jbenet changed the topic of #ipfs to: IPFS - InterPlanetary File System - https://github.com/ipfs/ipfs -- channel logged at https://botbot.me/freenode/ipfs/ -- Code of Conduct: https://github.com/ipfs/community/blob/master/code-of-conduct.md -- Sprints: https://github.com/ipfs/pm/ -- Community Info: https://github.com/ipfs/community/ -- FAQ: https://github.com/ipfs/faq -- Support: https://github.com/ipfs/support
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<shadoxx> I mean...users are users, right?
<shadoxx> Even if they are adding copious amounts of furry porn
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<brimstone> if they don't, who will?
<shadoxx> If you build it etc etc
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<voxelot_> yo shadoxx, got plans tonight?
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<voxelot_> thinking about hitting a pub or something downtown after work
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<shadoxx> voxelot_: no plans. hit me up. alu is in SF for that VR conference
<voxelot_> roger, with traffic i should be home ~6:30, will ping you
<shadoxx> kk. i'm not off until 7ish
<alu> its not a VR conference its a neural network art show lol
<shadoxx> voxelot_: alu is in SF for a neural network art show :P
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<nuun> hi. Does `ipfs mount` still work?
<nuun> on Linux?
<brimstone> worked for me nuun
<nuun> hmmm. I have it running as a user service unit. Would that interfere?
<brimstone> i dunno, i don't systemd
<nuun> I am going to paste a picture of the error.
<nuun> maybe it helps.
<noffle> nuun: does the directory /ipfs exist?
<noffle> ipfs mount won't create dirs for you
<nuun> no. How do I change to something in ~?
<nuun> ipfs mount does not take arguments
<noffle> I usually 'mkdir /tmp/ipfs /tmp/ipns && ipfs mount -f /tmp/ipfs -n /tmp/ipns' to avoid superuser use
<noffle> it does :)
<nuun> ah
<noffle> ipfs mount --help
<nuun> ah, I missed the pieces above Description.
<nuun> thanks very much
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<noffle> no problem!
<ipfsbot> [go-ipfs] lgierth created 0-3-stable (+4 new commits): https://git.io/v20ug
<ipfsbot> go-ipfs/0-3-stable c338958 Jeromy: finally add changelog for v0.3.11...
<ipfsbot> go-ipfs/0-3-stable 4f21ea3 Richard Littauer: Fixed spelling, capitalized...
<ipfsbot> go-ipfs/0-3-stable cea84e6 Jeromy: add note about webui update...
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<nuun> noffle: are you able to $(cd /tmp/ipfs/`ipfs id -f "<id>"`) ?
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<noffle> nuun: your peer id is a public key, so you'll want to use /ipns rather than /ipfs
<nuun> noffle: oh. It has changed from the procedure in alpha Demo?
<noffle> I don't remember what the alpha demo says :) in any case, /ipfs is for static content addressed by its hash, and /ipns is for content addressed by a public key
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<nuun> noffle: thanks
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<rhalff> what does ipfs-npm do exactly?
<rhalff> would be nice to but every (used) npm package within ipfs and have require() resolve through ipfs
<rhalff> not sure from the code if it's also doing the latter part :)
<rhalff> s/but/have/
<rhalff> I think I will need it when I'm orbiting io
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<spikebike> interesting
<spikebike> (it runs on top of ipfs)
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<Aelius> So my friend is trying to share files to me, he gave me the hash, but ipfs ls/get just do nothing forever. Is there any chance it'll resolve eventually, or is it pretty much just never going to happen if it doesn't after a few minutes
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<Kubuxu> Aelius: the latter one. Check your version numbers, 0.3.x is not compatible with 0.4.x. Also change Swarm ports in config from 4001 if you are in one network.
<Aelius> ok
<Aelius> Kubuxu: he's using windows, so he'll have version 0.3.10
<Aelius> I have 0.3.11
<Kubuxu> They should be able to connect.
<Kubuxu> Are you in one local network>
<Kubuxu> ?
<Aelius> no
<Aelius> I was able to share things to him last night
<Aelius> though one share mysteriously never resolved
<Kubuxu> try `ipfs id` one one computer, there under "Address" you will have connection info, look for that with public IP address.
<Kubuxu> From second computer do `ipfs swarm connect [the address info]`
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<Kubuxu> like that: `ipfs swarm connect /ip4/"
<Aelius> will do tomorrow
<Aelius> friend went to bed
<Kubuxu> The development is on 0.4 now, you might update from https://ipfs.io/ipns/dist.ipfs.ovh/
<Kubuxu> Aelius: ^
<Aelius> my distro has a git package
<Aelius> would following the current git master be good?
<Kubuxu> It would be but compiling in on Windows is a pain if you don't use cygwin already.
<Kubuxu> (Arch?, IDK if AUR package isn't outdated, compilation process changed not that long ago).
<Aelius> ah I didn't realize there were newer windows builds
<Aelius> yes arch
<Kubuxu> There are 0.4.x build on the dist page.
<Kubuxu> And AUR go-ipfs-git is outdated, it won't compile.
<Kubuxu> (I might repackage it).
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<ipfsbot> [webui] suisha opened pull request #262: flag spec (redux...flag-spec) https://git.io/v2ELn
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<dignifiedquire> good morning everyone :)
<dignifiedquire> daviddias: are you free in half an hour or so for a quick chat?
<daviddias> dignifiedquire: I will be (in 1:30h I've a breakfast scheduled though, just FYI)
<daviddias> and morning dignifiedquire :)
<dignifiedquire> that's a late breakfast ;)
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<Kubuxu> good morning
<dignifiedquire> good morning Kubuxu
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<dignifiedquire> daviddias: still free?
<daviddias> dignifiedquire: true, maybe call it a brunch
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<daviddias> yep, here and settled
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<temet> Anyone use the ipfs bindings?
<temet> for python in particular
<temet> Having an issue trying to figure out how to add a directory through ipfsApi and retrieving the directory level hash or if I need to construct it myself
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<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs] xicombd force-pushed feature/http-api-config from 286ae40 to 598c1fc: https://git.io/v2EKI
<ipfsbot> js-ipfs/feature/http-api-config 598c1fc Francisco Baio Dias: Add /api/v0/config endpoint
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<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs] xicombd force-pushed feature/http-api-config from 598c1fc to 3056120: https://git.io/v2EKI
<ipfsbot> js-ipfs/feature/http-api-config 3056120 Francisco Baio Dias: Add /api/v0/config endpoint
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<IlanGodik> On IPFS master, when I try doing `ipfs cat` on a small file, the ipfs proccess reads 400MB/s from my SSD continiously, even a minue, without returning anything
<IlanGodik> Seems like a pretty serious bug or performance problem
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<haad> big re-write of OrbitDB is done and latest available at https://github.com/haadcode/orbit-db (or npm)
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<haad> noffle: see https://github.com/haadcode/orbit-db/blob/master/src/PubSub.js for an idea how I intend to use pubsub (replace socket.emit/send with appropriate pubsub commands)
<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs] xicombd force-pushed feature/http-api-config from 3056120 to 2ca8d97: https://git.io/v2EKI
<ipfsbot> js-ipfs/feature/http-api-config 2ca8d97 Francisco Baio Dias: Add /api/v0/config endpoint
<haad> noffle, Kubuxu: see https://github.com/haadcode/orbit-db/tree/master/src/list for how I'm using ipfs for CRDTs (List is a LWW-set)
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<Kubuxu> Now I hate ES6
<kpcyrd> Kubuxu: es6, the good parts
<Kubuxu> it has but classes aren't one of them
<Kubuxu> also have you seen ansuz blag about ES6's lambdas?
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<haad> hah
<haad> es6 is the best ;)
<Kubuxu> I once missed a coma in array definition. Element was set to null instead of provided. JS is fraked up.
<kpcyrd> Kubuxu: haven't seen that before, nice :D
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<haad> :)
<dignifiedquire> daviddias: are you around?
<haad> linters help a ton
<daviddias> yep
<dignifiedquire> how can I make ronin print a help text about the available options?
<Kubuxu> kpcyrd: I packaged my first two packages to AUR :D
<daviddias> options as in params?
<daviddias> --stuff?
<dignifiedquire> yes
<dignifiedquire> and I want the --help to print them
<daviddias> would "by submitting a PR" be a valid answer? :D
<dignifiedquire> it's an answer, not sure I accept it as valid :P
<daviddias> the dev is doing a rewrite and adding more stuff https://github.com/vdemedes/ronin/issues/28#issuecomment-173217529
<daviddias> not sure how much time he has on his hands though
<dignifiedquire> yeah saw that there hasn't been much work for some time :(
<dignifiedquire> daviddias: this is super awesome: http://highlandjs.org/ fully compatible with node streams, but all the nice functional capabilities you need
<dignifiedquire> it's unsucking working with streams in node :)
<kpcyrd> Kubuxu: \o/
<dignifiedquire> e.g. you can replase the module "bl" with _(myStream).apply((myStreamAsArray) => {})
<kpcyrd> :D
<dignifiedquire> and fromArray is as simple as _([1,2,3,4]).pipe(process.stdout)
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<dignifiedquire> @daviddias can we merge this?https://github.com/ipfs/js-ipfs-api/pull/220
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<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs-api] diasdavid deleted fix/object-patch at a185c92: https://git.io/v2EpP
<daviddias> yeah sure :)
<dignifiedquire> sweet
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<dignifiedquire> daviddias: so how exactly should I add files to ipfs for the files api test?
<dignifiedquire> ipfs add && ipfs files cp ?
<daviddias> two ways
<daviddias> yep
<dignifiedquire> or is there a better way?
<daviddias> that is one
<daviddias> or files write
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<haad> noffle, Kubuxu: added some notes on the data structure orbit-db uses for CRTDs and pubsub
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<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs-api] dignifiedquire pushed 1 new commit to feat/files-api: https://git.io/v2uTb
<ipfsbot> js-ipfs-api/feat/files-api 9bfde1b dignifiedquire: Add promise tests and write test for files api
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<yangwao> can somebody do $ ipfs object stat QmUBsxqztuM6Rq43BhmQy2Cn6UgnvH5fotEZ3eA8SMLJEC ?
<yangwao> looks like my daemon have some bad ass problems :x
<yangwao> when I'm travelling with my ipfs node
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<Kubuxu> yangwao: your IP probably changes.
<yangwao> my node
<yangwao> Kubuxu: and can you object stat of that content?
<Kubuxu> I can't stat it.
<Kubuxu> Nor I can l load that paste
<yangwao> hmm, what can be problem?
<yangwao> wuuh, that's weird
<yangwao> hmm
<yangwao> 15:45:28.387 ERROR swarm2: swarm listener accept error: proto: spipe_pb.Propose: illegal tag 0 (wire type 0) swarm_listen.go:128
<yangwao> something bad?
<Kubuxu> IDK
<Kubuxu> Ok, this was my node.
<Kubuxu> yangwao: yup, your external IP changed.
<Kubuxu> Type in google "what is my IP" an compare it with that from `ipfs id`
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<yangwao> and I've got two times same local network
<yangwao> "/ip4/"
<yangwao> Kubuxu: external ip is right
<Kubuxu> Then upnp is not working.
<yangwao> Kubuxu: but my node at home is having my old external ip like from two days ago
<Kubuxu> I can't netcat to your node.
<Kubuxu> This is a problem. You might open an issues about that.
<yangwao> but how to describe that? doubled internal ip or that you cant get to my node?
<Kubuxu> IPFS should perform device local and external IP discovery not only on boot but also periodically doing runtime.
<yangwao> well, I could replicate it one more time, I'll try submit issue
<yangwao> but weird is that you can't do ipfs object stat :x
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<yangwao> but works local between others ipfs node
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<yangwao> running Commit: d48cd56
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<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs] xicombd force-pushed feature/http-api-config from 2ca8d97 to cf0ac05: https://git.io/v2EKI
<ipfsbot> js-ipfs/feature/http-api-config cf0ac05 Francisco Baio Dias: Add /api/v0/config endpoint
<sivachandran> Is there an API to check an object/block is available locally or not? I know I can do through 'refs local' but on node with large data(hundreds of GBs) the refs local will output too much data to do this simple check.
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<richardlitt> go-ipfs master branch hasn't been updated in three days: should I be using a more recent branch? Anyone know?
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<Kubuxu> It is the right branch.
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<richardlitt> Kubuxu: cool, thanks.
<dignifiedquire> daviddias: there is now a berserk flag :D
<daviddias> dignifiedquire: ahah sweet, it should print out a ascii lazer cat
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<dignifiedquire> daviddias: working on that :D
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<dignifiedquire> !pin QmdULkTfwgoqVCGce3Ngdg4jsdC6PHprKmHYGRud22xBSN
<pinbot> usage: !pin <hash> <label>
<dignifiedquire> !pin randor-one QmdULkTfwgoqVCGce3Ngdg4jsdC6PHprKmHYGRud22xBSN
<pinbot> now pinning /ipfs/randor-one
<pinbot> [host 6] failed to grab refs for /ipfs/randor-one: not a key
<pinbot> [host 7] failed to grab refs for /ipfs/randor-one: not a key
<pinbot> [host 2] failed to grab refs for /ipfs/randor-one: not a key
<pinbot> [host 1] failed to grab refs for /ipfs/randor-one: not a key
<pinbot> [host 5] failed to grab refs for /ipfs/randor-one: not a key
<pinbot> [host 4] failed to grab refs for /ipfs/randor-one: not a key
<pinbot> [host 0] failed to grab refs for /ipfs/randor-one: not a key
<pinbot> [host 3] failed to grab refs for /ipfs/randor-one: not a key
<pinbot> pin 0/8 successes -- https://ipfs.io/ipfs/randor-one
<dignifiedquire> !pin QmdULkTfwgoqVCGce3Ngdg4jsdC6PHprKmHYGRud22xBSN randor-one
<pinbot> now pinning /ipfs/QmdULkTfwgoqVCGce3Ngdg4jsdC6PHprKmHYGRud22xBSN
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<dignifiedquire> daviddias: now with more emojis :D https://github.com/dignifiedquire/randor#randor
<richardlitt> why do I need to use the '<arg>=value' word in curl requests with the go-ipfs API? WHy can't I use 'key=value'
<dignifiedquire> !pin QmdULkTfwgoqVCGce3Ngdg4jsdC6PHprKmHYGRud22xBSN randor-one
<pinbot> now pinning /ipfs/QmdULkTfwgoqVCGce3Ngdg4jsdC6PHprKmHYGRud22xBSN
<lgierth> richardlitt: i think it's the equivalent to e.g. <hash> in ipfs pin add <hash>
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<lgierth> the command is pin/add, the arg is <hash>, and e.g. -r would be r=true
<lgierth> it doesn't have another name
<richardlitt> Why do I have to use the var name 'arg', though
<richardlitt> instead of the infinitely more descriptive 'key'
<richardlitt> Or, in other examples, 'peer', etc
<lgierth> that i don't know
<lgierth> :)
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<richardlitt> My mind is exploding.
<ipfsbot> [go-ipfs] RichardLitt created docs/bitswap-unwant-arg (+1 new commit): https://git.io/v2u2P
<ipfsbot> go-ipfs/docs/bitswap-unwant-arg 7d8770e Richard Littauer: Noted ability to specify multiple keys in `bitswap unwant`
<ipfsbot> [go-ipfs] RichardLitt opened pull request #2409: Noted ability to specify multiple keys in `bitswap unwant` (master...docs/bitswap-unwant-arg) https://git.io/v2u2N
<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs] diasdavid deleted feature/http-api-config at cf0ac05: https://git.io/v2u2h
<pinbot> [host 6] failed to grab refs for /ipfs/QmdULkTfwgoqVCGce3Ngdg4jsdC6PHprKmHYGRud22xBSN: unknown ipfs-shell error encoding: text/html - "<html>\r\n<head><title>504 Gateway Time-out</title></head>\r\n<body bgcolor=\"white\">\r\n<center><h1>504 Gateway Time-out</h1></center>\r\n<hr><center>nginx/1.9.3</center>\r\n</body>\r\n</html>\r\n"
<pinbot> [host 1] failed to grab refs for /ipfs/QmdULkTfwgoqVCGce3Ngdg4jsdC6PHprKmHYGRud22xBSN: unknown ipfs-shell error encoding: text/html - "<html>\r\n<head><title>504 Gateway Time-out</title></head>\r\n<body bgcolor=\"white\">\r\n<center><h1>504 Gateway Time-out</h1></center>\r\n<hr><center>nginx/1.9.3</center>\r\n</body>\r\n</html>\r\n"
<pinbot> [host 7] failed to grab refs for /ipfs/QmdULkTfwgoqVCGce3Ngdg4jsdC6PHprKmHYGRud22xBSN: unknown ipfs-shell error encoding: text/html - "<html>\r\n<head><title>504 Gateway Time-out</title></head>\r\n<body bgcolor=\"white\">\r\n<center><h1>504 Gateway Time-out</h1></center>\r\n<hr><center>nginx/1.9.3</center>\r\n</body>\r\n</html>\r\n"
<pinbot> [host 0] failed to grab refs for /ipfs/QmdULkTfwgoqVCGce3Ngdg4jsdC6PHprKmHYGRud22xBSN: unknown ipfs-shell error encoding: text/html - "<html>\r\n<head><title>504 Gateway Time-out</title></head>\r\n<body bgcolor=\"white\">\r\n<center><h1>504 Gateway Time-out</h1></center>\r\n<hr><center>nginx/1.9.3</center>\r\n</body>\r\n</html>\r\n"
<pinbot> [host 4] failed to grab refs for /ipfs/QmdULkTfwgoqVCGce3Ngdg4jsdC6PHprKmHYGRud22xBSN: unknown ipfs-shell error encoding: text/html - "<html>\r\n<head><title>504 Gateway Time-out</title></head>\r\n<body bgcolor=\"white\">\r\n<center><h1>504 Gateway Time-out</h1></center>\r\n<hr><center>nginx/1.9.3</center>\r\n</body>\r\n</html>\r\n"
<pinbot> [host 3] failed to grab refs for /ipfs/QmdULkTfwgoqVCGce3Ngdg4jsdC6PHprKmHYGRud22xBSN: unknown ipfs-shell error encoding: text/html - "<html>\r\n<head><title>504 Gateway Time-out</title></head>\r\n<body bgcolor=\"white\">\r\n<center><h1>504 Gateway Time-out</h1></center>\r\n<hr><center>nginx/1.9.3</center>\r\n</body>\r\n</html>\r\n"
<noffle> haad: awesome
<noffle> haad: what's the benefit of separating the 'item' and the 'data'? it adds an extra deref and could be collapsed into one type, no?
<noffle> haad: I'm also unclear what the purpose of many of the properties are just from looking at the spec (op, ver, seq, id, meta, etc)
<ipfsbot> [go-ipfs] RichardLitt force-pushed docs/bitswap-unwant-arg from 7d8770e to 8adf7a3: https://git.io/v2uoE
<ipfsbot> go-ipfs/docs/bitswap-unwant-arg 8adf7a3 Richard Littauer: Noted ability to specify multiple keys in `bitswap unwant`...
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<richardlitt> daviddias: sorry if I am going slowly through those PRs
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<richardlitt> `bitswap` alone just took around an hour
<richardlitt> And that wasn't even a hard one.
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<noffle> haad: also, what data structure is this modeling? a list? kvstore?
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<richardlitt> daviddias: I'm working on this now, and confused by your comment in https://github.com/ipfs/http-api-spec/pull/51
<ipfsbot> [go-ipfs] RichardLitt created docs/resolve-recursive-default (+1 new commit): https://git.io/v2uio
<ipfsbot> go-ipfs/docs/resolve-recursive-default 2a79e0d Richard Littauer: Added default false...
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<ipfsbot> [go-ipfs] RichardLitt opened pull request #2410: Added `default false` to `resolve --recursive` help text (master...docs/resolve-recursive-default) https://git.io/v2ui1
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<richardlitt> daviddias: I'm working on this now, and confused by your comment in https://github.com/ipfs/http-api-spec/pull/51
<richardlitt> ok
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<richardlitt> daviddias: I'm working on this now, and confused by your comment in https://github.com/ipfs/http-api-spec/pull/51
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<richardlitt> GAHH
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<richardlitt> IRCCloud, what the hell.
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<haad> noffle: the separation of item and data is kinda how the code is structured. item's data (== db operation) is an example of POST that's cooking and is specific to orbit-db. so the same linked list can be used to transport multiple types of POSTs for different applications. will improve the readme to reflect that.
<ipfsbot> [go-ipfs] RichardLitt created docs/config-opts-defaults (+1 new commit): https://git.io/v2uQr
<ipfsbot> go-ipfs/docs/config-opts-defaults 34e3ad1 Richard Littauer: Added defaults to config opts descriptions...
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<ipfsbot> [go-ipfs] RichardLitt opened pull request #2412: Added defaults to config opts descriptions (master...docs/config-opts-defaults) https://git.io/v2uQH
<noffle> haad: I wonder if this'd be more reusable and generic if it were inverted: store the db operation details inside the payload of a generic linked list structure
<noffle> I'd really like to see a set of crdts on top of ipfs that are as much like pure data structures as possible (no metadata, just ipfs dag nodes)
<noffle> and then build maybe orbit-specific db details on top of that
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<kanzure> p/win 97
<kanzure> oops
<alu> nice to see kanzure interested in IPFS
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<haad> noffle: that's what I mean, keeping the two separate one can build different crdts on top of it. currently there's just one crdt implemented.
<yangwao> root@markone:~# ipfs ping add QmTx2ZJBGkm6sfijaGW18VQFWyJh3g8bW19uyKB2MhbonL
<yangwao> Error: multihash length inconsistent: &{1 185 [240]}
<yangwao> weird error?
<yangwao> ah, I made ping instead pin, sry :)
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<noffle> haad: oh, but I mean even your 'data' has all sorts of extra fields (op, key, meta)
<noffle> these should be data in the opaque data part of the crdt
<haad> noffle: not sure I understand what you mean. wanna open an issue and provide an example?
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<dignifiedquire> daviddias: whoooo best thing to happen to nodejs since it's creation! https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/2546#issuecomment-189311746
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<daviddias> dignifiedquire: that is really good news indeed! :D
<dignifiedquire> daviddias: did you see the emoji cats in randor? :) you should download it and try it out if not
<wa7son> daviddias: gone to the office?
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<voxelot> dignifiedquire: karma is giving me errors i'd like to chase down, but the line number is on the bundle, is there a way to look at the preprocessor bundle from webpack?
<voxelot> also the line number varies from time to time with no edits.. which is fun
<Kubuxu> lgierth: can you check on one of the bigger nodes (6GB+), running newest 0.4 if you are able to cat/ls hashes?
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<Kubuxu> Because there are two reports of hangs+resource hogs, #2405 #2407
<lgierth> i'll add a third report if you want
<lgierth> Kubuxu: try QmRn43NNNBEibc6m7zVNcS6UusB1u3qTTfyoLmkugbeeGJ
<Kubuxu> Would be great.
<lgierth> i can reliably get it to hang with ipfs refs -r QmRn43NNNBEibc6m7zVNcS6UusB1u3qTTfyoLmkugbeeGJ
<lgierth> a restart lets it continue
<Kubuxu> This hash is corrupted for my local node (not one that hangs).
<lgierth> corrupted?
<Kubuxu> If you could add that you are also having this issue to #2405
<lgierth> yeah it's not a unixfs node from what i can tell
<lgierth> try refs -r
<Kubuxu> ahh
<Kubuxu> it is geoip, isn't it
<lgierth> yeah
<lgierth> it should start to hang at around 1000 or 2000 refs
<Kubuxu> looks like it is working
<lgierth> 65k refs in total
<Kubuxu> fs:/ipns/bin.ipfs.ovh/#QmbXUsz2aYebJvF2GE5i8j3WEP9NhWpQ1p6F6QWRosEyE8.txt
<Kubuxu> Seems connected?
<Kubuxu> It hanged
<lgierth> but refs -r works for your thing?
<Kubuxu> It looks like something is really broken.
<Kubuxu> Running now
<Kubuxu> It runs, let's see if it will hang.
<lgierth> i piped into a file and did `watch 'cat refs.log | wc -l'` in another shell
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<Kubuxu> I am at 32k
<Kubuxu> 44
<Kubuxu> It might not be the smae
<Kubuxu> same thing
<lgierth> heh ok, i got it to reliably hang :)
<Kubuxu> but with your hash it hangs
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<Kubuxu> I wonder if pin, with that recent fix, will be able to transfer 16GB of object data.
<lgierth> that's not merged yet right?
<Kubuxu> I thought it was.
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<Kubuxu> It slowed down to 100 refs per second. IDK if is out files size or next bug
<voxelot> dignifiedquire: nvm about above, found source maps :)
<voxelot> daviddias: ping
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<richardlitt> How do I link to a current webpage in IPFS?
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<richardlitt> Any ideas why `ipfs get /ipfs/QmZVLbEzkoZBMMzBsLfY4d86NFMXo1yBBhsqucd7w7VnGV/cat.jpg` should fail to get anything?
<richardlitt> It is hanging. Which ain't cool, because I can't look at cats. Looking at it through the gateway seems to work fine, though
<richardlitt> lgierth: is IPFS down now?
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<richardlitt> daviddias?
<richardlitt> ... did everyone take the day off?
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<richardlitt> :(
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<lgierth> richardlitt: looks up to m
<richardlitt> well that's messed up
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<lgierth> hangs for me too though
<lgierth> that hash ^
<richardlitt> Yeah. Well... thats not good.
<richardlitt> How do we get it to not hang?
<lgierth> you're on v04x right?
<richardlitt> aye
<lgierth> i dunno, something's up for the past few days
<lgierth> see kubuxu's and my chat above ^
<richardlitt> Well
<richardlitt> We can't launch that blogpost until this works. :/
<lgierth> aha now i got it
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<richardlitt> heh. Maybe I should say "why" for everything I ask in here.
<Kubuxu> lgierth: Looks like my refs -r hanged too
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<lgierth> possibly took some time to get around the NAT
<Kubuxu> at 2420594
<richardlitt> NAT?
<lgierth> there is something else which is up though
<lgierth> richardlitt: network address translation
<lgierth> when you only get one public ipv4 but have $n devices behind that
<lgierth> Kubuxu: KB or number of refs?
<Kubuxu> number of refs
<lgierth> that geoip merkledag only has ~65k refs
<Kubuxu> You geoip hanged right away.
<Kubuxu> I tested my cdnjs
<lgierth> ah i see
<lgierth> word
<Kubuxu> Looks like recently things went sought.
<Kubuxu> I might run git-bisect till from the rc1
<Kubuxu> too see if it gives anything
<lgierth> Kubuxu: on biham i'm seeing it with 89a6f01
<lgierth> (i mean the geoip hang)
<Kubuxu> It is old isn't it
<lgierth> a month or so
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<Kubuxu> This might not be the fastest test ...
<Kubuxu> lgierth: can you confirm that it hangs also if you have all refs locally?
<revolve_> Anyone interested in a peer-to-peer caching proxy that makes web page editable in realtime?
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<Kubuxu> lgierth: and when I run it in testing jig it works ......
<Kubuxu> It looks like it might be issues only with big repos.
<Kubuxu> lgierth: rolling back to initial merge of 0.4, same issue
<dignifiedquire> Kubuxu: I'm pretty sure there are issues with large repos when running my stress tests they become significantly worse the longer they run
<dignifiedquire> worse = slower
<dignifiedquire> but I haven't gotten to a point where I can pinpoint it really
<dignifiedquire> yeah sth like that
<Kubuxu> I can packup and send you my 20GBs or if you any code that would help debug it ...
<Kubuxu> but it seems that larsg hit same isssue
<lgierth> i can't do much more today
<lgierth> leaving for amsterdam tomorrow and got stuff to do
<Kubuxu> Good hacking with cjd
<lgierth> best you can do is collect info and put it in that issue
<lgierth> heh thanks
<lgierth> i hope we'll have drafts for fc00 switch peering and cryptoauth after that week
<dignifiedquire> Kubuxu: I will run my tests for a couple of hours either tomorrow or tonight and try to track the repo size and when it gets critical
<Kubuxu> Specs of CA are critical, we have good idea how switching works but CA is mess both in sepcs and in code.
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<dignifiedquire> and hopefully have sth for whyrusleeping to work on when he is finished moving
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<Kubuxu> We have good idea about switching and there is something written on it already.
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<dignifiedquire> This should be interesting, running a test with 100 000 consectuive operations and monitoring speed + repo size
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<voxelot> dignifiedquire: did you decide not to stream today?
<dignifiedquire> voxelot yeah will do it monday after the mini sync
<voxelot> cool, i'm trying to figure out to do web tests on js-ipfs-data-importing
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<voxelot> think it's a bit more complicated than js-peer-id since peer-id didn't have the repo with it
<dignifiedquire> voxelot: there is one part that loads a repo in the browser
<dignifiedquire> not sure which one might be js-ipfs itself
<dignifiedquire> exactly
<voxelot> okay, i'll keep studying up on that
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<dignifiedquire> Kubuxu: lgierth definitely a bug in ops on larger repos, saw a slow down in operations of over 3x comparing a repo with 180Mb and 1Mb
<Kubuxu> Could you try collecting more data points and extrapolating. It might be easier and faster then testing repos with size of GB.
<dignifiedquire> Kubuxu: will do, in the meantime you can run some tests yourself github.com/dignifiedquire/randor
<dignifiedquire> if you want
<Kubuxu> I will try.
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<Kubuxu> dignifiedquire: http://hastebin.com/sepucidexo.txt
<dignifiedquire> Kubuxu: look at the readme you need to set ipfs_exec to an 0.4 binary
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<dignifiedquire> --size will print repo sizes every second and -l <number> will run so many operations
<Kubuxu> do you just time it?
<voxelot> dignifiedquire: know any examples off using a raw loader or something that can fix this error in a karma conf? http://pastebin.com/ei1NnWpU
<dignifiedquire> atm I just looked at the amount of ops between every repo size print
<dignifiedquire> (which happens once per second)
<dignifiedquire> need to add better stats but not today
<dignifiedquire> voxelot: not sure, are you using the raw loader?
<voxelot> yeah i'm not sure how to use it in a conf file
<voxelot> tried something like this { test: /\.txt$/, loader: 'raw' }
<dignifiedquire> just wrote require('raw!./myfile')
<voxelot> but we also pick up dirs and .block
<voxelot> ok let me try that
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<voxelot> and then no need to add anythign to karma conf
<dignifiedquire> exactly
<voxelot> ty
<dignifiedquire> alright sleepy time enjoy
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<richardlitt> can someone get this? QmTQo9cqkDmP8cPq1j8ip75UHN1WvNWREdZ1QcyARkmubR
<voxelot> i got it
<richardlitt> cool.
<richardlitt> Well, that's nice.
<richardlitt> :D
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