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<marcan> whitequark: remind me again what the state of MIPS JTAG is?
<marcan> I might want to JTAG my router (to swap out the NAND in particular)
<whitequark> marcan: should basically work
<whitequark> there are some extremely obscure routers that don't because i literally could not find any docs or working code
<whitequark> i wrote an openocd backend for one of those and openocd doesn't work with either, rip
<whitequark> oh yeah
<whitequark> worst case you can just use the openocd bridge
<marcan> oh, that's a thing
<marcan> right
<marcan> this is MT7621
<whitequark> i'd be curious to see if the native debugger works tho
<whitequark> since it'll be the base for moving JTAG roundtrips to the device
<whitequark> using boneless
<marcan> how does this usually work? load uboot into RAM and run that? directly flash via the NAND controller?
<whitequark> hm
<marcan> (I really just need to get uboot onto a blank NAND)
<whitequark> loading uboot into RAM and running it seems like the absolute easiest way
<whitequark> one gdb command, ideally
<marcan> cool
<marcan> fun thing: this thing seems to have a SPI flash that is totally empty
<marcan> theoretically I might be able to put uboot on there and just have it boot with a blank NAND, *if* the straps are set correctly
<marcan> but I want this to continue working with vendor firmware, so doing some big change like that isn't a great idea :p
<marcan> (vendor firmware should support 512MB NANDs at least, as far as I can tell from the GPL tree)
<marcan> (original is 256MB)
<whitequark> ahh that's how you ended up with a blank NAND
<whitequark> could've programmed it directly :p
<whitequark> probably not unless you have a tsop48 socket
<marcan> I have some somewhere but... that's extra effort
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<marcan> though I guess it ought to work, glasgow has enough pins for 8bit nand, right?
<marcan> so maybe I can try that
<whitequark> yes, it works, should have read/write/erase and ONFI autodetect
<marcan> cool
<whitequark> except most flashes don't actually have ONFI so you probably still need to enter the parameters by hand
<marcan> shrug
<whitequark> and the ones which do or claim to have sometimes have it utterly broken
<whitequark> hell
<whitequark> i have a few flashes with a wrong JEDEC ID
<whitequark> like, it doesn't even have the correct parity bit
<whitequark> because someone at samsung accidentally swapped the nibbles
<whitequark> and ... just ... shippedit like that
<marcan> do you support ECC magic or whatever, or is that separate?
<whitequark> you're on your own for anything related to FTL
<marcan> so the images are raw block+spare?
<whitequark> yes
<marcan> ok
<marcan> need to figure out what mtd wants then
<whitequark> if you pass SPARE-FILE then you have separate data+spare, otherwise it's organized like a linear concatenation of data+spare pairs
<whitequark> i think most software uses the latter
<marcan> yeah, that's what we did for the wii
<marcan> 2048+64 blocks
<whitequark> tbh if you could jtag it that'd still be handy
<whitequark> i haven't tested it on any mediatek
<marcan> funny enough I should have a bunch of Wii NANDs, but I don't think they will be in the supported chip list sadly
<marcan> even though the config is identical
<whitequark> mostly broadcom so far, and other, even more cursed shit
<whitequark> like trendchip
<marcan> lol
<whitequark> you know it's good when you have to reverse-engineer the JTAG pinout by guessing which reserved pins are that
<marcan> MX30LF2G18AC is the old NAND, MX30LF4G18AC sounds like a good replacement (also in the support list)
<hl> any reason you all keep discussing the MT7621
<whitequark> and they're connected to LEDs obviously
<marcan> hl: keep?
<hl> just wondering if you have plans for it or something
<marcan> it's just the chip in my router
<hl> aah
<marcan> whitequark: well I dumped my current nand with spare (thanks ubiquity for including the useful commandline tools)
<marcan> so that should be enough to just 1:1 flash it to a new nand
<marcan> and heck, if bad blocks don't get in the way and ubifs doesn't whine at its partition suddenly growing, that might even Just Work all the way to linux
<marcan> sounds like it might even automagically work to expand to size
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<kc8apf> Which router is this? I've mostly hacked on their cavium-based ones.
<whitequark> marcan: neat!
<marcan> kc8apf: ER-X
<marcan> I also have an ERLite-3, but the cavium ones inexplicably do not support IPv6 PPPoE+VLAN offload
<marcan> which I need
<marcan> I might use it in the interim while I mess with the ER-X, but I expect the ER-X will perform better on v6
<marcan> (also the built-in switch is handy)
<kc8apf> Ah, yeah. Offload is weak on ER-Lite
<marcan> sad, because those have the FS on a USB stick which you can just replace
<marcan> I have no idea why they don't support v6 PPPoE+VLAN
<marcan> when they do on v4
<marcan> like, you can pick one or the other, but not both
<marcan> it's really odd
<kc8apf> Limits in the silicon
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<Stormwind_mobile> whitequark: I remember there have been talks at past congresses discussing discovery of JTAG on an unknown chip with unknown pinout, just by tapping into and wiggling all possible pins/traces on a PCB and observing the patterns on the other monitored traces.
<Stormwind_mobile> Could this be made automatic with Glasgow?
<kbeckmann> Stormwind_mobile: sounds like the jtag_pinout applet is what you are looking for
<ZirconiumX> Yep, I'm pretty sure jtag_pinout can do that automatically
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