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<memeka> hi, how can i compile mali driver natively?
<memeka> KDIR=/usr/src ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE= ./ => fails
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<brads> memeka: if I remember correctly KDIR=/usr/src ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE="" ./
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<brads> alternatively it might have been CROSS_COMPILE=/usr/bin/
<brads> xdarklight: I did some further testing on Odroid C2 for usb hot plug issue. Some devices still cause a problem with the usb patch applied, I have a wireless keyboard / mouse & also usb audio card which are ok but if I hot plug a microsd card reader it trashes all power to the 4 port hub. Same device works ok when plugged in at boot.
<brads> I will do some more tests to see if I can determine what about the device is causing the issue (problem device is high speed device - usb3 compatible, usb 1.x seems ok) Not sure if it is current draw or something else about the device
<memeka> brads: all good There was an issue with the kernel source I had
<memeka> Should I use r7p0 or r6p0? Any difference between them??
<memeka> And where can I find binaries? :)
<brads> I think r7p0 would be best, not sure about binaries as it needs to be compiled for specific kernel version api which is changing across kernel versions.
<memeka> brads: ok so with r7p0 i can run some egl stuff in wayland
<memeka> # es2gears_wayland
<memeka> EGL_VERSION = 1.4 Linux-r7p0-00rel0-19260eb
<memeka> 300 frames in 5.0 seconds = 59.964 FPS
<memeka> 300 frames in 5.0 seconds = 60.000 FPS
<memeka> but glmark2_es2 fails ... is that expected?
<memeka> # glmark2-es2-wayland
<memeka> Error: eglCreateWindowSurface failed with error: 0x300b
<memeka> Error: CanvasGeneric: Invalid EGL state
<memeka> Error: eglCreateWindowSurface failed with error: 0x300b
<memeka> Error: main: Could not initialize canvas
<memeka> Segmentation fault
<memeka> kmscube works tho`
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<brads> memeka: glmark2-es2-wayland I think is failing with segfault because of some mismatches. Is your symlinked back to
<memeka> yes of course
<memeka> else es2gears_wayland would not work/ would not show "EGL_VERSION = 1.4 Linux-r7p0-00rel0-19260eb" :)
<brads> yes ok
<memeka> is glmark2-es2-wayland working on your system?
<brads> No does not look like it was when I tested last, same error as you got
<brads> will see what I have installed now
<memeka> brads: thanks
<brads> I dont have mali kernel driver installed for the moment, will build it and see what else I might have missing
<memeka> :D k thanks pls let me know
<brads> memeka: did you use the buildroot/package/meson-mali/lib/arm64/r7p0/m450-X/ amlogic userspace?
<brads> or hikey?
<memeka> Not the -x
<memeka> The other one
<memeka> The 450 folder
<memeka> Do you know what’s the difference??
<memeka> I tried using a Rockchip blob but it was not working at all
<memeka> brads: ^^^?
<brads> memeka: sorry I had the c2 connected to my hdmi, my setup is screwed im running ubuntu cosmic and too much hacking. I cannot get anything else to run as I busted by sd card connector
<brads> I can't remember if the non X version supported DRM?
<brads> I got a sdio breakout board today so will see if I can start os from sd card over 40 pin header :) Else I have a new c2 coming next week and means I don't have to reimage my emmc.
<brads> rockchip driver seems to suck for our purpose as its statically linked and not compatible with mainline as far as im aware
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<memeka> brads: 450-X fails to run kmscube (some missing gbm symbols)
<memeka> i would assume 450-X is for X11?
<memeka> i am more interested in wayland/gbm - that binary should work better with the drm as well
<brads> yes X is X11 just checking what version you are running. I'm interested in wayland/gbm also.
<brads> I got the sdcard working on the 40pin header on C2 (sdio port) so I should be able to test a clean version pf Mali soon :)
<brads> Its running 1.8v 4 bit mode too but a bit slow. Probably the 250mm long wires ;) - 1778384896 bytes (1.8 GB, 1.7 GiB) copied, 76 s, 23.3 MB/s
<memeka> :)
<memeka> why not run on emmc?
<memeka> anw i can run gl stuff on gbm with gstreamer
<memeka> i will test next vpu + rotation/scaling performance
<memeka> hope it can decode multiple streams at the same time
<memeka> i see h265 is not done yet?
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<brads> no I think licencing issues were a problem so lima is maybe the go now?
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<narmstrong> memeka: brads: you should use the ARM wayland binary they ship for hikey, it works great and has bugfixes for wayland
<narmstrong> memeka: single instance decoding is only supported for now, h264 hasn't been poster but it's available on github
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<memeka> narmstrong: I’ve seen hevc support in ely’s GitHub, and some vp9 work too, is that gonna be added soon?
<narmstrong> memeka: once we have the other codecs merged, and figured out how to use the amlogic compressed planes, yes
<memeka> narmstrong: one last q
<memeka> # v4l2-ctl --list-formats -d /dev/video0
<memeka> ioctl: VIDIOC_ENUM_FMT
<memeka> Index : 0
<memeka> Pixel Format: 'YM12'
<memeka> Type : Video Capture Multiplanar
<memeka> Name : Planar YUV 4:2:0 (N-C)
<memeka> only YM12 format (non-contigous) format is shown for the decoder
<memeka> # gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location=sintel_trailer-1080p.mp4 ! parsebin ! v4l2h264dec ! fakesink
<memeka> Setting pipeline to PAUSED ...
<memeka> Pipeline is PREROLLING ...
<memeka> ERROR: from element /GstPipeline:pipeline0/v4l2h264dec:v4l2h264dec0: Video device uses an unsupported pixel format.
<memeka> Additional debug info:
<memeka> gstv4l2object.c(3992): gst_v4l2_object_acquire_format (): /GstPipeline:pipeline0/v4l2h264dec:v4l2h264dec0:
<memeka> V4L2 format NM12 not supported
<memeka> ERROR: pipeline doesn't want to preroll.
<memeka> i thought there was NV21 support?
<memeka> i can see NV21 supported by the DRM but seems like not by the decoder yet, is that correct?
<narmstrong> Hmm, it should be supported, afaik ym12 is only for mjpeg
<narmstrong> Nv12 is supported for h264, mpeg2 and mpeg4
<narmstrong> Which version of gst are you using ?
<memeka> 1.14
<memeka> 1.14.4 more exact
<memeka> but gst doesn't matter, v4l2-ctl also shows only YM12 pixel support ...
<narmstrong> Looking at the code, only mjpeg exposé the yuv420m
<narmstrong> Looks like you only have mjpeg suppôt
<narmstrong> *support
<narmstrong> Where did you get the patches ?
<[TheBug]> Offtopic: anyone in here with a Khada VIM1 experience the two USB ports on the board randomly fail? I plugged in a USB keyboard and shortly after both ports went dark and the OS started stating " hub 2-0:1.0: config failed, hub doesn't have any ports! (err -19)" I am curious if this may be a fuse issue on the USB Lines or if somehow the USB chipset (HUB) died?
<memeka> i'm running the armbian kernel, which i think has patches from your git
<narmstrong> memeka: interesting
<memeka> narmstrong: i have gxbb (odroid c2)
<memeka> it's also interesting why the 1280/720 size :)
<memeka> kernel has 1080p size defined
<[TheBug]> Khadas Vim1 PRO*
<memeka> # cat /sys/class/video4linux/video0/device/of_node/compatible
<memeka> amlogic,gxbb-vdec
<memeka> seems like with the hikey driver i can run glmark2 in wayland, tho` still not working on drm
<memeka> quick question for whoever can understand this:
<memeka> why is the glmark off-screen score (and fps) LOWER than on-screen ?!
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<memeka> narmstrong: do i need some firmware files?
<memeka> narmstrong: also, the issue i got with the dec is not the input - the link you gave me above shows the decoder input
<memeka> the problem is the decoder output is only NM12
<memeka> not NM21
<memeka> NV12M and YUV420M
<memeka> meson-vdec Direct firmware load for meson/gx/vmpeg4_mc_5 failed with error -2
<memeka> yeah i needed to get firmwares :P
<memeka> some new infos: h264 still won't work (bad pixel format) but i could play mpeg4 video
<memeka> i could not get kmssink to work, but glimagesink works
<memeka> however dmabuf import doesn't work :( so it's pretty slow copying buffers
<memeka> WARN gleglimage gsteglimage.c:469:gst_egl_image_from_dmabuf: eglCreateImage failed: EGL_BAD_MATCH