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<lukego> Thanks for the tips guys! I don't know if it's doable for me or not. I'll try to reflow the FPGA using a hot air gun and if that fails I'll try again using "asparagus pot full of Galden 230" vapor reflow method. See how it goes :). I have a decent hot air reflow station and maybe I can even practice with a couple of smaller/cheaper FPGAs in same package
<lukego> I'm still in the "gee this is fun" novelty stage of home soldering so I'll probably try to do the rest with an iron rather than paste/oven
<nmz787> lukego: when stuff doesn't work and you try 10 times to resolder it to get it to work... the fun starts to wear off ;)
<lukego> yeah I can believe that :)
<tnt> nmz787: or when you start wasting 40 eur parts one after the other.
<lukego> samlittlewood_: Thanks extremely much for the tips. That BOM is a huge help.
<lukego> FPGA does seem tricky. Mouser high minimum quantity, digikey out of stock
<lukego> Digikey estimating late May for stock
<lukego> I have a few random Lattice dev boards around, don't suppose one of them has the right FPGA that I could scavenge..
<daveshah> Unlikely, its an odd package
<daveshah> Use the hx4k instead, it's exactly the same die
<nmz787> tnt: yeah that's another one that really starts wearing you down
<lukego> Guess if you go with hx4k you need to be prepared to upgrade to hx8k later? wonder if that's tricky because I imagine using lead-free for the fpga (preballed) and leaded for the rest, imagining doing the FPGA first, and I guess a lotta stuff gonna reflow if I replace it later. but just tape stuff down maybe... haven't tried this yet
<lukego> or reball the fpga leaded in preparation for later removal maybe
<lukego> or just put stuff back after it falls off..
<daveshah> There's no need to upgrade because it's the same chip!
<lukego> oh! yeah mean the 4K limit is some artifical thing imposed by Lattice tooling?
<daveshah> Yeah but there isn't any kind of idcode so even for the Lattice tools you can just create an 8k bitstream and run it
<lukego> ok then it makes sense that the other part is out of stock due to low demand :)
<daveshah> I don't think anyone commercial would be doing this
<lukego> now decision anxiety about whether to pay for shipping or what other random stuff to put in my digikey basket with the fpga... knowing they usually fuck up the customs declarations unlike mouser...
<lukego> samlittlewood_: with no-clean flux you should be able to leave the horrid gunk under the BGA without it causing electrical problems? or am I believing lies of flux makers?
<lukego> I'm kinda trying to emulate Louis Rossmann style but I guess that unlike me he has an ultrasonic cleaner too..
<samlittlewood_> for practical use, it will be fine, but the v small amount of conductivity was making one of the self-tests fail.
<lukego> Mouser are reporting four items backordered
<lukego> Mouser superficially seem to be offering to send the backordered parts separately at no extra cost. I wonder if that's right or if there'll be multiple separate usa->eu delivery bills. anybody know how that works?
<lukego> One way to find out...
<lukego> okay now I need a Gerber (?) for JLCJPC
* lukego tries zip'ing glasgow/boards/revC1/
<lukego> Hey that worked :-) Just have to decide whether to change default settings for the PCB fab options now
<lukego> Ordering with default settings. w00t. Then question is whether I manage to solder the immediately available components on before the backordered ones arrive
<lukego> Test jig can come later I hope..
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<whitequark> lukego: glasgow revAs were produced with vapor phase soldering
<lukego> whitequark: cool! I'm planning to try this technique when the need arises
<lukego> I couldn't resist buying some faulty boards with Kintex UltraScale+ parts on them from Ebay and it sounds like vapor phase is the best way to rework those at least based on internet forums (who mostly shout DON'T BE AN IDIOT YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING WITH THOSE but who listens to the internet)
<lukego> Glasgow looks like a great project to practice soldering. I'd ordered some cheap practice PCB+component kits from Aliexpress but they never arrived. Then I bought some from Mouser but they are crazy expensive for something that won't actually work anyway. I have been doing a bunch of rework practice on old Macbook boards but that seems to be a bit harder than working with fresh new parts
<lukego> but I digress from #glasgow
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<nmz787> lukego: I recommend eBay surplus parts in some package that you feel will be a good level of challenge for soldering and rework... for me at the time, it was SSOP. Then I designed a small PCB with just a bunch of different style SSOP footprints, and got it fabbed
<nmz787> back is just all pins connected to ground plane, for more challenge due to the heatsinking
<MadHacker> Real men use double-sided aluminium core board.
<MadHacker> (I do big LED lighting controllers for a living, sometimes. Those things get used more often than I like.)