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[jruby] ChrisBr opened issue #5297: Struct does initialize attributes wrong https://git.io/fActL
headius: ^^ already experienced this one? benchmark-driver is broken because of this... I already tried to track it down a bit but stucked now
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when I run this: ApacheCommonsValidator::GenericValidator..new.isEmail('invalid')
1: from uri:classloader:/jruby/java/core_ext/module.rb:45:in `const_missing'
NameError (GenericValidator not found in packages org.apache.commons.validator; last error: cannot load Java class org.apache.commons.validator.GenericValidator)
I get that error
but it works flawlessly in my code. The issue is I can't seem to test in IRB for some of the JAR files I import
^^ correction, this is the line that causes the above error:
it is the same issue with other JAR files I load. Unable to use the code as pasted from my files into jirb and get the same results.
telegardian: hmm I am trying to remember how include_package works
telegardian: I take it you have apache commands in your classpath
telegardian: can you java_import 'org.apache.commons.validator.SomeValidClass'?
enebo: let me see
telegardian: If that works then it is likely something weird about include_package. include_package is somewhat hacked together since Java has no concrete way of enumerating what classes exist in a package
telegardian: sorry we are exposing how the sausage is made
I will add a nil at and of that so it does not show something confusing
all good, just I know this worked several years ago in 'irb'
telegardian: yeah and several years ago Ruby worked a tad differently and not many people use include_package so you were first to notice this
pretty funny though because the message is weird
well, I am resurrecting old code.. so I may need to refactor
telegardian: no it works
telegardian: include_package is fine
telegardian: it is just that last line in def include_package defines self.const_missing so you see :const_missing as a return value
right, but the other issue isn't just the :const_missing return on that method, my additional issue is that I can't simulate the usage of the java classes that work in my code, using jirb
telegardian: sorry I did not read very closely
enebo: my fault for sending cryptic log output, so let me demonstrate the challenge
telegardian: ok can you just file an issue this should work
I have a routine that uses a Jar file called 'jline-0.94.jar' to clear a terminal window using an ANSI call.
But that shouldnt matter if JRuby loads it, because I am calling a different version. JLine 2 is a rewrite that doesn't have the ConsoleReader class
telegardian: your error may be a different problem but irb loads readline which loads jline. Whether it works depends on classloader
oh I see
let me try with another jar file.
telegardian: but also verify if that works with java_import vs java_package
telegardian: it is possible how we load classes changed and we do not load properly in java package now
telegardian: but if you only see this in irb then that is strange
enebo: right, then code works flawlessly when I execute the program. its only in irb that I am struggling to replicate.
telegardian: yeah make a script which does not require many/any significant downloading and explanation in an issue
ok. will do.
telegardian: I have not been hacking on Java integration side much so you will get someone like kares who has been doing a lot more recently seeing it
irb is a pretty weird beast itself but generally just all the eval + binding stuff. I don't really know why that would interfere with our Java features
Its a little funky, because I wrote my project on JRuby specifically to take advantage of several Java libraries that provided either better or nonexistent capabilities of Ruby or gems available at the time.
that is usually a pretty common JRuby reason
afk 15
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yo yo yo
I'm back again
this is definitely a problem with the two jlines conflicting
telegardian: ^
two options for you
--no-readline to IRB...though tht somewhat cripples the UI
(your code will obviously work fine in a script btw since a script won't load Ruby readline lib)
second option would be to replace our readline with the pure-Ruby one...it works fine on non-Windows
readline-ffi...should work fine on any *nix system
the instructions there aren't great but basically you copy the readline-ffi "readline.rb" over the one in lib/ruby/stdlib
and install the gem of course
headius: I see it. I did submit a bug on this right before I read this reply, issue #5300 in github.
no worries
I'll comment and probably close it referencing the other bugs
the long term plan is to get the non-jline readline to be our default
I need to keep poking at this, because the version of JLine I am using is < 1.0 from 2008l, pretty crusty. And JLine2 and JLine3 are rewrites that dont include the same classes I am using
well IRB is still usable without readline, and that probably would work fine
BTW what are you doing with it and why do you need such an old version?
I am using it for Input primarily.
as an example, I wanted something to read a key and not require enter
this code was written back in the Ruby 1.8 days. I am not sure that met my needs back then. let me look at it again, because that would save me a ton of trouble.