[go-ipfs] whyrusleeping created feat/reqlog-time (+1 new commit): https://git.io/vgQVj
go-ipfs/feat/reqlog-time f55803c Jeromy: add command to change keep time for reqlog objects...
whyrusleeping: is there a quick way of pinning the dependencies?
dependencies for a gx package?
yeah so i can gx install offline
'gx deps bundle'
gives you a hash containing all the deps
oh yeah that works
i'm writing a testing thing called earl
[go-ipfs] whyrusleeping opened pull request #2344: add command to change keep time for reqlog objects (master...feat/reqlog-time) https://git.io/vgQrJ
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whyrusleeping: question about contexts -- do the context timed out errors still happen on the gateway? i know they did, but i can't reproduce them right now
i don't know that i see them
they still should be happening... i think
mh ok -- because they end up as 404 responses iirc, so i'd need to look at the response body in multireq to see if it's a legitimate 404
mh ok has -1 points, -1 of which is for they end up as 404 responses iirc, so i'd need to look at the response body in multireq to see if it's a legitimate 404.
whyrusleeping: awesome stuff with gx :)
or just patch the goddamn gateway :)
M-mubot: shut up
whyrusleeping: it really works so well :) <3
jbenet: :)
i've put a lot of effort into it while nobody was looking
whyrusleeping: you might need to have multiple Checks() no?
lgierth: the idea is that it just runs once at the end, and it can perform as many different things in the function as it needs
whats your thought there?
nice work, whyrusleeping!
(this is very open to input, i'm spitballing ideas)
ianopolous: :) thanks!
but eventually you wanna see where it starts doing funny stuff
lgierth: true...
i mean where Act() start being off
Act() can return an error at any time
which halts the entire thing
so you're Check'ing in Act? :)
i mean, i guess you could...
maybe `Check` isnt needed then?
and everything for that just runs in `Act`
i get why the usual unit test like procedure doesn't really fit
trying to tell a story, not specify an api
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you could have a high level funtion what tells the story, and move the details into $steps
i have my love-hate relationship with cucumber
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(where the given/then/when steps make up the high level function, so to speak)
i'm aiming for more of a 'what will real life usage look like' type of tests
not saying cucumber is a good idea to introduce haha
mh yep
} else if err == context.DeadlineExceeded {
so basically anything <500 and !=408 is legitimate
ooooh, interesting
yeah need to fix that -- just wanna get rid of the 503s first before i go full rabbit hole :)
multireq right now thinks that <400 is legitimate, anything else counts as a failure
if both targets fail, you get the 403
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on the other hand, that line ^ implies that the context timeouts are caused by requests in fact timing out. then i should never see that e.g. in the browser though
GET for example by definition does not time out
unless your request headers are so big that they don't fit in a typical IP packets
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hrm... they definitely shouldnt be
the faliures occur in clusters too
and it's likely with the same host?
i mean each cluster with the same host
likely, *very* hard to tell
i'd have to manually resolve the dns myself before making the http request to get that info
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[go-ipfs] whyrusleeping deleted fix/t0065-timing at 11f9e7f: https://git.io/vg7ea
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[js-ipfs-api] dignifiedquire created greenkeeper-stream-http-2.1.1 (+1 new commit): https://git.io/vg7vu
js-ipfs-api/greenkeeper-stream-http-2.1.1 eacbe08 greenkeeperio-bot: chore(package): update stream-http to version 2.1.1...
[js-ipfs-api] dignifiedquire deleted greenkeeper-stream-http-2.1.1 at eacbe08: https://git.io/vg7vM
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wrong channel my bad but as it reminds me
how the **** is **** IPFS doing!? are we the distributed *permanent* web yet!?
don't forget that you people have done an amazing job so far and to not lose your way :D
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anyone up? Kinda curious about permanence. Can't IPFS files drop out of existence if not enough people have full copies?
interesting you're concerned about permanance not being permanent
I'm concerned abotu the inverse
rafajafar: permanence is a bit of a social problem, you could always pay others to host you or get incentivised to host other people's files
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tso: I made a ContentID system. The only ones interested in systems like ContentID are content owners. Sites like YouTube find it frustrating.
With IPFS, I can have people register and protect their content and use my system as a single point of entry for getting and distributing their videos without needing YouTube and their massive server farm
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so you are in favor of copyright
however, tso, if the videos can disappear, then I need to figure out how I'd account for that
tso, most artists are, so I am
I'm in favor of accredation
and uniqueness
I'm not in favor of takedowns, by the way... I'm also not in favor of automated systems taking full control
I'd rather just flag things as potentially infringing content and let the host decide, and if they host is using my directory service improperly, I block their ability to discover content
on top of my contentID system, there's a jury-of-peers approach to 2nd round matching.1st, thorough algorithm. If contested... 2nd, jury of peers. If contested, pay fee, we'll get a human look at it. If you lose, though, we keep the fee. If you win, we flag the other guy as a potential false flagger.
and we give the fee back
IPFS sounds ideal honestly... i woulda done this three years ago if IPFS was around
again, thoug, I need to figure out the permanence. I might charge permanance insurance, and if a file is losing seeds, I can throw up our seeder at a metered cost to the customer and send them an email alert.
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M-davidar: works for me
it's not just me, there's a few people telling me they're having trouble too :/
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I'm also seeing a blank page
Probably depends which gateway you get.
dig ipfs.io
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I take it the v0.4.0 transition isn't going entirely smoothly?
I can't even access the site over ipfs :(
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it's back
sorry for the inconvenience
i need to set u palerts
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If the make install hangs while fetching dependencies and if you are running a daemon locally, ensure that it is on at least version 0.4.0-dev. If you don't have a build that is new enough, run the make install with your daemon turned off and the deps will be fetched through the ipfs.io gateways.
* M-davidar
turns off daemon, gx still tries to fetch through local daemon, fails miserably
bielewelt: for what it's worth, adding large directories seems to work pretty well. i've not added something quite as large as 26GB, but i suspect that "ipfs add" is, at the moment, a bit more stable than "ipfs tar add"
so if you can afford the disk space, unpacking the tar first might be another way forward
hey richardlitt, shall we go back to the original schedule of sprints (libp2p -> js-ipfs -> go-ipfs)?
bielewelt: the Datastore is only for DHT records and other meta stuff, files get stored in the blockstore
I see.
there is no limit of file size, everything gets chunked
however, it is good to know that adding with the tar command will untar the file and add each of its files, one by one
I thought the tar sub-command would improved de-duplication.
it's just kind of a shortcut so that you don't have to unpack the tar before adding
deduplication happens one way or the other
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daviddias: yes!
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cool, thank you. Could you update the sprint issue then, for everyone following
richardlitt: posted my update -- i'll have to head out in a bit and will be back at 7pm utc for infrastructure hangout and the other hangouts
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ok /me out, see you later
lgierth: sounds good
sorry, was testing a bear.
thanks Kubuxu, too
30 minutes until sprint.
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noffle: o/
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>o< (It's a tie fighter)
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whaaats happening
zummm zummm
pew pew
pew pew pew
* noffle
is installing nixos on his new laptop, to evaluate as a dev environment
naive question: In order to enable ipfs ... would a disconnected private deployment be possible. I.e., private network -- no access to internet. Ever. Or is that... non-trivial?
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once data has been downloaded to an ipfs node, it can then be disconnected from the internet and still happily serve its downloaded content to local clients
daviddias: a semi-recent 12" thinkpad -- not going to fall into the trap of non-upgradable macbooks again
richardlitt: oh boy, there was not much to study in January 2013, was there :D
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Actually, I failed my exams that semester
So.... awesome.
I wonder why
an x250?
tawar: you have to interact with the larger peer swarm to get the content initially
achin, Lemme be explicit: If I had a zillion node private network. Global. But no data can exist outside of the internal network. (a private CDN) can that be implemented with IPFS as it exists today?
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but after that, you don't need to. if you request QmHashFoo from your local ipfs node, and your node already has that content locally, it can serve it directly and immeditally, without contacting the swarm
tawar: nope
Kubuxu, Thanks.
Kubuxu, RFE! ;)
daviddias: x140e. $200 on ebay new and slightly better spec'd than my 2012 macbook air
There is plan to allow connections with pre-shared key.
a github issue might already exist for this scenario
* tawar
daviddias: the height is a bit weird to get used to vs the flat air
some minor wrist pain
noffle: wow, what a deal
haven't played with any yet, but it looks good on the pictures
daviddias: yeah! I can probably make $300 profit selling the mba
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daviddias: what I'm starting to realize is that macro work is great (installing packages, rolling back, reproducible systems), but micro can be challenging (symlink soup, can't do ad-hoc system tweaks without system rebuilds nuking your changes)
We all ready for this sprint?
I'll take that resounding answer as a ... yes?
daviddias: but that may be acceptable. I expect to manage my homedir ad hoc, but nixos for system-level config)
richardlitt: +1
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Alright. First up we have lars, who... is not here
noffle: true, the lower the level, it gets harder to find all of the conviniences that we have on the applications level for fast iteration and testing cycles
So, I'll just C&P his stuff, I guess?
Bus is taking longer than expected. Eta ten min
whyrusleeping: tell the driver to hurry ;)
daviddias: well said :)
I guess things are slower in construction season
whyrusleeping: want us to wait?
Or can you follow along via chat?
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daviddias: playing with nix will also help me work on getting them ipfs support
it will also help you get it working faster :D
Lars incoming ====
### @lgierth sprint update
This was a rather slow sprint for me -- plenty of good gateway debugging with @noffle and @whyrusleeping though.
- 0.4.0
- [x] blog post about v04x/v03x, tweeted ipfs/blog#27
- [x] fixed blog post ipfs/blog#28
- [~] update pinbot
- [x] refine multireq's status code precedence whyrusleeping/multireq@152e37c
- [x] CR
- docker
- [ ] ~~daily cronjob for jbenet/go-ipfs~~ handed to @jbenet: ipfs/ops-requests#20
- [~] blog post
- [ ] ~~profile polishing~~
- [x] branches and tags
- infrastructure
- [x] debug gateway v03x hangs
- [x] debug git + ipfs.io hangs
- [ ] captain's log
- [ ] tests
- [ ] simpler website deployments
- others
- [x] feedback on gx + go get whyrusleeping/gx-go#2
- [~] `js-ipfs files add` and `add -r` https://github.com/ipfs/js-ipfs/pull/67 (it works, but I want to merge it when I get the nested dirs issue figured out)
- I listed this before as 'extra', but it really is part of libp2p, namely, the whole endeavour of packet switched networks over RTCDataChannels:
- [~] https://github.com/diasdavid/webrtc-explorer/pull/10 - Almost there! Really really happy with the reboot, the amount of coverage, quality of the API and structure of the code, makes webrtc-explorer so much more useful
- [x] use and work with Jeromy at debugging problems in IPFS that were causing registry-mirror to crash. The last one was a oomd, but there is a patch on go-ipfs landing ['soon'](http://static.fjcdn.com/pictures/Soon_15db89_2831712.jpg)
After dignifiedquire's question is answered. :D
dignifiedquire have several groups of tests and then in those groups, bring browsers to join the network progressively and not all at the same time
daviddias: okay, ta
richardlitt: go go go
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This week, I finished PRing the HTTP API, basically. Now it just needs a lot of CR from people.
- [x] Sprint Management
- [x] Write the weekly roundup
- [ ] Send it out
- [x] IPFS API :star: :star: :star: - I finished up the last of the PRs.
Please check out these pulls this week, other people: github.com/ipfs/http-api-spec/pulls. Need some overview before merging.
Also, the weekly is in a bit of dire straights. Probably going to make this week a double. I don't know, juan always wants more for it, but it's hard for me to source stuff. If you all have anything cool, please add it to the weekly
richardlitt: can you link folks here to where they'd submit that?
yeah. It's... really annoying right now, because there's a weekly for the week before last, there should be one for last week, and now I need to make one for this coming week, but the one from three weeks ago is still open
that makes like three different places people could submit stuff
this seems to be hanging there some time now
no, the most recent version of the go-ipfs repo
because I don't want to do doc fixes for docs that are already changed
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thanks all for helping out
anything else?
richardlitt: let's plan for a day of content checking together for those blog posts and the install docs later this week
so we can get this out of the door
dignifiedquire: sounds good
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dignifiedquire: PR the distro, and I'll go forth with the other four areas
or three, whatever they are
richardlitt: okay
noffle: go ahead, I think it's your turn
I seem to have found a key which, if you attempt to pin it, crashes the daemon. Strange. Wonder what's doing on there.
* noffle
Summary: some go-ipfs + js-ipfs development, and ipget planning. ipfs-hyperlog gives us access to the [hyper* ecosystem](https://www.npmjs.com/search?q=hyperlog), which has modules to let ipfs app developers build things like kv-stores and event logs that work in node+browser. This could help in quickly getting pubsub off the ground, too.
Codebird: which key?
Codebird: file an issue with the key please, thats really interesting
noffle: It would be really great if we can bring ipfs-dag interface enhancements to ipfs-merkle-dag
Could someone test that and see if it's something about that key, or a problem with my instance alone?
daviddias: yeah I'd really like that. and basically make ipfs-merkle-dag into ipfs-dag-service
noffle: looks pretty good, i had some feedback on some of your PRs
we can even break ipfs-merkle-dag into ipfs-merkle-dag-service and ipfs-merkle-dag-node
not sure if you saw that yet
whyrusleeping: I saw! getting to them soon :) thanks
daviddias: yep. hopefully the author is amenable
noffle: ah, for sure, vijayee is great, I've full push perm and code is MIT licensed
I already had factored out block and block service in the past
daviddias: great; he sounded agreeable
It crashes in under a minute for me - not just the error I pasted, but the daemon terminates too.
Codebird: thats no bueno. I'll take a look
Does it crash you as well?
noffle: anything blocking you?
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Codebird: havent checked, focusing on sprint stuff ATM
Codebird: what version of ipfs are you running?
whyrusleeping: no blockers
noffle: alright, cool.
anyone else have anything for noffle?
Upgraded from 0.3.something, I had to run the migration tool.
re: ipfs-dag name; I've mixed feelings calling it ipfs-dag as it might confused people, DAG is very generic name which would work for an IPLD graph or a MerkleDAG graph.
We have been calling the MerkleDAG our protobuf implementation and IPLD our JSON+CBOR
Just one more thing
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let's write the core API docs and start with the merkle-dag-service and merkle-dag-node
richardlitt, wanna help on that end too?
awesome :D
dignifiedquire: wanna go now?
ok, whyrusleeping that is all I had
daviddias: yeah I'm happy to visit new naming ideas
dignifiedquire: go ahead
thanks whyrusleeping
thank you, noffle :)
* dignifiedquire
dias: make a planning issue for those docs?
## @dignifiedquire sprint update
### Webui
- Redux PR
- [x] Streaming logs
- [~] Peers page
### Distributions
- Code Signing
- [x] Added document about the signing process for review
"- [x] increase dht K-Value to 20 (from 10)" decrease then, right? Or is it now 20?
hello, how do I get these gx import paths to work with go get?
That is a lot of merges.
daviddias: ;to 20'
whyrusleeping: ipns a little faster, how much are we talking?
whyrusleeping: oh, wasn't it 20 before?
2x the peers in bucket = 2x the speed? :)
was that done in order to increase IPNS?
dignifiedquire: from 10s each resolution to ~2.5
dignifiedquire: not sure percentage wise, but i'm seeing two second resolves
whyrusleeping: richardlitt: do we have a doc on this now (see strings msg above)?
strings: uhm, what do you mean? you want to be able to fetch them with go get?
voxelot: the double of file descriptors
daviddias: we require 16 confirmations for record from DHT, we were publishing new record only to 10 nodes
noffle: not sure what you're talking about
whyrusleeping: it's something :)
daviddias: it was 10 before in the kbuckets
import "gx/ipfs/QmQopLATEYMNg7dVqZRNDfeE2S1yKy8zrRh5xnYiuqeZBn/goprocess": import path does not begin with hostname
Kubuxu: and that required increasing the kbucket?
strings: you'll need to do a git clone of the go-ipfs repo into its proper location, then run make -- we're working on this
daviddias: that is question to whyrusleeping
strings: we don't support using go get anymore, it makes it really hard to vendor your code properly
I can build locally
whyrusleeping: I remember having a conversation in the Summer about reducing the k-bucket size from 20 because it were opening (or trying to) too many connections
assumeing gx is a bootstrapping issue?
afaik we don't have a doc for this
strings: yes it's not fully integrated into 'go get' yet :)
chriscool: I've a summary there why it was created (https://github.com/diasdavid/piri-piri#why-does-it-exist) but the gist is that in order to test WebRTC enabled apps, specially if they involve 2 or more browsers at the same time, conventional browser testing frameworks don't work, because they run tests on the browser individually and there is no way to
orchestrate several browsers at the same time
chriscool: nice
chriscool: nice, it is super cool how IPFS always keeps Windows on the loop
chriscool: awesome work
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thanks all!
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nginnever: you here?
yup! real quick list
[x] run karma + webpack tests
[x] get PR merged (ty daviddias)
[x] node-forge with webpack (ty dignifiedquire)
[x] found some things to work on here
voxelot: join us for the apps hangout, will be talking about the webui :)
voxelot: :D
will do
voxelot: what were the things you found to work on re webui?
voxelot: awesomely done with forge and getting all of that working
I have one issue with Windows if someone want to check it out: start daemon, Ctrl-C it, start it again, it will complain that other daemon is running (lock file is in .ipfs), start it again, it starts normally
[ ] begin redux saga (issue #227)
[ ] research enzyme tests on components
[ ] document in contibuting.md
ah ha :)
just getting started
voxelot: I remember you mentioning that you had a PR for js-ipfs with the new js-peer-id, can you PR it for CR and Merge?
didn't realize you culled all of the non-complete items from the issue
Is that everyone?
daviddias: yeah thats on my TODO list, wasnt sure i f i should put TODO's or just what is done for sprint
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here is just what is done
I think tha'ts it
Thanks all!
thank you for herding :D
richardlitt: thanks for making it happen :)
np. :)
thanks everyone for making awesome things!
An the first talk is in twenty minutes
dignifiedquire and daviddias thanks for the explanations and links about karma-peer and piri-piri it's interesting!
Everyone who did awesome stuff this week, if you could update the PR with a comment or a commit for the weekly, that would be super awesome. https://github.com/ipfs/weekly/pull/20
Otherwise, I'll go through the logs here later today and pull stuff out and then ping people to CR it
[go-ipfs] whyrusleeping closed pull request #2342: Add information about installing gx into readme (master...feat/gx-in-readme) https://git.io/vg9OR
whyrusleeping: you coming?
you were so excited
i am
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richardlitt: oh that's awesome! really thrilled someone did this :D :D :D
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richardlitt: I think it's reasonable to link to from the nodeschool.io website, but maybe it doesn't belong under the nodeschool family of workshoppers
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richardlitt: whyrusleeping: daviddias: I regret us not leaving an ipfs node hidden in our host's house on svalbard
that'd be awesome to see on the webui world map
noffle: lol
we should contact him
or the guy who runs the kebab shop
noffle: i can ask him on facebook to set one up
we should ship him a raspberry pi if we want to do that though
whyrusleeping: agreed
richardlitt: has two swords behind him
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Infrastructure will be running a little bit late today.
lgierth: you here, btw?
1. you would have to create .dep 2. get it into repos, this is the hard part
yangwao: yes, just some peer told you that there might be IPFS node there, and your node checked, there was not
remembers me like pouchdb told me, this 404 is totally normal :D
dignifiedquire: did it work?
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I think this one works glob.sync("+(!(test))/**/*.js")
Kubuxu: thanks :)
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We could have just go get print better error message.
aw, the display may be borked on this thinkpad -- the bios display diagnostic showing a full blue screen causes the display to become corrupted
dignifiedquire: yeah, that works-ish, but i want to also be able to move issues once i've addressed them, example:
i code review something, and i need the author to address some feedback
so the issue isnt 'complete'
but its not my problem at the moment
dignifiedquire: whyrusleeping: my sprint setup looks like this: http://www.stephenwhitmore.com/tmp/org.png you can build deep trees for hard/multi-layered problems, but also collapse sections to avoid screen clutter
whyrusleeping: trello?
dignifiedquire: closer...
downside is everyone has to use trello
mark status on TODOs (WAITING, DONE, etc)
noffle: that's neat, going to try this out
and it's all plaintext, so you can write a script to tranform a sprint orgmode file into e.g. a github sprint issue comment
noffle: yeah, i'll give org mode a try
whyrusleeping: dignifiedquire: it's a deep rabbit hole and requires lots of iterative customization, so prepared to invest time as the trade-off
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but it's lovely when you get a setup you like
noffle: I'm used to that in emacs, that's why I can never switch anywhere else, so many things are suddenly missing
orgmode is all I use emacs for -- vim for everything else :)
I use emacs for everything, except for shell
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only missing photoshop-mode
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yeap, i'm going to miss the 12:30 meeting. i can make it at 1:30
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whyrusleeping: I use a massive text file.
whyrusleeping: try: taskworrior
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whyrusleeping: will you be around for go-ipfs?
i have peers, but lsof tells me that all are outgoing connections, not incoming
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my non-NATed node on a VPS does get incoming connections, so I think IP discovery is not actually working
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nope, because I can telnet directly to 4001 from outside
my hypothesis is that it never actually discovers its external IP
whyrusleeping: I want to get #1 and #2 done first, but maybe after that we could do a chat to discuss what needs to happen (in more detail)?
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looks me either
noffle: sure thing
idk, maybe some issue with mdns?
doesnt sound like an mdns issue
thats very weird
whats your peerID?
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wow, telnet shoots of ipfs daemon
thats really weird.
if that helps info: my two boxes (one NATed other not-NATed) happen to be connected via a VPN and the two ipfs nodes do get connected to each other via the tunnel interface (automatically)
peerID of my ARM board?
whyrusleeping: mine or yangwao peer ID?
redfish: yours
sorry, I don't have it handy right now, will report back later
It is ok, it was already degraded from ERROR in new libp2p
yeah, thats normal. It will be downgraded from an error to a warning
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mkey, how to help ipfs network, I should expose 4001?
It should be even lower, IMO.
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Because it will show up in normal work.
(because I make notes and some manual for others:)
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should I add external ip if I forward ports?
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yangwao: i don't think so? that should be dynamic
* Codebird
grumblegrumble... how can there be another Codebird on github already?
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Fine. Codeburd it is.
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whyrusleeping: idk, but how do you connect to me then?
yangwao: if your router supports upnp or nat-pmp it does the forwarding automatically
mm mikrotik here..
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anyone have a corporate subscription to gandi?
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[js-ipfs-api] dignifiedquire created greenkeeper-concurrently-2.0.0 (+1 new commit): https://git.io/vgFfO
js-ipfs-api/greenkeeper-concurrently-2.0.0 07ed707 greenkeeperio-bot: chore(package): update concurrently to version 2.0.0...
so, to make sure I understand this correctly, with "ipfs name publish <hash>" it associates a hash with your peer id so that resolving your peer id returns whatever hash is currently associated with it?
sobr: simply put, yes
whyrusleeping: when you have a moment, could you looka this repo https://github.com/flynn/go-tuf and let me know if this is code you'd be comfortable of integrating into ipfs-update?
[js-ipfs-api] dignifiedquire created greenkeeper-babel-eslint-5.0.0 (+1 new commit): https://git.io/vgFmb
js-ipfs-api/greenkeeper-babel-eslint-5.0.0 54df2f2 greenkeeperio-bot: chore(package): update babel-eslint to version 5.0.0...
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[js-ipfs-api] dignifiedquire deleted greenkeeper-babel-eslint-5.0.0 at 54df2f2: https://git.io/vgFYy
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Thank you so much for not putting annoying little animations all over the IPFS main site. I am getting so sick of scrolling down a page and seeing things fade in and move.