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<rosenjcb> I get this error when I run jruby -S jbundle install "NoMethodError: undefined method `extra_gem_paths' for JRuby::Util:Module" Anyone know what that means?
<rosenjcb> I don't use ruby that often, but it's the rich web interface to our java application
<rosenjcb> It works in ubuntu (for windows) but not in windows 10 for some reason
<enebo> rosenjcb: that is pretty weird
<rosenjcb> I can show the whole log
<rosenjcb> Let me grab it
<enebo> rosenjcb: It is implemented in Java so I would expect it to load unless maybe jruby/util only loads on non-windows somehow
<rosenjcb> Yeah I have no idea what's up
<enebo> rosenjcb: can you try jruby -e 'require "jruby/util"; JRuby::Util.extra_gem_paths'
<enebo> rosenjcb: err quoting may be not right for windows
<rosenjcb> That worked
<rosenjcb> wtf
<rosenjcb> I had to change the quotation marks around
<rosenjcb> wait wait
<rosenjcb> nevermind
<rosenjcb> It didn't work
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<enebo> hmm it did work for me
<enebo> I just popped over to a windows machine
<enebo> I did jruby -rjruby/util -e 'p JRuby::Util.extra_gem_paths' and it printed out []
<enebo> but just because that works does not mean something is not nuking it from jbundler or something
<enebo> rosenjcb: but if you also add -v which version of jruby do you see?
<rosenjcb> ok that worked
<rosenjcb> now let me try jbundle install
<rosenjcb> I get []
<rosenjcb> I get that same error though
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<enebo> rosenjcb: ok I tried minimal jbundler install but I got unsupported platform: windows-amd64 or something like that when it tried launching mvn
<rosenjcb> Yeah maybe it's because I'm using 64 bit?
<enebo> I see my mvn is from 2017 so maybe I need to update that
<rosenjcb> minimal jbundler install?
<enebo> rosenjcb: I needed to make a dir with a jarfile
<rosenjcb> Gotcha'
<rosenjcb> thanks for the help btw
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<enebo> rosenjcb: ok I guess java 9 is my issue somehow
<rosenjcb> I downgraded to java 8
<rosenjcb> I was at java 10 but I read some issue with dependencies working on java 10 and I just downgraded
<rosenjcb> Had to anyways seeing as the boss is using java 8
<enebo> yeah seems the world has not really fully caught up to new java 9 world
<enebo> and hey 11 will be out soon :P
<enebo> I am getting 8
<rosenjcb> I hope Java 11 brings records (data classes)
<rosenjcb> Lombok is cancer
<enebo> rosenjcb: hate saying these words but Works For Me
<rosenjcb> Nooooooo
<rosenjcb> Do I need to reinstall jruby?
<rosenjcb> Did you install 64 bit or 32 bit?
<enebo> rosenjcb: my example I only had a single line in jarfile for snakeyaml
<enebo> rosenjcb: I installed with 64 bit installer
<rosenjcb> ahhh
<rosenjcb> then what in the world?
<rosenjcb> is happening?
<rosenjcb> We're working on a fork of this project:
<enebo> rosenjcb: thoughts could be it picking up jruby-complete.jar or perhaps another install
<rosenjcb> Okay then let me try to uninstall ruby and jruby
<enebo> rosenjcb: if you used installer you could always try uninstalling/reinstalling
<rosenjcb> And then restart
<enebo> Perhaps another option is to review all environment variables too
<rosenjcb> yes yes
<enebo> I am on win10
<rosenjcb> me too
<rosenjcb> this is why I dislike windows
<rosenjcb> environmental variable hell
<enebo> so we seem fairly lined up here
<enebo> rosenjcb: oh once you uninstall nuke C:\jruby- since old gems will be in there still
<rosenjcb> ah okay
<enebo> rosenjcb: if somehow a gem was edited or did not install (who knows) it is just better safe than sorry
<rosenjcb> should I uninstall ruby as well?
<rosenjcb> Okay just did and nuked it as well
<rosenjcb> I will be back
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<enebo> oh if he happens to read our logs I was able to jbundle tabula on my windows box too
<enebo> if I happen to be at lunch when he comes back someone can tell him
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<enebo> heh
<rosenjcb> ok let's reinstall
<enebo> rosenjcb: so I cloned tabula and could jbundle install
<enebo> rosenjcb: I think this increasingly looks like some env issue
<rosenjcb> That jbundle install works however we're compiling it against the other repo
<rosenjcb> tabula-java
<enebo> oh so clone tabula-java?
<rosenjcb> I'm not sure if that changes anything, since just doing jbundle install may just grab the jar from github
<rosenjcb> Yeah you have to clone both
<rosenjcb> let me give you my commands
<enebo> It did grab a lot of jars
<rosenjcb> lol same issue
<rosenjcb> again
<rosenjcb> It's not something wrong with maven, is it?
<enebo> I have latest maven
<enebo> So I just downloaded and replaced one from last year
<enebo> 3.5.4
<rosenjcb> same
<enebo> I don't know how maven loads jruby
<enebo> This would be a big thing to try but nuking part/all of .m2/repository perhaps
<enebo> maybe just anything related to org.jruby
<enebo> is tabula-master just tabula?
<rosenjcb> ooooh
<rosenjcb> ahybe
<rosenjcb> I'll just do that
<enebo> I like to clean the cruft out of m2 on occasion anyways
<enebo> or I get petabytes or old artifacts
<enebo> (half joking on size)
<enebo> rosenjcb: I am going to lunch now so I will be afk
<rosenjcb> yeah I'm getting hungry too
<rosenjcb> thanks for the help, I'll see what I can do
<enebo> rosenjcb: if we do figure this out we should let mkristian on jbundler know why it fails to perhaps make a document or something else?
<rosenjcb> yes yes
<rosenjcb> It is not documented at all
<rosenjcb> I have searched far and wide
<rosenjcb> Deleting .m2 didn't help either
<rosenjcb> I think it's definitely a jbundle fug up
<enebo> rosenjcb: I guess at this point maybe open an issue on mkristian/jbundler
<enebo> It makes no sense to me. It is almost like you are getting some earlier jruby which did not have that method in JRuby::Util
<rosenjcb> enebo, I guess I can just build on linux (since it builds fine there) and then run the jar
<rosenjcb> I was trying to build on windows completely because I get this weird 500 error with the web server and I thought that was maybe because of running the jar in ubuntu shell
<rosenjcb> Or something, I dunno
<enebo> rosenjcb: yeah sorry things are no going smoothly
<rosenjcb> Oh no worries dude, let's make this an issue together anyways
<rosenjcb> I think it works
<rosenjcb> Cause I ran the jar on the windows machine and it works fine, I still get that 500 error but not when I do the action another way... I think it's a bug or something
<rosenjcb> enebo, how should I word it? This will be the second time I've ever submitted an issue to a repo.
<rosenjcb> Don't know why but I always fear asking dumb questions on repos
<enebo> rosenjcb: hey I have a thing to try to make this easier
<enebo> make a simple directory with just a single dep in a Jarfile
<enebo> If it fails then I guess that is something more minimal to work with
<rosenjcb> fair point
<enebo> I actually also thought of one other thing which may help understand something
<enebo> JRUBY_OPTS=-Xdebug.loadService
<enebo> when you run jbundler you will see every file loaded including internal .rbs...I am half wondering if we see some weird random version of jruby
<enebo> I really wish that logging would say which jar jruby/util was getting loaded from but maybe it will shed some light
<rosenjcb> so just run the jbundle command and add that as an argument?
<enebo> set it as an environment var
<rosenjcb> ooooooh
<enebo> in CMD set JRUBY_OPTS=...
<rosenjcb> yes yes
<rosenjcb> done
<rosenjcb> Did set JRUBY_OPTS=-Xdebug.loadService
<enebo> lots of output should be showing what it loads
<enebo> at best we would see some directory not in c:\jruby-*
<rosenjcb> So what should I do now?
<enebo> look to see if anything in that output is not in C:\jruby
<enebo> bummer for jruby/util it will show builtinLib and no location
<enebo> that would have been the ultimate
<rosenjcb> I mean which command should I use?
<enebo> another thing to try would just be to search windows box for rando .jar files to see if it is possible it is being picked up
<enebo> jbundle command
<rosenjcb> ok
<rosenjcb> let's see what spits out
<enebo> rosenjcb: but I would also definitely do the new directory with a single line Jarfile loading some jar
<enebo> rosenjcb: if that ends up working then it will be something unique to your project
<enebo> if not then it is probably some environment issue
<rosenjcb> I don't think anything changed when I ran jruby -S jbundle install
<enebo> rosenjcb: you should have seen a ton of output
<rosenjcb> It didn't make the environmental variable, that's why
<rosenjcb> fucking windows
<enebo> how are you trying and set it?
<enebo> set JRUBY_OPTS=-Xdebug.loadService in CMD before running the command
<rosenjcb> through powershell using set
<enebo> oh hmm
<enebo> not really a windows guy
<enebo> :P
<rosenjcb> enebo, I got it. I just need to output it to a txt or something
<rosenjcb> fugging huge output
<rosenjcb> ok that was way too much text for pastebin
<rosenjcb> two pastes
<enebo> rosenjcb: yeah I don't see anything coming from another source
<rosenjcb> Such is the life of build tools
<enebo> rosenjcb: so I would make minimal example and report results (assuming it is still broken)
<rosenjcb> ok so how should I make the jar file?
<enebo> rosenjcb: just pick a maven artifact
<enebo> rosenjcb: I picked snakeyaml from jbundler readme example
<enebo> under Get Started section
<rosenjcb> Yeah I get the same error
<rosenjcb> I created a folder called test
<rosenjcb> created a file called Jarfile with no extension
<rosenjcb> Ran that jruby -S jbundle install
<rosenjcb> brokeded
<rosenjcb> Think it's jbundle?
<enebo> yeah he shows right below example jarfile
<rosenjcb> ok then it be broke
<enebo> if same error then that eliminates your project altogether as being a complicating factor
<rosenjcb> yup
<rosenjcb> time to make an issue
<enebo> yeah and hey kristian may just realize something...I hope so since at this point I don't know what else we can try
<rosenjcb> enebo, does this look good?
<enebo> rosenjcb: I will add some notes
<rosenjcb> Thanks!
<rosenjcb> You've been a great help btw, this was a fun morning
<enebo> rosenjcb: added a comment with more about your env and that it works form e
<enebo> rosenjcb: it just sucks when we don't figure it out
<rosenjcb> Yeah, this is why I don't use windows 10 for build environments
<rosenjcb> I think I should just stick to using the ubuntu shell from now on
<rosenjcb> thank goodness for ubuntu for windows
<enebo> rosenjcb: a big advantage of jruby is we can build for windows from elsewhere
<enebo> rosenjcb: we still need to run the thing though
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<rosenjcb> enebo, he responded quickly
<enebo> rosenjcb: ah remove JRUBY_HOME as an env
<enebo> I do not have that set
<rosenjcb> I'll restart my comp as well
<rosenjcb> brb
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<rosenjcb> ok wtf
<rosenjcb> I deleted jruby environmental var
<rosenjcb> and uh
<rosenjcb> ok let's not get our hopes up
<rosenjcb> let's try on real repo now
<rosenjcb> ok lol
<rosenjcb> lmfao
<rosenjcb> that worked
<rosenjcb> enebo,
<enebo> hah well it is still a bug in jbundler
<enebo> so you found something which he should be able to protect against so no one else need get bitten by this
<enebo> rosenjcb: nice to figure out a mystery
<rosenjcb> Did I help the opensores community?
<rosenjcb> :)
<rosenjcb> Great teamwork btw
<enebo> rosenjcb: yeah I am happy we figured this out
<rosenjcb> nothing worse than an unsolved build error
<rosenjcb> now I can build the tool just as my boss
<rosenjcb> does
<rosenjcb> And I won't have to worry about that being a factor as to why something doesn't work on my side but does on his
* enebo nods
<rosenjcb> I'm gonna work out now.
<rosenjcb> Cheers!
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