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<headius> Good morning! Back from vacation
<headius> nirvdrum: flori is always quiet...I'm not sure if it has changed
<headius> nirvdrum: I believe enebo managed to pusl bytelist through some high percentage of parser/lexer/AST/IR, yes
<headius> push
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<nirvdrum> headius: Thanks for the update.
<nirvdrum> Were you able to track down your hat thief?
<headius> No :-(
<headius> we visited a hot spring spa in SD and I walked away from my hat for all of about five minutes
<headius> I assume someone thought it was theirs, but that seems really weird
<headius> it was sitting on top of a pile of clothes
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<ChrisBr> headius: welcome back! Currently also heading home from EuRuKo ...
<ChrisBr> btw: the bug in bundler is now also fixed:
<ChrisBr> but we should keep the changes for backward compatibility I guess ...
<headius> yeah I saw that fix was released, good
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<ChrisBr> headius: could we use to finally support bootsnap?
<headius> yes
<headius> bootsnap can be supported without iseq saving too's just one part of it
<headius> I think they already even released a bootsnap for JRuby that does nothing
<headius> so the dep works
<ChrisBr> ah right
<ChrisBr> "supported without iseq saving too though" -> means doing nothing? Or what would it do without iseq?
<headius> well all it really does is save off some stuff to improve boot times
<headius> saving our IR wouldn't help much because our parser and compiler have similar perf to the deserialization at startup time
<ChrisBr> hm right
<headius> I am hoping to get our .class AOT working fully again, which might provide a better option for persisting code
<headius> once that's there we can even AOT compile it with jaotc, share precompiled Ruby scripts with appCDS, etc
<ChrisBr> ok
subbu is now known as subbu|busy
<headius> woot, dug out of main inbox back to May
subbu|busy is now known as subbu|lunch
<lopex> down the rabbit hole
<headius> oi vey
<headius> glad we got ahead of that
<headius> huh...I guess Даймон is "daemon" exactly as it sounds?
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<headius> google translate had trouble with it
<headius> or maybe the author was just guessing at spelling?
<headius> "omega" is clear enough but I don't know enough Danish for the middle one
<headius> btw I tried to learn Polish with Duolingo...that's a tough one
<headius> it might not be a great course...tossed me right in with three and four-syllable words while I was trying to learn pronunciation
<lopex> headius: that thing is pronounced daimon
<headius> yeah
<headius> it doesn't translate to anything else in google translate so my assumption is that it's intended to mean "daemon"
<lopex> headius: we had to learn russian in elementary
<headius> I was able to read it ok
<headius> I'm guessing the author just directly transliterated to cyrillic
<lopex> headius: is muuuch better thant google translate
<headius> ahh, translating "daemon" just gives "демон"
<lopex> wrt polish for example
<headius> which I suppose makes sense
<headius> that's what I would have done if I were guessing at it
<headius> thanks, that's helpful
<lopex> pronounced dyemon :P
<headius> I think my main trouble with Polish was tying it to any root language I'm familiar with
<headius> even Russian was easier due to the number of borrowed words
<lopex> polish is very close tu russian
<headius> I picked out some similarities but I think the duolingo course isn't as good
<lopex> headius: this case is very interesting
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