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<tabemann> back
<tabemann> wow
<tabemann> just the kernel and the basic Forth source code loaded together in flash come out at $B670, including a cornerstone
<tabemann> well wait there's also a test program in there
<tabemann> without the test program, but with the cornerstone, it's $B000
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<tp> hi all!\
<tabemann> hey tp
<tp> tabemann, I dl and compiled zeptoforth no problemo
<tabemann> I'm wondering why zeptoforth compiled code is so non-dense
<tabemann> cool
<tp> sadly I have no M4+
<tabemann> yeah, at the moment it requires an STM32L476 DISO board
<tabemann> you could always write driver code to make it work on an M3!
<tabemann> *DISCO
<tp> I started modifying your console.s then realised that my M4 isnt a + version (L)
<tp> I have a couple of F407's but the L code is totally different
<tabemann> the vast majority of the code, as written, should work on any Thumb-2 system
<tp> I discovered that when I was porting my code to M0+
<tabemann> the big thing is the driver code
<tabemann> the code to set the clock, the code to configure the UART and flash, the code to interact with the UART and flash
<tp> flash will be different
<tp> clocks are different
<tp> plus I have too many other projects to finish :)
<tabemann> but yeah, feel perfectly free to do a pull request and make the necessary changes to port it
<tp> all I can offer to do is test it if you produce a stm32F4xx version
<tp> but I dont use the F4 either, Im a cortex-M0 user as you know
<tabemann> don't expect an M0 version any time soon
<tabemann> due to the fundamental differences between thumb-1 and thumb-2
<tabemann> which STM32F4xx version do you recommend?
<tp> the F4 disco is a good choice, (STM32F407) but it doesnt have a Ethernet port, but has a audio codec. Any F4xxxx is ok, theyre all much the same
<tp> the only thing that changes between models is the serial port availability and perhaps flash methods
<tp> I've found that with Mecrisp-Stellaris
<tabemann> I'll to STM32F407
<tabemann> *do
<tp> for instance the erased state of the F0 and F3 are both high, but the f0+ is low iirc
<tp> at least matthias does all models of STM32xxxx, he flatly refuses to do atmel SAMxxxx because of their flash limitations
<tabemann> overly large flash write blocks would definitely be aproblem
<tp> thats the problem
<tp> he educated me about the complexity of flash, I was blissfully ignorant as the last proms I wrote code to program were eproms and they could be done on a byte by byte basis
<tp> hmm, as f0 can only be done on a half word basis, does that mean the flash is actually 16 bit bytes ?
<tabemann> f407 seems to support both halfword and byte flash writes
<tabemann> whereas stm32l476 seems to support only 16 and maybe 8 byte writes
<tp> I think the F4 class have a lot of options
<tabemann> bbl
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* Zarutian_HTC muses about cpu architectures
<tp> heyhey Zarutian_HTC
* Zarutian_HTC is rather insomniac these nights
<Zarutian_HTC> h'lo tp
<tp> Zarutian_HTC, but your nights are 24 hours long ?
<Zarutian_HTC> tp: no, there are actual daylight during the day this time of year
<Zarutian_HTC> re cpus: a lot of contemporary stuff that is in cpus are due to lack of revaluation of memory design
<tp> Zarutian_HTC, I'm still amazed that they can make cpus at all. Ive been in this state of amazement since 1974
<tp> I've heard the process is so complex now that no one person can understand it all
<Zarutian_HTC> the L caches, branch prediction, out of order exec, pipelining and such all arose from cpus getting faster than the memories they are fetching instructions and data from
<tp> so Im not surprised that there is lack of revaluation
<tp> yeah, flash is slow
<Zarutian_HTC> flash isnt that much slow but having to earase a block makes writing to it slow
<tp> Ive been working on accurate stack comments lately and had to laugh last night
<tp> that it does
<MrMobius> some chips do a cool thing where they fetch a lot of bits in parallel from flash
<Zarutian_HTC> but I am not talking about the memory cell tech but the arrangement and use of memories
<MrMobius> so they fill the cache faster than the CPU executes
<tp> I decided to add the actual stack contents rather than "x" without thinking it thru
<tp> the first one in a group of 32 bits was file
<tp> nine
<tp> oops
<tp> fine
<Zarutian_HTC> MrMobious: here is the thing. I have started to look at the L2 cache of an cpu as its actual main memory
<tp> " : GPIOF_BSRR_BS0 ( -- #1 ) 0 bit GPIOF_BSRR ; "
<tp> but the last one with bit 32 wasnt so good ;-)
<tp> " : GPIOF_BSRR_BR15 ( -- #2.147483648e+09 ) 31 bit GPIOF_BSRR ;"
<tp> oops
<tp> ill leave you folks to discuss the finer points of cpu design :)
<Zarutian_HTC> MrMobious: and that got me thinking why the hell is this expensive ContentAddressableMemory being used?
<Zarutian_HTC> because, the process is being tricked into thinking that it has this vast address space to avail itself of
<Zarutian_HTC> which has become heavily leaky abstraction as many programming gudies on getting your program to go fast talk about maintaining cache locality
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<tabemann> hey guys
<tp> hey tabemann
<tabemann> I'm currently working on my f407 port
<tp> oh cool
<tp> i can try it out anytime youre reeady
<tabemann> the main complex point is flash
<tp> Im using USART2, but there is a possible problem as USART2_RTS is connected to one pin of the audio-codex
<tp> yeah, I'm not surprised
<tp> I'll add RTS to it when youre done and probably change the USART number away from 2
<tp> can you have a configure option to disable your ACK method ?
<tabemann> back
<tabemann> tp: not at the moment
<tp> no problemo
<tabemann> I made words for sending XON and XOFF
<tabemann> which can be put in the code instead of ACK and NAK
<tabemann> the big difference I'm finding with L407 is that with flash I can write individual bytes
<tabemann> or halfwords
<tabemann> *F407
<tabemann> whereas with L476
<tp> bytes *and* halfwords ?
<tabemann> I had to have an elaborate system for buffering flash writes
<tabemann> yes
<tp> nice
<tabemann> you can tell it whether you're writing a byte or a halfword
<tabemann> this will make it much more efficient in space usage
<tabemann> but in RAM and in Flash
<tp> the L series may only be a interim type I think as they have replaced the F and L with the G in one variant I have just become aware off
<tp> with the G having the low power facilities of the L and the speed of the F
<tabemann> didn't know that
<tp> i only just found out and it's just my observation
<tp> i can easily try your XON system
<tabemann> ugh
<tabemann> do you know offchance what the erase block size for F407 is?
<tp> and mine will ignore your ACK
<tp> no
<tp> I've never used it with Mecrisp-Stellaris
<tabemann> because I need to know that before I can adapt the erasure code for Mecrisp-Stellaris to zeptoforth
<tp> other than to flash it and get a prompt
<tabemann> and I need to half that working before I can have stuff like cornerstones working
<tp> of course
<tp> ill see if I can find out
<tabemann> okay, I'm commenting out the erasure code for the time being
<tabemann> I made it so the erasure words exist, but they don't do anything
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<tp> sure
<tp> thats what I do with my top down designs
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<tabemann> hey proteus-guy
<tabemann> tp: what exactly are the ROM and RAM sizes for the F407?
<tp> looking
<tp> 128 kb ram
<tp> 1024kB flash
<tp> thats from the Mecrisp-Stellaris mecrisp-stellaris-stm32f407.s
<tabemann> that's what I thought
<tabemann> I just pushed the code
<tabemann> don't expect it to work though
<tp> easy to test tho
<tabemann> also, erasing seems to be currently broken in general
<tabemann> okay, I just pushed new code to remove a reference to the LED driver from the STM32F407 code
<tp> plus your makefile needs updating with the mcu choice ?
<tabemann> there's a PLATFORM variable
<tabemann> and as for the gas parameter, it's just -mcpu=cortex-m4 -mthumb -g which should be the same for both
<tabemann> compile it with: make PLATFORM=stm32f407
<tp> ok ta
<tabemann> any luck?
<tabemann> oh, and feel free to send me a pull request - I'd be glad to have more people working on this, particularly for getting it to work on other boards and such
<tabemann> note that I did make some idiosyncretic choices, e.g. b@ b! b, instead of c@ c! c, (because in this day and age one cannot count on a byte being a character, with unicode and whatnot)
<tabemann> note that I should really get off to bed now
<tp> sorry busy chatting with daughter`
<tp> ill leave a outcome message here for you
<tabemann> oh that's fine
<tabemann> g'night
<tp> night-o
<veltas> Everyone gets to bed as I get on!
<tp> not me!
<tp> it's only 1830 hrs here
<MrMobius> hmm, I wonder if anyone has had this idea before: I write out the stack on every line of code. what if you had a forth that would keep track of that and let you refer to those arguments by name?
<tp> and 32,00 C :(
<MrMobius> and it was smart enough not to save copies of anything unless you were gonna access it later
<tp> MrMobius, I have a 'stack sensitive prompt' that turns red if there is anything on the stack
<veltas> Nice
<tp> it's my equivalent of Zaphod Beeblebrox's 'peril sensitive sunglasses' ;-)
<MrMobius> how does that work?
<veltas> I would consider allowing a 'PS1' style variable to change prompt to current stack
<tp> if the stack depth is greater than 0, send out ansi escape sequence for red
<tp> less than 1, send ansi escape for black
<MrMobius> what if its exactly in the middle?
<tp> 0.5 ?
<MrMobius> ya
<tp> then leave as is ;-)
<veltas> I have decided to do a tokenised forth because I am interested in allowing as much colon definition complexity as possible with the somewhat limited RAM I have
<MrMobius> veltas, what system is this?
<veltas> ZX Spectrum
<MrMobius> (sorry if I asked before)
<veltas> It's okay I wouldn't remember either if you did
<MrMobius> ok good ill probably ask you again then
<tp> \ designed for a white background with black text, but you can change to suit
<tp> : redstack.prompt ( -- )
<tp> begin
<tp> red ." ok. " black cr \ prompt
<tp> depth 0 > if
<tp> else ." ok. " cr
<tp> then
<tp> query interpret
<tp> again
<tp> ;
<tp> : init.redstack.prompt ['] redstack.prompt hook-quit ! ;
<tp> \ init.redstack.prompt quit
<veltas> I am guessing I am about half done with my forth words and at about 2500 bytes, 256 of which are the token lookup table so that part is not getting bigger
<tp> nice
<veltas> I will definitely try and refactor more when I'm done, I want to see how small I can get it
<tp> anyone who forgets that veltas == Z80 needs some memory pills along with their Quinine
<veltas> tp: depth 0 > if red then ." ok. " black cr
<veltas> That is what I'd write to give you an idea of how dedicated I am to saving space
<veltas> Even though it adds a redundant black
<tp> veltas, just be direct, my code is crap, it's ok, I'm a technician, I know it's crap
<veltas> I don't think it's crap
<veltas> My code is crap I'm a total beginner at Forth
<tp> i'll never take offence here at being corrected even hopefuly educated
<veltas> The last few days I've got a significant amount of useful forth words working in colon definitions and have actually been writing Forth and I am getting practice again finally
<MrMobius> tp, youre not writing for speed anyway so you an relax
<tp> rdrop-exit spent hours the other day pointing out that my stack comments were crap, afterwards I rewrote all my XML stuff to make them right, and now theyre so much BETTER!
<veltas> How did they improve?
<tp> MrMobius, that's true, but as a Forther Im more and more insulted by my own bad and inefficient code
<tp> veltas, I'm glad you asked :)
<veltas> My whole approach with Forth is to never write with speed and as soon as it matters I'm breaking out the assembly
<tp> which sounds perfectly fair
<tp> I find Mecrisp-Stellaris Forth about 3x slower than machine code created by C
<MrMobius> meh. unlikely that your inefficiency will ever matter
<veltas> It will on the Spectrum
<MrMobius> true
<veltas> In a game for example
<tp> and I find mecrisp-across faster and smaller than machine code created by C
<tp> MrMobius, I agree, in my world a 1MHz Z80 is probably way to fast
<veltas> MrMobius: But I will not prematurely optimise, don't worry. I wait until it gets in the way then profile
<tp> but Forth infects all it's practitioners with a love for efficiency imho
<tp> so Forth can actually beat C for embedded in every area in my experience
<MrMobius> hmm, what are basing on that its faster?
<MrMobius> than C
<veltas> tp: What advice did you get about stack comments?
<tp> tests on the same simple code
<tp> veltas, my stack comments were terrible, her is a old example
<veltas> I wonder how Forth will compete with SDCC for Z80, the output of SDCC is not great (not their fault, Z80 does not lend well to C).
<tp> : PWR_CR_PLS ( %XXX -- ) 5 lshift PWR_CR ; \ PWR_CR_PLS PVD Level Selection
<veltas> Forth will definitely beat it for space, which is usually more important in 8-bit code
<tp> and a new example
<tp> : GPIOC_MODER_MODER8 ( %bb -- x ) 16 lshift GPIOC_MODER ; \ GPIOC_MODER_MODER8, Port x configuration bits
<tp> and some more variations
<tp> \ NVIC_ICTR (read-only)
<tp> : NVIC_ICTR_INTLINESNUM ( %XXXX -- ) 0 lshift NVIC_ICTR bis! ; \ NVIC_ICTR_INTLINESNUM Total number of interrupt lines in groups
<tp> oops disregard that last one
<tp> \ GPIOC_IDR (read-only)
<tp> : GPIOC_IDR_IDR15? ( -- 1|0 ) 15 bit GPIOC_IDR bit@ ; \ GPIOC_IDR_IDR15, Port input data
<veltas> So what has changed? Is it using 'b' to signify how many bits are being used in the field?
<tp> oops again, please ignore that one as well
<tp> a lot has changed, using 'b' is one of the simpler ones
<veltas> Okay tp I will need an explanation on what stuff changed
<tp> the main thing that happened is I spent about 24 hrs rewriting my XLST code
<veltas> Where you not putting result stack items into the comment?
<veltas> Were*
<tp> veltas, thats definitely one of the things I wasnt doing right
<tp> the main problem is I dont code this stuff directly
<tp> it's all automatically generated
<tp> \ GPIOB_IDR (read-only)
<tp> : GPIOB_IDR_IDR15? ( -- 1|0 ) 15 bit GPIOB_IDR bit@ ; \ GPIOB_IDR_IDR15
<tp> take the above, it's a read-only register
<tp> my new code now looks for read-only registers and correctly sets the stack comment and provides the only useful action, 'bit@' which tests the single bit
<tp> it also adds "?" to the Word name
<tp> bit@ is a test and has only a 1 or 0 output
<tp> where a register is readonly but multiple bits the resultant Word is
<tp> : GPIOB_PUPDR_PUPDR15 ( %bb -- x ) 30 lshift GPIOB_PUPDR ; \ GPIOB_PUPDR_PUPDR15
<tp> oops not read only!
<tp> \ TSC_IOG5CR (read-only)
<tp> : TSC_IOG5CR_CNT? ( %bbbbbbbbbbbbbb -- x ) TSC_IOG5CR @ ; \ TSC_IOG5CR_CNT, Counter value
<tp> it replaces the bit@ with a '@'
<tp> there is a lot more but I wont bore anyone
<veltas> Okay that makes more sense
<tp> Ill write it up and get comments from rdrop-exit when he is here next\
<veltas> Not bored just confused lol
<veltas> Hmm
<tp> veltas, lol, I cant blame you!
<tp> I have 17 virtual desktops open and about 6 projects open and keep pasting data from the wrong projects!
<tp> um, make that 47 virtual desktops
<tp> so rdrop-exit's efforts getting me to see the error of my ways resulted in BIG improvents for me
<veltas> nice
<veltas> I have 3 virtual desktops right now
<veltas> And like 8 windows
<veltas> spread between them
<veltas> Really only one project open
<tp> i started with one virtual desktop in 1996
<veltas> Back then we called it a desktop
<tp> but more were added as the years passed by
<tp> not on Linux we didnt
<veltas> KDE?
<tp> no, Ive never used kde or gnome, Im a speed freak and HATE any delays
<tp> I alos hate bling
<rdrop-exit> good afternoon Forthwrights
<tp> rdrop-exit, the ZEN GURU of Forth!
<rdrop-exit> hello Forth Master Technician (tm)!
<veltas> KDE was pretty fast back in 1998, don't know about 1996
<tp> veltas would have been icewm or something really light
<tp> veltas I cant remember now
<veltas> I have never been a big fan of virtual desktops, I only use it in my current window manager because it has no taskbar
<veltas> Currently using dwm
<veltas> I like less clutter too, but I apply it to my organisation. Then again, I don't work from home. At work I only usually have about 10 windows and 1 desktop, but I have 2 monitors.
<tp> veltas, Ive been using icewm as long as I can remember
<tp> my menu is decades old
<veltas> I have been using tiling window managers based on dwm for at least a decade, only in the last couple years did I actually switch to dwm itself
<veltas> I like having a short C program act as my window manager
<veltas> The question is when are we getting a Forth-based window manager?
<rdrop-exit> write one
<tp> rdrop-exit, your efforts educating me about the stack comments have paid huge dividends here!
<rdrop-exit> cool tp
<tp> rdrop-exit, there are so many I need to write a article, but for now some can nee seen here, as always your criticism is most welcome
<tp> i had a hard look at my XSLT code and made some really big changes, tidied it up etc
<veltas> I have shown some older people at work some improvements to their code and how they work, and some of them have learned from it and some have totally ignored it
<rdrop-exit> tp, what is the definition of TSC_CR ?
<veltas> But I have actually been helpful with it, I didn't just go in and tell them all to use a particular paradigm or whatever, or moan about silly little things, and I have learned from them too.
<tp> it's a constant'
<rdrop-exit> : TSC_CR_TSCE ( -- 1 ) 0 bit TSC_CR ;
<tp> veltas, rdrop-exit is most tactful, but Im a tech, no one needs to tread carefully around ne
<tp> me
<veltas> One thing I learned (and had reinforced in Forth) was that using more than one integer type is an utter waste of time and money
<tp> rdrop-exit, hmm, now you mention it ...
<rdrop-exit> if it's a constant than how does the stack end up with a single entry (i.e., the number 1)/
<rdrop-exit> ?
<tp> rdrop-exit, good point
<tp> it's a 'grey area' :)
<rdrop-exit> ;-)
<tp> as ' 1 TSC_CR ' still leaves 1 on the stack
<tp> it's not until either a bic!, bis! or bit@ is added that the stack is empty
<tp> ie "TSC_CR_TSCE bit!"
<rdrop-exit> than TSC_CR can't just be a constant or the result would be ( -- 1 <something> )
<rdrop-exit> 0 bit TSC_CR
<rdrop-exit> -> 0
<rdrop-exit> -> 1
<rdrop-exit> -> 1 <TSC_CR>
<tp> hmm
<rdrop-exit> to be clearer I should say...
<rdrop-exit> 0 --> 0
<rdrop-exit> bit --> 1
<rdrop-exit> TSC_CR --> 1 <TSC_CR>
<rdrop-exit> if TSC_CR is just a constant then the result is two entries on the stack
<tp> ahh!
<tp> thats what I didnt see!
<tp> so it should be "( -- 1 x )
<tp> ?
<tp> bic!, bis! or bit@ take two arguments
<rdrop-exit> yes, or ( -- 1 a ) if TSC_CR is an address constant
<tp> ah yes, even better!
<tp> at least not so much work will be involved this time
<tp> rdrop-exit, Ive made my parser aware of read-only registers which change the commands and stack comments
<tp> thats one of the big improvements
<tp> rdrop-exit, how is the home quarantine going ?
<tp> I'm seeing our local supermarkets stock is reducing rapidly
<rdrop-exit> In your place I would just define a bunch of address constants and a bunch of bitmask constants
<tp> I thinl Australia is headded for a massive problem
<tp> rdrop-exit, remeber this is all automatic, I dont write any of it apart from the parser rules
<rdrop-exit> I don't think you need all these generated colon definitions
<tp> rdrop-exit, aha, they do look unessecary and ugly I agree
<tp> and a good coder could easily do away with them
<rdrop-exit> I would do something like this
<tp> BUT then no one would understand his code
<tp> this method ONLY applies to embedded
<rdrop-exit> $ 1234 constant tsc-cr ( -- a )
<rdrop-exit> 1 bit constant %tsc-cr-tsce ( -- mask )
<tp> why does a constant need a stack comment ?
<rdrop-exit> they don't, it's just a reminder to me of what that tsc-cr is an address and %tsc-cr-tsce is a bitmask
<tp> apologies for the spam
<tp> $40024000 constant TSC ( Touch sensing controller )
<tp> TSC $0 + constant TSC_CR ( control register )
<tp> TSC $8 + constant TSC_ICR ( interrupt clear register )
<tp> TSC $C + constant TSC_ISR ( interrupt status register )
<tp> TSC $4 + constant TSC_IER ( interrupt enable register )
<tp> TSC $10 + constant TSC_IOHCR ( I/O hysteresis control register )
<tp> TSC $18 + constant TSC_IOASCR ( I/O analog switch control register )
<tp> TSC $20 + constant TSC_IOSCR ( I/O sampling control register )
<tp> TSC $28 + constant TSC_IOCCR ( I/O channel control register )
<tp> TSC $30 + constant TSC_IOGCSR ( I/O group control status register )
<tp> TSC $34 + constant TSC_IOG1CR ( I/O group x counter register )
<tp> TSC $38 + constant TSC_IOG2CR ( I/O group x counter register )
<tp> TSC $3C + constant TSC_IOG3CR ( I/O group x counter register )
<tp> TSC $40 + constant TSC_IOG4CR ( I/O group x counter register )
<tp> TSC $44 + constant TSC_IOG5CR ( I/O group x counter register )
<tp> TSC $48 + constant TSC_IOG6CR ( I/O group x counter register )
<tp> that's the entire TSC peripheral
<rdrop-exit> although since I usually begin the name of bitmasks with a "%" it's already obvious which is a bitmask
<rdrop-exit> ok so those are the registers, that's similar to how I would handle them
<tp> rdrop-exit, I think that this is our old 'programmer vs technician' viewpoint
<rdrop-exit> just a sec
<tp> to me the TSC is obviously a peripheral. the TSC_CR is obviously a register and the tsc_cr_tsce is a bitfield
<rdrop-exit> here's something similar
<rdrop-exit> in the following example dmr.dmstatus is a register, the rest are bitfield constant
<rdrop-exit> s
<rdrop-exit> constants
<tp> I've seen your format already :)
<rdrop-exit> $ 11 constant dmr.dmstatus
<rdrop-exit> \ 31 23 bits hardwired 0
<rdrop-exit> \ 21 20 bits hardwired 0
<rdrop-exit> 19 bit constant %dmr.dmstatus.allhavereset
<rdrop-exit> 22 bit constant %dmr.dmstatus.impebreak
<rdrop-exit> 18 bit constant %dmr.dmstatus.anyhavereset
<rdrop-exit> 17 bit constant %dmr.dmstatus.allresumeack
<rdrop-exit> 16 bit constant %dmr.dmstatus.anyresumeack
<rdrop-exit> 15 bit constant %dmr.dmstatus.allnonexistent
<rdrop-exit> 14 bit constant %dmr.dmstatus.anynonexistent
<rdrop-exit> 13 bit constant %dmr.dmstatus.allunavail
<rdrop-exit> 12 bit constant %dmr.dmstatus.anyunavail
<rdrop-exit> 11 bit constant %dmr.dmstatus.allrunning
<rdrop-exit> 10 bit constant %dmr.dmstatus.anyrunning
<rdrop-exit> 9 bit constant %dmr.dmstatus.allhalted
<rdrop-exit> 8 bit constant %dmr.dmstatus.anyhalted
<rdrop-exit> 7 bit constant %dmr.dmstatus.authenticated
<rdrop-exit> 6 bit constant %dmr.dmstatus.authbusy
<rdrop-exit> 5 bit constant %dmr.dmstatus.hasresethaltreq
<rdrop-exit> 4 bit constant %dmr.dmstatus.confstrptrvalid
<rdrop-exit> 3 0 bits constant %dmr.dmstatus.version
<tp> here is additional information regarding my nomenclature, this is a C statement for the TSC
<tp> this is standard C for embedded as used in a STM example circa 2014
<tp> yes, your system is well thought out as Id expect
<tp> do you have a example for a GD32VF103 register as yet ?
<tp> I dont do any JTAG programming so I cant compare to what you have done here
<tp> for one thing, every peripheral register has a factory 'description' field in CMSIS-SVD, it's what I append to the last comment section of my words
<rdrop-exit> that's straight out of the RISC-V spec
<tp> aha
<rdrop-exit> just a sec, I'll get you the corresponding page
<tp> how would you use your system to describe the TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO4 bitfield ?
<rdrop-exit> here's the corresponding page
<rdrop-exit> https://riscv.org/wp-content/plugins/pdf-viewer/stable/web/viewer.html?file=https://content.riscv.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/riscv-debug-release.pdf#page=30&zoom=auto,-16,247
<tp> rdrop-exit, yep, pretty standard, it's what i'd expect
<rdrop-exit> as I went through the spec, I just typed in what I needed
<tp> I understand
<rdrop-exit> so bacically I define a constant for each register
<rdrop-exit> and a define a constant for each bitfield
<tp> of course
<tp> but that method wouldnt work for me at all
<rdrop-exit> ok
<tp> for one, it's not humanly possible to type in all my registers
<tp> not for any one person
<rdrop-exit> I only type in what I'm using
<tp> it must be fully automatic
<tp> I know
<tp> Im doing the same, Im only using a STM32F051 ;-)
<tp> and it has 33 peripherals and 3300 bitfields
<tp> and it's the smallest of the STM32F mcus
<tp> some have 20,000 bitfields
<tp> none of my stuff includes JTAG specs
<tp> or even SWD specs
<tp> it's all restricted to peripheral registers
<rdrop-exit> JTAG isn't relevant to the point
<tp> well it is because I havent seen a CMSIS-SVD for it
<tp> otherwise Id have it
<rdrop-exit> it has nothing to do with JTAG or no JTAG
<tp> what was the point again ?
<rdrop-exit> You're focused on generating definitions automatically and for everything which is fine
<tp> it's not 'fine' it's *essential*
<rdrop-exit> I type in definitions of registers and bitfields as I need them, while I'm trying to grok them, which is fine too
<tp> as you may see when you actually have to start using a actual external device
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<rdrop-exit> I will do what I've always done, read the spec of the specific peripheral, encode the registers and bitfields I need, as I'm reading the spec
<rdrop-exit> then of interactively test my understanding
<rdrop-exit> the time I spend typing is inconsequential, it's just something I naturally do as I'm reading a spec, any spec
<tp> sure
<tp> take ADC0 in a GDVF103 ?
<tp> thats one of the many peripherals
<tp> it has
<tp> 21 registers
<tp> 88 bitfields
<rdrop-exit> not a problem, as I'm reading about those registers and bitfields and trying to grok them, I type
<rdrop-exit> I do the same thing as I read an ISA, I start coding the assembler for that ISA as I read
<rdrop-exit> helps me to grok it
<tp> the term 'not a problem' is very easy to type, actually groking 21 registers and 88 bitfields, then making the ADC work is something else :)
<tp> and of course, ADC0 requires the cooperation of other peripherals, some much more complex
<rdrop-exit> exactly, the critical path is not typing in constants, it's groking them
<tp> no, it's both
<tp> as a mistake in either is equally fatal to the device working properly
<tp> trust me, I know this from the paon of a thousand cust
<tp> and also the pain of a thousand cuts
<tp> but there is more
<tp> a mistake in the transcribing and understanding of other peripherals will also stop the ADC0 working
<tp> and then after 2 years of dilligent fault finding, you discover that the text is wrong, when you look at the CMSIS-SVD
<tp> do you know how I know the GDVF103 ADC0 contains 21 registers and 88 bitfields ?
<tp> I didnd count them from the doc
<tp> Id still be at it if that was the case
<rdrop-exit> I'm not trying to convince you to do things my way, whatever works for you is fine
<rdrop-exit> gotta go, wife wants to watch a video, stay healthy
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<tp> no problemo thanks for the stack comment criticism, much appreciated
<Bunny351> bm08:49 ● <veltas> tp: What advice did you get about stack comments?
<Bunny351> sorry...
<tp> ?
<tp> Bunny351, mainly that mine were very incomplete and useless :)
<tp> now less incomplete tho!
<Bunny351> no, I'm just too stupid to use my irc client correctly... :-)
<tp> it's not like theyre trivial to use, unlike Forth stack comments ;-)
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<Bunny351> I find it hard to decide whether to use stack comments or not. I hate cluttering up my code but sometimes it really helps in involved code to remind me where I am
<Bunny351> for colon definitions I always use them, of course.
<tp> Bunny351, when it comes to embedded I can't see any alternative to tons of comments tho I only stack comments in colon definitions
<tp> + use
<tp> there is this massive divide between programmers of Forth and embedded programmers of Forth in my experience
<tp> and embedded programming is the closest anyone will ever come to 'write only Forth' imho
<tp> my theory is that it's impossible to have short, neat, consice Forth code in embedded
<Bunny351> true. I see a lot of high-level forths with weird ideas but would actually love to see the application of low-level, old-school forth code and thinking in everyday programming on traditional systems.
<tp> look at the alternative in C ? this looks nice and neat, but without the header file you dont know the details
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<Bunny351> the neatness is superficial and may actually hide information
<tp> Bunny351, absolutely my opinion also
<tp> in the above example it does
<tp> and without the header file which is *never* included with examples, especially in PDF's one has only part of the information
<tp> here is a article I wrote about the typical C problem I encounter when reviewing C code as adjunct to understanding the configuration of a MCU peripheral: file:///home/tp/projects/programming-languages/forth/mecrisp-stellaris/mecrisp-unofficial-doc/_build/html/touch-sensor.html#stmicro-c-tsc-code-example
<tp> oops
<tp> below it is my working and newly minted stack comment code
<tp> my "Config Words" are all automatically generated from the CMSIS-SVD file for that MCU
<Bunny351> indeed. unfortunately documentation nowadays just assumes you use C + an IDE + a bunch of badly documented runtime systems, I guess
<tp> and a massive number of really ugly header files
<tp> I often wonder if C programmers ever try and read those header files ?
<Bunny351> yep. or even autogenerated doxygen-style docs that don't really explain anything
<tp> in embedded, the contortions the header files go thru is amazing
<tp> automated doc is really useless in my experience
<tp> looks pretty, and looks organised but useless
<Bunny351> but is cheap to produce...
<tp> and 'better than nothing' I guess
<tp> it's funny how 'cheap' is used nowadays to justify so may choices
<tp> for instance the USA put men on the Moon in 1969, but in 2020 Boeing couldn't even put a capsule in the right orbit
<tp> and their excuse ? 'a clock sync problem'
<Bunny351> too much complexity and a totally corrupt military industrial complex, but this is probably getting too political... :-)
<tp> there are some who believe that men could do more in 1969 than now in 2020
<tp> I agree with you, but the complexity aspect is very relevant to Forth I think
<Bunny351> todays software is just imploding with complexity and the remedies are only adding more of it
<Bunny351> partly it's our own fault: we want to many bells and whistles! :-)
<Bunny351> s/to/too/
<tp> my own Forth development environment is quite complex now, but it works with a resident embedded Forth the same way they did 40 years ago
<Bunny351> do you meta-compile?
<tp> I'm a technician and I use Mecrisp-Stellaris which I didnt (and couldnt) create
<Bunny351> so it's not bootstrapped using assembly?
<tp> it's written in thumb1 assembly, so no
<Bunny351> ah, ok
<tp> it's assembled by arm-eabi-none
<tp> I've modified small bits of it, but I build devices with forth, I think of myself as a Forth user
<tp> I write doc and make my own tooling for Forth, but it's all to enable making things
<tp> for example a project I've just now finished a new minor version for is a bootable binary to test 'blue-pill' boards from china to see if they contain a 'fake' mcu
<Bunny351> Huh? what's that?
<tp> it also tests 'hidden' flash memory in the genuine STM32F103C8 MCU's
<tp> the 'blue-pill' board is supposed to contain a STM32F103C8 mcu and many dont, they contain cheaper 'clones' or 'fakes' made in China
<Bunny351> ah, I see.
<tp> and some of these clones arent 100% compatible with the original, some are in fact better
<tp> either way, my diagnostic program helps find out what MCU it is
<tp> it's a Forth system, weighs in under 64kB and does a lot of stuff
<tp> ID say 99% of the users don't even know (or care) it's a Forth system as it's menu driven
<tp> as of today sourceforge has counted 194 downloads of it
<tp> the majority are to the USA and Windows users
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<tabemann> hey guys
<Zarutian_HTC> h'lo
<Zarutian_HTC> due to discussion elsewhere it occured to me one could set up an recurring timer that when its interrupt fires, just calls PAUSE
<Zarutian_HTC> or other such task switching word
<remexre> doesn't that force all your code to be re-entrant, rather than just code that does a cooperative task switch?
<tabemann> back
<tabemann> it's essentially just preemptive multitasking, and it forces upon you everything it normally does
<tabemann> I did just that in hashforth
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<Zarutian_HTC> remexre: not more than most interrupts do. Critical sections in compareAndStore can momentarily disable interrupts.
<Zarutian_HTC> this compareAndSwap word is the used for queue or streams between tasks
<remexre> hm, okay; I'm mainly thinking of the few global structures I have; most of them don't have locks, and instead I rely on "it's unsound to modify this during an interrupt"
<Zarutian_HTC> that is for inter task communications
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