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<tabemann> hey guys
<MrMobius> hey tabemann
<tp> hey tabemann how goes the Forth ?
<tp> hey MrMobius
<tabemann> still trying to figure out interrupts
<tabemann> the problem I have is enabling interrupts
<tp> I'd like to take this opportunity to say that this forum is the best for tech info and real world programming I have seen yet!
<tabemann> because almost all the examples I see use this damn HAL API
<tp> tabemann, it starts with the NVIC
<tabemann> whereas I want to see code that directly talks to the hardware
<tabemann> I know that
<tabemann> which bit do so I SETENA?
<tabemann> *which bit do I SETENA?
<tp> tabemann, yeah, thats why I made my interrupts page, everywhere else it's "use HAL"
<tp> to find the right bit for setena you have to look in the NVIC section of your technical pdf
<tabemann> and I know how to enable an EXTI channel with SETENA
<tabemann> but the thing is which EXTI channel?
<tp> this area initally caused me a LOT of confusion, for a long time
<tabemann> and which pins on which EXTI channel?
<tp> not all interrupts use exti
<tabemann> what about USART?
<tp> lets work thru your particular need ?
<tabemann> I thought that configurable GPIO interrupts were EXTI
<tp> thats true
<tp> but lets start at your usart ?
<tabemann> sure
<tp> you will have a few different configs for this
<tp> what interrupt will you use for the usart ?
<tabemann> I know how to configure it to capture RXE AND TXNE
<tabemann> that's the easy part
<tabemann> a matter of setting bits on USART2_CR1
<tabemann> and I know USART2 is configured to use GPIOD pins 5 and 6
<tp> via AFx
<tp> ok, so far so good
<tabemann> so given that, what interrupt do I need to set?
<tp> now I cant locate "RXE" or "TXNE" for the L476 but if you have that under control we can move on
<tp> tabemann, there is a large choice of interrupts for USART2 that I can see
<tabemann> yes, there are quite a few
<tabemann> what I'm concerned with is:
<tabemann> 1) which vector do I use
<tabemann> and
<tp> this page deals with usart interrupts
<tp> 1374/1880 RM0351 Rev 6
<tp> and the next page
<tabemann> 2) how do I enable the interrupt on that vector
<tp> first you must choose a interrupt
<tp> so we can work thru a example
<tabemann> setting up RXEIE and TXNEIE is simple; my issue is doing what the HAL does with HAL_EnableIRQ() or whatever that's called
<tabemann> where I saw people just feeding things named something like "IRQ_USART1" into that function
<tp> I have no "RXEIE" or "TXNEIE" (if you want me to check the actual bitfields)
<tabemann> USART2_CR1_RXEIE
<tabemann> USART2_CR1_TXNEIE
<tp> the problem with using C bitfield names is that most online examples are not complete, ambiguous or plain wrong, it's a soul destroying experience
<tabemann> anyways
<tp> I only have a "USART2_CR1_TXEIE" for the L476
<tp> and I have a "USART2_CR1_RXNEIE" for it
<tabemann> wait I got those backwards
<tabemann> anyways
<tabemann> now that I've enabled USART2_CR1_TXEIE and USART2_CR1_RXNEIE, what do I need to do to enable some interrupt, any interrupt for it
<tabemann> for instance, do they use an EXTI
<tabemann> (I found some example code online about how to configure EXTIs)
<tp> : USART2_CR1_TXEIE %1 7 lshift USART2_CR1 bis! ; \ USART2_CR1_TXEIE interrupt enable
<tp> : USART2_CR1_RXNEIE %1 5 lshift USART2_CR1 bis! ; \ USART2_CR1_RXNEIE RXNE interrupt enable
<tabemann> yeah, I've got those
<tp> i know, but we need to see what they do
<tabemann> USART2_ISR_TXE is set when USART2 is ready to transmit
<tabemann> USART2_ISR_RXNE is set when USART2 has data to receive
<tp> USART2_CR1_RXNEIE enables "Receive data register not empty (data ready to be read) RXNE" and "Overrun error detected ORE"
<tabemann> setting USART2_CR1_TXEIE enables an interrupt for when USART2_ISR_TXE becomes true
<tabemann> setting USART2_CR1_RXNEIE enables an interrupt for when USART2_ISR_RXNE becomes true
<tp> USART2_CR1_TXEIE enables Transmit data register empty flag TXE
<tp> what do you wish to use as your example ?
<tabemann> I want to put the MCU to sleep with WFI
<tp> youve enabled three sources for interrupts which is 2 more than we want for a example
<tabemann> I want it to wake up when the user presses a key or becomes ready to send more dat
<tp> I know that, but youre a LONG way from being able to do that
<tp> ok, wake up on a keypress ... good
<tp> for that you'll need to use "Receive data register not empty (data ready to be read)" I suppose
<tp> I have never done this myself, so Im assuming here
<tp> but it's also easy to test
<tabemann> the key thing here is this - now that I've set USART2_CR1_TXEIE and USART2_CR1_RXNEIE, how do I translate these into actual interrupts that I can handle?
<tabemann> because everything I read is unclear on this
<tabemann> either they talk about HAL
<tabemann> or they talk about NVIC and EXTI
<tabemann> but they don't talk about having a USARTx and wanting it to raise interrupt y
<tp> thats why i suggested we work thru a single example, a better one would have been a GPIO button press interrupt as theyre less complex, but also different
<tp> you appear to be looking for a one line answer to this, I don't have one
<tabemann> not one line
<tp> I know how to use interrupts with forth, I have code showing that online
<tabemann> I assume it involves SETENA
<tabemann> which I know how to use
<tp> but of course, your need is different to what I have working so far
<tabemann> I think it likely involves an EXTI
<tabemann> but I don't know offhand
<tp> it does, and as critical as SETENA is, thats just one part
<tabemann> and if it involves an EXTI
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<tabemann> can I choose any EXTI?
<tabemann> when for the part where I specify pins for an EXTI
<tp> any that your hardware allows
<tabemann> do I use the same pins that are used to configure the USART originally?
<tabemann> and how do I select GPIOD rather than some other GPIO?
<tabemann> because in the example code I see I see how to select pins
<tabemann> but I see no mention of GPIOs
<tp> I've used EXTI1 and EXTI12 together so far
<tp> there is a drawing
<tp> each EXTI is tied to a pin
<tp> EXTI-1 is for use with any GPIO pin-1
<tp> EXTI-2 is for use with any GPIO pin-2
<tp> and so on
<tabemann> okay, my MCU has 5 EXTI's
<tabemann> yet the code I got from matthias refers to pins 5 and 6 on port D
<tp> like all stm32 you will have 16 exti pin choices
<tp> looking thru document DS10198 Rev 8 June 2019
<tp> page 92 shows Table 17. Alternate function AF0 to AF7(1)
<tp> page 95 is what you need
<tabemann> oh I see
<tp> it shows that PD5 and PD6 are USART2 TX/RX with AF7
<tabemann> yeah I see that
<tabemann> how does this relate to interrupts?
<tabemann> (sorry for all the questions - this stuff is just black magic to me)
<tabemann> is AF7 associated with a particular interrupt?
<tp> questions are fine, I'm happy to answer all your hardware questions where I know the answer
<tp> no, you asked "yet the code I got from matthias refers to pins 5 and 6 on port D"
<tp> and my reply was for that statement
<tabemann> yeah, I understand that now
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<Zarutian_HTC> tp: are those interrupt vector where pc jumps to or where pc is set to?
<tp> Zarutian_HTC, theyre locations containing the address of the 'interrupt handler'
<tp> for each interrupt
<Zarutian_HTC> ah, I see. Basically proper interrupt vectors
<tp> yeah, thats what I was trying to say :)
<tp> but as a Forth user I'm spoilt
<Zarutian_HTC> and then there is the interrupt enable bitmap. That is which interrupt is enabled
<tp> um ... the enabling is a bit all over the place
<tp> there is the overall system interrupt enable, the peripheral interrupt enable(s), the specific interrupt enable
<tp> and still more, send no money!
<Zarutian_HTC> i guess there is one master interrupt enable that when set makes it so the other interruprs selected can occur
<tp> then there is the NVIC which has overalll control
<tp> Id say one master and sub masters
<tp> it's not trivial, Ive been working on understanding this since 2016
<tabemann> back
<tabemann> one little hint
<tabemann> on Cortex-M
<tp> Zarutian_HTC, then there are the interrupt priorities
<tabemann> the interrupt vectors are the destination address plus 1
<tabemann> because the lowest bit of addresses jumped to indicates that the address is for Thumb code
<Zarutian_HTC> i was wondering what the EXTIs were about but they seem to have the same function as pin change interrupt on atmega328p
<tabemann> and because Cortex-M only supports Thumb
<tabemann> if the lower bit is clear, the chip locks up
<tp> tabemann, I've been spoilt, I just use the Mecrisp-Stellaris supplied words
<tp> Zarutian_HTC, I guess thats accurate
<tp> the extis can trigger on level and change
<tabemann> question
<tp> here is a example from one of my working programs it's the interrupt setup and handler for the user push button on a disco board
<tabemann> how does it work, since on STM32L476 there are only 5 EXTI vectors but 16 EXTIs?
<tp> : pb.interrupt.handler ( -- )
<tp> 154 line.0.mask \ prevent retriggering until fully handled
<tp> 157 ;
<tp> 156 C F cr \ read temperatures
<tp> 155 EXTI_PR_PR0 \ clear trigger
<tp> 158
<tp> 159 : pb.interrupt.init ( #6 )
<tp> 160 0 AFIO_EXTICR1_EXTI0 \ line PA0
<tp> 161 line.0.unmask \ unmask line 0
<tp> 162 EXTI_RTSR_TR0 \ rising trigger in line 0
<tp> 163 ['] pb.interrupt.handler irq-exti0 ! \ link exti0 to pb.interrupt.handler
<tp> 164 %1000000 NVIC_ISER0_SETENA \ enable interrupt #6
<tp> 165 ;
<tp> tabemann, i dont understand that statement
<tabemann> there's only 5 EXTI interrupt vectors
<tabemann> yet there are 16 EXTI's
<tp> do you have a source for that ?
<Zarutian_HTC> that linked document
<tabemann> page 396 of RM0351
<Zarutian_HTC> seem that many 'pins' share the same exti interrupt
<tp> 6 13 settable EXTI0 EXTI Line0 interrupt 0x0000 0058
<tp> 7 14 settable EXTI1 EXTI Line1 interrupt 0x0000 005C
<tp> 9 16 settable EXTI3 EXTI Line3 interrupt 0x0000 0064
<tp> 8 15 settable EXTI2 EXTI Line2 interrupt 0x0000 0060
<tp> 10 17 settable EXTI4 EXTI Line4 interrupt 0x0000 0068
<Zarutian_HTC> probably event on any of the triggers that interrupt so one has to read the pins to find out which changed since last
<tp> Zarutian_HTC, I think youre right
<Zarutian_HTC> it is fo'sure that these chips have lot of interrupts
<tp> i have only 3 choices on my f0
<tp> 5 12 settable EXTI0_1 EXTI Line[1:0] interrupts 0x0000 0054
<tp> 6 13 settable EXTI2_3 EXTI Line[3:2] interrupts 0x0000 0058
<tp> 7 14 settable EXTI4_15 EXTI Line[15:4] interrupts 0x0000 005C
<tp> but there are more
<tp> The remaining lines are connected as follow:
<tp> · EXTI line 16 is connected to the PVD output
<tp> · EXTI line 17 is connected to the RTC Alarm event
<tp> · EXTI line 18 is connected to the internal USB wakeup event
<tp> · EXTI line 19 is connected to the RTC Tamper and TimeStamp events
<tp> · EXTI line 20 is connected to the RTC Wakeup event (available only on STM32F07x
<tp> and STM32F09x devices)
<tp> · EXTI line 21 is connected to the Comparator 1 output
<tp> · EXTI line 22 is connected to the Comparator 2 output
<tp> · EXTI line 23 is connected to the internal I2C1 wakeup event
<tp> · EXTI line 24 is reserved (internally held low)
<tp> · EXTI line 25 is connected to the internal USART1 wakeup event
<tp> · EXTI line 26 is connected to the internal USART2 wakeup event (available only on
<tp> STM32F07x and STM32F09x devices)
<tp> · EXTI line 27 is connected to the internal CEC wakeup event
<tp> · EXTI line 28 is connected to the internal USART3 wakeup event (available only on
<tp> STM32F09x devices)
<tp> · EXTI line 29 is reserved (internally held low)
<tp> · EXTI line 30 is reserved (internally held low)
<tp> · EXTI line 31 is connected to the VDDIO2 supply comparator output (available only on
<tp> STM32F04x, STM32F07x and STM32F09x devices
<tp> Zarutian_HTC, it sure seems so, but if you want to see a LOT, checkout the risc-v GD32VF103!
<Zarutian_HTC> one thing I noticed mcu design wise is that an hardware dual stackmachine and vectored interrupts quite compliment each other
<tp> I remember thinking using just the ONE interrupt was a big thing on a z80 back in the late 70's!
<Zarutian_HTC> in those an interrupt is just an unexpected word call
<Zarutian_HTC> oh, gods I hate single vector interrupts the isr becomes massive
<tp> I guess it would
<tp> I have never used a interrupt until this year, and then only on cortex-m0 and m3
<tp> I always used polling
<Zarutian_HTC> and slows down the interrupt handling
<tp> but now I have used up to 3 interrupts in the one Forth proj and it worked fine, tho I did need to change the priority
<tp> if you read the embedded forums people are always warning "keep that interrupt handler SHORT or ELSE!"
<Zarutian_HTC> the priority arbites between different interrupt that occur at same time?
<tp> I always laugh, that may have been true in 1975, but my MCU's are 75+ times faster now
<tp> Zarutian_HTC, correct
<Zarutian_HTC> then you havent had to deal with an interrupt storm
<tp> Zarutian_HTC, no, I'm new to interrupts
<tp> Zarutian_HTC, plus I'm trying to use a scheduler instead of interrupts as Im aware of some of the issues
<tp> i will continue to use the systick interrupt as thats the source of my timing
<tabemann> I'm planning on just using interrupts as a wakeup
<tp> tabemann, your systick is polled ?
<Zarutian_HTC> I do not know with stm but with ti chips at least one instruction from the main program exexcutes before next interrupt is serviced.
<tabemann> aside from SysTick obviously
<tabemann> tp: I mean aside from systick
<tp> Zarutian_HTC, there are 6 system interrupts with the lowest priorities ( 0 - 5)
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<tp> Zarutian_HTC, after that every source has a default priority which can be changed
<Zarutian_HTC> if your isr is short then even under an interrupt storm the device can perform degradeably
<tp> I'm still a bit weary of interrupts and for what I do, a fixed task time of a couple of milliseconds is usually heaps
<tp> and I like interrupts to handle unsync gpio events, such as a button press
<Zarutian_HTC> I usually have isrs just update variables or flags that then get polled from the main loop
<tp> then there are tools such as stopping all interrupts while the current one is being handled etc
<tp> Zarutian_HTC, yeah, I have used that technique also
<tp> Zarutian_HTC, I guess thats the shortest ISR one can have ?
<Zarutian_HTC> on sleeping chips I use the interrupt to wake up the thing
<tp> which is what tabemann wants to do
<tp> he wants to use the USART RX data to wwake up the chip
<tp> on the MSP430 it's a easy thing to do. on cortex-m, not so much
<Zarutian_HTC> yebb: : systick_isr 1 systick_counter !+ rfi ; \ basically
<tp> yeah
<tp> Zarutian_HTC, but the msp430 is pretty slow, 16Mhz clock ?
<Zarutian_HTC> for wakeup just put wakeup before the rfi
<tp> too easy!
<Zarutian_HTC> 16 MHz is plenty fast for many mcu applications
<tp> yes, so right
<tp> Ive become used to 75MHz minimum
<tp> once, 1MHz was plenty for me
<Zarutian_HTC> if I need much beefer processing I usually do it on diffrent chip
<Zarutian_HTC> that is have slowish main mcu then a faster coprocessor with its own memory on the side
<tp> well thats only because you actually know what youre doing! :)
<tp> the MSP430 is certainly the master of easy low power
<Zarutian_HTC> means that one can have it more specialized or fitting to the application
<tp> I havent lived in that world myself
<tp> I have my stock of MCUS and make them fit my application
<tp> for me it's all about my embedded tooling
<tp> the mcu type is last for me
<tp> if i cant properly debug the chip, I dont care how much betetr it is
<tp> I seem to be one of the few in this regard tho
<Zarutian_HTC> well, the handy thing is that one can use something like msp430 for the always on part and a cortex-m or dsp or what have you for the calculation heavy stuff
<tp> lucky I'm not designing hundreds of millions of cellphones hey ;-)
<tp> for me always cortex-m is better as I never need low power, but love having 33 peripherals to choose from
<Zarutian_HTC> sometimes it pays off to use the same part for both main and coprocessor
<tp> even if it's a horrible chip compared to the MSP430
<Zarutian_HTC> same part type that is
<tp> Ive never needed a copro, the f0 does fixed point for me in plenty of time
<tp> but youre at the high end, Im right at the bottom
<tp> someone will come to me needing a controller for some machine, perhaps to detect a jam or so on
<Zarutian_HTC> eh, I rather do sensor integration with a dedicated processor
<tp> it's a massive problem for them, they just want it to go away
<tp> and it's always a mechanical problem, so really slow
<tp> Zarutian_HTC, I do that as well, but at the very low end
<tp> hehe
<Zarutian_HTC> sure, I have never understood why some designers are always so damn stingy with simple sensors like limit switches or rotary tick encoders
<tp> stingy, how ?
<Zarutian_HTC> the sooner the machine can detect that something is wrong the better
<tp> I think a lot of designers are inexperienced or unmotivated
<Zarutian_HTC> too damn few of them in the machine
<tp> ahh, not enough sensors on complex and expensive machines ?
<tp> i guess that sensors are also a source of problems
<tp> often a stoppage is caused by a faulty sensor in my experience
<Zarutian_HTC> yes and plenty of assumptions on that mechanical side always works
<tp> but I agree, I also think everything needs more sensor`s
<tp> I did get to work in sensor heaven once
<tp> when I was doing sensor maintenance on submarines, the worlds biggest money pit
* Zarutian_HTC has serviced and run complex mechatronic machines
<tp> Zarutian_HTC, same, plus worled in R&D most of my life building prototypes for engineers
<tp> Zarutian_HTC, I have a lathe and a milling machine plus a pretty good mechanical workshop, I can basically build a solution for most things
<tp> Zarutian_HTC, at age 66 and building gear since I was a kid, I have now forgotten about a lot of the stuff Ive designed and built
<Zarutian_HTC> and what is up with the software for some of the machines? sometimes I want to be able to single step or slow run the machine to see where the problem is
<tp> Zarutian_HTC, about 30 years ago a man came to my door with a interesting electronic device and asked for a quote to repair it
<tp> I asked it what it did, where it came from and he looked at me oddly ...
<Zarutian_HTC> what did that device do?
<tp> he said, "it came from you, you made it for me"
<tp> I cant remember
<tp> I always used a logic analyser in the past but that stopped being useful with the PIC
<Zarutian_HTC> aah, this is why makers mark or uuid for documentation tie in is so handy
<tp> the PIC was a turning point for me, I made some decent stuff and money from it but realised that my ability to diagnose it (C lang) was just not good enuf
<tp> at ar`ound that time I moved to the other side of Australia and started a Wifi business and my embedded stopped for 15 years
<Zarutian_HTC> put the final documentation in various public places and when you google the uuid then you might have an fighting chance to find it again
<tp> i keep excellent doc now so thats no problem
<tp> so in 2014 I started getting back into embedded design and began looking for a very good design system that could also do in depth analysis
<Zarutian_HTC> one fun story i heard was from a reverse engineer that found it odd that it had an oversized flash chip for what the device did
<tp> k
<Zarutian_HTC> turned out that it used to have a smaller flash chip but that part got duscintinued
<Zarutian_HTC> discontinued*
<tp> i find that the size of my code to do product fault testing etc is usually about the same size of the program
<tp> sounds reasonable
<Zarutian_HTC> like always the first thing he did was to dump its conents
<tp> which is often locked or encrypted
<Zarutian_HTC> the first two to five percent of the chip was the actual code to use and run diagnostics on the device
<Zarutian_HTC> well it wasnt locked or encrypted
<tp> and the rest was a copy of the bible ?
<tp> a gif of the designer ?
<tp> a sound byte that said 'get out of my code!" ?
<Zarutian_HTC> the rest of the chip? it contained a heavily compressed tar file with all the project and design files, user and service manuals included
<Zarutian_HTC> note this was in a device with expected service lifespan if 30 to 50 years
<Zarutian_HTC> s/if/of/
<tp> wow, thats awesome
<tp> i dont get much into my 64kB m0's :)
<tp> I have great respect for whoever made that project
<tp> the item I have forgotten about was probably analog I have made a LOT of gear with no MCU
<tp> I used to specialise in PSU's
<tp> but basically I made anything that was electronic
<Zarutian_HTC> note that this was on a 4 mb flash chip and all the files were in some ascii ish based formats so it compressed well
<tp> wow thats even cleverer!
<tp> and ascii means it can be read
<tp> proving the compressed tar file can still be read
<Zarutian_HTC> or at least figgured out. the manuals were .eps files with diagrams but not bitmaps
<Zarutian_HTC> well it had a very distinctive 'magic' at the start of it
<tp> than again in 50 years will the data still be there in the flash chip ?
<tp> it sounds like a awesome desinher was involved
<tp> he has my respect!
<Zarutian_HTC> I thing the designer of the thing had been bitten by bad and none existant documentation on a similarly long service life device
<tp> sounds reasonable
<MrMobius> tp, random question but did you ever run across the RCA 1802 in your time?
<Zarutian_HTC> well, why shouldnt it? the chip was treated like rom in the circuit
<tp> MrMobius, I owned one
<tp> I bouth 2 of the chips iirc
<tp> bought
<tp> but I didnt get past reading the tech doc, I didnt like them
<Zarutian_HTC> 1802? wasnt that a quad op amp chip?
<tp> I've no idea where they are now, probably thrown away years ago to make room for chips I did like
<tp> no, CDP1802 was a cmos cpu
<Zarutian_HTC> oh that. And I guess cisc based
<tp> dunno, was too strange for me
<Zarutian_HTC> probably as horrible as Razon chips
<tp> I was already in love with the mc6800 by then
<Zarutian_HTC> now that is an orthogonal arch if i ever saw one
<tp> they cdp1802 was also avail in rad hardened, so was used for space projects
<MrMobius> ya 1802 is strange and takes a lot of cycles to do anything
<MrMobius> quirky thing though and kind of interesting
<tp> it was one of the first cmos mcu's iirc
<MrMobius> what kind of system did you have it in?
<Zarutian_HTC> tp: I thought most rad hard mcus in use are RTX 2010 which is a dual stack machine
<tp> MrMobius, i had it in a special 'plastic parts draw' system ;-)
<tp> Zarutian_HTC, I'm sure they are, but the 1802 was also avail in rad hardened
<tp> probably only $10,000 extra
<tp> i dont even want to revisit the 1802, Im still wierded out from the 70's when I read the doc
<tp> wish I still had the chips to send to someone who really wanted one to study
<MrMobius> hehe. i have some of those systems :P
<tp> the 'wierd' ones ?
<tp> MrMobius, do you have a old Victorian museum under your house, full of old systems in perfect working order by any chance ?
<MrMobius> i wouldnt have to work if I did
<tp> once when I was a teenager I visited a old DECA radio positioning system, it was a huge building, made of varnished wood and with polished brass, valves and busbars, it left a impression
<tp> MrMobius, sure you would, private collectors museums cost money!
<tp> oh it was a operational DECA building
<tabemann> back
<tabemann> guess what
<tabemann> there's a dedicated USART2 interrupt
<tabemann> I feel so incredibly stupid now
<tp> why, youre clearly NOT stupid
<tabemann> I missed it because in matthias's vector file it's not listed
<tp> it's a massive challenge for a software person to do hardware
<tp> (I wish that software people would also bear in mind that the reverse is also true)
<tp> well, matthias hates ARM, I dunno why he ever wrote Mecrisp-Stellaris
<Zarutian_HTC> do what I do, read the full datasheet through once
<tp> but Im glad he did
<tp> Zarutian_HTC, excellent tip
<tp> i dont need it tho, because I love datasheets and reread them for enjoyment
<tp> but then Im a tech
<tp> Im not a tech because it was the only job I could get, at age 9 I knew I wanted to do electronics for the rest of my life
<tp> it's a obsession for me
<Zarutian_HTC> not fully comprehend or anything just page through it like you are reading the documentation of an software library yoy havent used for
<tp> exactly, but after that tabemann will recognise the words later on
<tp> and have some recollection of where he read it before
<tabemann> back
<Zarutian_HTC> similar for me. I would still geek out on this regardless of how well paid it is
<Zarutian_HTC> if I wanted to be rich then I would be doing quatative analysus on second order finanical dervitives
<tp> or a lawyer or politician if you have no scruples ?
<Zarutian_HTC> which I find boring as hell
<tp> and cry yourself all the way to the bank every day ?
<tp> but electronics has a magic when done very well, like a perfect program, who can resist that ?
<Zarutian_HTC> well, I once caught out a lawyer trying to pull a stunt in a contract he wrote. I had been asked to read it over to find any obvious logic flaws
<tabemann> I always love building stuff and the moment that something just works
<tabemann> I find it frustrating when I can't fix bugs, but just love it when I do fix them
<tp> tabemann, I can relate
<tp> Zarutian_HTC, what a devious bastard
<Zarutian_HTC> why had I been asked to read it over? well I had debugged fiendishly convoluted program for the same guy
<tp> arent most programs fiendlishly convoluted ?
<Zarutian_HTC> when you need a four dimensional koch map then yes
<Zarutian_HTC> that thing had accrued special case upon special case with exceptions that in turn had exceptions
<tp> is that map some kind of ancient curse ?
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<Zarutian_HTC> sorry karnaugh map
<tp> Ive heard of them
<tp> but I'm not academically inclined
* Zarutian_HTC always conflates the two probably due to koch snowflake fractal
<tp> I'll ask Matthias if the "koch snowflake fractal" is named after him ;)
<tp> hes got a great sense of humour
<Zarutian_HTC> it is a penile thing even it looks kewl
<Zarutian_HTC> well, those maps are handy wen figguring out logic
<tp> oh!
<Zarutian_HTC> helps with simplyfing it
<tp> doesnt look like much fun
<Zarutian_HTC> it is dreary as hell
<Zarutian_HTC> but sometimes it can be usefull
<tp> too abstract for me
<tp> ill bbl, thanks for the chat
<Zarutian_HTC> time for me to gi
<Zarutian_HTC> go to bed good night
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