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naobsd? Are you there?
anyone used to the uart output of rockchips ?
What is the problem with it?
Astralix, i got a MK809/3 in "bricked" state and all i see is "In Err" probably from mask-rom, now i try to find what err.
?? No, if it is a RK3188 based stick you get a continuous stream of "RK3188" printed on the serial port.
If you just get a "In Err" and nothing else, you got a dead Loader.
only when triggering a pin on the PCB to get the USB up.
The MASK ROM Loader sees the token of the NAND Loader and loads / starts it, but then the Loader is defective and crashes
assumed somthing like that but can't switch to flash mode :(
You need to short two pins of the NAND and wait until you get this continous stream of "RK3188RK3188RK3188..." on the serial port. Then you can use factory tool or upgrade_tool to flash a new loader
This often happens if people flash yust another image without checking the Loader for compatibility.
Or if they upgrade from Loader 1 to Loader 2 without taking some precautions
was there, shorting on NAND does nothing (PIN 8+9) but i get that stream by a pin on the PCB, called "CLE"
i guess the one who sold me this thingie did a bad flas, i have proper images but it won't go that far to let me even clear the NAND
There are multiple ways of getting into MASK-ROM
it may happen the RXD got killed, very low level (0.24V) maybe the Mask-Rom does a check ?
The MASK ROM must be tricked to not see any valid bootable thing on the NAND. So either you hit the correct data line to scramble the data or you short Command Latch Enable line, so the nand doesn't get correct commands to show the MASK ROM the right values
MASK ROM can boot from serial port
i will retry the nand-pins, maybe i had no proper contact.
You must be careful, without furthe protection the pins are ssensitive for ESD. And your serial port adapter should not use 5V on the output...
serial is 3v3, using the well known CA-42 ;) ESD is no deal i'm used to electronics.
didn't check the datasheet, can you confitm pin 8+9 ?
I guess so... wait, need to look on the notebook
8+9 are /CE and /RE (Chip Enable and Read Enable)
works like that "CLE" pin, i get device 2207:310b but rkflashkit said LIBUSB_ERROR_IO [-1]
16/17 are ALE and CLE
I am not sure if rkflashkit can work with MASK ROM Loader
The Factory-Tool (Batch Tool) can flash upgrade.img too.
and understands MASK ROM Loader commands
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right now i have just hacked images (rooted) with their own loader, will see what it gives.
It is important to know that the rknand_ko.ko should match the Loader().bin used.
Especially Loader 1 and Loader 2 files must not be mixed.
the loader in question is called RK3188LoaderV2.13.bin but since it was a brick on start i can't mess that much.
Mixing loader 1 bin and Loader 1 compatible rknand_ko.ko should not give too much problems... but it was never really verified to the last detail
Loader 2 uses a different FTL and Bad sector handling so you must use a matching rknand_ko.ko
i guess the other parts bundled with it are aware of that but it appears to not flash anything
Even I ever really tried to start a loader 1 nand driver on a loader 2 binary, it is imagineable that it will give a mess on the NAND, resulting in anything but stable data.
That is why I requested you to use a known to work image first to recover your system.
Then you can try again whatever you tried before
Do you have linux or windows as a host?
Read flash ID Fail!
i prefer linux for anything but even using win-tools doesn't change
appears to error out on a very low level hence not even ready to go that far.
ok, wait
use the upgrade_tool and startit while the serial port shows "RK3188RK3188RK3188..."
It then asks you to select the available devices and it shows a list of your devices
i have to mention my config.ini is empty but the delivered explanations are unhelpful while chinese.
just forget about this config
did so, gotDevNo=1Vid=0x2207,Pid=0x310b,LocationID=20eMaskrom
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so you abort
change into the directory where you have the know to work upgrade.img
i have none, just some split system/misc etc.
that is not enough
you need a full working system
go to tronsmart or wherever you stick is coming from and download an image from there
who is the original vendor for MK809III ?
Tronsmart is MK908... Rikohmagic is MK802... who is MK809?
May be it is tronsmart too?
Hmpf... Tronsmart download center is 404...
i found some more details on where older versions have RTL8188 and newer have AP6210 Wifi. mine has actually RTL8723BS
Ok, but even with a running loader you still would have the problem of a missing kernel, boot, recovery and such... So where do you get these if you only have system and misc
bah, i have here boot/kernel/misc/recovery/system but no all-in-one.img
hmm... so you miss parameter Loader and matching rknand_ko.ko
to install a new loader you can use any of the images that merily match you stick. So 2.1x loader and rk3188
i guess the parameter-loader is that RK3188LoaderV2.13.bin and i have several parameter-files differing on the amount of NAND-Space where mine has 8G
so in that case, you have everything you need
so change into the directory containing RK3188Loader...bin
Does the loader have this name with brackets?
so follow me:
upgrade_tool EF "RK3188<tab>"
Use " to get around the () problem in the command line, use <tab> to auto-complete the filename correctly
did it work?
Loading loader...
Download Boot Start
and created a log-dir
now on the serial there has been some output, but now it is back into MASK ROM mode, I guess?
If that is true, wen go to the next command needed
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serial did nothing, still waiting
upgrade_tool UL "RK3188<tab>"
it'll take forever ...
Then there is something wrong
did you call it as sudo?
initial reason for my question ;)
i do as root
If you put the right lines into /etc/udev/rules.d/... you do not need to be root
but if not, you need to be root.
i assume the "In Err" right after power-up indicates a serious problem.
not ultimative
let me re-power-up. maybe the serial will tell more then ...
So try again. disconnect USB, reconnect, hold the CLE pin tied to ground until the continous stream of RK3188 is aapearing on serial
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ok. actual output is that repeating RK310N with 2 unprinteavle chars (inverted questionmarks) will invoke the first command again ...
right after sendind, "In Err" again.
seems the mask-rom fails on early checks.
This EF just uploads the Loader. Then this Loader is started and the NAND is erased.
So if your system doesn not give more info than just the In Err, there must be something else
In Err looks a bit like a USB error, not a flash error
can you please add a file to your /etc/udev/rules.d
maybe it was my own fault, on the beginning i had some "loading kernel <somenumber>" but in the meantime i guess the Uart was plugged wrong with RXD and GND swapped where that pin was killed and fails on early init from mask-rom.
rxd and gnd can be swapped with no further damage possible, caus both are inputs
tx is the one sending
that may actually be another reason, when it was reporting some kernel, it was just power and no USB.
what rule ?
but even then it should ave some R in series and should not breaj
this machine is infected by systemd, retrigger fails
(reinstalling gentoo + eudev soon )
ok, next try ...
HAHA, greetings from the poettershit multi-opaque world-domination-service including NSA Backdoors .................... the entire usb-subsys stalls.
will need a reboot, this takes about 10 minutes ( Big server with several RAID and onboard thingies )
lautriv has quit [Quit: Leaving]
hmmm... I never will understand why people do coding and such on a server system...
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ok, back
./upgrade_tool EF "RK3188LoaderV2.13(L).bin" gives the same "In Err" where i did not see any special with that new rule.
Astralix, there is something to mention ..... does the flashtool need any special driver/kernel-module on the host ?
FreezingCold has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
try that one:
ah, first try again as sudo
i'm still root
bengal has joined #linux-rockchip
try ./upgrade_tool DB "RK3188LoaderV2.13(L).bin"
wait, sice it hangs i need a re-plug ...
also, the hanging lsusb was caused by that device
There is something really damaged cause this USB hangs are not normal
is there anything different on the usual wiring ?
I don't know what kind of machin you have there but you probably will have much more success on a small ubuntu image running in virtual box eith the personal extentions installed on you notebook
Running such experiments on a server is generally a bad idea as well as working as always root on any kind of system.
Tha wiring is normally not needed at all
What you need is a Micro-USB Cable to connected to the OTG Port of that stick
some sticks have TWO MicroUSB ports, use the correct one.
this is a IBM System x3655 running debian and there is nothing a clone does any better . i asked about the wiring because certain samsungs are used to trick aroubd with resistors.
One is labeled DC, the other is labled OTG
Not for RK
it is also the right port ( on the side) because the other is only power and doesn't even send a vid:did
So to find out if the device has connected in any kind of loader mode, only lsusb is needed. It must show a device with VID 2202
For this you do not need serial port
But if you have serial port, you can more easy see that it is in loader mode or if it has hanged somewhere else
2207:310b on the device, that tool aLready found device 1 in mask-mode
But if your USB is failing that easy, you probably run some old linux as I almost forgot the times when I had these problems with USB
But it should never crash when sending data to this port
debian sid on 3.17 ain't old
Do you use the upgrade_tool I sent you?
So I never hanged my machine using it
does the mask have some alternative to read from sd-card ?
There might some USB related problems when using a USB2.0 device on a USB3.0 port or USB3.0 HUB
RK3188 can boot from SD, yes
host-port is 2.0
can you point me to some reading or image ?
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out of curiousity i changed the port to power-only and UART still insisting on "In Err" so that's most likely "no media to boot from"
In that case, why is it crying before someone said " go into mask or flash mode" ..... will take a measure on that switch, could be always be pressed o.O
You mean, the reset switch or the recovery switch is pushed and locked?
ar least a thing i have to check
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button is fine, will try that mininoot ...
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ok, i guess that thingie is just toast,, error is right after powerup doesn't care about anything.
You have measured the RX voltage, probably you can measure the voltage across the reset or bootloader button too?
Just to clear that it is not stuck
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both are used to be put down to gnd, so i suspect some pulled up value which appears to be correct with 1V78 on the button and 2V96 on the CLE pad.
rockchip -> roastchip
so please try another machine these days and see if this If Err is still coming
actually i'm working on wondermedia-chips which take much time due to the lack of datasheets but at least, they boot.
thisone was a future plan to replace a htpc
Don't know that system
basically another arm-soc and vendors give a shit on endusers but i dislike android for a bunch of reasons ;)
I am a bit lost now... You did not use a normal AMD/Intel based PC to run that tools to connect to your dead stick?
i used a quad x86_64. the other mentioned thingies are actual projects which have a higher precedence over a burned rockchip.
in other words, it is likely i have some kernel-drivers for wondermedia written before there is some time for another rk30 experiment.
ah, ok.
understood that
still curious, if it can send anything on serial, it should be able to react on one or the other way :(
maybe the "in Err" fails on Uart0 before USB is even touched ?
hmmm... you could try to ty up your rx by 2k resistor to 3.3V
ups, sory
braucht keine entschuldigung ;)
that appears to be a bit dangerous since i need to solder in the middle ... will see where i get it.
hm, while i'm on it i may even try to see if some R broke.
Ah... I forgot... the RX input of the Stick should be fine at low level
wait... too much signals...
found an additional USB port inside ...
No, it should stay high and bits are low-active
yes, rs-232/TTL is open-collector and nothing wrong with that but i suspect a muxed GPIO on that pin.
can grab only 5V on a reasonable pin, will build a divider in between. heating solder-iron up ......
ok, pulled up, measured 1V52 which is ok to be recognized to "high" still "InErr"
i may mention the very first line is "DR Version 1.04 20130517" but that doesn't solve anything.
DDR Version 1.04 20130517
This is the NAND Bootloader, the part of it that starts the DDRRAM
DDR Version 1.04 20130517
Bus Width=32 Col=10 Bank=8 Row=15 CS=2 Die Bus-Width=16 Size=2048MB
Memory OK
SdmmcInit=0 0
FwPartOffset=2000 , 0
run on sd0
OK! 27962
however it looks similar to this
I cannot switch to Bootloader now as I am installing an Android...
i've see that before i accidentally swapped the uart-pins
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So this or a part of it is the Loader if it works.
In this case, it boots from an SD
So even you killed tha flash by whatever reason, you can buy a fast SD and boot anything you like from that card
i got that thing in a bricked state and can't tell what exactly happend. most likely someone not used to flash ;) however i tried that withot success. after that "In Err" is no sign of live (mentioning booting from something or whatever)
still one thing left, said sd-loader assumes to have kernel.img from other sources where i don't know if the one i have is ok.
but then, at least sdmmc-init shoulöd be sent
yes, if you boot via SD you should see at least the first lines till "run on sd0"
that is the point, seems to be stuck because of this error.
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If you only see the DDR Line and nothing more, it could be a dead DRAM
These stick remind me of the very old days, where I always had a Commodore 64 to play with, even I never bought one myself...
I always had to repair them after friends or guys from school just bricked theirs
I guess I still have spare parts around here :)
me too :P
even an accelerator based on 65SC816P4, beating it to 4MHz and 16 bit.
will get another one, maybe i will put that sandisk with 8G somewhere else ...
Nope. after repairing them, I gave them all back, so only my personal Apple ][ is left
Have not tried to start it for years...
could still run linux......i have somewhere a quadra
not to forget certain legendary Amiga's
I had to repeir several of them, but never owned one. I went straight from Apple ][ to PC XT
compatibles are the worst arch ever. in the past i owned some machines who was used to be called "mainframe" but that is decades ago.
I had a PDP11/730 and a 11/720
i had the former including 3 Winchester drives and a hammer-printer. also a PCS-Cadmus already running X11 and 256 ttyS
X11? wow, no I had an IBM ballhead typewriter as terminal
those ballheads were rather fast that time.
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Celia is now known as FergusL
yes, for sure.
and the funny "delete" ribbon ...
I spent the machines to museums
btw. I have here a radxa that doesn't give any output via serial port anymore. But it still boots fine and works with anything I flash to it
the uart is just a guess because nothing else happend. maybe there are different mask-roms and your radxa can't boot from serial or at least can ignore that.
oh, I should remove my 3.10 page quickly...
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bedtime, laters ....
antoinemaillard has joined #linux-rockchip
"In Err" sounds like error at "In" on DDR init
(just guessing)
Yes, we thought about that
Right before DDR3 is sent, it is stuck
I first thought about USB Endpoint In Error
And as the USB system hangs when you connect this dead stick
USB(RK side) is initialized at very late...
But I do have a radxa that only gives few to nothing on the serial port but initializes fine on USB
lsusb (on PC side) will hang if there is some bad USB device which doesn't respond properly
So anything is possible.
hmm... only on older kernels... Ah... I run kernel 3.17 on a 14.04 ubuntu... And there was a lot improvement since the original 3.13+
However, either the DRAM is bad or the Loader has been flashed for a wrong device with DRAM support missing
I don't doubt that it can be improved :)
but it's PC side issue
Yes, that is one reason I updated ubuntu kernel to 3.17 instead of using the old one from 14.04
There here some reconnect bugs and some interrupt issues. Now it looks like running fine.
Only problem left is if you connect 2.0 devices to a 3.0 port. This can sometimes give some trouble
DDR can be initialized by loader on SD or via USB(mask rom protocol) and if it gives "In Err", DDR is bad. if "In Err" only happens with loader on NAND, NAND is bad
naobsd, I need some info from you about the image generation for SD, but it is too late for today here. Hopefully I can catch you tomorrow.. er.. in some hours
I see
just leave message here when whitelogger is working
or you may use google groups
Ah, I always forget about this way...
I'll update my sdboot page soon, it's little old
naobsd, using mask-rom mode we used upgrade_tool to upload the loader directly to DDR but it failed too.
It works fine for me with linux
but I'd like to understand the android image thing too
then I think it's DDR issue. (btw upgrade_tool does some things at once, so exact "which point" may be missed if only "it failed" is given)
but in this case, the simple upload of loader to dram should exclude any other issue
I wonder why people don't put _all_ output
No NAND involved and USB mask rom should have worked
they only talks what he thought/assumed about problem
I presented the output that is expected to be there and he remarked that only the first lines are coming
I think upgrade_tool try to "reset to mask rom" at first (on some case? not sure)
not only "load DDR blob"
nope, some features are only available in mask rom mode, some only in loader mode
And loading the loader to dram without doing anything to flash is only possible in mask-rom mode.
if it's mask rom mode, upgrade_tool will try to load DDR blob at first
Some of the lower commands regarding flash tests are only available in mask rom mode too
and then it ends at "In Err"
but upgrade_tool can handle loader mode too. in this case, it will do "reset to maskrom" at first to go mask rom mode
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I'm not talking about lautriv's case now
yes, you can switch forth and back
I'm just talking about upgrade_tool.
= explanation just like "upgrade_tool got failed" may not explain what's the problem
and for functions that include work on any loader flash sections, it does switch to maskrom and download the loader to ddr. Then it executes the needed work and reboots to the loader mode again
I am with you.
btw I have no idea how to fix DDR ;)
bake it? ;)
format doesn't help...
Depends how it was killed
ESD: no chance
Overheated due to overclocking experiements: No chance
Latchup due to wrong serial port adapter: no chance
But nevertheless you can try to bake it at 210° for 8min in the preheated oven