<_whitenotifier> [glasgow] TomKeddie opened issue #172: revC1 schematic : lvds compatible connector part number is incorrect - https://git.io/Je2GE
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<Lexr> Do the colour bars next to U1-5 on the legend indicate the LED colours?
<ZirconiumX> Yep
<Lexr> nice
<ZirconiumX> extra points if you recognise the colour pattern
<Lexr> Oh, totally.
<Lexr> I was just wondering if the trans flag had been dropped in there to annoy techbros or if someone had gone to the effort of sourcing pink LEDs
<emily> they're actually that colour :)
<emily> I recall marcan spent a while adjusting them all to the same brightness
<emily> I was working on a blinkenlights applet and wanted to post a video to Twitter, but unfortunately it's quite hard to film LEDs that bright with a phone camera
<Lexr> heh
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<marcan> Lexr: yes we specifically sourced annoying-to-source pink LEDs for this
<marcan> (lcsc has some)
<Lexr> Awesome
<marcan> it's not really intended to annoy anyone because the assumption is that the people who might be annoyed by the concept are unlikely to recognize it anyway
<marcan> but for people who know, it's there
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<Lexr> I mean I don't want to go too off topic but based on my experiences on twitter, there are definitely unpleasant people that recognise flags :x
<marcan> flags yes, a sequence of colors in LEDs is less obvious
<marcan> anyway I'm just saying I kind of like the subtlety of it
<mwk> yeah, people don't associate the sequence of LEDs with the flag, even if they know about the flag
<mwk> (based on my small sample, anyway)
<Lexr> Huh, interesting. Either way, great idea.
<mwk> Lexr: also, they look much better live than on photos :)
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<_whitenotifier> [glasgow] electroniceel commented on issue #172: revC1 schematic : lvds compatible connector part number is incorrect - https://git.io/Je2rz
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