it seems that liveness with live_in and live_out ranges is not great with loops and control flow
it's not since we don't have holes
I rewrote liveness analysis to generate sets of live variables at each program point, so we don't run into that problem
enunes: can it compile all the glamor shaders now?
also I think there was an issue with variables being written and read in the same instruction
so their live range was pretty much forever
yes, glamor passes
hope we still have some time to merge it before 20.0 branches out :)
otherwise we may want to backport these fixes into 20.0
with glamor shaders working fine 20.0 should be more or less usable
I still want to optimize this a bit and maybe use sets instead of lists, there is one large shader that takes a few seconds to compile now with my inefficient implementation
hopefully the algorithm is now ok and I just need better data structures
anarsoul: I used 19.3 with backported patches from 20.0 on my Pinebook now