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<awygle> woah, when did we get a forum
<awygle> shows how much attention i pay
<awygle> did a decision ever come down about the ATECC chip?
<awygle> last i remember it was leaning towards "not using it"
<whitequark> yeah, no vendor who would actually manufacture it was interested in using it
<whitequark> and a lot of effort would need to go into PKI infra that could be better spent on other things
<whitequark> combined, these two more or less killed the idea
<ZirconiumX> ATECC?
<john_k[m]> atmel crypto ic
<ZirconiumX> Ah
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<john_k[m]> whitequark: did they not want to accept pre-programmed parts? or something else?
<whitequark> pre-programmed parts?
<john_k[m]> ATECC, you'd need to send them pre-provisioned parts right?
<john_k[m]> sorry that statement is a bit abiguous, for a manufacturer to produce a board with an ATECC either you're have to provide them with a quantity of pre-provisioned ATECC ICs, or have the manufacturer provision them themselves
<john_k[m]> I was just curious what the vendors objected to
<whitequark> the plan was to do the latter, i specifically insist on *not* manufacturing *anything* for this project
<whitequark> that's why one would need PKI
<whitequark> and manufacturers didn't see the hassle worth the benefits
<john_k[m]> ah, one could always have a supplier like AVNet provision them for you, increases cost though
<john_k[m]> the manufacturer's side makes sense, it's something they're not good at
<whitequark> nope
<whitequark> the manufacturer would just give me a key
<whitequark> well, i guess you could ask avnet, but that wasn't the plan
<awygle> Microchip actually provisions shit themselves now
<awygle> In reasonable quantities but perhaps not quite _this_ low
<john_k[m]> awygle: huh, neat
<whitequark> the plan would be that the manufacturer would give me a pubkey, with a privkey that remains on their premises, and i authenticate using their pubkey
<whitequark> without any third parties
<john_k[m]> right, I don't know of a single board house that I would trust to understand or implement PKI of any sort
<john_k[m]> including Foxconn, etc...
<whitequark> they'd run code that i provide as a part of the whole $ glasgow factory thing
<john_k[m]> ah
<whitequark> the PKI would provide benefits solely to *them*
<whitequark> since they're the one who would need to ensure the returns are genuine
<whitequark> so if they fuck it up, that's solely their problem and not mine
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