but mjourdan was to drop CREATE_BUFS support anyway
memeka, I will try and make some tests before 1.16 to hopefully get the best I can out of latest venus, coda, amlogic
memeka, meanwhile be aware that mjourdan mostly test with ffmpeg
yeah :|
ndufresne: do you still have that trick handy to do primary plane invisible? :D
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I have modetest -P 32@34:1x1 in my shell history, is that enough ?
seems to be enough on the kernel I got
ndufresne: doesn't work for me :( i get nothing on screen if i use overlay plane, video on screen if i use primary plane (with convert)
do you get color bars if you do modetest -s 31@34:1920x1080
(crtc and planes id may have shifted a little in recent kernels)
ndufresne: yeah crtc and plane id shifted :)
failed to find mode "1920x1080" for connector 31
failed to create dumb buffer: Invalid argument
plane 31 is overlay
works with connector
great, going to bed early, see you soon
ndufresne: the command worked, still got black screen :P
gnite tho` :)
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memeka: There's no support for multi-instance decoding at the moment. Requires a different firmware and driver piece
I went for the single instance H264 driver as it is much, much less complex than its multi-instance part
mjourdan: I know
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mjourdan: any idea why gstreamer is not working?
memeka: I haven't tested gstreamer in a while. Every version behaves differently and with the V4L2 M2M spec still in writing it's not easy. I mainly test with ffmpeg and chromium (who both don't fully respect the WIP spec either).
mjourdan: gstreamer h264 was not working, mpeg4 was working but kmssink on overlayplane was not working either
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on primary plane it was working, but obv slow because of software conversion to rgb
so yeah had issues with both dec and overlay plane :(
ffmpeg did work to decode indeed
tested with caca output :)
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