cr1901_modern: what do you hope to gain from that other than confirming what i said earlier?
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hm, programming a DDS is slow
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sb0: yes.
whitequark, the compiler doesn't call at all the __exit__ of context managers on exception
is that intended?
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at any rate, this screws up dds_batch when there is an underflow
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ah well. it calls them unreliably. fun...
"The main reasons for changing from VMEbus to MicroTCA are that MicroTCA has implemented an extensive remote management that detects all possible faults on plug-in boards, in the power supply systems and in the ventilation system."
it's magic!
rjo: I want to confirm whether the order of events (widget being shown and parameters manually being set) are deterministic (i.e. not set by two separate coroutines).
rjo: Now that I think about it, you implied that order of events is not deterministic with your original explanation. So I might need to set sane default parameters since I don't know when they will become valid (Exception: If parameters are loaded from artiq.pyon, they will become valid before the widget is shown/resize).
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cr1901_modern: i rewrote the eentire scanwidget.
rjo: Looks good
could you size the drawable area/geometry of the widget so that all the axis items are visible?
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rjo: Done
hm the sliders have mostly disappeared (with hidpi at least)
they're something like 1px high
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sb0: Can you take a pic (I don't have a hidpi display)?