freedaemon: i owe you and ryan some email-- sorry been slammed with things :)
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jbenet, whyrusleeping: What are the requirements to create a branch in the repo?
void: you mean to have push access to the main repo?
void: because you can fork + create PRs as much as you want.
jbenet: examples
okay, I will fork then.
void: you can gain push access to the main repo after a few merged PRs so we all make sure we're good on the flow.
great, thanks.
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jbenet: may have found a bug in multiaddr net
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oh wait, nvm
mistyped something
as usual
whyrusleeping: Realli yor tiping is really good most of the tome.
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you makin fun of me over there?
[go-ipfs] whyrusleeping pushed 1 new commit to fix/addr-filter: http://git.io/vtHkf
go-ipfs/fix/addr-filter 7cc73f7 Jeromy: add command to manipulate address filters and a sharness test for them...
no.... :D
how goes dev in general ? onwards and upwards ?
onwards and upwards!
have a lot of perf improvements in the works
one that more than doubles add speed for large files
and a protocol change that should reduce latency throughout the entire system by hopefull half
great ! , getting files from behind a nat can be painful.
(that latter one is whats known as a "bugfix")
sound good, getting that latency down is important, also dealing with NAT crappyness.
I was having a look at logs on full debug (wow) , there still seems to be a large amount of failed dialing.
I can also confirm that the multicast advertisment works well , a 15 node ipfs cluster found all of it's local friends.
can you make it so the dialer checks local ( as in mdns ) nodes first for blocks ?
zignig: it does so without really trying
currently ipfs is set up to always be connected to mdns nodes
and we broadcast our 'wants' to all connected nodes before we even start searching the dht for providers
so if nodes on your LAN have blocks, youre going to get them pretty immediately
I like having it always work.. but fast if you have a direct connection
something like bittorrent's retracker would be neat, essentially making others' "wants" your own too
kind of a cache
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lgierth: yeah, we've talked about that
it would be an off-by-default feature though
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ouch. according to the metrics, uranus has -100 peers
those must be lingering connections
that get killed multiple times?
i dont think peers are removed from that list when they disconnect
ipfs diag net normally only shows around 70
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i mean the prometheus metrics merged today, the gateways already run that
i'd love it if our network were > 100 nodes
it's Inc() onConnect, and Dec() onDisconnect
somehow that got out of balance on uranus
once I 'ipfs ađd' a file, I can nuke it from my drive, right? it's been turned into pinned blocks in my ipfs storẻ
whyrusleeping: with the config template on the init and auto port select.
whyrusleeping: alstralboot could fire up as many nodes as fits.
zignig: i beleive so
ipfs init --config=<file> and a zero port on the swarm address, WIN!
same of mercury now
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whyrusleeping: re "currently ipfs is set up to always be connected to mdns nodes" maybe `ipfs init --interactive` could ask the user what to do
lgierth: "uranus has -100 peers" damn. :( that means a) our notifications are firing more than often (which may be unavoidable). and b) maybe we should "record a change" upon the notification, but ask the swarm how big it is at that time.
currently the network doesn't expose the swarm / host / number of conns. but maybe we can get it.
we could expose a "Peers()" or something
jbenet: right that'd be more robust -- mercury was below 0 briefly too
anyhow, all the counts are wrong
i'm about to go to bed so i'll fix that tomorrow
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lgierth: sounds good
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hey does anyone know of any good ipfs sites I can link to for the side of my ipfs site?
trying to get something akin to a blogroll
Leer10: i dont know of many yet, i havent had time to make my own yet :/
do you know of anything else that ipfs can be used for besides a place to put sites and files in?
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Leer10: what do you use the internet for?
Leer10: Everything can be a file. So can hardware. Or processes.
so you're saying that ipfs can be expanded to access computers (in a way)
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there's not currently a messaging layer if that's what you're asking, but it should be possible to add one in the future
you can write your own messaging layer, we provide all the primitive currently
and there will be nice tooling around it in the future
jbenet I was reading them chat about it in bits a few times, something about Amandine one of the cofounders they controlled the car somehow. I'm sure it was just a starter ;)
Has anyone spelled IPFSAI yet? O:)
ooh nice
I am also aware of the whole decentralized thing where the network can split and some things can still function
but does that also mean that if there's a bunch of copies of the same file does that make access of that file faster (as in speed) or does it merely make it quicker to access (as in ping)
Leer10: Latency may be reduced if other peers are physically closer to you, due to the architecture of the (bitswap/bittorrent) protocol you can also receive your data from multiple nodes at the same time.
now are non-seekable live streams still possible?
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Leer10: i love your guide. in particular the hashnames ;)
haha thanks
I'll be adding more stuff like how to add posts and embedding pics but what is on there is enough to get someone off the ground
probably tomorrow though cause it's late
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I'm creating accounting wrapping scripts, would you like me to contribute them as a set of tools to manage more of the metadata regarding files added and such?
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temet please do! Not sure go-Ipfs is the best repo but we should collect them somewhere
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For now, i'll put them up on a personal repo as it polishes up.
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ohai :)
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hmm, interesting question, can i create a "directory" block using a lower level command other than ipfs add -w or ipfs add .
temet: yup. try 'ipfs object new'
you want to use the unixfs-dir template (see --help on object new) if you want it to be a filesystem dir
also see 'ipfs object patch'
hahah spitting the contents of an object just totally messed my terminal. Fun stuff.
alright thanks
then how do i link a data object underneath it
i keep mixing up pinning with other functions.
* temet
isn't grokking it very well.
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temet: yep - leav pinning out of it
pinning is only related to what your local repo holds onto when collecting garbage
then how do you link an object to the "directory"
have you seen the help of the object patch command?
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okay thanks
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Just rememberd
I am RTFM i swear
its all right :) just wanted to make sure you saw that
yeah, it's a little difficult trying to hold all the command options in my head at once.. i'll end up printing the command page soon
with enough repition it will make 'click' at some point.. :) just try to seperate high and low level cleanly (and dont mix up pinning with it.. :)
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* cryptix
will go outside now - l8ters
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which i guess is consistent with us updating the metric onConnect/onDisconnect
lgierth: the former type (Network) is a cast for the Swarm to make it conform to a different API without name clashes or exapanding the interface
PeerHost.Network().Conns() should be right, too
lgierth the comment on "Peerstore()" is wrong: "Peers returns the connected peers"
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i'll update that then
lgierth it shoule be "Peerstore returns the associated peerstore, which tracks peers known."
or something
known peers
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very strange. I was tinking with ipfs and ipv6. I broke ipv6 for awhile, then fixed it, and the ipfs daemon did list some ipv6 peers but I could add new ones.
ipfs swarm connect would say success, but ipfs swarm peers wouldn't list the new peer
telnet -6 <remote IP> 4001 would connect
restarting ipfs and hitting uparrow to readd the peer workded
very strange. I was tinkering with ipfs and ipv6. I broke ipv6 for awhile, then fixed it, and the ipfs daemon did list some ipv6 peers but I could not add new ones.
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jbenet: search for 'Plan-B-Space-2.local'
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also wrote some nodejs, it was awful
sprint checkin: rebased go-datastore batching PR, and working on locking around GC for my GC pr
lgierth does arcial == github.com/arceliar?
lgierth i'm going to cc in response to note, cool!
Ah, this is a bit mind bending. So now that i'm using the patch command, is there a way to change the "filename" of the links stored underneath a unixfs-dir object
temet: like a rename?
it does not appear so... we should add one
or rather, how do i creat e a file (with a name attached) then adding it to unixfs-dir node so that i can append files to the directory
right now you can do a remove-link followed by an add link
i have an index.html.
But now I want to add a .js file
so ipfs add index.html -> INDEX_HASH
the importpath is not a url and doesn't behave like one
it's just a filesystem path, and knows to git clone when it starts with 'github.com'
lgierth: go get's type inference is quite the crazy mess of code
can imagine
hey whyrusleeping what are peerstores for?
and how would i remove a peer from a netsim network
kbala: peerstores are for holding all information about the peers we know
like their addresses and their public keys
that's a superset of the swarm peers (the ones we're connect to) btw
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ah ok thanks
kbala: also, removing a peer from netsim, i'll have to take a look
so does each peer have a peerstore with the info of other peers it knows of? or is there one peerstore for the network that has information about all the peers in the network
each peer has a peerstore
thats part of go-ipfs
[go-ipfs] whyrusleeping force-pushed dev0.4.0 from 0e5faec to 617714a: http://git.io/vLnex
go-ipfs/dev0.4.0 79fb4f9 Tommi Virtanen: pin: Rewrite to store pins in IPFS objects...
go-ipfs/dev0.4.0 42b9e53 Tommi Virtanen: pin: Future-proof against refcount marshaled size changes
go-ipfs/dev0.4.0 86776db Jeromy: bump fsrepo version to 3
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[go-ipfs] whyrusleeping force-pushed proto-fix from 018db49 to 956e398: http://git.io/vtNzo
go-ipfs/proto-fix c42b501 Juan Batiz-Benet: remove msgio double wrap...
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whyrusleeping: sorry one more question, whats assumed about the peerstore being passed into the HostOption method? if i want the host of a peer to create a bitswapnetwork instance for it, should i create a peerstore with all the addresses of the other peers in the network?