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<tabemann> hey guys
<tabemann> hey tp
<tp> hey tabemann
<tabemann> I purchased an STM32F407 discovery board
<tabemann> so I can debug my port of zeptoforth to the F407
<tp> I've finally fixed up my template.xml register selection file and removed all the extranious guff
<tp> awesome!
<tp> I've been doing deep XSLT stuff the last 3 -4 days, my brain is burned out
<tabemann> I also made some function-calling conditional and looping constructs
<tp> I've been watching your changelog
<tp> I must say tho, git is very rough around the edges
<tabemann> so you can do things 0 [: dup 10 < ;] [: dup . 1 + ;] while-loop
<tabemann> I put [: ;] in all my forths :D
<tp> well all forths are different!
<remexre> wait, are you parsing the XML in Forth?
<tp> remexre, no, definitely not
<remexre> tp: ok lol
<Zarutian_HTC> tp: what are the rough edges of git?
<tp> remexre, I generate some xml in Forth in one program, but I use XLST on a pc for transforming XML for Forth
<tp> Zarutian_HTC, example "git log"
<tp> Zarutian_HTC, show me how to limit the log to 20 lines ?
<tp> in fossil 20 lines of the log is default
<remexre> tp: okay that makes more sense lol, I was wondering if there were some nice way to do things on tree-structured data in Forth
<Zarutian_HTC> with some unix shell fu!
<tp> and in fossil one changes that if required with a switch
<remexre> I think the git answer is | head -n20 :p
<tabemann> back
<tp> Zarutian_HTC, and now you know why I think git is rough
<tp> remexre, sure I cand do it with unix utils too, but why should I need to ?
<remexre> I'll have to check out fossil, I'm at the point where I'm thoroughly dissatisfied with git, but I'm still promoting it at work (over svn) and using it in my personal projects
<tabemann> hmm... with just my default setup for STM32L476 DISCOVERY, after the final cornerstone the whole setup is $B800 in size
<tp> remexre, no SCM is perfect, but fossil does *everything* git does, but in a much more polished way
<tp> however git cant do everything fossil does
<Zarutian_HTC> tp: yebb on its own it is but you have to understand the origin of it. Basically it is an offspring from THE Linuc kernel nerf :)
<tabemann> sure, that includes all the "basic" words, along with a multitasker and a scheduler and a multitasking-compatible serial driver and an led driver...
<tp> $B800 . 47104 ok.
<remexre> Huh, I'm about to afk to eat, maybe I'll skim it's docs while I'm eating
<Zarutian_HTC> nerd*
<tp> Zarutian_HTC, I do understand the origin of git, Ive been using Linux only since 1997
<tabemann> $B800 feels huge
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<tp> I must say, I DO like the pretty colors of GIT :)
<tp> tabemann, and it is
<Zarutian_HTC> I just us it as an undo log for a filesystem subtree
<Zarutian_HTC> use*
<tabemann> tp: the forth code seems far less dense than the kernel code
<tp> remexre, the doc is pretty good and also part of the fossil repo
<tp> tabemann, ? what do you mean
<tp> Zarutian_HTC, haha, we should all version our filesystems except me
<tp> Zarutian_HTC, I have live snapshots every 15 minutes going back years
<tabemann> the last word in the kernel is at $4AE4
<remexre> tp: is that the other fossil? :P
<tp> $4AE4 . 19172 ok.
<tabemann> and the flash-space is set with the flash dictionary starting at $6000 for some reason
<tabemann> so including the final cornerstone, the flash code takes up $5800
<tp> remexre, sorry Im feeling dense today (more than usual) because too much XSLT
<remexre> tp: the plan 9 fs was named fossil and had (constantly taken?) snapshots as a core feature
<tp> remexre, my snapshots are compliments of zfs-tools
<tp> remexre, aha, the famous plan 9, Ive zero experience with it
<tabemann> okay, time for dinner
<tabemann> bbl
<tp> remexre, Unix has been perfect for me, I stopped looking for a alternative OS back around 1993
<tp> cya tabemann
<remexre> Ditto, but I've got a co-worker who likes it
<tp> remexre, sure, there seems to be tons of plan 9 love still about
<tp> with built in snapshots as a core feature no wonder ...
<remexre> Tbh I totally agree that if the whole company switched from Unix to plan 9, it'd probably massively increase efficiency... Until we had to run a unix-dependent program
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<tp> remexre, it is all about the apps, thats what windows users have been telling me since 1993
<remexre> Yeah.... Or at least just Firefox tbh
<remexre> Everything else I think we could virtualize
<tp> remexre, hahah, frankly I loathe Windows and havent used it since 1997
<Zarutian_HTC> remexre: what? I thought Plan9 was POSIX enough
<remexre> Zarutian_HTC: sure, but POSIX isn't enough for e.g. zoom and firefox
<Zarutian_HTC> re windows apps: some software houses now make sure that their app runes under wine
<remexre> And we're a lisp shop, which is actually pretty nice for cross-platform
<Zarutian_HTC> runs*
<tp> remexre, thats awesome
<remexre> Tho we write researchware, so I don't think anyone on windows tries to use our code /shrug
<Zarutian_HTC> Scheme, CommonLisp or something else?
<tp> remexre, I was starting to learn lisp, but I've become detoured learning Retro for now
<remexre> Common Lisp
<remexre> Yeah, they're both mind-expanding in really different ways
<Zarutian_HTC> remexe: then you can answer me this: what the hell are delimited continuations used for?
<tp> my mind can use some expanding, it's the size of a wallnut
<remexre> Heh, common Lisp doesn't have them, but I know them from a different thing
<remexre> Basically, call/cc continuations are basically useless
<tp> remexre, so your work is full of scientists ?
<remexre> Because you don't know what happens after you call the continuation, so they're pretty hard to encapsulate
<remexre> tp: yeah, mostly cs, a few psychologists, sociologists, linguists, etc
<tp> remexre, wow
<remexre> Zarutian_HTC: with delimited continuations you can "scope" where they end, which makes them a lot easier to work with
<remexre> Zarutian_HTC: I've mostly looked at them in the context of building an effect system like Eff ( iirc) has
* Zarutian_HTC prefers coroutines or ejectors (like those in E from )
<remexre> Huh, I'll have to look at E; I'm unfamiliar with ejectors
<tp> you can find them in all jet fighter planes ;-)
<remexre> Lol
<tp> remexre, if you dont love Fossil I will be surprised
<remexre> tp: I'll let you know how it goes, my dinner's almost done so I'll check it out in a bit
<tp> remexre, my Forth development system includes a 'project builder' which sets up a new project with a ton of my home made support stuff
<tp> remexre, no worries :)
<tp> remexre, and in setting up everything automatically, it also sets up fossil automatically, but some configs arent available until the fossil repo is actually created
<tp> I work around this by using the sqlite database in the newly created fossil repo, which is something git can never do as it doesnt have a database
<tp> remexre, but fossil was actually created by the sqlite author as his SCM and every fossil repo is a single binary that contains everything in a self contained sqlite db
<remexre> Oh, huh
<tp> git on the other hand uses a content-addressable filesystem and not a db
<remexre> Yeah, I'm more familiar with git's inner workings than I'd like to be :/
<tp> hahah
<tp> life does involve some suffering at times ;-)
<Zarutian_HTC> i heard that is why quite a few git repos can share the same backing store directory
<tp> Zarutian_HTC, why not ?
<Zarutian_HTC> there is no not in that previous statement
<tp> Zarutian_HTC, I have 253 fossil repos in the one directory here
<remexre> Though I'll note that I like content-addressed filesystems in general, my main gripe with git is merge and rebase being a lot less effective than I'd like them to be
<tp> Zarutian_HTC, apologies for my poor english, especially as it is my 'mother tongue'
<Zarutian_HTC> hah! it is the third spoken language I learned
<tp> Zarutian_HTC, after viking and polar bear ?
<remexre> Like my workflow typically ends up being "there's two dozen branches off the master branch, most of them are inactive, and what I actually want to merge is a subset of any given Branch's changes, so I usually end up manually applying them anyway"
<Zarutian_HTC> tp: well not polar bear but potato stuck in throat
<remexre> Zarutian_HTC: Danish?
<tp> Zarutian_HTC, there are only three polar bear phrases one must learn 1) "I'm all gristle and unpleasant to eat", 2) "my friend is much tastier than I" 3) "I think I just soiled myself"
<Zarutian_HTC> remexre: you got it one!
<remexre> A former partner who spoke Danish used to describe it as exactly that
<tp> hahah
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<Zarutian_HTC> the issue is that most are tought the Jótland version instead what most of them speak which is closer to Swedish and Norsk
<Zarutian_HTC> I blame royals with speach impediments
<tp> 6 fingered royals ?
<Zarutian_HTC> royals that wouldnt go far off in the company of loafs
<tp> it's all the inbreeding
<tp> can't be breeding with any old 'commoner'
* Zarutian_HTC sees his inbred pun go amiss
<tp> I'm very stupid today, my IQ which is normally 10 is down to 3
<Zarutian_HTC> or I should have said inbred bun
<Zarutian_HTC> but that is wheetly pushing it
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<tp> there isnt a grain of truth in that last statement
* Zarutian_HTC is floured
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<Zarutian_HTC> yeah, I should stop this. It is barley funny
<tp> Im just getting a rise out of you
<tp> Zarutian_HTC, so you work in all the cold datacentres ?
<tp> are they warm inside or cold ?
<Zarutian_HTC> depends on which side cortidor around the racks
<Zarutian_HTC> but no I dont work in those
<tp> you guard them with a large rifle from polar bear entry ?
<Zarutian_HTC> there havent been polar bears in Iceland for years
<Zarutian_HTC> and no I do not know how to shoot a gun, bow though
<tp> a bow would probably just annoy a polar bear ?
<tp> it might not get the point ?
<tp> or you may fail to drive home your point ?
<Zarutian_HTC> depends how many are in the quiver and that can change due to time flies
<tp> more like the arrows all fly out of your quiver as youre trying to run away
<tp> if it comes down to it, you can borrow my 357 magnum, it's bound to leave an impression
<Zarutian_HTC> well I prefer long high vibro sword. Now that is some cutting power
<tp> is that what we call a 'chainsaw' here ?
<Zarutian_HTC> no chains just two serrated edges moving back and 4th at around a kilohertz
<tp> ahh piezo electric ?
<Zarutian_HTC> nope, dual spring neodynium solenoid driven
<Zarutian_HTC> neodynium core*
<tp> ahh, loudspeakers!
<tp> saw a polar bear to death while playing tchaikovsky 1812 overture ?
<Zarutian_HTC> pretty much but like miniturized version of those used at rock festivals
* Zarutian_HTC has for some reason the image of mineralogist in grunge tee shirt
<tabemann> back
<tabemann> hey guys
<tp> hey tabemann
<tabemann> okay, the asm for zeptoforth is 6888 lines
<tabemann> the forth for zeptoforth, including the blinkers, is 1799 lines
<tabemann> yet the latter is larger than the former when compiled
<tp> thats like testing which weighs more, a witch or a rock
<tabemann> of course forth is denser than asm
<tp> especially if your Forth is crap like your assembly ;-)
<tabemann> my assembly is crap?
<tp> thats why Im not making my own Forth
<tp> no, not yours
<tp> I was speaking about myself
<tabemann> the thing is that my assembly isn't dense
<tabemann> if you look at it it's full of push_tos and pull_tos macros
<tabemann> each of those is 32 bits
<tabemann> essentially dup and drop
<tp> assembly is definitely a art, matthias thinks and dreams assembly
<tp> he made a standalone MSP430 blinky in 14 bytes of assembly
<tp> 14 bytes!
<tabemann> one problem with zeptoforth is that it has to pad each word written to flash to a 16 byte boundary
<tp> yeah, flash is a problem
<tabemann> with f407 that won't be a problem
<tabemann> because the f407 can write bytes and halfwords to flash
<tp> I know with every model of ARM, matthias has to get the USART working, then the Flash, they are his two challenges
<tabemann> and those are the key things I had to copy from matthias
<tp> my stm32f051 can only write halfwords as the smallest item
<tabemann> aside from those and the led drivers, and the vector table, I wrote everything else myself
<tp> well unless youre a assembly guru, you cant expect to come close in size to matthias work
<tabemann> I can't say I'm an asm guru
<tp> he knows *every* trick in the book
<tabemann> but I got my kernel down to little over 4AE4 in size
<tp> I think my attempt at a standalone MSP430 blinky was 80 bytes
<tp> tabemann, why worry about the kernel size, all M4's have 1MB
<tp> ?
<tp> youre not doing M0 where size is critical as there is only 64kB
<tabemann> 15416 is mecrisp-stellaris for stm32l476's kernel size
<tp> non RA ?
<tabemann> whereas 19172 is zeptoforth for stm32l476's kernel size
<tabemann> non RA
<tp> i dont use non ra
<tp> because RA makes heaps smaller user code
<tp> see if your kernel is small, then you will have larger user code as your kernel wont be doing many opts ?
<tabemann> 20076 is stm32l476-ra's kernel size
<tp> everything is always a compromise
<tp> thats more realistic
<tabemann> one thing about zeptoforth is that it has a good amount of inlining, but it doesn't optimize its inlined code
<tp> but I havent been able to pull any clever tricks to make my user code smaller with RA
<tabemann> in some cases inlining may actually make code smaller, in other cases it may make code bigger
<tp> when I study the generated machine code I see that it has already done what I was planning to do
<tp> RA only inlines where possible
<tp> typically his compiled code is about 1/2 the code of my equivalents in Forth on the same machine
<tabemann> zeptoforth requires an explicit [inlined] directive, and then only inlines if all the words compiled into that word also could be inlined
<tp> well that lounds like non RA
<tp> sounds
<tp> bbl, lunchtime here :)
<tabemann> zeptoforth doesn't do register assignment besides the TOS register
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<remexre> tp: kinda meh on fossil, it seems to fix the problems of git that bother me
<remexre> like (from reading its docs), it's a step up, but probably (for me) not worth changing existing infra over
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<tp> remexre, no worries, changing scm is a big thing
<tp> even to a tiny hobby developer like me who is a tech and not a programmer
<tp> I went cvs, hg, bzr, fossil myself since 1996
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<clitoris> Good morning folks
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<tabemann> hey guys
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<tp> hey tabemann, talking to your F407 yet ?
<tabemann> hasn't come by UPS yet
<tabemann> lol
<tabemann> I ordered it by "UPS ground", so it may be a bit until I receive it
<tabemann> but I don't need it like tomorrow
<tp> oh yeah. right at in the middle of covid-19
<tabemann> right now I've been making more looping/conditional/iteration constructs
<tabemann> like now you can iterate over a getter function
<tabemann> like write something like:
<tabemann> create foobar 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 ,
<tabemann> and then : getter cells foobar + @ ;
<tabemann> and then : test ['] getter 4 [: 2 * . ;] iter-get ;
<tp> we call '@' "fetch"
<tp> but hey, youre the programmer here!
<tabemann> I mean a function with the signature ( i -- x )
<tp> as a tech I lack most of the correct programmer terminology
<tabemann> well, actually ( ??? i -- ??? x ) because I hide the looping construct's state on the return stack
<tabemann> oh '@' can be called fetch
<tp> I first heard the term 'getter' in about 1964
<tabemann> even though in the sources of zeptoforth I call it 'get'
<tp> and now most people will never hear that word used in the context I did every again
<tp> when I read "@" I say "fetch"
<tp> when I see "!" I say "store"
<tabemann> I do call '!' "store"
<tp> ever seen a thermionic valve ?
<tabemann> oh I know what a "getter" is on a vacuum tube
<tp> really!
<tp> well I'm impressed
<tabemann> not a usage I come across very often, for obvious reasons, but I've heard it
<tabemann> I'm more used to the Java meaning of the term these days
<tp> yeah, valves are all but dead nowdays except for special purposes
<tabemann> I know that some audiophiles still use vacuum tubes
<tp> you know how astronauts say that 'space smells like burnt steak'
<tabemann> no I don't
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<tp> if you get a old valve and break it then smell the anode, it too smells like burnt steak
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<tp> well it smells like I guess what the astronauts mean by 'burnt steak'
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<tp> it's a odd smell, Ive known it since I was a young kid
<tp> for a tech, micros are mainly about fetch and store as those commands relate to talking to the real world outside the micro
<tabemann> which for the Arduino people have been hidden behind HAL calls
<tp> tabemann, are you still going in to work these days, or working from home ?
<tabemann> I'm going to work from home today
<tp> yeah, so much is hidden from them
<tabemann> we have an order that started from 8 am today to stay at home for non-essential work
<tp> but of course, they love that and feel 'protected'
<tp> ah good!
<tp> arduino users 'hate' arm mcus, they dont want to have to read 'massive boring tech manuals' that 'waste their time'
<tp> this is a reply, posted just today to a forum question "Re: What µC are you preferring?"
<tabemann> okay, I'm gonna get off - gonna start work
<tp> "8-bit AVRs. Really easy to setup the peripherals with good community support. Up until now I didn;t had to the need for something more complex or powerful. I really "hate" ARM micros with huge datasheets and difficult peripherals configuration and stock libraries that causes more problem than you would expect from the company that designed the part."
<tp> ok, np, thanks for the chat
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<MrMobius> the MSP432 is kind of neat in that regard
<MrMobius> supposedly MSP430 peripherals which are very easy grafted onto 80mhz ARM
<tp> MrMobius, ? It's been my observation that the MSP430 peripherals are tightly coupled with the MSP430 core
<tp> which is only 16 bit
<MrMobius> what do you mean by "tighyl coupled"? you right some data at an address to configure something then read and write data to communicate, right?
<tp> and this tight integration makes programming and using the MSP430 really simple
<tp> sure, but the classic is the 'low power mode'
<MrMobius> thats not really a peripheral though
<tp> on msp430 it's just one instruction and everything peripheral goes low power
<MrMobius> i see what you mean
<tp> but on cortex-m low power is far from simple
<MrMobius> there was a guy on the msp430 advocating for this product saying it would be very successful
<tp> and far from the MSP430 'single instruction'
<MrMobius> not sure how much of him saying that swayed anyone at TI
<MrMobius> but it was produced eventually
<tp> msp430 is outstanding, I absolutely agree
<MrMobius> the neat thing would be if they found a way to do the same on the MSP432 to make it go low power in an easy way
<tp> but if you dont mind a lot of confusion and suffering, cortex-m is more capable and cheaper
<MrMobius> ya cortex m is impressive
<tp> with arm it seems that the peripherals are all just 'tacked onto' the cortex-m cores
<MrMobius> right. i think ARM just gives you the core and its up to the manufacturer to graft on peripherals
<tp> I use and prefer cortex-m0 myself, but I also have msp430 and know them reasonably well
<MrMobius> did you ever play with the LPC1114?
<MrMobius> dunno if youre opposed to DIP stuff
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<tp> msp430 assembly is just a thing of beauty, on a par with the mc6800 that I have always preferred above all others
<MrMobius> its nice. there are some annoying things about it but all in all its good
<tp> when I can back to embedded in 2014 I bought a boc full of mcus, all from Avenet in dallas
<tp> that included LPC1769 and LPC1114FN28 but I was never able to talk to them with Linux
<MrMobius> I know its just a limitation of trying to fit everything into 16 bits but it would have been nice to have @Rn addressing for destination
<tp> so I bypassed NXP altogether for cortex-m which worked easily right away on Linux
<MrMobius> so did you just pick out a bunch of MCUs when you ordered?
<tp> I did
<MrMobius> do you still have the LPC1114s?
<tp> I had last used PIC16F at that stage
<tp> probably, I havent thrown any thing away
<MrMobius> a guy in the msp430 channel told me about them about 5 years ago and I got a couple and really liked them before they stopped producing them
<tp> it's all in a box
<tp> I'm not a msp430 expert by any means, and have only written a few simple blinkies in assembly
<MrMobius> let me know if you want to get rid of them. that same guy was gonna sell me his last 5 but he passed away a few months ago
<tp> I prefer my msp430 binaries to be generated by Mecrisp-Across via Forth
<tp> I'll have a look, it may only be a dev board or 2
<tp> I didnt buy any bulk LPC chips as I did with PIC and cortex-m
<MrMobius> ahh ok. I, just looking for the dip chips, which I believe FN28 is, if you have those
<tp> I wont have any of the chips
<tp> as the boards were a total fail for me
<MrMobius> that sucks :/
<tp> yeah, I had high hopes
<MrMobius> the neat thing is the dip chip would work on a breadboard with like one cap and one resistor if you have an ft232 cable
<tp> I spent weeks trying to get them usable but eventually just gave up
<MrMobius> very easy. seems no one had problems programming them
<tp> lol, I did
<MrMobius> the dip ones I mean
<MrMobius> the annoying thing to me is just getting a make file to make a Hello, World program for that chip
<tp> I couldnt talk to them at all, but the boards I bought had a inbuilt programmer etc
<MrMobius> I see. did they work under wine
<MrMobius> ?
<tp> none of the arm 'code' worked, I soon gave up on that, but at least I was able to flash the chips easily using the disco board
<tp> I didnt try using wine, I refuse to use it
<tp> Id had a gut full of windows by then
<tp> I had gone full time to Linux in 1997, but my first 'real computing' was unix on 68000 cpus
<tp> other than that it was all embedded on many different dev systems from 1972
<tp> I hated interacting with windows tho I ran win95 for a couple of years and had to maintain win3.1 for a while as a subcontractor
<tp> so in 2014, PIC18 and 24 series worked fine (after frigging around with PIKIT and microchips java based crap)
<tp> cortex-m was easy
<tp> XNP was a fail
<tp> the AVR stuff was horrific, I really dont like it
<tp> I couldnt talk to the the modern fast 8051 based chips from silabs
<tp> MrMobius, so you have had a bit of embedded hardware experience ?
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<MrMobius> tp, interesting how many people go turned off bc of windows 3.1 and 95 shenanigans and jumped ship
<MrMobius> a lot of that was fixed by 98 second edition. by that point I would get the blue screen 2-3 times a year with daily use
<MrMobius> never was interested in AVR stuff since im into electronics for building calculators. there are no AVRs in thoughhole with an external memory bus
<MrMobius> there are several single cycle ones like the silabs chips though that come in DIP. very impressive for an 8 bit chip if you can get around the typical 8051 weirdness
<MrMobius> tp, not really. just tinkering for fun so not yet technician level like you :)
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<MrMobius> ^single cycles ones = 8051
<Zarutian_HTC> tp: I have seen a thermionic valve in use. In the power amp stage of an fm transmitter
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<clitoris> tp: what have you been working on lately?
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<clitoris> Schools here are terrible
<clitoris> Would there be a significant benefit from words that don't consume their arguments even though that's the standard? I seem to run into a lot of situations where I have to "dup rest"
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<tp> MrMobius, aha, calculators, very cool
<tp> Zarutian_HTC, and valves are still used in high power RF transmitters afaik, nothing else happily takes 10KV at 0.5 amp month after month without blowing up
<tp> MrMobius, I agonised over buying a the first commerialy avaiable Canon 8 digit led calculator around 1969, but common sense (finally) prevailed and I didn't buy it because it was worth months of my junior tech salary
<tp> but the lust factor very high!
<tp> MrMobius, years later when HP came out with their high end calculators, it was exactly the same thing again, not for the common working tech, but this time the lust factor was 10x higher
cheers has joined #forth
tabemann has joined #forth
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<tabemann> hey guys
<tp> hey tabemann
<tabemann> I saw what you quoted from the person complaining about ARMs
<tp> it's quite common, a 'generic' attitude I'm my experience
* tabemann isn't bothered by ARM's "massive boring tech manuals"
<tp> excellent! to a tech they're really enjoyable
<tabemann> writing a compiler for Thumb-2 wasn't really hard either
<tabemann> even though I was kind of cheating because I was using the assembler to "compile" inlined words
<tp> a mcu technical manual to me is like reading the owners manual for a new tesla3, it's fun
<tp> lol, if youre not writing machine code by hand on a hex keypad you must be 'cheating' ;-)
<tp> everyone uses a assembler to create thumb inlined Forth words!
<tabemann> writing an inliner was actually very easy
<tp> i see it throughout the user submitted Forth programs
<tp> tabemann, have a look at this excellent article sometime:
<clitoris> I need to read ARM manual
<tabemann> it essentially takes a word with an "inlined" flag, and it strips off the push {lr} and pop {pc} and bx lr instructions, and then copies it into place
<tp> it's a demo of radare2
<tp> yeah, Ive been working on a automated method to make inlined machine code Words easier
<clitoris> do most forths come with a word 'times' ?
<tp> but it's a low priority as Mecrisp-Stellaris makes Words smaller and faster than I using any technique