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<memeka> If <target> is EGL_LINUX_DMA_BUF_EXT, and the EGL_LINUX_DRM_FOURCC_EXT attribute is set to a format not supported by the EGL, EGL_BAD_MATCH is generated.
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<ndufresne> memeka, same issue as usual, the proprietary mali blob only support a limited subset of formats, if you move on with gst master, we have merged something called "direct dmabuf upload"
<ndufresne> I have never had the chance to test it in on Mali, but it should help since Mali blobs supports NV12 importation (doing csc conversion in the blob using the gpu)
<ndufresne> and the direct uploader will try this
<memeka> seems like i should move to master indeed would help :(
<ndufresne> hopefully 1.16 will come soon, it was due for september 2018, just to show how late we are on that one
<ndufresne> memeka, kmssink should work, I remember there was small tweaks, but it worked at some point
<memeka> yeah didn't get that one working either, but i assume because video was 720p and display is 1080p
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<ndufresne> memeka, I just can't remember now, I thought the overlays where scaled by hw
<memeka> hm, then no it was not working...
<memeka> currently i could only get working a mpeg4 codec video with glimagesink (gbm)
<memeka> no h264, no kmssink
<memeka> but i will try master
<ndufresne> in my 4.20 collage, the last kernel I tested with, I had merge superna/amlogic/v4.20/drm-overlay
<ndufresne> on top of Ely's v4l2-m2m-pr3
<memeka> i have 4.19 ...
<memeka> but with the drm and vpu patches ...
<memeka> ndufresne: formats: YUYV NV12 NV21 YU24 YU16 YU12 YU11 YUV9
<ndufresne> I guess narmstrong would get better hint, but I believe that drm and drm overlay where or are sep branches
<memeka> i have an overlay plane that supports all the formats, so i guess that's good
<ndufresne> GStreamer kmssink is much easier to use with overlays, since they support yuv formats directly
<ndufresne> ok, yeah, that should be good then
<ndufresne> but the overlay is not over, it's under, I remember now, I was doing a small hack to hide the primary
<memeka> hmmm
<memeka> so then probably it was working ... just dunno how to show it :))
<memeka> ndufresne: do you have the hack handy?
<ndufresne> I would need to boot my board, and look at my shell history ;-P
<memeka> :D
<memeka> nvm i am anw interested in gl more
<memeka> since i wanna do some scaling, rotation with video, and show a video wall - i think is better with gl
<memeka> if i am gonna use glvideomixer, might as well use glimagesink :)
<ndufresne> memeka, so I've run modetest -P 32@34:1x1 (then ctrl + c)
<ndufresne> and then kmssink works, at least on some old 1.15
<ndufresne> I don't have a 1.14 build
<memeka> i am compiling master now
<memeka> i suppose 34 is CRTC and 32 is plane?
<ndufresne> actually, I'm running fedora, and the distro 1.14.4 kmssink works
<ndufresne> <plane_id>@<crtc_id>:<w>x<h>
<ndufresne> next on my todo was to setup the new lima
<memeka> ndufresne: where's the new lima? you mean panfrost?
<wens> lima and panfrost are different things
<wens> lima targets the mali-4x0 series, while panfrost targets the newer designs
<memeka> yes i know wens - panfrost now is quite ahead and can run stuff but i didn't heard anything about lima
<wens> memeka: the new lima:
<memeka> wens: any idea what's the status currently?
<wens> IIRC someone told me that it was working for OpenELEC, but maybe had a few glitches
<wens> I haven't tried it out myself though
<ndufresne> hehe, I think Panfrost is led by my gfx colleagues these days ...
<ndufresne> (or I'm confusing project again, should check)
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<ndufresne> (just helping apparently)
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<lvrp16> [TheBug]: i think a quite few people have had the VIM1 USB ports fail already.
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<narmstrong> Lima is in a very good state, gles is working great over gbm, wayland and X11, complex shaders are still an issue, but it works. Lima expose opengl but it still needs some work
<narmstrong> Panfrost is in better state for rendering, but needs some more work to work correctly in wayland and X
<narmstrong> ndufresne: yep tomeu ? He did the panfrost winsys and permit it running kodi in libreelec on the s912 ! Finally confirmed the video decoder worked correctly on the S912
<brads> thanks for the tip narmstrong, I should try out lima.
<narmstrong> On think yuq will push it upstream in the next months
<brads> On gxbb I should be able to configure 100000000 clock for UHS-I sd card? Ill look further at devicetree / driver maybe?
<brads> I need to look more at the sd modes
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<brads> max speed appears to be 50000000 Hz -
<brads> device tree is set with bus-width = <4>;
<brads> cap-sd-highspeed;
<brads> max-frequency = <100000000>;
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<brads> so maybe the max sdio bus port speed is 50000000 Hz according to the spec, I have it connected to sdio interface so I guess it makes sense. my physical sd connector is busted :(
<wens> sd-highspeed only goes up to 50 MHz, any faster you need UHS-1 modes
<brads> I tried mmc-highspeed but it came up as 25000000, ill look further. thanks wen
<brads> or is this gxbb limit?
<brads> maybe its just my long jumper leads, 20cm+
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<jbrunet> @brads > I tried mmc-highspeed but it came up as 25000000
<jbrunet> ... because it is an sd, not an eMMC ... the property you put is just not relevant, hence the 25MHz
<jbrunet> Last, with such long leads, don't expect too much. It's already a miracle it worked at 50MHz.
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<brads> so I guess UHS-I support could potentially added? (sd or sdio socket) shorter connections on SDIO btw
<brads> Next miracle was to hook up wifi to sdio
<brads> im interested in making that work faster than usb2, I have some RTL8189ES & RTL8723BS boards on the way to test with but I wont get any hopes up yet
<wens> brads: UHS-1 needs I/O voltage switch, also depends on board design
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<__martin> does anyone have a pointer how to use fiptool (instead of fip_create) for preparing an u-boot image for Odroid C2 ?
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<ndufresne> narmstrong, ah right, Tomeu, and he demonstrated Weston running last week iirc, I guess he's upstreaming this now
<narmstrong> ndufresne: yes, i also made it work on the s912 ! Very good work
<narmstrong> __martin: afaerber is the right person
<narmstrong> ndufresne: is guy from arm is checking panfrost right now, very positive !
<ndufresne> it's going to be an new era for mainline work, mali was a big slow down for a while
<__martin> andreas: I am looking for the magic fiptool create args that match the odroid c2 fip_create invocation for u-boot
<__martin> --bl32 -> --soc-fw, but the others are non-obvious (at least for me)
<__martin> eh, --bl31
<adema_> __martin, poulecaca wrote a tool to create image for s905x:
<adema_> dunno if its going to work for C2
<ndufresne> all this remind me that I got an s912 that I haven't bootstrapped yet ;-P
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<poulecaca> __martin: adema_ is C2 s905 and not s905x ?
<poulecaca> s/is/isn't/
<adema_> i think so yes
<adema_> but maybe the boot chain is compatible ?
<adema_> you'd have to compile a proper u-boot for C2 i mean
<__martin> I have compiled the right u-boot and have the hardkernel blobs
<__martin> I just need equivalents for fip_create options --bl30 and --bl301
<__martin> (showing that I did not read the full aarch64 ARM and not understand the early boot stages)
<__martin> --bl30 is proable SCP_BL2 (so --scp-fw)
<adema_> sorry i am not familiar with C2
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<poulecaca> __martin: which u-boot do you use ?
<poulecaca> mainline ?
<__martin> that is my plan
<poulecaca> just for info why do you want to use fiptool over fip_create ?
<poulecaca> IIUC BL2 is tb-fw, BL30 is scp-fw and bl31 is soc-fw bl33(u-boot) is --nt-fw
<poulecaca> then you will still need to "sign" the created fip with either aml_encrypt_gxb or meson-tools
<__martin> fip_create needs extra setup, I'm not doing this on a linux machine
<__martin> and the above matches my translation, but --bl301 $DIR/fip/gxb/bl301.bin is still missing
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<poulecaca> __martin: bl301 and bl30 should be merged with before
<poulecaca> "./ bl30.bin zero_tmp bl30_zero.bin bl301.bin bl301_zero.bin bl30_new.bin bl30"
<poulecaca> then uses bl30_new.bin as scp-fw
<__martin> ok, where can I find that script?
<poulecaca> it basically padding of bl30 and bl301 with zeros and concatenation
<__martin> tx!
<__martin> I'll try that
<poulecaca> __martin: remember that you will need to use aml_encrypt_gxb anyway
<__martin> yeah
<__martin> I'll use amlbootsig, but sure
<poulecaca> sounds good
<poulecaca> ah when you said you are not on a linux machine you mean that you cannot run the proprietary fip_create
<poulecaca> I understand now
<__martin> right, I could but it would need additional setup or moving over to another machine
<__martin> and I'd like to automate this as easy as possible
<poulecaca> got it
<poulecaca> hope for you that UUID does not change for gxb
<poulecaca> fip UUID*
<poulecaca> I am wondering if afaerber's tool is not able to create the fip's TOC ?
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