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<cr1901_modern> Is there a way to display the current value of the clk signal during a simulation? I know it has limited uses, but it helps me visualize things better. I guess I could fake it using selfp.simulator.cycle_counter
<sb0> adding row(s) to a table in qt: beginInsertRows, endInsertRows, insertRow, insertRows
<sb0> why make it simple
<cr1901_modern> B/c qt.
<sb0> cr1901_modern, it will show in the vcd, but otherwise no
<cr1901_modern> Okay, that's fair enough. Follow up q: Multiple clocks are supported (not in sim, but this is irrelevant), but are posedge and negedge events for the same clock supported? Preferably without using a not gate to create a second clock.
<sb0> also: rowsAboutToBeInserted
<cr1901_modern> And my sympathies if you're doing Qt devel
<sb0> the documentation is pretty irrelevant at times
<sb0> they have nice diagrams to explain the straightforward part
<cr1901_modern> Oh, it's a Python binding. Well, that's not as bad
<sb0> and for the obscure "parent" parameter that has this weird QModelIndex type (as opposed to a simple int) it simply says "The parent index corresponds to the parent into which the new rows are inserted"
<sb0> I have no clue what that means
<sb0> stackoverflow has the answer
<sb0> "For a table, parent should be an invalid QModelIndex, meaning your items are at the root"
<sb0> right
<sturmflut2> sb0: You were running the tablet with a 3.14 kernel, right? Is the TSC stable on that one? With older kernels I see e.g. the cursor blinking with increasing frequency until it suddenly resets back to normal, and every application which measures time gets confused.
<sb0> it seems to work fine, yes
<sb0> btw, I took it out of the freezer, and compiled a kernel again
<sb0> not only the compilation completed, but the tablet is still running now, without crash
<sb0> I had chilled it before turning it on - maybe there is some boot-time temperature-related calibration thing that is broken
<sb0> it's more than one day of uptime already, which has definitely never happened with a recent kernel
<sb0> this bug is pretty nuts
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<cr1901_modern> Reminds me of kernel panics I would get with Raspbian when the wifi adapter (the POS) got too hot
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<sturmflut2> sb0: Kernel 3.14 with which debug_quirks/debug_quirks2 values?
<ysionneau> build passes (but log too long) \o/
<ysionneau> building both kc705 and pipistrello bitstreams
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<sb0> sturmflut2, debug_quirks2=0xc0
<sturmflut2> sb0: thanks
<sb0> android-4.0 still has not crashed ...
<sb0> without debug_quirks2, and with the fastest transfer mode for the emmc
<sb0> maybe a workaround is to cool down the tablet before booting it, and then try to never turn it off
<GitHub99> [migen] sbourdeauducq pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub99> migen/master 5390540 Guy Hutchison: example of instance usage
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<travis-ci> m-labs/migen#35 (master - 5390540 : Guy Hutchison): The build passed.
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