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whyrusleeping: turning off keep alives worked !
Still getting no Content-Length headers, which kind of borks out my ipfs filesystem.
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zignig: what did you need those for?
zignig: huh, we should totally be still sending length headers on cat
i'm setting them
zignig: you found a bug, thanks!
well, kinda?
i'm confused, i think go's http library will automatically write the headers you set out for you if you just return from the handler func
which makes sense i guess
but for some reason
even though i am explicitly setting a content length header, its not showing up
whyrusleeping: that's me bug finder .... ;)
as for the content length , I need to get them so I can send them on to the client.
when the iPXE client is getting it's image it uses the content length for the download.
you grab that from the 'cat' though?
where in astralboot is this?
without content length image download takes ~2 minutes , with ~8 seconds.
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hello everyone
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hey randito
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hey m0ns00n
Just back from the states.
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Demoed our system and participated in the 30th anniversary celebration for the Amiga computer :)
what system
It should have been a 10000 person + event. :)
ReactorScram: FriendUP (
Finally got some verification from top engineers.
So we can with confidence say we have something unique.
Visited the Raspberry PI dude in San Francisco.
the authors of PHP
in Zend.
And much much more.
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We were asking ourselves how much you can rely on pinned data. Say I pin file A. Can I safely remove file A to save storage space (so I don't have one copy in my regular FS and one in IPFS)?
(ping ThomasWaldmann)
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pguth2: IPFS is still alpha software. While that is generally the point of pinning a hash, I’m not sure I would trust it just yet to keep vital data safe.
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is there a way to do a "group pinning" with ipfs? i.e. release blocks that are replicated a lot, but reacquire them if they get rare
as in "pinning as a group of users"
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Gaboose: You may be interested in the bitswap protocol
its discussed in the paper
it doesn’t do precisely what you’re talking about, but its similar.
We thought along those lines too, thanks rschulman
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got 5 eth letting my desktop mine overnight, not sure how much that really is
gmorning whyrusleeping :)
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whyrusleeping: Nice.
GPU mining, I assume?
really wish I had my desktop setup so I could mine some eth'
my understanding is that a simple contract usually costs around .01 eth to get on the blockchain
rschulman: yeah, gpu
all I have is my work assigned macbook air
has a GPU in it, but I don’t want to break things I don’t own. :)
rschulman: that probably wont get you anywhere
cryptix: gmornin!
how you doing this morning?
You’re up early. :)
yeah, i just decided to get on my laptop before leaving the house
i feel like crap
which normally goes away once i get coffee
getting sick?
nah, i just hate mornings
you’re living in seattle now, right?
whyrusleeping: What’s going on with filecoin these days?
mostly quiet?
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rschulman: waiting on ipfs to be more better
our team doesnt have enough bandwidth for sustained development on both projects
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does anyone use the ipfs dht for custom app purposes?
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Gaboose: not that I am aware of, although i do see a decent amount of random traffic on it from time to time
wondering what kind of things can be implemented on it
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Gaboose: well, the dht itself is really just a KV store
one that you can access from anywhere
yea, but freely editable one
so you can't trust it
Gaboose: you cant *rely* on it, but you can trust it if you sign your data
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certain record types are treated specially by the network though
for example, nobody can overwrite your public key stored in the dht
and nobody can overwrite an ipns entry of a key they dont own
how's cjdns coming? i'd really like to study up on that and work with it
voxelot: lgierth is the one working on that
whyrusleeping: it'd be nice for the dht to have custom record types like that
unwritable if you don't own the key
or conflict free data types
like grow-only sets
or increase-only counters
we have grow-only sets
we currently use them to announce who has which blocks
there are going to be a lot of changes coming soon to the dht to make it better and faster
Gaboose: a friend of mine wrote his thesis about a dht like that... (about time he comes back from his traveling)
i assume it's not as easy to use as putting a "crdt:" as prefix to the value
Gaboose: right now, no. but we are hoping to make it that easy
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the difficult part is making sure that it cant be abused
how do you mean?
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network slow down by the abundance of set elements?
attacker not conforming to the grow only spec? the rest of the won't propagate his puts
whyrusleeping: I love it, please make it happen!
rschulman: okay, lol
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IPFS is showing great promise in being part of a decentralized metaverse design :)
we'll see where it goes
i've seen you guys mention here and there namecoin, openbazaar, custom blockchain apps
have you heard about ethereum, it's like a motherbed for such things
Gaboose: yeah
I met that dude
whyrusleeping: can we bundle go-ipfs in FF / Chrome extensions?
jbenet: uhm... good question
gordonb: can we?
jbenet: yeah, it’s possible to bundle in FF extension. Not sure about Chrome.
whyrusleeping: we need an implementation of ipfs-shell interface that uses an embedded a node when there isnt a local gateway-- like it checks first, if not uses embedded node.
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why not put that responsibility on the caller?
i want to get good at ephemeral node stuff, but thats going to require a cleanup of the construction process
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whyrusleeping: we need to come up with "the appropriate way to check + decide what to do", because that way people can build things without having to worry about the complexity themselves.
fair enough
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does 'ipfs dht findprovs' show all providers of a hash?
if not, is there a way to get/estimate the rarity of a file?
Gaboose: it shows as many providers as it finds
up to 20 i think
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building a package import visualization for ipfs breaks my computer
would be great if we had tests for the webui
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woooo... go1.5 doubles build times
so excited
whyrusleeping: maybe switch constants to have the 5001? May want to ship this as a 0.3.7 fix...
Or 0.3.6-fix? What etiquette do we want?
0.3.7 is fine with me
Ideally would grab port from config though.
we're are not doing semantic versioning aren't we?
Luzifer: no not yet
jbenet: could do 0.3.6-1
use kernel versioning semantics
We could but I still want a vanity version in front, so <vanity>.<major>.<minor>.<patch>
ah, so we're right now then?
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* whyrusleeping
is a little confused
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that will confuse like everyone…
whyrusleeping: no,
* Luzifer
likes semantic versioning and sticks to it :D
Luzifer: really? Were you very confused the first time you saw semver?
Luzifer semver doesn't work with end users.
jbenet: and adding more dots and numbers works betteR?
End users only need to know about <vanity>.<major>
wtf is vanity?
If that
whyrusleeping: +1
A number the product developers use to signify a logical difference with _major_, fundamental changes from one product to another. Say iterm1 and iterm2, or os10
A number you can put in print and have it mean something, not a number that will be different tomorrow.
mac os uses 3 numbers… 10.10.4…
Luzifer that you see, they have more under the hood and internally
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jbenet: i dont even know what to say
i'll fix it :)
im doing that url parse thing because the origin has the path on the end
the /ipfs/Qmasbaskdjalsgjs part
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whyrusleeping: ... no? origins are supposed to only be the [scheme://host:port] part of the url
jbenet: thats weird, thats not whats being sent
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the value returned from the header contained the path
which is why i did the url parsing
whyrusleeping what browser??
also, this ServeOption stuff is so convoluted.
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doenst even get the server, not sure why.
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jbenet: chrome
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I want to set up dedicated seedsers
daviddias: Found and fixed two bugs today in node-ipfs-swarm :)
dignifiedquire: woo!
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whyrusleeping: btw, multiaddr at least lets you split on ("/") and check things for "tcp" and "udp", whereas a net.Addr may or may not have ports, and may or may not be ip6
so you may get: "" or "[::1]"
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sprintbot: blocklist/whitelist
whyrusleeping: i assume we'll have localhost/whitelist too then?
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* lgierth
heading to c-base
[go-ipfs] jbenet force-pushed fix/allowed-origins from 852e9f0 to e5eccd8:
go-ipfs/fix/allowed-origins 6b67c09 Juan Batiz-Benet: corehttp: add net.Listener to ServeOption...
go-ipfs/fix/allowed-origins e5eccd8 Juan Batiz-Benet: fix cors: defaults should take the port of the listener...
jbenet: oh yeah, multiaddr is definietly easier than normal net addrs
whyrusleeping: can you CR that real fast? o/ and test with webui?
(it works for me)
jbenet: still appears to break for me...
it works for me :/ -- why is your chrome sending the whole url as an origin??
can you search for that? im fixing test
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both seem like the path is expected to be there
whyrusleeping: oh referer is fine
_origin_ is always scheme://<host>:<port>
(so you're right we need to parse out the origin from the referer
ah, i see the difference
we check "Origin" on one, and .Referrer() on the other
my chrome is probably not setting the path on Origin
why is http so complicated?
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whyrusleeping pull + test once more?
i fixed tests.
[go-ipfs] jbenet force-pushed fix/allowed-origins from e5eccd8 to 9d06375:
go-ipfs/fix/allowed-origins 9d06375 Juan Batiz-Benet: fix cors: defaults should take the port of the listener...
on it
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i realized you force pushed after git opened up a commit message editor for me
yay! it works!
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ship it
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jbenet: o/
cannot use addr (type "".Multiaddr) as type "".Multiaddr in argument to manet.Listen
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Multiaddr should probably be an interface tbh
whyrusleeping: why?
or, how. the inner go newb is asking
well, making it an interface backed by a private concrete type would prevent that issue you are seeing
it wouldnt care if the type was exactly the same, it would just do a method check
and if the method sets match, it wouldnt care
ah. yep
thank you
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mappum: ping
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is it bad to return values in javascript?
is seems like everyone just passes in a callback to pass the result of the function to
returning is fine
just don't block :)
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so dont do while (true) {}
got it
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guys. I'm new to IPFS concept. but I'm wondering if it could make possible to implement distributed caching HTTP proxies
proxy to proxy content updates
that would be amazing
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ipfs as a content cache
do you have something in mind?
cause i'm sure many would love to see that happen
(me too)
imagine you're on a cuise ship with a dodgy satellite uplink but you could share HTTP caches with fellow passengers
or a long haul flight
exactly :)
would be so great to finally have that
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SouBE: so you can kinda already do that, as long as youre browsing content within ipfs
you'll request the content from peers that you have contact with
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yes, but that requires that original content is from IPFS network. in HTTP proxy concept there needs to be a way to fetch content IPFS network from HTTP first
SouBE: yeah
maybe HTTP URIs could be hashed too?
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thats one way to go about it, have a lookup table from uri to the content hash
if there's a hash that represent URI like, then you just need to have a local proxy on your machine that translates browser URI requirests to IPFS hashes
like IPFS references to directories it could probably reference to URIs similar way
biggest problem with making an http cache is dynamic content
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well that's a problem with current HTTP caches too. you just need to adhere origins Cache-Control headers
but well designed apps lets proxies to cache at least some parts of it
even with cache-control headers, you cant know for sure if the content has changed or not
could write a plugin for varnish
ipfs upstreams
SouBE: that's an interesting idea-- we could run the HTTP Request/Response pair through some filters, that a) first determine if there's anything to cache, b) return a hash to look up.
the cache control headers tell you how long to keep the data and if you should recheck
instead of http upstreams
SouBE: IPFS relies on the contents of a given hash never changing, but even with cache-control headers, a given url can change at a later time
clever: that's what etag isfor
but not everything implements it
yeah, you could use the etag to solve some things
clever: not everything is safely cacheable
etag is the opt-in
yep, but some http servers may not send an etag for the cachable stuff
older servers
and for some things like a forum, you may want to cache an older copy of the threads, for offline viewing
and the cache-control headers just deny that entirely
maybe URIs cannot be directly mapped to hashes. there probably needs to be a distributed cache lookup process that finds the recent version of an URI content from IPFS network. result of that lookup process is a hash to IFPS object
and clients should narrow their cache lookups with time windows, for instance "does anybody have content of URI X that is no older than 60 minutes?"
there is a python program called http-replicator, which acts as a passive proxy, while saving everything in the correct directory structure
you could then just ipfs add the whole cached dir
nice idea
squid's caching doesnt maintain the filenames on disk, only in its internal db
also polipo has on-disk cache
in IPFS only creator of a directory can update contents of it?
it works just like git, all directories are read only
and the hash of the dir, is just the hash of its contents (name+hash of each child)
oh, ok
so if you do modify a directory, you can reuse the sub-dirs and files you didnt change, and your new version has a new hash
in git, every commit containts the hash for the root directory, which forms a tree containing every file in that version
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so git doesnt manage diffs between versions, it manages full snapshots, the state of every file, at every commit
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so current version of IPFS could allow me to collect a massive HTTP cache with Polipo proxy, share a snapshot of it with IPFS and then others could use it with Linux OverlayFS
sounds right
and once you publish that root hash, it is effectively read-only
so once one person verifies the hash is safe, everybody can trust that it hasnt been modified/trojaned
we just would need to have a daemon/script that changes the underlying snapshot of cache directory to a newer one as soon as I release a new snapshot. for that some kind of distributed data feed would be required
IPNS may do that
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from what ive seen, IPNS is just a key=value store, mapping your public key to an IPFS dir object
that sort of lets you modify a directory without having to share things with somebody
there could be a bot that crawls the web constantly and shares its cache with IPFS. people could suggest and vote about sites the crawler is fetching
and a new snapshot could be released like in every 30 minutes
in terms of storage, the crawler would need to maintain a full copy of everything in ipfs
and to avoid doubling up, you would be best if you modify your http cache to read/store directly into ipfs
and once you share the root hash, people can just download what they want from you
and anybody else that has it
whyrusleeping: i'm writing the other half of blocklist, and i'm thinking we could store it in ipfs itself, couldn't we?