<B1tW0lf> Hey @esden . First of all thanks for uploading your work, it's a great help on designing with KiCad. I've just seen your glasgow episode 5 on yt (unfortunately i always miss the stream). I've recently worked on a few boards that had to incorporate the option to use USB C or USB micro (take a look at the Jetson Nano for an example of a PCB https://hackaday.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/jetsonusb.jpg). On the image you can see the footprints of the
TYPE-C-31-M-14 and the 105017 connectors. I can't show you the real board layout due to IP but this should give a nice example. What is your take on solutions like this? It was a hell to route and had to use 0.2 0.45 vias to get the USB C DP and DM connected.
<tnt> You'd need a USB-C connector that's raised of the board. The classic ones would short the microusb pads.
<B1tW0lf> We've used a bit of isolating material when placing the usb C
<tnt> Right, but that's hard to automate.
let's not add load bearing plastic to the USB connector please
I wonder if you could do type-C one side, type-µB another?
<B1tW0lf> Indeed, not my preferred solution but right now someone places a bit of isolating tape on the PCB's just before it goes into the P&P. I've only seen this once in the industry with the Jetson Nano dev kit. I find it kind of interesting that such a big corp uses this concept
dev kits can be ridiculously inefficient ime
lattice's ice40hx8k devkit uses a $10 Linear's LDO
with like 1 mV of ripple or something. completely pointless
<B1tW0lf> > I wonder if you could do type-C one side, type-µB another? @whitequark#0000 Yeah this is possible. Ive seen one board that has a USB C on one side and a USB Micro on the other. Due to the thickness of the cable you cannot plug in both, which is a nice solution in the USB C transition phase if possible. Unfortunately i was very limited with PCB space and could only place connectors on the top side
<B1tW0lf> Ofcourse you wouldn't want to use the USB C connector with SMD and TH pads
I'm thinking only one would be populated
so the main benefit is having only one design file for both variants
<tnt> You'd need to put the usb-c one on the bottom if you want the micro-b to be right side up.
I'm curious - what's the reason for even keeping micro-usb at all?
not everyone lives on the bleeding edge and whether we will opt for µB or C it will result in people wanting a fork that uses the other connector
case in point: i don't even have any C-C cables
and in fact if i *did* have C-C cables they would be useless to me because the only type-C port on my laptop is useful for Thunderbolt and/or charging
<B1tW0lf> The main problem with USB C is that most people dont have these cables yet and or dont have the equipment to connect it to
interesting. I guess it depends country. I barely have any microusb cables left and only really have USB A <-> USB C left
<B1tW0lf> I've got some USB A 3.1 to USB C cables because there are only a handfull of laptops/PC's that incorporate USB C <-> USB C
RaYmAn: it depends on how wired into latest tech you are, really
I wouldn't really call usb c bleeding edge anymore, but I get your point
i definitely would, laptops with useful amounts of type-C ports became available in what, last 2 years?
Yeah, I have tons of micro-usb ones, but only 1 USB A->C and that's pretty much dedicated to my phone charger. Just like I don't keep "power only" micro-usb cable I only want to keep fully capable usb-c cable and so they are not that cheap (at least here)
(and I also have no usb-c ports except one on my graphics card ?!?)
I don't think I've ever really used USB C <-> C for anything tbh, but fair enough.
<B1tW0lf> yeah i agree with tnt. USB C is still pretty new and has power only, usb 2 only, usb 3 ony, 60W and 100W variants already. I think this might be the main issue with USB C cables
just like WASM i plan to use for shipping yosys/nextpnr is "bleeding edge" even though it's been theoretically available for 5 years (of which only in last 0.5 years did it get possible to use for our purposes), the same applies to type-C
i'm not *against* supporting people who want to go C-only
sure, the specs are broken in so many ways, but we're already going with USB, so screw it, type-C going forward it is
but i also don't want to exclude people who don't
<B1tW0lf> yeah kind of curious if we get a mini C someday as the connector is still pretty big
please for the love of gods no
What's the minimum python version for glasgow these days? :P
<B1tW0lf> i sure hope it wont but i have the feeling that USB C is too 'big' for the phone companies
if left to my own devices i would have went with 3.8
but that's because glasgow heavily uses async and until 3.8 there is no way to get an async REPL
which is an outstandingly important feature in my view and not mere convenience / conformance
that said, because of the gentoo users we're still stuck at 3.6
so... you can see i apply the same principle
One could argue that you should support python 2.7 to really have the same principle, but now we're getting dangerously close to trolling territory so I'll stop ;)
python 2.7 is deprecated and unsupported, plus it's missing critical features
i absolutely refuse to support *mini*B, in spite of some requests to do that, because it's objectively inferior to microB
similarly, you can't use glasgow on usb 1.1 and you aren't going to be able to
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(i think we're technically not spec-compliant on that aspect right now, might have to ensure it at least enumerates)
(but i think glasgow actually does pass all other USB conformance tests except for the sleep current ones)
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(i made it do that mostly for entertainment value)
whitequark: Doesn't 9a83d8574fd4031fe067eaf5c5ae748ecff7b4d6 remove 3.6 support ?
tnt: hrm
i forgot to update setup.py, it looks
now that i review that commit i realize it's possible to keep 3.6 support and also fix those TODOs
`required` can be set as an attribute on the subparser, and importlib_resources provides a 3.6 shim
so i guess i wouldn't be strongly opposed to reverting it and adding 3.6 support back. i remember that i wrote 9a83d8574fd4031fe067eaf5c5ae748ecff7b4d6 after i wasted something like a hour on my life on a missing subparser invocation, so i think you can see why i went aggressive with it back then
we should either fix setup.py or revert that
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(I haven't updated yet but I will soon, you are entitled to use a stick)
oh, cool!
they have 3.9 in the repos too, so one would hope the 3.8 transition will be less delayed
debian is going to slow that one down i think
whitequark: basically the only reason I haven't done a full update yet is because a boot update broke like 5 package builds
and I'm currently in the lazy process of deciding whether I find patches for them or report bugs or just drop the packages because my tolerance for BS like this has some limits
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