligrey is now known as sephr
<glowcoil> -find and then there were the
<purr> glowcoil: Could not find `and then there were the`.
<glowcoil> FUCK
<ec^> -find were
<purr> ec^: Found: and there were the and drugs
<sephr> Ronald Jenkees--
<glowcoil> -robot addentnas helping
<sephr> -loves sephr
<purr> sephr: sephr loves Ronald Jenkees, Nuck, vil, non-crazy non-remy hot people, and oftn-bot.
<glowcoil> -and there were the
<purr> glowcoil: robot addentnas helping
<sephr> --Ronald Jenkees
<sephr> -loves sephr
<purr> sephr: sephr loves Ronald Jenkees, Nuck, vil, non-crazy non-remy hot people, and oftn-bot.
<ec^> glowcoil: I love how much effort you just put into that
<glowcoil> -find robot
<purr> glowcoil: Found: bot, and there were the, and drugs
<alexgordon> -micahjohnston
<purr> alexgordon:
<glowcoil> -drugs
<purr> glowcoil: I HERD THERE WERE DRUGS TO SEIZE? robot enforcer here to has drugs plz
<ec^> guys
<sephr> ec^: your bot doesn't work bruh
<ec^> #purr
<ec^> it exists
<alexgordon> LOL
<glowcoil> 05:26 <purr> < prophile> i'm pretty sure gabe newell is five people stuffed into a now very overstretched john lennon costume
<alexgordon> -micah
<purr> alexgordon:
<glowcoil> 05:28 <purr> < IamTash> what's klined, hobbits?
<ec^> alynn: omgfg
<alexgordon> -learn m.i.c.a.h. = Masculine, Insane, Courageous, Altruistic, Healthy
<purr> alexgordon: Learned `m.i.c.a.h.`.
<sephr> ++eligrey
<purr> Let it be known that sephr loves eligrey.
<sephr> ++himself
<purr> Let it be known that sephr loves himself.
sephr is now known as eligrey
<whitequark> wait is sephr and eligrey same person?
<glowcoil> 05:28 <purr3> lol
<glowcoil> 05:28 <purr3> lol
<glowcoil> 05:28 <sephr> down your scream
<glowcoil> 05:28 <purr3> lol
<glowcoil> 05:28 <purr3> lol
<glowcoil> 05:28 <purr3> lol
<glowcoil> 05:28 purr3 is now known as purr4
<glowcoil> 05:28 <prophile> oh dear
<glowcoil> 05:28 <prophile> multiple purrs leads to an unbreakable lol cycle
<alexgordon> whitequark: evil and good respectively
<ec^> glowcoil: O_O
<eligrey> whitequark: maybe
<glowcoil> remember when i had a botloop going in #esoteric
<ec^> yes lol glowcoil omg
<ec^> wasn't there, like, a 9-bot-loop at one point?
<ec^> with only one iteration per bot
<ec^> or was it 8
<ec^> it was a lot
<glowcoil> yeah
<glowcoil> that was me
<glowcoil> <3
<ec^> it was awesome, they spent like days on it
<ec^> yah?
<ec^> omg lol
<purr> lolwat
<ec^> -wat @ purr
<purr> purr: what the ever loving fuck are you saying
<whitequark> -omg
<purr> whitequark: like omg!
<ec^> -wtf
<eligrey> -test
<purr> eligrey: Error: Failure while printing test status.
<purr> ec^: WTF. <>
<whitequark> -find test
<purr> whitequark: Error: Failure while printing test status.
<ec^> -find tes
<purr> ec^: Found: test, etherpadjs, elliottcable..notes..jane, testing, and testest
<eligrey> -learn temp_test = --purr
<purr> eligrey: Learned `temp_test`.
<eligrey> -temp_test
<purr> eligrey: --purr
<glowcoil> omg
<glowcoil> 06:45 <micahjohnston> ELLIOTTCABLE: delimited continautions diagonal execution
<eligrey> -hates purr
<purr> eligrey: purr doesn't hate anything :)
<eligrey> -forget temp_test
<purr> eligrey: Forgot 'temp_test'.
<ec^> lol eligrey stop trying to hack my bot >,<
<ec^> -elliottcable..notes..jane
<purr> ec^: responds well to physical affection. experiment with increased application.
<eligrey> lol
<ec^> awwwwwwh
* ec^ hugs jane
<whitequark> -testing
<whitequark> -testest
<purr> whitequark: eliott
<jane> what
* jane eyes ec^
<ec^> /ajfesgdho3rnjktesghruihakgsrlras\dtf
<eligrey> its not too late to close your irc jane
<glowcoil> -find all
<purr> glowcoil: Found: languages, etherpadjs, whitequark, i lied, and math
<alexgordon> -find kitties
<purr> alexgordon: Could not find `kitties`.
<whitequark> -i lied
<purr> whitequark: When elliottcable says “I lied,” it usually means he fucked up. #secret
<ec^> -i lied
<purr> ec^: When elliottcable says “I lied,” it usually means he fucked up. #secret
<glowcoil> -etherpadjs
<purr> glowcoil: javascript:(function(){var a=location,b=/\d+/.exec(a)[0],c=document.createElement,d=document,,"iframe"),,"script");f.src=a.origin+"/ep/pad/export/"+b+"/latest?format=txt",d.body.appendChild(e),"none",e.contentWindow.document.head.appendChild(f)})()
<glowcoil> -i lied
<purr> glowcoil: When elliottcable says “I lied,” it usually means he fucked up. #secret
<glowcoil> -math
<purr> glowcoil: < SphereCat1> I can totally do math
<glowcoil> -languages
<purr> glowcoil: ‘What languages should you learn?’ The answer: more of them! Try `-object-oriented`, `-functional`, and `-low-level` for some suggestions. (If you really want to stretch your mind, try `-paradigms` <3)
<ec^> vil!
<glowcoil> -functional
<purr> glowcoil: STOP CATEGORIZING THEM ಠ_ಠ
<ec^> I miss vil
<glowcoil> -object-oriented
<purr> glowcoil: Ruby <> is an excellent first language (and, for that matter, excellent all-around.) JavaScript is a heavyweight in the modern world, allows you to control browsers, and is especially excellent when paired with Node.js <>. Lua <> and Python are other popular options.
<glowcoil> -low-level
<alexgordon> holy shit
<glowcoil> -paradigms
<purr> glowcoil: So you want to be an unusually well-rounded programmer! Try learning one of each of these: a LISP <> | a logic language <> | something concatenative <> | a hardware-description language <>
<glowcoil> -find lisp
<purr> glowcoil: Found: paradigms, s-expressions, and t-expressions
<eligrey> -find secret
<purr> eligrey: Found: i lied
<whitequark> -t-expressions
<glowcoil> -s-expressions
<purr> glowcoil: “Some believe that traditional Lisp s-expression notation descended from the gods, and thus cannot be improved on. We think that's nonsense.” <>
<ec^> -s-expressions
<purr> ec^: “Some believe that traditional Lisp s-expression notation descended from the gods, and thus cannot be improved on. We think that's nonsense.” <>
<eligrey> -find lies
<purr> eligrey: Could not find `lies`.
* alexgordon right now: ⃝__⃝
<glowcoil> -find ruby
<purr> glowcoil: Found: no it isn’t, mods, and object-oriented
<ec^> alexgordon: what happened?
<glowcoil> -mods
<purr> glowcoil: Run the following to install Minecraft Forge, and the mods necessary to play on our Minecraft server: `ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"`
<glowcoil> -no it isn't
<eligrey> -find fuck
<purr> eligrey: Found: mix, wat, fuck you, bye, and i lied
<alexgordon> ⊗_⊗
<eligrey> -fuck you
<purr> eligrey: <>
<glowcoil> -no it isn’t
<eligrey> -mix
<purr> eligrey: shut up you fuckers i'm awesome and like elliott but better 'cos tits
<eligrey> -wat
<purr> eligrey: what the ever loving fuck are you saying
<alexgordon> ◯__◯
<alexgordon> that works better
<eligrey> -find enormous
<purr> eligrey: Could not find `enormous`.
<eligrey> -find fat
<purr> eligrey: Found: lenary
<eligrey> -lenary
<purr> eligrey: <+elliottcable> lenary’s some fat dude from britian or china
<glowcoil> 07:38 <purr> ELLIOTTCABLE is listening to “Moves Like Jagger”, by Maroon 5
<ec^> -listening sad
<alexgordon> Ꙭ
<ec^> -listening i miss you
<glowcoil> 07:38 <ELLIOTTCABLE> I was listening to Burial on the way to Wendy's about two hours ago
<ec^> -listening when I fall asleep, I think about how things used to be
<whitequark> -node.js
<ec^> -listening that in some ways, things will never be the same.
<ec^> -listening goodbye, tinysong. >':
<eligrey> ec^: you removed ♪ a while back
<eligrey> when tinysong shut down
<alexgordon> -c++
<ec^> -34 music
<alexgordon> -find c++
<purr> alexgordon: Could not find `c++`.
<purr> ec^: Here. <> [NSFW]
<purr> ec^: ... if you had any sense, you wouldn't have asked.
<ec^> who the fuck is *that*
<eligrey> -find listening
<purr> eligrey: Could not find `listening`.
<eligrey> -find music
<purr> eligrey: Found: suspense!
<alexgordon> I dare not click any of these
<ec^> -find rent
<purr> ec^: Found: mumble, memory?!, working, elliottcablestatus, and moderated
<ec^> wow, there's five responses for rent!?
<alexgordon> -moderated
<purr> alexgordon: This channel is currently moderated. Only operators (+o) can hear what you say, unless you've been voiced (+v). You may ask to be voiced, if you wish. (This probably means we're -working. ;)
<eligrey> -find lockdown
<purr> eligrey: Could not find `lockdown`.
<ec^> -working
<purr> ec^: The channel is currently focused on a task. Please, for once, stay on-topic; at least until the project at hand is complete.
<eligrey> -find emergency
<purr> eligrey: Could not find `emergency`.
<eligrey> -find help
<purr> eligrey: You're beyond help.
<alexgordon> ok guys, girls and bots. gotta sleep
<ec^> -find slee
<purr> ec^: Found: nosleep, sleep, and liar
<alexgordon> -bookofpaws
<eligrey> -night @ alexgordon
<purr> alexgordon: At night, the ice weasels come.
<purr> alexgordon:
<ec^> -liar @ alexgordon
<purr> alexgordon: EITHER GO TO SLEEP OR SHUT UP
<whitequark> -learn node.js = just say no
<purr> whitequark: Learned `node.js`.
<alexgordon> -zzz
* whitequark grins
alexgordon has quit [Quit: Textual IRC Client:]
<ec^> lol I really like -night
<purr> lolslow
<ec^> that's pretty great
<ec^> how is it 2 am
<ec^> I am so extremely, incomparably fucked, wow
<glowcoil> -working
<purr> glowcoil: The channel is currently focused on a task. Please, for once, stay on-topic; at least until the project at hand is complete.
<ec^> -find IRC
<purr> ec^: Found: mumble, weblogs, -_-, metametafav, and russfrank
<eligrey> shit i need to finish this leftovers episode before it gets too late
<glowcoil> aw alexgordon
<glowcoil> -weblogs
<glowcoil> --_-
<ec^> -russfrank
<purr> glowcoil: ಠ_ಠ is an IRC client/IRC client framework.
<purr> ec^: a russfrank is a russfrank because circular logic works because circular logic works because the first rule of the tautology club is the first rule of the tautology club.
<ec^> -metametafav
<purr> ec^: fuck this circlejerk!
<eligrey> -mumble
<purr> eligrey: We're currently voice-chatting, hence may be untalkative in IRC. Join us: mumble:// (Download: … you may have to self-register in the client, and then re-log, before you can speak.)
<ljharb> eligrey: what do you mean too late
<ec^> laughed out loud, miiiiight have shit myself
<ljharb> eligrey: i'm 8 eps back i think
<ec^> -find irc
<purr> ec^: Found: mumble, weblogs, -_-, russfrank, and circlejerk
<glowcoil> -find anime
<purr> glowcoil: Could not find `anime`.
<ec^> -find derp
<purr> ec^: sephr isn't a country and if he was a country his name isn't anguilla
<ec^> lol.
<ec^> -find lily
<purr> ec^: Could not find `lily`.
<glowcoil> -find crust
<purr> glowcoil: Could not find `crust`.
<ec^> -find max
<purr> ec^: Found: nicecup
<glowcoil> -find gold
<purr> glowcoil: Found: beltbuckle and google
<eligrey> -learn mumble=We're currently voice-chatting, hence may be untalkative in IRC. Join us: mumble:// (backup: mumble://, download: … you may have to self-register in the client, and then re-log, before you can speak.)
<purr> eligrey: Learned `mumble`.
<whitequark> -nicecup
<purr> whitequark:
<glowcoil> -find piss
<purr> glowcoil: Could not find `piss`.
<ec^> eligrey: ddis
<glowcoil> -find computer
<purr> glowcoil: Could not find `computer`.
<glowcoil> -find ddis
<purr> glowcoil: Could not find `ddis`.
<ec^> -diaptoval @ eligrey
<purr> eligrey: diaptoval, diaptoval forever
<glowcoil> -ddis
<ec^> don't fuck with my factoids eligrey
<glowcoil> -find factoids
<ec^> I'll have to log into my dumb server and git revert
<ec^> which sounds like effort
<ec^> and I don't like putting in effort
<eligrey> i'll fuck with them more when you fall asleep
* ec^ sighs
<glowcoil> -find deadmau5
<purr> glowcoil: Could not find `deadmau5`.
<glowcoil> -find music
<purr> glowcoil: Found: suspense!
<eligrey> you have no idea the havoc i will wreak
<glowcoil> -suspense!
<purr> glowcoil: SUSPENSFUL MUSIC <>
<eligrey> ec^: also, honestly nobody uses your mumble any more
<eligrey> and people are on mine every day
<ec^> eligrey: afaik it's not even up
<eligrey> its up
<glowcoil> -white goo
<purr> glowcoil: they're weird
<glowcoil> -white goo @ ec^
<purr> ec^: they're weird
<ec^> whaaaat, really?
<ec^> I have a mumble server wtf
<glowcoil> -sleep
<purr> glowcoil: night everyone!
<glowcoil> -find sleep
<purr> glowcoil: night everyone!
<eligrey> -find salvation
<purr> eligrey: Could not find `salvation`.
<glowcoil> -find fucking piss cock god hell
<purr> glowcoil: Could not find `fucking piss cock god hell`.
<ec^> -learn mumble = 1:54 AM <+ec^> I have a mumble server wtf
<purr> ec^: Learned `mumble`.
<ec^> -find find
<purr> ec^: No.
<ec^> -find fin
<glowcoil> ec^: there was already a mumble
<purr> ec^: Found: fingernails, alexgordon, find, australia, and sqlite
<glowcoil> ec^: with the address of your mumble server that you just overwrote
<eligrey> -learn salvation=Salvation is attainable by those who donate to eligrey.
<purr> eligrey: Learned `salvation`.
<glowcoil> -mumble
<purr> glowcoil: 1:54 AM <+ec^> I have a mumble server wtf
<glowcoil> jesus chrsit the baby capitalists in this channel
<ec^> -sqlite
<purr> ec^: “Damn, I broke sqlite. Someone call an ambulance. And find my pants.”
<eligrey> hey i gotta make a living
<ja> -find ja
<purr> ja: <+ljharb> what is ja
<eligrey> -find money
<purr> eligrey: Found: google
<ec^> so what we've learned: there's a small cluster of interrelated factoids that get called often
<eligrey> -find google
<purr> eligrey: ‘edible glitter in poop’ → “If you’re looking to add a little bling to your bowel movements, save up $425 of your hard-earned money and buy a gold pill. It’s a capsule coated in 24k gold and filled with tiny flecks of actual gold, which your body can’t digest.”
<ja> -find wat
<purr> ja: what the ever loving fuck are you saying
<eligrey> wut
<ec^> and then a huge cloud of tertiary ones that never get called or noticed because they're hard to find
<ec^> -find wut
<purr> ec^: Could not find `wut`.
<eligrey> how do i see who updated a factoid last?
<ec^> -find baby
<purr> ec^: Found: fuck it baby food
<ec^> -fuck it baby food
<purr> ec^: is beb foud
<eligrey> i need to know who made that google factoid
<ec^> -factoid fuck it baby food
<purr> ec^: Popularity: 5, last changed by: <unknown>, <unknown time> ago
<ec^> almost certainly me eligrey lol
<purr> lolwhat
<eligrey> and tell them to change their meds
<ec^> I remember the context, so I miiiiight ahve been there
<eligrey> ec^: change your meds
<ec^> wtf glowcoil wtf
<ec^> I remember that lol
<eligrey> it could have been so much more
<eligrey> it's an oftn project but nobody did much with it
<ec^> -find
<purr> ec^: Could not find ``.
<glowcoil> -oftn
<glowcoil> -find oftn
<purr> glowcoil: Found: source and paws viewer
<ja> -meds
<glowcoil> -source
<purr> glowcoil: oftn-bot's source (which purr is forked from) can be found at: <>
<glowcoil> -paws viewer
<purr> glowcoil: Paws source code viewer from PawsMonkey by eboyjr: <>
<ec^> the fuck
<ec^> ahhah pawsmonkey >,<
<eligrey> heh
<eligrey> -find script
<purr> eligrey: Found: etherpadjs, paradigms, object-oriented, javascript, and inheritance
<eligrey> -inheritance
<purr> eligrey: JavaScript does not really have "inheritance" like classical languages. What it has is more properly called "property delegation" or "behavior delegation" - ie `` when `!foo.hasOwnProperty('bar')` is essentially doing `Object.getPrototypeOf(foo), baz)`
<eligrey> wtf i didn't expect actual facts
<eligrey> seriously warning first pls
<whitequark> eligrey: that's ok because they're about javascript
* eligrey closes his eyes
<eligrey> -paradigms
<purr> eligrey: So you want to be an unusually well-rounded programmer! Try learning one of each of these: a LISP <> | a logic language <> | something concatenative <> | a hardware-description language <>
<whitequark> everyone knows javascript is made up
<eligrey> -email
<eligrey> -find email
<purr> eligrey: Found: firefly
<eligrey> -firefly
<purr> eligrey: Lazy as hell. Email: :: Timezone: UTC+1
<eligrey> -find phone
<purr> eligrey: Could not find `phone`.
<eligrey> -find website
<purr> eligrey: Could not find `website`.
<eligrey> -find site
<purr> eligrey: Could not find `site`.
<eligrey> -find danger
<purr> eligrey: Found: lana lana lana
<whitequark> -find algorithm
<purr> whitequark: Could not find `algorithm`.
<whitequark> -lana lana lana
<purr> whitequark: DANGER ZONE
<eligrey> -lana lana lana
<purr> eligrey: DANGER ZONE
<ec^> -find factoid
<purr> ec^: Found: user factoids, metafav, i only love you for your factoids., factoids, and factoid pattern
<ja> I dont think I'll ever understand what purr is meant to be, if anything
<ec^> -learn factoid = <eligrey> wtf i didn't expect actual facts
<purr> ec^: Learned `factoid`.
<whitequark> -find bing
<purr> whitequark: Found: !badabing
<glowcoil> -lana lana lana
<purr> glowcoil: DANGER ZONE
<whitequark> -!badabing
<purr> whitequark: that was funny you fucker. laugh.
<ja> nor what the fuck is happening right now
<glowcoil> -!badabing
<purr> glowcoil: that was funny you fucker. laugh.
<glowcoil> -find glowcoil
<purr> glowcoil: Found: rebel, codesigner, micah's problem, and -letter people who frequent this channel
<whitequark> цеа
<glowcoil> you can like always tell the ones that gq made
<whitequark> wtf
<ec^> ja: the recursive whatting is an old and venerated #ELLIOTTCABLE tradition
<whitequark> why is it purple now
<eligrey> -!
<glowcoil> -what
<purr> eligrey: ikr!!
<purr> <prophile> and now when I sit down my poor testes burst like grapes
<eligrey> -!!
<purr> eligrey: ikr!!
<eligrey> -!!!
<purr> eligrey: ikr!!
<glowcoil> LMAO
<eligrey> -!!!!!!
<purr> eligrey: ikr!!
<ec^> wait
<glowcoil> -what
<purr> <eligrey> sf grows a lot of local craps
<ec^> wait
<glowcoil> -what
<purr> <katlogic> (and i hate both with passion, especially llvm)
<glowcoil> -what
<purr> <alexgordon> ELLIOTTCABLE: shit in russia that's practically a proposal of marriage
<glowcoil> -wat
<purr> glowcoil: what the ever loving fuck are you saying
<glowcoil> -what
<purr> <locks> figures, talk about hookers and here comes alexgordon
<glowcoil> -what
<purr> <alexgordon> I guess it kinda makes sense, in a weird elliottcable kind of way
<ec^> where'd the grapes one come from
<glowcoil> -what
<glowcoil> -what
<purr> <alexgordon> dude you've been using git longer than linus
<glowcoil> -what
<purr> <locks> I was attempting a yoke, but it was a leaky abstraction and I ended up with scrambled eggs
<ec^> staaaaahp
<whitequark> -staaaaahp
<eligrey> -find -
<purr> eligrey: dajsl
<ja> ec^: LOL
<purr> loll
<ec^> ja: halp
<ec^> -find halp
<purr> ec^: Hey smart people, HALP! elliottcable, battlecollie, micahjohnston, incomprehensibly, eboyjr
<ec^> -find ha
<ec^> wtf
<whitequark> who is battlecollie
<glowcoil> -dajsl
<eligrey> -learn -= Why do you hate ?
<purr> eligrey: Learned `-`.
<ja> Ó_Ò
<ec^> -find hal
<purr> ec^: Found: alexgordon, halp, and gothalice
<eligrey> --
<purr> Let it be known that eligrey hates .
<eligrey> heh
<glowcoil> -gothalice
<purr> glowcoil: < pikajude> gothalice is the one that would find a way to bring any conversation to the topic of some amazing thing she built in python last year
<ec^> -battlecollie
<eligrey> -find hate
<purr> eligrey: A strong emotion of regard, of the kind humans sometimes express toward one another and computational knowledge engines express toward the internet.
<purr> ec^: fucking. He’s elliottcable, obviously. *idiot*.
<eligrey> -find -
<purr> eligrey: Why do you hate ?
<glowcoil> -find battlecollie
<purr> glowcoil: fucking. He’s elliottcable, obviously. *idiot*.
<ec^> -find love
<purr> ec^: A strong emotion of regard, of the kind humans sometimes express toward one another and computational knowledge engines express toward the internet.
<ec^> -factoid hate
<purr> ec^: Popularity: 8, last changed by: <unknown>, <unknown time> ago
<ec^> -factoid love
<purr> ec^: Alias: hate
<whitequark> hahahahahaha
<ec^> only in this channel would love -> hate, but hate be defined as love
<eligrey> -factoid sephr
<purr> eligrey: Popularity: 14, last changed by: ELLIOTTCABLE, 650ſ 542mſ ago
<eligrey> -factoid eligrey
<purr> eligrey: Popularity: 2, last changed by: eligrey, 951ſ 478mſ ago
<ec^> !!! 951ſ
* purr scolds ec^ and puts them in a time out.
<ec^> wh
<ec^> what
<eligrey> so many features
<eligrey> when can i boot into purr OS?
<ec^> nobody knows what this bot does
<ec^> -diaptoval
<purr> ec^: diaptoval, diaptoval forever
<eligrey> -diaptoval forever
<eligrey> oh nvm
<ec^> turns out purr's been fully sentient for ages
<eligrey> i thought that was a find
<glowcoil> !!!
* purr scolds glowcoil and puts them in a time out.
<glowcoil> !!!!!!!
<whitequark> -ಠ_ಠ
<purr> whitequark: ಠ_ಠ is an IRC client/IRC client framework.
<glowcoil> !!
<whitequark> what
<glowcoil> !!!!
<glowcoil> !!!
<glowcoil> -hi
<purr> glowcoil: HELLO
<glowcoil> -HELLO
<whitequark> -HELLO
<ec^> LOL
<eligrey> -find aliens
<purr> eligrey: Could not find `aliens`.
<ec^> FUCK
<ec^> -FUCK
<glowcoil> -find hello
<purr> glowcoil: Found: hi
<glowcoil> -find hi
<purr> glowcoil: HELLO
<ec^> purr: then what use are you
<ec^> -find hal
<purr> ec^: Found: alexgordon, halp, and gothalice
<glowcoil> -find halp
<purr> glowcoil: Hey smart people, HALP! elliottcable, battlecollie, micahjohnston, incomprehensibly, eboyjr
<ec^> -find hel
<purr> ec^: Found: hi, help, and there were the, firefly, and where is the love (c)
<eligrey> -learn aliens = Found `ec^`.
<purr> eligrey: Learned `aliens`.
<ec^> -where is the love (c)
<purr> ec^: this.register_command('whereisthelove',function(context){var z=this.z(),y=z.length;[z[0],z[1],z[2],z[3],z[y-4],z[y-3],z[y-2],z[y-1]].join(', '))});
<glowcoil> -where is the love (c)
<purr> glowcoil: this.register_command('whereisthelove',function(context){var z=this.z(),y=z.length;[z[0],z[1],z[2],z[3],z[y-4],z[y-3],z[y-2],z[y-1]].join(', '))});
<ec^> -whereisthelove
<glowcoil> -whereisthelove
<whitequark> -what is love
<purr> <gq> it would be some special ELLIOTTCABLE creepiness
<glowcoil> -help
<purr> glowcoil: You're beyond help.
<whitequark> ahahaaha
<ec^> !!! this.register_command('whereisthelove',function(context){var z=this.z(),y=z.length;[z[0],z[1],z[2],z[3],z[y-4],z[y-3],z[y-2],z[y-1]].join(', '))});
<glowcoil> --
<purr> Let it be known that glowcoil hates .
<glowcoil> ---
<glowcoil> ++
<eligrey> -learn aliens = Found: elliottcable
<purr> eligrey: Learned `aliens`.
<glowcoil> ++ .
<purr> Let it be known that glowcoil loves ..
<glowcoil> ++++
<purr> Let it be known that glowcoil loves ++.
<glowcoil> +++
<purr> Let it be known that glowcoil loves +.
<glowcoil> --++
<ec^> -loves glowcoil
<purr> ec^: glowcoil loves <3, jeannicolas, port blue, björk, totoro, nin, languagelog, ec, ., ++, and +.
<whitequark> -loves whitequark
<purr> whitequark: whitequark loves git, console, purr, foo, Adrian Thurston, LLVM, alsa, Tomorrow Bright, llvm, #llvm, rotting rat fetuses with birth defects, chicken, anime, notebooks with full-HD screens, ec, Atomic Object, ocaml and good llvm bindings, llvm 3.3, ocaml, Biting Elbows, Metallica, you all, english breakfast tea, Don't Starve, pork, cuttle, alexgordon, symbolic computation, USSR-made 220V→127V autotransformer, gq, new camera, dijkstra, FORTRAN, chemist
<glowcoil> rotting rat fetuses with birth defects
<glowcoil> i
<glowcoil> 'm dying
<ec^> pihq2dt nq84it vwamhuliw3eiuy5svt3wvkt3k4eyiksbv4twajeskvwal4bysr
<ec^> 5a53wb
<ec^> ru653b
<ec^> snur6 y46g
<ec^> nit 64uy
<ec^> vruy
<ec^> vwa6b5sunr6m
<ec^> 7736o,8ymn7677tfo,mn6w4a7fo
<pikajude> ok
<eligrey> --notebooks with full-HD screens
<ec^> somehow that key sequence ended up minimizing my browser and then opening my porn
<whitequark> -hates whitequark
<purr> whitequark: whitequark hates semicolonless javascript, javascript, any kind of javascript, having to maintain his own LLVM tree, did I say I fucking hate javascript, JITs, and joelteon.
<whitequark> accurate
<eligrey> ++notebooks with QHD OLED screens
<purr> Let it be known that eligrey loves notebooks with QHD OLED screens.
<eligrey> -hates eligrey
<purr> eligrey: eligrey hates .
<whitequark> fuck javascript
<eligrey> hm i dont get the hates thing
<eligrey> does it have to be after?
<ec^> my neighbours must really hate me a lot
<ec^> I'm squeaking like a child
<eligrey> notebooks with full-HD screens--
<glowcoil> -find squeaking
<purr> glowcoil: Could not find `squeaking`.
<glowcoil> -find ++
<purr> glowcoil: Could not find `++`.
<ec^> -disapproval
<glowcoil> find --
<purr> Let it be known that glowcoil hates find.
<ec^> -ddis
<glowcoil> WHAT
<eligrey> --notebooks with QHD OLED screens
<ec^> wtf
<eligrey> ec^: speaking of which did you see dell's new OLED monitor?
<glowcoil> --_-
<purr> glowcoil: ಠ_ಠ is an IRC client/IRC client framework.
<eligrey> i'm drooling
<ec^> thx
<glowcoil> -ಠ_ಠ
<purr> glowcoil: ಠ_ಠ is an IRC client/IRC client framework.
<eligrey> it's $5k though
<glowcoil> -find ಠ_ಠ
<purr> glowcoil: ಠ_ಠ is an IRC client/IRC client framework.
<ec^> it's <3 or ಠ_ಠ
<glowcoil> -factoid -_-
<purr> glowcoil: Popularity: 8, last changed by: eboy, 1kſ 487ſ 462mſ ago
<glowcoil> -<3
<ec^> not ++ / --
<glowcoil> -find <3
<purr> glowcoil: Found: languages and tucker
<glowcoil> -tucker
<purr> glowcoil: <3. <>
<ec^> -tucker
<ec^> oh. man.
<glowcoil> : (
<ec^> brick to the chest
<ec^> -find silence
<purr> ec^: Could not find `silence`.
<ec^> unsurprising, this is #ELLIOTTCABLE
<whitequark> -find solace
<ec^> -find tech
<purr> whitequark: Could not find `solace`.
<purr> ec^: Found: readability
<eligrey> i know you won't be able to resist buying that
<ec^> -readability
<purr> ec^: “Some Boost libraries encourage coding practices which can hamper readability, such as metaprogramming and other advanced template techniques, and an excessively "functional" style of programming.”
<ec^> -find hardware
<purr> ec^: Found: paradigms
<eligrey> if you've ever looked at a galaxy s6 screen
<whitequark> -factoid readability
<purr> whitequark: Popularity: 2, last changed by: <unknown>, <unknown time> ago
<ec^> -find android
<purr> ec^: Could not find `android`.
<ec^> -find ios
<purr> ec^: Found: pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
<glowcoil> ec^: i am so glad i got to meet lily & max
<whitequark> -find nendroid
<glowcoil> irl
* ec^ laughs out loud
<purr> whitequark: Could not find `nendroid`.
<glowcoil> -pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
<purr> glowcoil: "pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis".split('').inject( { |acc,e| acc << e; acc << rand(12)+1 }.join
<ec^> did *not* see that coming
<eligrey> -find robot
<purr> eligrey: Found: bot, and there were the, and drugs
<eligrey> -find drugs
<purr> eligrey: I HERD THERE WERE DRUGS TO SEIZE? robot enforcer here to has drugs plz
<eligrey> -find and there were the
<purr> eligrey: robot addentnas helping
<eligrey> lol i remember that
<purr> lollll
<eligrey> that was from the white goo dreeping down my strema night
<ec^> what in the everloving fuck
<ec^> p7n11e11u7m9o2n6o6u4l3t1r3a3m1i10c10r1o8s5c11o6p5i5c10s5i2l6i8c8o1v3o1l4c4a7n9o8c1o3n7i6o11s11i3s11
<ec^> is the purpose of that code
<ec^> -factoid pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
<purr> ec^: Popularity: 4, last changed by: <unknown>, <unknown time> ago
<whitequark> -sepulka
<eligrey> -factoid and there were the
<purr> eligrey: Popularity: 15, last changed by: <unknown>, <unknown time> ago
<whitequark> ooooooh
<ec^> -find black
<purr> ec^: Could not find `black`.
<ec^> -find glow
<purr> ec^: Found: rebel, codesigner, micah's problem, and -letter people who frequent this channel
<glowcoil> -find *
<purr> glowcoil: Found: what the fucking fuck, no, seriously, i do, everything, battlecollie, and botsnack
<ec^> -find everything
<purr> ec^: * gqbrielle ruins everything
<ec^> I mean
<eligrey> -find elliott
<purr> eligrey: o hater of things, a cuking jerk [b-sol: 7 162 ſ]
<glowcoil> -find no, seriously, i do
<purr> glowcoil: stop it, you’re embarrassing me *kicks dirt*
<ec^> ... there's precedent
<eligrey> -find out why
<ec^> -find lov
<purr> eligrey: Could not find `out why`.
<purr> ec^: Found: i love this bot, wat, where is the love (c), where is the love (b), and i only love you for your factoids.
<ec^> -i love this bot
<purr> ec^: thank you. ^‿^
<glowcoil> AWWWWW
<ec^> -no, seriously, i do
<purr> ec^: stop it, you’re embarrassing me *kicks dirt*
<eligrey> -learn out why=You'll never find out.
<purr> eligrey: Learned `out why`.
<glowcoil> -where is the love (a)
<purr> glowcoil: var t=this; this.r=function(t,_,s){return Object.keys(t).reduce(function(acc,k){return _(acc,k,t[k])},s)}
<glowcoil> -where is the love (b)
<purr> glowcoil: var t=this; this.z=function(){return t.r(t.r(this.loves.object,function(acc,k,v){t.r(v,function(acc,k,v){acc[k] = (acc[k]||0)+v;return acc},acc);return acc},{}),function(acc,k,v){acc.push({name:k,total:v});return acc},[]).sort(function(a,b){return}).map(function(e){return': '})}
<glowcoil> -where is the love (c)
<purr> glowcoil: this.register_command('whereisthelove',function(context){var z=this.z(),y=z.length;[z[0],z[1],z[2],z[3],z[y-4],z[y-3],z[y-2],z[y-1]].join(', '))});
<glowcoil> -where is the love (d)
<eligrey> -find intense
<purr> eligrey: Found: perspective
<whitequark> -sepulka
<purr> whitequark: sepulki, odgrywający doniosłą rolę element cywilizacji Ardrytów (ob.) z planety Enteropii (ob.). Ob. sepulkaria.
<eligrey> -find perspective
<purr> eligrey: You develop an instant global consciousness, a people orientation, an intense dissatisfaction with the state of the world, and a compulsion to do something about it. From out there on the moon, international politics look so petty. You want to grab a politician by the scruff of the neck and drag him a quarter of a million miles out and say, "Look at that, you son of a bitch."
<eligrey> -factoid perspective
<purr> eligrey: Popularity: 10, last changed by: <unknown>, <unknown time> ago
<glowcoil> i feel like i made that one
<ec^> why the *fuck* did I golf -whereisthelove into four factoid-limit-length subfunctions, instead of just actually writing it into purr ...
<ec^> perspective is very glowcoil-ey
<whitequark> -glow coil
<whitequark> hm
<eligrey> -find home
<purr> eligrey: Could not find `home`.
<eligrey> -find apartment
<purr> eligrey: Could not find `apartment`.
<whitequark> -find gas
<purr> whitequark: Could not find `gas`.
<eligrey> -find living
<purr> eligrey: Could not find `living`.
<ec^> -glowcoil's = perspective, incomprehensibly
<glowcoil> ec^: do you own because like
<glowcoil> ec^: it's what it would be if you owned it
<glowcoil> -incomprehensibly
<purr> glowcoil:
<eligrey> -find .biz
<purr> eligrey: Could not find `.biz`.
<glowcoil> -find .com
<purr> glowcoil: Found: bot, rimshot, how's the bitcoin doing?, do it, and source
<ec^> -find .com
<purr> ec^: Found: bot, rimshot, how's the bitcoin doing?, do it, and source
<eligrey> -find google.
<purr> eligrey: Found: pure
<ec^> -do it
<glowcoil> -source
<purr> glowcoil: oftn-bot's source (which purr is forked from) can be found at: <>
<eligrey> -find pure
<purr> eligrey: a functional language based on term-rewriting. <>
<glowcoil> -pure
<purr> glowcoil: a functional language based on term-rewriting. <>
<whitequark> -ruby
<whitequark> -find parser
<glowcoil> -java
<purr> whitequark: Could not find `parser`.
<purr> glowcoil: a good sandwich
<ec^> -do it @ %everyone
<ec^> -everyone
<purr> ec^: Add a hilight to your client for the string ‘%everyone’. It's used in this channel to alert you when an interesting discussion is going on.
<glowcoil> %everyone
<whitequark> -learn ruby = a very bad sandwich
<purr> whitequark: Learned `ruby`.
<ec^> -find .y
<purr> ec^: Found: i can do without the sarcasm, scream, cannot, damnit, and lolol
<eligrey> ec^: um or you could just do /notice #elliottcable
<glowcoil_> -scream
<ec^> -scream
<glowcoil_> -i can do without the sarcasm
<glowcoil> I MADE THAT ONE
<ec^> -lolol
<eligrey> -find .tar
<purr> eligrey: Could not find `.tar`.
<ec^> -cannot
<purr> ec^: "I cannot do it; I cannot do it..." <>
<eligrey> -find .gz
<purr> eligrey: Could not find `.gz`.
<ec^> -find parse
<purr> ec^: Could not find `parse`.
<ec^> hm
<eligrey> -find xz
<purr> eligrey: Found: areyoustillthere
<ec^> I swear there was a factoid about opening parse.y and bats flying out
<ec^> -find bats
<purr> ec^: Found: llvm
<ec^> -llvm
<eligrey> -find areyoustillthere
<whitequark> -llvm
<purr> whitequark: goddamn wombats, katlogic. <>
<purr> ec^: goddamn wombats, katlogic. <>
<whitequark> what
<glowcoil> omfg i remember -scream
<whitequark> what
<whitequark> -moe
<whitequark> -find moe
<purr> whitequark: Found: british and katymoe
<whitequark> -british
<purr> whitequark: glitch-hat aka katymoe, plz fact us v. promptly
<whitequark> -learn moe =
<purr> whitequark: Learned `moe`.
<eligrey> -find elliottcable some help
<purr> eligrey: Impossible.
<ec^> omg whitequark wtf
<ec^> -learn wtfquark = omg whitequark wtf
<purr> ec^: Learned `wtfquark`.
<glowcoil> -find red
<purr> glowcoil: Found: nosleep, whitequark, kerning, where is the love (a), and object-oriented
<glowcoil> -nosleep
<purr> glowcoil: had no sleep. Give him/her a break! Also, if you don't want to sleep either: <>
<ec^> man
<ec^> so many earnest factoids
<eligrey> -find honest
<purr> eligrey: Could not find `honest`.
<whitequark> ec^: i made that website
<eligrey> -find truth
<purr> eligrey: <jfhbrook> life is hard, let's go shopping
<ec^> -find ear
<purr> ec^: Found: languages, vil, google, paradigms, and australia
<eligrey> -find .js
<purr> eligrey: Found: factoids, object-oriented, pulse, and node.js
<whitequark> there's also
<ec^> -find amer
<purr> ec^: Found: public domain
<eligrey> -find .py
<purr> eligrey: Could not find `.py`.
<ec^> -public domain
<purr> ec^: There is no such thing as “putting a work in the public domain”, you America-centered, Commonwealth-biased individual.
<eligrey> -find jail
<purr> eligrey: Could not find `jail`.
<ec^> -factoid public domain
<purr> ec^: Popularity: 2, last changed by: <unknown>, <unknown time> ago
<eligrey> -find prison
<purr> eligrey: Could not find `prison`.
<ec^> -find eli
<purr> ec^: Found: leaving, salt, i know that feeling, s-expressions, and testest
<whitequark> -pulse
<ec^> -i know that feeling
<purr> ec^: I know where you are right now, man. Don’t despair! There’s always penis.
<eligrey> -salt
<purr> eligrey: Oh... WOW! Really?! Salt?! Thanks! OMG! I can't believe you gave me salt! You are the kindest person ever!
<eligrey> um this needs updating for 2016
<eligrey> -learn salt = you
<purr> eligrey: Learned `salt`.
<glowcoil> -find 201
<purr> glowcoil: Found: texas, ohai, never forget, whodat, and what are you?
<eligrey> -learn salty = you
<purr> eligrey: Learned `salty`.
<ec^> what
<ec^> -texas
<purr> ec^: 15 201 ſ 964 32 < eboyjr> i'm in texas, why should I care
<glowcoil> -texas
<purr> glowcoil: 15 201 ſ 964 32 < eboyjr> i'm in texas, why should I care
<ec^> -whodat
<glowcoil> -never forget
<purr> glowcoil: September 11th, 2011. Never forget.
<glowcoil> -what are you?
<purr> <whitequark> back in 80s or 90s though you had electronics that died if you looked angry at it.
<whitequark> lol
<purr> lolol
<glowcoil> -find what are you?
<eligrey> -alias
<eligrey> -help alias
<eligrey> -alias salt salty
<eligrey> whatever
<ec^> -find face
<whitequark> -burn
<purr> ec^: Found: turning, facemormon, and gaga
<eligrey> -fuck you purr
<ec^> -turning
<purr> ec^: <+elliottcable> I turned around to walk away \n and kept turning … \n and kept turning … \n and fell flat on my face on the floor
<ec^> god I remember that so vividly
<ec^> much of it is mush but *that*
<glowcoil> -gaga
<purr> glowcoil: <gqbrielle> you just poker face a couple times and there you are. gaga, gaga everywhere
<eligrey> heh
<ec^> there were like 1,000º in a full circle, for like, 15 minutes of my life
<glowcoil> -facemormon
<purr> glowcoil: horny mormons on the moon, man. you can send them some porn, but they probably won't watch it.
<ec^> -g unknowable geometries
<glowcoil> -find horn
<purr> ec^: Unknowable Geometry - YouTube <>
<purr> glowcoil: Found: facemormon
<whitequark> -g g
<purr> whitequark: Gmail - Google <>
<eligrey> ec^: how significant was that night in the whole scheme of your life?
<glowcoil> ec^: when was that
<whitequark> -g ovoids
<purr> whitequark: Ovoid | Definition of Ovoid by Merriam-Webster <>
<glowcoil> ec^: the kept turning
<ec^> I mean, not really, except with how it's impacted this room, honestly
<glowcoil> ovoid?
<ec^> this room has had 10x the effect that ovoids did; but like, the ovoids shaped this room a lot? idk, hard to tell
<ec^> -g -g
<purr> ec^: No search results found.
<ec^> what.
<eligrey> -find ban
<purr> eligrey: elliottcable can ban your ass forever.
<ec^> how is that even *possible*
<whitequark> ec^: minus
<ec^> whitequark: like, I get that
<ec^> I'm just amazed purr understood it
<eligrey> -find disgusting
<purr> eligrey: Could not find `disgusting`.
<eligrey> -find tasty
<purr> eligrey: Could not find `tasty`.
<eligrey> -find delicious
<purr> eligrey: Could not find `delicious`.
<eligrey> -find amazing
<purr> eligrey: Found: gothalice
<eligrey> -find gothalice
<purr> eligrey: < pikajude> gothalice is the one that would find a way to bring any conversation to the topic of some amazing thing she built in python last year
<whitequark> -learn delicious = some decrepit website
<purr> whitequark: Learned `delicious`.
<eligrey> i used to use that
<ec^> -find pin
<purr> ec^: Found: fingernails, and there were the, ping, ebonics, and ping
<ec^> -ping
<purr> ec^: I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Dave.
<whitequark> ...
<ec^> -ping
<purr> ec^: pong
<whitequark> -and there were the
<purr> whitequark: robot addentnas helping
<whitequark> what
<whitequark> -ebonics
<purr> whitequark: <+elliottcable> oh my god there need to be ebonics tlds <+elliottcable> bitch.izzle <+elliottcable> theupintheh.izzle
<whitequark> what
<eligrey> -learn ping ::1 = Good on you
<purr> eligrey: Learned `ping ::1`.
<whitequark> -find authority
<purr> whitequark: Could not find `authority`.
<ec^> -learn ping6 ::1 = Better on you
<purr> ec^: Learned `ping6 ::1`.
<eligrey> stop using ipv4 its ugly
<whitequark> -find communism
<purr> whitequark: Could not find `communism`.
<eligrey> not because of address exhaustion
<eligrey> just aesthetics
<whitequark> eligrey: ipv6 is ugly too
<eligrey> ::1 is nice
<whitequark> the protocol itself is quite hard to parse
<whitequark> because of variable-length headers
<eligrey> the rest of the addresses aren't really for typing
<whitequark> i think i still remember my first ipv6 address
<ec^> hm, this is interesting
<ec^> -learn ma = doko
<purr> ec^: Learned `ma`.
<whitequark> -pa
<purr> whitequark: not happening
<eligrey> -find domo
<purr> eligrey: Could not find `domo`.
glowcoil_ is now known as gqgsjdf
<whitequark> -ma
<purr> whitequark: doko
<eligrey> -find anime
<purr> eligrey: Could not find `anime`.
<eligrey> -find japan
<purr> eligrey: Could not find `japan`.
<eligrey> -find kawaii
<purr> eligrey: Could not find `kawaii`.
<whitequark> -find united states
<purr> whitequark: Could not find `united states`.
<ec^> -find earth
<purr> ec^: Could not find `earth`.
gqgsjdf has left #elliottcable ["AIO_ALLDONE"]
<ec^> well get on it, people
<eligrey> -find MH370
<purr> eligrey: Could not find `MH370`.
<eligrey> -learn MH370=Could not find `MH370`.
<purr> eligrey: Learned `MH370`.
<ec^> -learn we killed glowcoil = 2:24 AM glowcoil_ → gqgsjdf / 2:24 AM ← gqgsjdf left (~glowcoil@ "AIO_ALLDONE"
<purr> ec^: Learned `we killed glowcoil`.
<ec^> -find could not find
<purr> ec^: Found: alexgordon, elliott's dick, memories, and mh370
<whitequark> eligrey: dark.
<ec^> -alexgordon
<purr> ec^: Could not find `khaleesi`.
<ec^> -elliot's dick
<glowcoil> -we killed glowcoil
<purr> glowcoil: 2:24 AM glowcoil_ → gqgsjdf / 2:24 AM ← gqgsjdf left (~glowcoil@ "AIO_ALLDONE"
<ec^> -elliot’s dick
<ec^> -elliott's dick
<purr> ec^: Could not find `elliott's dick`.
<glowcoil> -mh370
<purr> glowcoil: Could not find `MH370`.
<ec^> -memories
<purr> ec^: Could not find `memories`.
<eligrey> -find hbo
<purr> eligrey: Could not find `hbo`.
<eligrey> -find netflix
<purr> eligrey: Could not find `netflix`.
<ec^> -learn MH370 = Could not find `memories`.
<purr> ec^: Learned `MH370`.
<ec^> -learn memories = Could not find `elliott's dick`.
<purr> ec^: Learned `memories`.
<ec^> -learn elliott's = Could not find `alexgordon`.
<purr> ec^: Learned `elliott's`.
<ec^> -learn khaleesi = Could not find `MH370`.
<purr> ec^: Learned `khaleesi`.
<ec^> -find tv
<purr> ec^: Found: back, serious, and what's going on
<eligrey> wat
<ec^> -serious
<eligrey> -what's going on
<ec^> -find seri
<purr> ec^: Found: no, seriously, i do, die, serious, and nostalgia
<ec^> -die
<purr> ec^: If you hilight e l l i o t t c a b l e, you will SERIOUSLY DIE!! ^‿^
<eligrey> -find apple
<purr> eligrey: Could not find `apple`.
<ec^> -find beetlejuice
<purr> ec^: Could not find `beetlejuice`.
<whitequark> e l l i o t t c a b l e
<Rurik> <purr> ec^: Could not find `elliott's dick`.
<Rurik> LOL
<purr> LOL
<ec^> -nostalgia
<purr> ec^: like bears, but more serious.
* ec^ sputter
<glowcoil> ec^: wha's the osx thing for tex
<glowcoil> -bears
<glowcoil> -die
<purr> glowcoil: If you hilight e l l i o t t c a b l e, you will SERIOUSLY DIE!! ^‿^
<ec^> glowcoil: *shrugs*
<purr> ¯\(º_o)/¯
<ec^> -find bear
<purr> ec^: Found: nostalgia and my dropbear
<glowcoil> LMAO remember when you had it on all your devices rly loud
<ec^> -my dropbear
<glowcoil> or something
<purr> ec^: let me check it.
<eligrey> -find eli
<purr> eligrey: Found: leaving, i know that feeling, testest, wpm, and s-expressions
<eligrey> -find oftn
<purr> eligrey: Found: source and paws viewer
<ec^> -find wpm
<purr> ec^: ##Hat¦TheLifelessOne: I type at "holy fuck I make a lot of errors"
<whitequark> whats ##hat
<ec^> whitequark: wat.
<purr> beep.
<eligrey> -find only the interesting factoids=Found: eligrey and sephr.
<purr> eligrey: Could not find `only the interesting factoids=Found: eligrey and sephr.`.
<eligrey> -learn only the interesting factoids=Found: eligrey and sephr.
<purr> eligrey: Learned `only the interesting factoids`.
<eligrey> -find only the interesting factoids
<purr> eligrey: Found: eligrey and sephr.
<ec^> glowcoil: lol that thing where you can tell who wrote what
<whitequark> -find q
<purr> whitequark: Found: best word, gqbrielle, gq, :d, and fuck you
<whitequark> -:d
<purr> whitequark:
<glowcoil> ec^: hm?
<eligrey> -find top
<purr> eligrey: Found: no, seriously, i do, stop, working, gothalice, and bikeshed
<eligrey> -find bikeshed
<purr> eligrey: STOP IT. Just stop it. elliottcable will make a decision, and then we will stop talking about it. <>
<eligrey> -find working
<purr> eligrey: The channel is currently focused on a task. Please, for once, stay on-topic; at least until the project at hand is complete.
<eligrey> -find i do
<purr> eligrey: Found: leaving, kill, no, seriously, i do, ebugger, and elliottcable's girlfriend
<eligrey> -i do
<whitequark> -ebugger
<purr> whitequark: where is taht ebugger i don liek hiamd
<eligrey> oh oops
<whitequark> -elliottcable's girlfriend
<purr> whitequark: < mix> i don't liek her. < mix> get a new one.
<whitequark> -mix
<purr> whitequark: shut up you fuckers i'm awesome and like elliott but better 'cos tits
<ec^> wait
<ec^> which girlfriend D:
<ec^> wtf
<ec^> -factoid elliottcable's girlfriend
<purr> ec^: Popularity: 2, last changed by: elliottcable, 1kſ 290ſ 15mſ ago
<whitequark> lol
<purr> lololol
<ec^> so ... 4 years? maybe Chelsea?
<ec^> no, before that, shit, idk
<ec^> Angela?
<ec^> -kill
<purr> ec^: I don't like to kill people
<whitequark> lol ec you don't even remember
<glowcoil> -rhombus
<ec^> -factoid bikeshed
<purr> ec^: Popularity: 2, last changed by: <unknown>, <unknown time> ago
<whitequark> you should be more like me
<ec^> -find rhombus
<purr> ec^: Could not find `rhombus`.
<eligrey> -find spam
<purr> eligrey: Could not find `spam`.
<Rurik> TFW no gf
<ec^> -find whitequark
<purr> ec^: he is actually redquark.
<whitequark> i never had a girlfriend! so it's very easy to remember
<eligrey> -find life
<purr> eligrey: Found: up up down down left right left right b a start, crackers, kerning, wpm, and truth
<ec^> -learn quarkwhite = you should be more like him
<purr> ec^: Learned `quarkwhite`.
<ec^> -crackers
<purr> ec^: LIFE
<eligrey> -up up down down left right left right b a start
<glowcoil> -up up down down left right left right b a start
<purr> eligrey: +30 to life
<purr> glowcoil: +30 to life
<ec^> -crackers
<purr> ec^: LIFE
<whitequark> -truth
<purr> whitequark: <jfhbrook> life is hard, let's go shopping
<ec^> -crackers
<purr> ec^: LIFE
<ec^> -crackers
<purr> ec^: LIFE
<whitequark> -crackers @ ec^
<purr> ec^: LIFE
<ec^> this makes me v. happy
<whitequark> -crackers @ purr
<purr> purr: LIFE
<ec^> -crackers = elliott's -squirrel!
<whitequark> -find lol
<purr> whitequark: lol
<glowcoil> whitequark: "i never had a girlfriend! so it's very easy to remember" wat.
<purr> beep.
<whitequark> -lol @ purr
<purr> purr: lol
<whitequark> -lol @ purr
<purr> purr: lol
<whitequark> what
<whitequark> what the everloving fuck did just happen to my shell
<whitequark> whitequark: wat.
<purr> beep.
<whitequark> glowcoil: no i mean
<whitequark> it does simplify many things
<ec^> whitequark: are you ace?
<glowcoil> whitequark: oh i agree
<whitequark> ec^: nope
<ec^> if not, bi/straight/something else?
<whitequark> i'm... not really sure
<ec^> hm
<ec^> you're v. attractiev :3
<ec^> -whitequark @ %everybody
<ec^> -find flirt
<purr> ec^: Could not find `flirt`.
<ec^> -find pur
<purr> ec^: Found: memory?, source, purr, metafar, and botsnack with salt
<glowcoil> in fact in my opinion dating is bad
<ec^> glowcoil: ohhhh?
<whitequark> ec^: i still remember how you foregone me back then in chicago for some WOMAN who might have had a DATE with you
<whitequark> the nerve
<ec^> whitequark: wait really
<ec^> there was a girl involved?
<ec^> acutally half of this channel is very attractive
<whitequark> actually yes
<whitequark> there was
<ec^> actually all of this channel is very attractive save eligrey
<whitequark> i don't actually blame you, all i did in chicago was lie in hotel bed for three days and barely go out
<ec^> whitequark: which girl or what or huh or thhhh
<eligrey> i have yet to upload a picture of myself online
<purr> ec^: Learned `CHICAGO`.
<ec^> eligrey: I found you years ago, remember?
<eligrey> i was definitely joking with you if i said you found me
<eligrey> lol
<purr> lololol
<Rurik> I am ugly as well
<ec^> -shrug
<purr> ec^: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<whitequark> glowcoil: i dissent, radiocarbon dating is very useful
<eligrey> still to this day there's no pics of me online
<glowcoil> haha
<ec^> whitequark: wat.
<purr> beep.
<eligrey> i think i look fine, but i enjoy the mysterious aspect of not having a pic available online
<ec^> you're really not very mysterious.
<ec^> you're about as ‘mysterious’ as me.
<ec^> i.e.: not
<eligrey> well just that one mysterious aspect
<eligrey> i can find your face
<whitequark> -34 eligrey
<eligrey> you can't find mine
<ec^> that said, you *might* have some mysterions
<ec^> what if that WORKED
<whitequark> i wouldn't have looked but i would have condemned you to looking
<whitequark> viva la irssi
<ec^> brb quietly commissioning my favourite porn artists
<whitequark> share!
<ec^> -find irssi
<purr> ec^: Could not find `irssi`.
<ec^> -learn irssi = viva it
<purr> ec^: Learned `irssi`.
<whitequark> good porn artists are hard to find
<eligrey> -find hexchat
<purr> eligrey: Could not find `hexchat`.
<eligrey> -find xchat
<purr> eligrey: Could not find `xchat`.
<eligrey> -find perl
<purr> eligrey: @$*&^%@&$*^%@&$^%@
<whitequark> actually humans are really bad at making porn
<ec^> -learn khalerssi = when ur irc is dragons
<purr> ec^: Learned `khalerssi`.
<eligrey> -find tcl
<purr> eligrey: Could not find `tcl`.
<ec^> whitequark: wat.
<purr> beep.
<eligrey> -find brainfuck
<purr> eligrey: Could not find `brainfuck`.
<eligrey> -find paws
<purr> eligrey: what i see every time i poop
<whitequark> -find xilinx
<purr> whitequark: Could not find `xilinx`.
<ec^> -bf [++++][-+]
<ec^> -find linux
<purr> ec^: Could not find `linux`.
<whitequark> ugh fucking xilinx
<ec^> -find world
<purr> ec^: Found: perspective, object-oriented, world domination, and burntheworld
<ec^> -world domination
<purr> ec^: yes, please
<ec^> -bewbs
<ec^> wait
<ec^> -find bewbs
<purr> ec^: Found: jeannicolas and languages.ours
<whitequark> hm, something exploded outside
<ec^> -jeannicolas
<purr> ec^: bewbs
glowcoil is now known as incomprehensibly
<ec^> -languages.ours
<purr> ec^: Paws Tempus Furrow A4 Cascade Morphene YLM ... and bewbs ;)
<eligrey> -learn paws=some made up bullshit language by the local channel kook
<purr> eligrey: Learned `paws`.
<whitequark> -templeos
<ec^> -learn alias paws = templeos
<purr> ec^: Error: Factoid `templeos` doesn't exist.
<incomprehensibly> ec^: can u teach purr that glowcoil gets voice
<eligrey> -find templeos
<purr> eligrey: Could not find `templeos`.
<ec^> incomprehensibly: whuh
incomprehensibly is now known as glowcoil
<ec^> does purr care about voice?
<eligrey> -find losethos
<purr> eligrey: Could not find `losethos`.
<glowcoil> oh wait now i have voice
<eligrey> -find sparrowos
<purr> eligrey: Could not find `sparrowos`.
<glowcoil> wait i did already.
<glowcoil> lol
<purr> lololol
<glowcoil> i love the lols
<ec^> olol
<glowcoil> purr: lololol
<eligrey> lel
<ec^> -find pants
<purr> ec^: +o means pants
<ec^> -find pa
<purr> ec^: not happening
<ec^> ... dark
<ec^> -find dark
<purr> ec^: Found: darkf, is darkf math?, and is elliottcable sane?
<glowcoil> -annoyance factor
<purr> glowcoil: The annoyance factor is Δ•locks²•ϕ.
<ec^> -is elliottcable sane?
<purr> ec^: <+elliottcable> darkf: nah, it's extremely sane
<ec^> darkf apparently called paws insane
<ec^> maybe I sell him too short
<ec^> -is darkf math?
<purr> ec^: < darkf> im not math you should know that
<ec^> -find math
<purr> ec^: < SphereCat1> I can totally do math
<ec^> -find mat
<purr> ec^: Found: etherpadjs, math, binaryxml, user factoids, and is darkf math?
<ec^> -binaryxml
<purr> ec^: The binary XML protocol. Allows the sending of binary information in valid XML. Example: <binary><byte width="8"><zero/><one/><one/><zero/><one/><zero/><zero/><one/></byte></binary>
<whitequark> .....
<eligrey> -hates eligrey
<purr> eligrey: eligrey hates .
<ec^> whitequark: *falling over*
<eligrey> ++
<eligrey> <3
<eligrey> <3
<eligrey> --you
<ec^> eligrey: <3 is binary; ++/-- is graduated
<eligrey> ಠ_ಠyou
<eligrey> ಠ_ಠ you
<purr> Let it be known that eligrey disapproves of you.
<eligrey> ಠ_ಠ you‌
<purr> Let it be known that eligrey disapproves of you‌.
<eligrey> ಠ_ಠ you‌‌
<purr> Let it be known that eligrey disapproves of you‌‌.
<eligrey> ಠ_ಠ you‌‌‌
<purr> Let it be known that eligrey disapproves of you‌‌‌.
<eligrey> ಠ_ಠ YOU
<purr> Let it be known that eligrey disapproves of YOU.
<eligrey> -hates you
<purr> eligrey: you doesn't hate anything :)
<eligrey> -hates eligrey
<purr> eligrey: eligrey hates , you, you‌, you‌‌, you‌‌‌, and YOU.
<ec^> -whohates you
<purr> ec^: you is hated by eligrey and eligrey.
<ec^> okay that's some puzzling math, purr
<eligrey> heh
<eligrey> i put some ZWNJs in there
<whitequark> -zwnj
<ec^> ahhhhh, k
<eligrey> probably screwed something up
<eligrey> -g zwnj @ whitequark
<purr> whitequark: Zero-width non-joiner - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia <>
<whitequark> yes i know what it is
<ec^> ... I suspect whitequark knows what a zwnj is
<ec^> lol.
<purr> lols
<whitequark> -fuck off @ eligrey
<ec^> v. slow on the uptake that time
<ec^> -find uptake
<purr> ec^: Could not find `uptake`.
<whitequark> ... hm
<ec^> -find qua
<purr> ec^: Found: weblogs, perspective, whitequark, squashsquash, and hanlon's razor
<eligrey> now how do i get rid of my empty hate entry?
<eligrey> I hate ""
<ec^> -squashsquash
<purr> ec^: (it means poop.)
<whitequark> -weblogs
* ec^ shudders
<eligrey> <3 ""
<purr> Let it be known that eligrey hearts "".
<ec^> waaaaaaaaay too real
<eligrey> ಠ_ಠ ""
<purr> Let it be known that eligrey disapproves of "".
<ec^> -hanlon's razor
<purr> ec^: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
<eligrey> -hates eligrey
<purr> eligrey: eligrey hates , you, you‌, you‌‌, you‌‌‌, YOU, and "".
<ec^> eligrey: LOL
<eligrey> ++""
<purr> Let it be known that eligrey is indifferent to "".
<eligrey> -hates eligrey
<purr> eligrey: eligrey hates , you, you‌, you‌‌, you‌‌‌, and YOU.
<ec^> -find mark
<purr> ec^: Found: cutiemark, html, and shen
<ec^> -cutiemark
<purr> ec^: (It's the bit after the |.)
<ec^> ahhah
<ec^> that's beautiful, I like that
<ec^> -factoid cutiemark
<purr> ec^: Popularity: 2, last changed by: elliottcable, 1kſ 509ſ 128mſ ago
<ec^> gj, earlier elliott
<glowcoil> -cutiemrk
<glowcoil> -cutiemark
<purr> glowcoil: (It's the bit after the |.)
<ec^> holy *shit*, 1.5kſ
<ec^> O_O
<ec^> wonder what the oldest factoid is
<eligrey> -SwooshyCueb
<ec^> -find old
<glowcoil> -find oldest factoid
<purr> ec^: Found: beltbuckle, classy, google, jesus, and calm down
<purr> glowcoil: Could not find `oldest factoid`.
<eligrey> -find SwooshyCueb
<purr> eligrey: Found: hair
<eligrey> -hair
<purr> eligrey: <ec> SwooshyCueb: I've never plucked hair in my life
<ec^> -classy
<glowcoil> -hair
<purr> ec^: elliottcable is holding martini glasses. For you. <>
<purr> glowcoil: <ec> SwooshyCueb: I've never plucked hair in my life
<glowcoil> -factoid classy
<purr> glowcoil: Popularity: 8, last changed by: <unknown>, <unknown time> ago
<eligrey> i want to talk to SwooshyCueb more on your mumble
<ec^> omg classy omg
<eligrey> perfect nic cage impersonater
<ec^> his voice is so soothing and lovely
<eligrey> ikr
<ec^> I love swoosh so much
<ec^> vivian and swoosh and i == the perfect triad
<whitequark> -сфдь вщцт
<whitequark> -calm down
<purr> whitequark: elliottcable hates being told to calm down. If you tell him to calm down when he’s already calm, you’re very likely to make him NOT CALM ANY MORE.
<whitequark> ec^: calm down.
<ec^> lmao
<ec^> -factoid calm down
<purr> ec^: Popularity: 3, last changed by: elliottcable, 1kſ 543ſ 602mſ ago
<ec^> getting older!
<whitequark> wow, even older
<whitequark> ec^: i told you to calm down
<eligrey> at first i thought classy was just you holding those martini glasses with that smiley on top
<eligrey> now i see the head photoshop heh
<ec^> eligrey: ...
<ec^> -find .
<purr> ec^: Found: bot, clouds, test, micahjohnston, and logs
<ec^> -find ..
<purr> ec^: Found: kerning, languages.ours, cannot, elliottcable..notes..jane, and my boss
<whitequark> -hogs
<ec^> -find ...
<purr> ec^: Found: kerning, languages.ours, cannot, my boss, and maniacle laugh
<eligrey> -find .exe
<purr> eligrey: Found: etherpadjs
<ec^> -find ….
<purr> ec^: Could not find `….`.
<whitequark> -cannot
<purr> whitequark: "I cannot do it; I cannot do it..." <>
<ec^> -find ....
<purr> ec^: Could not find `....`.
<eligrey> -find etherpadjs
<purr> eligrey: javascript:(function(){var a=location,b=/\d+/.exec(a)[0],c=document.createElement,d=document,,"iframe"),,"script");f.src=a.origin+"/ep/pad/export/"+b+"/latest?format=txt",d.body.appendChild(e),"none",e.contentWindow.document.head.appendChild(f)})()
<whitequark> -maniacle laugh
<purr> whitequark: muahhahahahahaha... *snicker*
<whitequark> >maniacle
<eligrey> -find safe
<purr> eligrey: Could not find `safe`.
<whitequark> -monocle laugh
<eligrey> -find .sh
<purr> eligrey: Could not find `.sh`.
<ec^> -my boss
<purr> ec^: he was like "IRON YOUR SHIRT BALBALBLABL UUUUUUUGGGGGGGHHHHH IM GAYYYYYYYYY" yesterday so today i had to iron my shirt...
<whitequark> wtf
<ec^> wt
<ec^> f
<ec^> -factoid my boss
<purr> ec^: Popularity: 4, last changed by: elliottcable, 1kſ 540ſ 799mſ ago
<eligrey> as expected
<ec^> -factoid .....
<purr> ec^: Error: Factoid not found.
<ec^> -find ,
<purr> ec^: Found: best word, elliottcable, diaptoval, colors, and back
<whitequark> -find ec
<purr> whitequark: o hater of things, a cuking jerk [b-sol: 7 162 ſ]
<eligrey> -find monocle
<purr> eligrey: Could not find `monocle`.
<ec^> -find :
<purr> ec^: Found: bot, test, micahjohnston, logs, and elliottcable
<eligrey> -find fancy
<purr> eligrey: Could not find `fancy`.
<whitequark> -cuking
<ec^> -find ;
<purr> ec^: Found: clouds, etherpadjs, where is the love (c), cannot, and languages.ours
<eligrey> -find give up
<purr> eligrey: Could not find `give up`.
<ec^> -find {
<purr> ec^: Found: etherpadjs, where is the love (c), where is the love (b), pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, and where is the love (a)
<ec^> -find |
<purr> ec^: Found: logs, paradigms, where is the love (b), |hat, and pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
<glowcoil> i'ts so late
<eligrey> -find git
<whitequark> -|hat
<purr> eligrey: Found: source, issues, no it isn’t, paws sex, and testing
<purr> whitequark: Put on your hat!
<ec^> -find |hat
<purr> ec^: Put on your hat!
<glowcoil> and i'm so tired
<eligrey> -find issues
<glowcoil> -paws sex
<purr> glowcoil: The Paws Programming Language: Sexual documentation <>
<eligrey> -find paws sex
<purr> eligrey: The Paws Programming Language: Sexual documentation <>
<whitequark> its dead
<ec^> the FUCK
<eligrey> it was too sexy for us
<eligrey> -factoid paws sex
<purr> eligrey: Popularity: 4, last changed by: <unknown>, <unknown time> ago
<whitequark> wow
<whitequark> wait no that doesn't make sense.
<eligrey> -testing
<whitequark> ec^: that doesn't make sense.
<whitequark> at all.
<ec^> what doesn't
<whitequark> because github implemented gist less than four years ago
<ec^> no way
<glowcoil> i swear it's older than that
<ec^> I have 8-year-old gists lol
<purr> lol
<whitequark> рь
<whitequark> hm
<whitequark> i guess
<whitequark> huh
<whitequark> that's...
<ec^> also got this:
<ec^> which I thought I was funny
<whitequark> that's older than my github account
<ec^> whitequark: i'm GitHub user, uhh,
<ec^> like, a very low number
<whitequark> oh lol i just looked at my contributions chart
<ec^> yeah, user #200
<whitequark> it used to be
<ec^> which is lower than most current GitHub employees lol
<eligrey> -ec
<purr> eligrey: o hater of things, a cuking jerk [b-sol: 7 162 ſ]
<eligrey> -elliott
<purr> eligrey: o hater of things, a cuking jerk [b-sol: 7 162 ſ]
<eligrey> -elliottcable
<purr> eligrey: o hater of things, a cuking jerk [b-sol: 7 162 ſ]
<eligrey> why do you have to alias those all up
<purr> eligrey: Learned `ec`.
<eligrey> -elliottcable
<eligrey> -learn ec = o hater of things, a cuking jerk [b-sol: 7 162 ſ]
<purr> eligrey: Learned `ec`.
<ec^> wat
<eligrey> "Ruby : My first real programming language (besides some dabbling in PHP)"
<eligrey> omg
<eligrey> your first programming language was php
<ec^> can somebody please come up with a better factoid for me than ‘a cuking jerk’
<eligrey> i understand so much about you now
<whitequark> ec^: no
<ec^> that just makes it sound like I write a lot of behavioural specifications
<ec^> factoids are like jinxes, you can't fix your own
<eligrey> ec^: you're back in college now, right?
<ec^> unfuckingfortunately
<eligrey> at least according to your snapchat
<ec^> I have a test tomorrow
<ec^> I was supposed to be studying
<ec^> it is now 3am
<eligrey> -study
<ec^> thanks, purr
<eligrey> -find study
<purr> eligrey: Could not find `study`.
<ec^> -find mat
<purr> ec^: Found: etherpadjs, math, binaryxml, user factoids, and is darkf math?
<eligrey> -find homework
<purr> eligrey: Could not find `homework`.
<ec^> -find maths
<purr> ec^: Could not find `maths`.
<ec^> -find work
<purr> ec^: Found: abstractsingletonproxyfactorybean, -_-, russfrank, working, and flamewar
<eligrey> -user factoids
<purr> eligrey: Format: "Information <URIs> [Projects] (extraneous data)" extraneous data, colonspace-assigned, commaspace-separated
<ec^> -flamewar
<purr> ec^: alexgordon’s starting a flamework up in heah
<ec^> bye, homeworking
<eligrey> ec^: what are you majoring in, and what uni?
<whitequark> ok i need to job
<whitequark> well not 'a job', worse
<eligrey> i see you did 4 years at uni of alaska
<ec^> u 4 srs rn
<eligrey> lol
<purr> lol
<eligrey> i had to
<eligrey> apparently that number was already in my contacts
<ec^> -learn Palin = It’s so great to be here in Iowa. We’re here just thawing out.
<purr> ec^: Learned `Palin`.
<eligrey> I do not recall adding that
<ec^> eligrey: told you I knew where you lived.
<ec^> I've also been in your house, and know your phone code.
<eligrey> well obviously
<eligrey> my phone number is Eli-Grey
<eligrey> if you know the area code
<eligrey> actually im so fucking dumb
<whitequark> eligrey: you do realize i can just enumerate all area codes
<eligrey> i just called you lol
<eligrey> whitequark: ok
<eligrey> if you go through all 1000 you deserve to talk to me
<whitequark> i'll set up a script lol
<eligrey> i'm going to sleep soon so please don't run it for another 8 hours
<eligrey> i don't usually mute my phone at night, in case someone calls me with an emergency
<whitequark> also i don't have to go through all 1000
<whitequark> i can exclude 9xx and 8xx (iirc?)
<eligrey> yeah
<whitequark> and i can make educated guesses about states you don't live in
<ec^> they don't go all the way to 99 apeice, either
<ec^> there's ≤600 area codes, iirc
<ec^> he lives in PA
<whitequark> also you probably don't live on east coast too
<whitequark> ec^: pffff too easy
<eligrey> my area code isn't from PA
<whitequark> now i'm bored
<ec^> valid point
<ec^> his area code isn't PA, so the fun's back in it
<eligrey> ec^: oh btw moving to SF in june
<eligrey> already mentioned iirc
<ec^> you told me
<ec^> your own funeral
<eligrey> no more boring PA
<eligrey> idgaf
<eligrey> SF life 4 me
<ec^> wow, this can't be all of them?
<whitequark> huh
<eligrey> i guess my area code is virginia
<ec^> this is looking a little more comprehensive
<ec^> yeah that last one is looking auto-generated, I think it's comprehensive
<eligrey> here's my area code
<eligrey> their text rendering is so bad you can't even read it
<eligrey> oh wait that's 754
<ec^> only 271, wow
<eligrey> i swear i clicked on a link to 757
<eligrey> (oops, secret's out)
<eligrey> (don't spam plsthx)
<eligrey> hahaha
<whitequark> ...
<eligrey> who is eli gray
<ec^> turns out, me
<eligrey> fuck
<ec^> -learn alias eligray = ec
<purr> ec^: Learned `eligray` => `elliottcable`.
<ec^> really tired. bye.
<eligrey> cya
<ec^> i dont get musivdidieos
<eligrey> wat
<eligrey> -learn musivdidieos=ec doesn't get them
<purr> eligrey: Learned `musivdidieos`.
<eligrey> omg ec^'s twitter bio i'm so stealing that
<eligrey> [warning: contains bitterant.]
<glowcoil> ok i'm going to sleep
<glowcoil> -sleep
<purr> glowcoil: night everyone!
<glowcoil> love you guys
<ec^> -heart glowcoil
<ec^> -<3 glowcoil
<glowcoil> <3
<ec^> -heart @ glowcoil
<ec^> -<3 @ glowcoil
<ec^> omfg
<whitequark> -omfg
<ec^> -learn omfg = where the fuck is that fucking factoid, ffaesgrgsrdtfjyawresrdhtfjyk
<purr> ec^: Learned `omfg`.
<Rurik> ec^,
<ec^> yeah there's no way today is happening without a crapton of modafinil
<ec^> oh holy crap that's a scheduled drug
<ec^> “Because of the risk for development of skin or hypersensitivity reactions”
<ec^> that explains so much
<ec^> jeus
<Rurik> ec^, you can buy modafinil OTC here
Rurik has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<eligrey> ec^: and somehow adrafinil isn't
<eligrey> it's so dumb
<eligrey> adrafinil metabolizes into modafinil but it's really really bad on your liver
eligrey has quit [Quit: Leaving]
<whitequark> FDA: enabling Shkrelis, disabling people
<whitequark> ... or something like that
<ec^> -find Shkrelis
<purr> ec^: Could not find `Shkrelis`.
<ec^> -find Shkreli
<purr> ec^: Could not find `Shkreli`.
Sorella has joined #elliottcable
<gq> i woke up and got pinged like 5 times from this channel
<gq> and of course it's because people went on a purr spree
* gq pats purr
* purr rrrr
<gq> so much fucking backlog
<gq> i had to go to irclogger_com to read most of the pings, too
<gq> D:
<gq> <+ec^> actually all of this channel is very attractive save eligrey wat.
<gq> damn
<gq> i always do it wrong oh well
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<ja> -what
<purr> <Nuck> American English is a better-maintained fork of the English language.
<Wraithan> -- master's thesis from one of the folks who works on collections/iterators in rust. Focus is on ownership and the error cases it helps with
<Wraithan> the .pdf is the rendered output
<Wraithan> I'm about half way through, which is to say I'm just getting finished with the framing of everything.
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<pikajude> sup team
alexgordon has joined #elliottcable
<alexgordon> yo
<VanguardVivian> omg i heart swoosh so much and he and I and ec should totally hang out
ec^ was kicked from #elliottcable by ec^ [ec^]
ec^ has joined #elliottcable
ec^ was banned on #elliottcable by ec^ [ec^!*@*]
ec^ was kicked from #elliottcable by ec^ [ec^]
<alexgordon> what
<alexgordon> did elliott just ban himself?
<jfhbrook> idklol
<purr> lol
<pikajude> who knows
<pikajude> maybe he just wants to be ec and not ec hat
<alexgordon> must have homework to do
<pikajude> our testsuite takes about 35 minutes to fail
<pikajude> i really could do without that
eligrey has joined #elliottcable
<krainboltgreene> Oh wow it's VanguardVivian!
<alexgordon> -what
<purr> <dskuza> DP ALL THE THINGS
* alexgordon is bored
<gq> -what
<purr> <gqbrielle> elliottcable: .....i was trying to caption a picture of edgar allen poe and i typed elliott allen poe ;_;
<gq> pff
<eligrey> apparently in addition to hashtags twitter supports cashtags
<eligrey> i'll never use hashtags again
<eligrey> i noticed someone's tweet auto-linked $TSLA
<eligrey> oh maximum character limit of 6 per cashtag
<eligrey> so i can't fit my name :(
<gq> the fuck is a cashtag
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<ljharb> gq: $ followed by a ticker symbol
<gq> aha