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<nmz787> so how do I get one of the glasgow boards (in USA)?
<tnt> nmz787: atm you pretty much have to build it yourself.
<tnt> I know Greg Davill built a few but I think they're gone now and I'm not sure if he still has time with the Orange Crab work he's doing. you can try pinging him on twitter I guess. He're also here sometime but not ATM.
<nmz787> without a better description obviously, on github anyway, seems like it's basically an hx8k devboard with some (not sure what) extras?
<tnt> Hardware wise it's an FX2 + HX8k + a bunch of IO buffers with dynamically configurable pull up/down and IO voltage and protections circuit.
<tnt> But really it's the software framework where the magic lies.
<nmz787> heh, github docs are empty :/
<sorear> is github A/B testing something? I don't see a "Docs" tab and the README is filled out
<nmz787> the main page README is there, but it seems to be more marketing-speak than technical specs
<nmz787> the revC section of the main README has some technical specs, but I missed those while scanning it, as I was looking for bullet points (my bad)
<nmz787> apo: ah, thanks, that's much clearer to read quickly
<nmz787> hmm, looks like I might grab an icebreaker or hx8k dev board then... I emailed Piotr to see if he's got anything available
<tnt> icebreakers are on the 1bitsquared shop or even on mouser
<nmz787> yeah
<nmz787> I mean I emailed Piotr about glasgow
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<nmz787> hmm
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<electronic_eel> nmz787: he will probably say to wait until the crowsupply campaign is ready