Hi quick question, are there currently any board being assembled or group buys happening? I would be interested to try the board out, but sadly I lack a sufficient setup to populate them at home and the lab at university is currently closed
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not that I know of (I don't keep track of these), but ask on Twitter
Thanks for reaching back! I'm afraid my twitter game is a little weak in that regard, I've only ever used it in a passive way. But well, guess I'll keep my eyes open for anything I see then :)
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Hasn't Greg announced that he intends to sell a few?
It's been a while, though.
max47: look for @gregdavill on twitter. He's worth following for every hardware nerd, andyway.
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Stormwind_mobile thanks a lot! I will keep that in mind. Someone on here already reached out to me and we are currently in contact.
[GlasgowEmbedded/glasgow] whitequark pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/JvDie
[GlasgowEmbedded/glasgow] whitequark 1919a77 - applet.sensor.hx711: add configurable frequency source.